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Lost Hero, A

Ward, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps/Herbert D. Ward/Frank T. Merrill

 Price: $75.00

America, My Wilderness

Prokosch, Frederic

 Price: $14.00

In the Heart of the Valley of Love

Kadohata, Cynthia

 Price: $8.00

The Lizard's Smile: A Novel

Ribeiro, Joao Ubaldo

 Price: $6.00

Brothers and Sisters

Compton-Burnett, Ivy

 Price: $23.00

Centaur of the North

Mayo, Wendell

 Price: $12.00
Golden Age (SIGNED)Smiley, Jane - Product Image

Golden Age (SIGNED)

Smiley, Jane

 Price: $38.00
Last Chronicle of Barset, The (2 Vols.)Trollope, Anthony , Illust. by: George H.  Thomas - Product Image

Last Chronicle of Barset, The (2 Vols.)

Trollope, Anthony , Illust. by: George H. Thomas

 Price: $75.00

Constance Trescot

Mitchell, S. Weir

 Price: $13.00

Saint Maybe

Tyler, Anne

 Price: $15.00

Steal Away, Steal Away Home (SIGNED)

Rockwell, Hays

 Price: $19.00

Primal Yoke, The

Lea, Tom

 Price: $21.00

Le Monde Perdu

Doyle, Arthur Conan, Illust. by: Julio A. Sanchez, J. Alfonso Cuni

 Price: $9.00

Love, Death and the Ladies Drill Team

West, Jessamyn

 Price: $12.00
Danger Trail, TheCurwood, James Oliver, Illust. by: Charles Livingston  Bull - Product Image

Danger Trail, The

Curwood, James Oliver, Illust. by: Charles Livingston Bull

 Price: $25.00

Seminary Sketches

Pomyalovsky, N.G

 Price: $12.00

Life and Strange Surpising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, Mariner, as Related by Himself

Defoe, Daniel , Illust. by: Noel Pocock

 Price: $13.00

Honour and Other People's Children

Garner, Helen

 Price: $12.00
One Day of Happiness (SIGNED BY AUTHOR & ILLUSTRATOR)Singer, Isaac Bashevis, Illust. by: Richard   Callner - Product Image


Singer, Isaac Bashevis, Illust. by: Richard Callner

 Price: $625.00

Wherever That Great Heart May Be

Wetherell, W. D.

 Price: $18.00

Build-Up, The

Williams, William Carlos

 Price: $12.00

In the Penny Arcade

Millhauser, Steven

 Price: $8.00

Chaos Theory

Krist, Gary

 Price: $12.00
Painter of Silence: A NovelHarding, Georgina - Product Image

Painter of Silence: A Novel

Harding, Georgina

 Price: $15.00

Yokota Officers Club, The

Bird, Sarah

 Price: $10.00

Solid Mandala, The

White, Patrick

 Price: $30.00

Tornado Alley

Nova, Craig

 Price: $15.00


Graver, Elisabeth

 Price: $50.00

Merchant of Marvels, The, and the Peddler of Dreams

Clement, Frederic

 Price: $19.00

Accolade, The

Sidgwick, Ethel

 Price: $10.00


Mukherjee, Bharati

 Price: $8.00
The Invention of Everything ElseHunt, Samantha - Product Image

The Invention of Everything Else

Hunt, Samantha

 Price: $18.00

We Can Build You

Dick, Philip K., Illust. by: john schoenherr

 Price: $19.00


Millet, Lydia

 Price: $31.00

Winter In Jerusalem

D'Alpuget, Blanche

 Price: $18.00

Loop's Progress

Rosenthal, Chuck

 Price: $12.00

Montes the Matador and Other Stories

Harris, Frank

 Price: $12.00

Simple's Uncle Sam

Hughes, Langston

 Price: $26.00
Dissident, The (SIGNED COPY)Freudenberger, Nell - Product Image

Dissident, The (SIGNED COPY)

