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South Americans, The - The Story of the South American Republics, Their Characteristics, Progress and Tendencies
Hale Albert
Mother is Gold - A Study in West Arican Literature
Roscoe, Adrian A.
Hunza - Lost Kingdom of the Himalayas
Clark, John
Pan-Arabism Before Nasser - Egyptian Power Politics and the Palestine Question
Doran, Michael
East and the West, The: A Study of their Psychic and Cultural Characteristics.
Gulick, Sidney Lewis
Chinese Folk Toys and Ornaments
Yuan (illustrator), Tian
Chinese Journey
Mydral, Jan
Mexico's Progress Demands its Price
Warner, Louis H.
Legends of the Plumes Serpent - Biography of a Mexican God
Baldwin, Neil
Four Men - Living the Revolution
Lewis, Oscar and Ruth M. Lewis and Susan M. Rigdon
Panorama of Rural England, A
Turner(Ed.), W.J.
Not Yet Home - A South African Journey
Cartwright, Justin
Early History of Malawi, The
Pachai, Professor Bridglal
West African Kingdoms in the Nineteenth Century
Forde, Daryll/P.M. Kaberry
Secret War in Shanghai - An Untold Story of Espionage, Intrigue and Treason in World War II
wasserstien, Bernard
London - Vanished and Vanishing
Norman, Philip, Illust. by: Philip Norman
Hunters of the Arctic
Frison-Roche, Roger
Irish Traditions
Ryan, Kathleen Jo and Bernard Share
Life and Times of Eamon De Valera, The
Fitzgibbon, Constantine
Dark Sunrise
Rochat, Joyce
Northland, the - Ontario
Williamson, O.T.G., Illust. by: Evan Macdonald
Passage to India, A
Van Sinderen, Adrian
French Foreign Legion,. The - A Complete History of the Legendary Fighting Force
Porch, Douglas
Taoist Ritual and Popular Cults of Southeast China
Dean, Kenneth
Oil and State in the Middle East
Lenczowski, George
World Within Walls - Japanese Literature of the Pre-Modern Era 1600-1867
Keene, Donald
The Aztecs: Their History, Manners and Customs
Biart, Lucien
Oxford: University and City
Woolley, A. B.
Goldsmith of Florence, The
Gibson, Katharine
A.S. Pushkin: Selected Works / . . :
Vorobeva / , I.V. (ed.) / . . ( )
On Trial - Reagan's War Against Nicaragua
Dixon (Ed.), Marlene
Crafts of the North American Indians - A Craftsman's Manual
Schneider, Richard C.
Untrodden English Ways
Shelley, Henry C.
Nicaragua - The Sandinista People's Revolution - Speeches by Sandinista Leaders
Espana: La Tierra, El Hombre, El Arte (2 Vols.)
Reparaz Ruiz, Gonzalo de and Jose Terrero
Gazetteer of India, The: History and Culture, Volume 2
Chopra, Dr. P. N.
Principality of Monaco, The
Ranieri, Gagetti
Impressions of Cuba In the Nineteenth Century - The Travel Diary of Joseph J. Dimock
Perez, Louis A.
Last Nights Fun - In and Out of Time with Irish Music
Carson, Ciaran
Sketching Rambles in Holland
Boughton G.H.
Two Travelers In Europe
Hall, Mrs. Herman J.
In and Around Tadousac
Roy, J. Edmond
Chile - Death in the South
Timerman, Jacobo
Estonia and the Estonians
Raun, Toivo U.
After the Nightmare
Heng, Liang
Cultural Atlas of the World - Africa
Murray (Ed.), Jocelyn
Southland of North America, The - Rambles and Observations in Central America During the Year 1912
Putnam, George Palmer
Bridge Through Time, A - A Memoir
Said, Laila
Algeria Hotel, The
Nossiter, Adam
Excavation of the Shrine of Apollo at Nettleton, Wiltshire, 1956-1971 - Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London No. XL
Wedlake, W. J.
Preiswert durch Europa.
Klein, Wolfgang
Tumbled House - The Congo at Independence
Scott, Ian
Interpreting China's Grand Strategy: Past, Present, and Future
Swaine, Michael D./Ashey J. Tellis
Impressions of South Africa
Bryce, James
Journey Through China
Roy, Jules
il Paesaggio Toscano: L'Opera Dell'uomo e la Nascita di un Mito (Italian Text)
Conenna, Lucia Bonelli, Attitio Brilli, Giuseppe Cantelli
Dame, Lawrence
North Russian Architecture
Bartenev, L. and B. Fyodorov
Hyams, Edward, & Ordish, George
Penelope's Experiences in Scotland (Vol. 2 only)
Wiggin, Kate Douglas, Illust. by: C. E. Brock (Charles E. )
Footsteps of Scott
Crockett, W. S. , Illust. by: Tom Scott
Edge of the Orient, The
Russell, Robert Howard
Red Rubber, Bleeding Trees - Violence, Slavery, and Empire in Northwest Amazonia, 1850-1933
Stanfield, Michael Edward
Darkest Africa, In
Stanley, Henry M.
Night Letters - Inside Wartime Afghanistan
Schultheis, Rob
Trade and Dominion: The European Overseas Empires in the Eighteenth Century
Parry, J.H.
This Is Ireland: Mayo, Sligo, Leitrim & Roscommon
Hayward, Richard
Grecian History, from the Earliest State to the Death of Alexander the Great - Two Volumes in One, The
Goldsmith, Dr.
Setting for a Suffolk Festival, The
Strutt, Clive
Trees of Kenya - A Fully Illustrated Field Guide
Noad, Tim/Ann Birnie, Illust. by: Ann Birnie
Missions in Hindustan: With a Brief Description of the Country, and of the Moral and Social Conditions of the Inhabitants
Campbell, Rev. James R.
Decline of Imperial Russia, The: 1855-1914
Seton-Watson, Hugh
Jericho: dreams, Ruins, Phantoms
Ruby, Robert
Thirty Years With the Mexicans
Case, Aldsen Bvell
Dalmatien: Das Land der Sonne - Eine Wanderfahrt an der Andria
Band, Moriz
Shelter Bay - Tales of the Quebec North Shore
Smith, Harvey H., Illust. by: Jack Tremblay
Sexual Life in Ancient Rome
Kiefer, Otto
Let One Hundred Flowers Bloom
Jicai, Feng
Bernal Diaz Chronicles, The - The True Story of the Conquest of Mexico
Idell (Ed.), Albert
To See and See Again - A Life in Iran and America
Bahrampour, Tara
Kingdom of the Sun God: A History of the Andes and Their People
Cameron, Ian
Folk Fundamentals of Russian Art Volume II / II
Zotov / , A.I. / . .
Who Killed Kenya?
Wills, Colin
Unequal Alliance: The World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the Philippines
Broad, Robin
George, Andre
Triumphs and Tragedy - A History of the Mexican People
Ruiz, Ramon Eduardo
Comrade Criminal - Russia's New Mafia
Handelman, Stephen
Road to Botany Bay: An Exploration of Landscape and History, The
Carter, Paul
Colonial Office Report on the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya for the Year 1956
In Unfamiliar England
Murphy, Thos. D.
Prince of the People - The Life and Times of a Brazilian Free Man of Colour
Silva, Eduardo
Emergence of Black Politics in Senagal, The - The Struggle for Power in the Four Communes 1900-1920
Johnson, Jr., G.Wesley
To Be a Slave in Brazil - 1550-1888
de Queiros Mattoso, Katia M.