Freudenberger, Nell

 Price: $23.00

Arc d' X

Erickson, Steve

 Price: $8.00

Mutiny on the Bounty

Nordhoff, Charles & James Norman Hall

 Price: $36.00
Captain Pantoja and the Special ServiceLlosa, Mario Varga - Product Image

Captain Pantoja and the Special Service

Llosa, Mario Varga

 Price: $25.00

In the Time of the Butterflies

Alvarez, Julia

 Price: $20.00
Polygamist, TheSithole, Ndabaningi - Product Image

Polygamist, The

Sithole, Ndabaningi

 Price: $19.00

Better of Goodman Ace, The

Ace, Goodman

 Price: $12.00

On Mermaid Avenue

Kirshenbaum, Binnie

 Price: $12.00

Memories of the Ford Administration

Updike, John

 Price: $60.00

5 Novels

Moravia, Alberto

 Price: $25.00


Davis, Kathryn

 Price: $23.00


Cozzens, James Gould

 Price: $30.00

Doc Horne - A Story of the Streets and Town

Ade, George, Illust. by: John T. McCutcheon

 Price: $35.00

Short History of a Prince, The

Hamilton, Jane

 Price: $18.00

The Master of Badger's Hall

Treece, Henry

 Price: $12.00


Du Maurier, Daphne

 Price: $50.00

Sometimes the Soul - Two Novellas of Sicily

Timpanelli, Gioia

 Price: $6.00

Old Saint Paul's: A Tale of the Plague and the Fire - Vol. 3

Ainsworth, William Harrison

 Price: $40.00


Phillips, Glasgow

 Price: $12.00

Land of Mist, The

Doyle, A.Conan

 Price: $80.00

Surakarta, The

BalmerMac Harg, William; Balmer, Edwin, Illust. by: Lester Ralph

 Price: $25.00

Sweet Hereafter, The

Banks, Russell

 Price: $42.00
CavedwellerAllison, Dorothy - Product Image


Allison, Dorothy

 Price: $10.00

I Was Amelia Earhart

Mendelsohn, Jane

 Price: $19.00


Straight, Susan

 Price: $12.00
House at Adampur, The: A Story of Modern IndiaLall, Anand - Product Image

House at Adampur, The: A Story of Modern India

Lall, Anand

 Price: $38.00

Lentala of the South Seas: The Romantic Tale of a Lost Colony

Morrow, W.C.

 Price: $50.00
DuetFlorey, Kitty Burns - Product Image


Florey, Kitty Burns

 Price: $19.00

In Praise of the Stepmother

Llosa, Mario Vargas

 Price: $12.00

From a Sealed Room: A Novel

Kadish, Rachel

 Price: $10.00
Swan Song (SIGNED)Galsworthy, John - Product Image

Swan Song (SIGNED)

Galsworthy, John

 Price: $31.00


Berryman, John

 Price: $10.00

Formal Voice, The

Shelnutt, Eve

 Price: $12.00

Waiting For the End of the World

Bell, Madison Smartt

 Price: $41.00
Nobodys GirlNelson, Antonya - Product Image

Nobodys Girl

Nelson, Antonya

 Price: $20.00


Westlake, Donald E.