Versailles and the Trianons
de Nolhac, Pierre
From Despotism to Revolution 1763-1789
Gershoy, Leo
Personally Conducted
Stockton, Frank R., Illust. by: Joseph Pennell, Alfred Parsons
Man of Fire: Jose Clemente Orozco - An Interpretive Biography
Helm, MacKinley
Algeria Centenary Publications: Algiers, Blida & The Cheliff Valley
Rozet, Georges
Watch for the Morning - The Story of Palestine's Jewish Pioneers & Their Battle for the Birth of Israel
Sugrue, Thomas
Filipino Politics: Development and Decay
Wurfel, David
Inside Cuba
Nicholson, Jr., Joe
Marriage of Convenience, A: Relations Between Mexico and the United States
Weintraub, Sidney
Khozhenie Za Tri Moria - Afanasiia Nikitina, 1466-1472
Thomas, Edward, Illust. by: John Fulleylove
Archaeology of Ancient China, The
Chang, Kwang-Chih
Four Women - Living the Revolution
Story of a Secret State
Karski, Jan
Teacher Education in a Communist State: Poland 1956-1961
Singer, Gusta
Pride that was China, The
Loewe, Michael
Breach in the Wall, The: A Memoir of the Old China
Candlin, Enid Saunders
Chu Hsi and Neo-Confucianism
Chan, Wing-Tsit (Editor)
Confucius Lives Next Door. What Living in the East Teaches us About Living in the West.
Reid, T. R.
Peasant Protest in Japan, 1590-1884
Bix, Herbert P.
Yenan Way in Revolutionary China, The
Selden, Mark
Animals in Africa
Leakey, L. S. B.
Portrait of Egypt
Kinross, Lord
Sweat of the Son, Tears of the Moon - A Chronicle of an Incan Treasure
Lourie, Peter
Letters from the United States, Cuba and Canada
Murray, Melia M.
Father India - How Encounters with an Ancient Culture transformed the Modern West
Paine, Jeffery
Immaculate Invasion, The
Shacochis, Bob
Crisis Politics in Prewar Japan: Institutional and Ideological Problems of the 1930s
Wilson, George M.
Cronica de Dom Joao de Cadro
Nunes, Leonardo
Vanishing Herds
Patel, Harshad C.
Les Civilisations de L'Orient (4 Volume Set: L'Orient, L'Inde, La Chine, Le Japon) (FRENCH TEXT)
Grousset, Ren
Head of the Dragon, The
Clayre, Alasdair
American Review of Canadian Studies: Spring 1987
Lipke, William C.
Empire's End: A History of the Far East From High Colonialism to Hong Kong
Keay, John
Perigord (SIGNED)
Maurois, Andre
Europe in the Russian Mirror: Four Lectures in Economic History
Gerschenkron, Alexander
Stage & Screen: Australia's History in Stamps
Colligan, Mimi
Etnografia Da India Portuguesa
De Braganca Pereira, A.B.
Seaports South of Sahara
Albion, Robert G.
Early Russian Painting - Recent Discoveries
Guatemala in the Spanish Colonial Period
Jones, Jr., Oakah L
Christ in Russia - The History, Tradition, and the Life of the Russian Church.
Iswolsky, Helene
Roundabout to Canterbury
Brooks, Charles S. , Illust. by: Julia McCune Flory
Russian Revolution, The
Keep, John L. H.
Unknown England
Niall, Ian
Meya of de Guatemala - Life and Dress
Pettersen, Carmen L.
Atlas of Atlases, The: The Map Maker's Vision of the World - Atlases from the Cadbury Collection, Birmingham Central Library
Allen, Phillip
Mountains of Pakistan
Raza, M. Hanif
Spirit of Russian Economics, The
Normano, J.F.
Sunlight: A Tribute (SIGNED)
Grant, Elihu
Land of the Lakes
Bragg, Melvyn
English Lakes, The: Their Topographical, Historical and Literary Landmarks
Palmer, W. T.
Days of the Dead, The: Mexico's Festival of Communion With the Departed/Los Dias De Muertos (Bilingual English/Spanish)
Beimler, Rosalind Rosoff
Biography of a Colonial Town: Hamilton, Bermuda 1790-1897
de Chantal Kennedy, Sister Jean
Soviet Worker, The: Illusions & Realities
Schapiro (Editors), Leonard and Joseph Godson
Red Inc. - Dictatorship and the Development of Capitalism in China, 1949 to the Present
Schaeffer, Robert K.
New Earth, A
Huxley, Elspeth
Norwegian-American Studies Volume 30
Lovoll et. al., Odd S.
State Tretyakov Gallery: Art of the 18th Century, Art of the First Half of the 19th Century / . XVIII . XIX . ( )
Zharkova / , I. and E. Pl
Language Reform in China: Documents and Commentary
Seybolt, Peter J. and Gregory Kuei-ke Chiang
Paris and its Provinces 1792-1802
Cobb, Richard
Hunza Land - The Fabulous Health and Youth Wonderland of the World
Banik, Dr. Allen E. and Renee Taylor
Colonial Office Report on the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya for the Year 1955
Weimar Germany and Soviet Russia - A Study in Diplomatic Instability 1926 -1966
Dyck, Harvey Leonard
Agrarian Question and Reformism in Latin America, The
de Janvry, Alain
Golden Oriole, The
Trevelyan, Raleigh
Eyewitness in Indo-China
Starobin, Joseph R.
In the People's Republic - An American Firsthand View of Living and working in China.
Schell, Orville
Young Russia - The Genesis of Russian Radicalism in the 1860s
Gleason, Abbott
Oxford: Historical and Picturesque Notes
Lang, Andrew
Death in the Olive Groves: American Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939
Landis, Arthur H.
Northern Frontier, Northern Homeland The Report of the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry: Volume I
Berger, Thomas R.
Terry's Guide to Mexico
Terry, T. Philip
Offspring of Empire: The Koch'ang Kims and the Colonial Origins of Korean Capitalism 1876-1945
Eckert, Carter J.
History of Koreans in New England
At the Court of an African King
Meyerowitz, Eva L.R.
They Made It Their Home
History of Japan, 1615-1867, A
Sansom, George
Journey in Ladakh, A
Harvey, Andrew
Compton, E. Harrison/W.A. Baillie-Grohman
Red October - The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917
Daniels, Robert V.
Mocambique (East African Province of Portugal)
Spence, C. F.
Sons of the Yellow Emperor - A History of the Chinese Diaspora
Pan, Lynn
Permanent Pilgrims
Yamba, C. Bawa
Dawn of Legal Reform, The: April 1985 to June 1989
Chalidze, Valery
Palio of Siena, The
Steege, Klyda R.
Farmers, Kings, and Traders - The People of Southern Africa 200-1860
Hall, Martin
Affair of Gabrielle Russier, The
Russier, Gabrielle and Mavis Gallant
Temples of the Sun and Moon - A Mexican Journey
Swan, Michael
Old Russian Painting: Findings and Discoveries / :
Smirnova / , E.S. / . .
Lenin - The Man, the Theorist, the Leader - A Reappraisal
Schapiro, Leonard and Peter Reddaway (Ed.)
Shouting at the Crocodile - Popo Molefe, Patrick Lekota, and the Freeing of South Africa
Moss, Rose
Portraits of the Seventeenth Century - Eighteenth Century (2 Vols.)
Sainte-Beuve, C. A.
Burmese Family
Khaing, Mi Mi
World on the Wane, A
Levi-Strauss, Claude
Bolivia - The Evolution of a Multi-Ethnic Society
Klein, Herbert S.
Area Handbook for the Peripheral States of the Arabian Peninsula
Cuba: Between Reform and Revolution
Perez, Jr., Louis A.
Grenoble et ses Montagnes
Chevallier, Jean-Jacques
East Africa Protectorate, The
Eliot, Sir Charles
Ancestors - 900 Years in the Life of a Chinese Family
Ching, Frank
Wheels of Commerce, The - Civilization & Capitalism 15th - 18th Century
Braudel, Fernand
Dictionary of Spoken Russian
Russian Language
Scottish Islands, The
Scott-Moncrieff, George
Tongues of the Monte
Dobie, J. Frank
Guide to Source Materials for the Study of Barbados History 1627-1834
Handler, Jerome S.
Rubber Bullets - Power and Conscience in Modern Israel
Ezrahi, Yaron