 Price: $18.00

Incubator Baby, The

Butler, Ellis Parker

 Price: $18.00

Not Dying

Saroyan, William

 Price: $8.00
In the Night Season: A NovelBausch, Richard - Product Image

In the Night Season: A Novel

Bausch, Richard

 Price: $20.00

Dogs of God

Benedict, Pinckney

 Price: $8.00

Hunters, The - Two Short Novels

Messud, Claire

 Price: $19.00

Snow Man

Chute, Carolyn

 Price: $20.00

Hard Times: For These Times

Dickens, Charles, Illust. by: Charles Raymond

 Price: $60.00
Great Mogul, TheTracy, Louis - Product Image

Great Mogul, The

Tracy, Louis

 Price: $15.00

Northward to Albion

Sprague, Rosemary, Illust. by: Kurt Werth

 Price: $38.00

Food Chain, The

Nicholson, Geoff

 Price: $10.00

Two Against the North - A Story of Huskie and Spareribs

Shurtleff, Bertrand, Illust. by: Diana Thorne

 Price: $25.00

Lead of Honour, The

Richardson, Norval

 Price: $12.00

Captain Blood: His Odyssey

Sabatini, Rafael

 Price: $79.00

Two Sisters

Vidal, Gore

 Price: $12.00

Good Negress, The

Verdelle, A. J.

 Price: $25.00

Sarah Canary

Fowler, Karen Joy

 Price: $12.00

Professor at the Breakfast Table, The

Holmes, Oliver Wendell

 Price: $38.00
Memoirs of a GeishaGolden, Arthur - Product Image

Memoirs of a Geisha

Golden, Arthur

 Price: $60.00

Happy Parrot, The

Chambers, Robert W.

 Price: $15.00

Daughter Buffalo

Frame, Janel

 Price: $30.00
Rich Relations (Signed)Wright, William - Product Image

Rich Relations (Signed)

Wright, William

 Price: $25.00

Almighty Me

Bausch, Robert

 Price: $18.00

Joan Haste

Haggard, H. Rider

 Price: $50.00


Plante, David

 Price: $15.00

Moccasin Telegraph, The

Evarts , Hal G.

 Price: $19.00

Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green: An Oxford Freshman, Two Volume Set.

Bede, Cuthbert, Illust. by: Cuthbert Bede

 Price: $50.00

Known World, The

Ivic, I. Lehiste & P.

 Price: $40.00

The Flood-Fighters - A Boy's Adventure with the Mississippi

Williamson, Thames

 Price: $15.00

Hunter's Horn

Arnow, Harriette

 Price: $15.00

Poorboy at the Party

Gover, Robert

 Price: $18.00

Three Years to Play

MacInnes, Colin

 Price: $15.00

Place in Flowers Where Pollen Rests

West, Paul

 Price: $15.00
Let the Sea Make a Noise...: A History of the North Pacific from Magellan to MacarthurMcDougall, Walter A. - Product Image

Let the Sea Make a Noise...: A History of the North Pacific from Magellan to Macarthur

McDougall, Walter A.

 Price: $19.00


Working, Russell

 Price: $20.00

Zip Six

Gantos, Jack

 Price: $18.00

Nebraska - Stories

Hansen, Ron

 Price: $30.00
Balls : a novelTepper, Julian - Product Image

Balls : a novel

Tepper, Julian

 Price: $11.00
Abbe Tigrane, TheFabre, Ferdinand - Product Image

Abbe Tigrane, The

Fabre, Ferdinand

 Price: $18.00
Under the Gypsy Moon Thornton, Lawrence - Product Image

Under the Gypsy Moon

Thornton, Lawrence

 Price: $12.00

Log Cabin Noble

Van Wyck Mason, F.

 Price: $18.00
ON CHESIL BEACHMcEwan, Ian - Product Image


McEwan, Ian

 Price: $10.00
Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse, The: A NovelErdrich, Louise - Product Image

Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse, The: A Novel

Erdrich, Louise

 Price: $8.00

I'll Take You There

Oates, Joyce Carol

 Price: $18.00

Be My Guest

Ingalls, Rachel

 Price: $15.00
Van Rensselaers of Old Manhattan, TheMills, Weymer Jay, Illust. by: John Rae - Product Image

Van Rensselaers of Old Manhattan, The

Mills, Weymer Jay, Illust. by: John Rae

 Price: $50.00
Pfitz: A NovelCrumey, Andrew - Product Image

Pfitz: A Novel

Crumey, Andrew

 Price: $12.00

Every Man for Himself

Bainbridge, Beryl

 Price: $9.00

I Am Zoe Handke

Larson, Eric

 Price: $15.00

Audrey Hepburn's Neck

Brown, Alan

 Price: $12.00

Gap Creek

Morgan, Robert

 Price: $15.00

Dead Languages (Signed by author)

Shields, David

 Price: $35.00

Embezzler, The

Auchincloss, Louis

 Price: $15.00


Warner, Marina

 Price: $18.00

Love of a Good Woman, The

Munro, Alice

 Price: $12.00

Kentucky Cardinal and Aftermath, A

Allen, James Lane, Illust. by: Hugh Thomson

 Price: $20.00

Rebuilding Coventry: A Tale of Two Cities

Townsend, Sue

 Price: $12.00

Hearts and Lives of Men, The

Weldon, Fay

 Price: $18.00

Aspects of the Novel

Slavitt, David R.

 Price: $15.00
Birds of PreySmith, Wilbur A. - Product Image

Birds of Prey

Smith, Wilbur A.

 Price: $10.00

In a Father's Place

Tilghman, Christopher

 Price: $20.00

Cup of Gold

Steinbeck, John

 Price: $250.00


Wood, Clement

 Price: $38.00
Utz: A NovelChatwin, Bruce - Product Image

Utz: A Novel

Chatwin, Bruce

 Price: $13.00


Chalfoun, Michelle

 Price: $19.00

Les Horizons Clements (SIGNED)

Agadjanian, Georges

 Price: $25.00

Right To An Answer, The

Burgess, Anthony

 Price: $26.00

Land That Moves, Land That Stands Still

Nelson, Kent

 Price: $18.00

Works of Charles Paul De Kock - Frere Jacques - Volume I - Gregory Edition, The

De Kock, Charles Paul

 Price: $31.00

Waiting For Childhood

Elliott, Sumner Locke

 Price: $15.00

Plain or Ringlets


 Price: $22.00

Vanna Karenina

Ganhon, Frank

 Price: $15.00

Life Without Consequences, A

Elliott, Stephen

 Price: $18.00

The Hottentot Room

Hope, Christopher

 Price: $12.00

The Fall of Rome: A Novel

Southgate, Martha

 Price: $18.00

Horn Fellow, The

Cooper, Dominic

 Price: $12.00

Heart of the Order

Ardizzone, Tony

 Price: $35.00

The Blue Bedspread

Kamal Jha, Raj

 Price: $15.00

Walking the Dog: And Other Stories

MacLaverty, Bernard

 Price: $10.00

Last Seen

Cohen, Matt

 Price: $12.00

Living To Tell: A Novel

Nelson, Antonya

 Price: $10.00

North American Legends

Haviland (ed), Virginia, Illust. by: Ann Strugnell

 Price: $15.00
Lenin's BrainSpengler, Timlan - Product Image

Lenin's Brain

Spengler, Timlan

 Price: $12.00

Last Studebaker, The

Hemley, Robin

 Price: $12.00

Mortal Friends: A Novel

Carroll, James

 Price: $15.00

One Basket - 3l Short Stories

Ferber, Edna

 Price: $12.00

Silent Witness

Yankowitz, Susan

 Price: $25.00

Salute To Yesterday

Fowler, Gene

 Price: $12.00



 Price: $12.00

Wild Horse Mesa

Zane, Grey

 Price: $20.00

Some Day Tomorrow

Freeling, Nicolas

 Price: $15.00


Rechy, John

 Price: $18.00
Corrections, TheFranzen, Jonathan - Product Image

Corrections, The

Franzen, Jonathan

 Price: $12.00
LasherRice, Anne - Product Image


Rice, Anne

 Price: $10.00

Around Old Chester

Deland, Margaret

 Price: $15.00

Playing the Game

Buruma, Ian

 Price: $15.00

Deadly Orbit Mission, The

Mason, Van Wyck

 Price: $20.00
Mutiny (Kydd Series #4)Stockwin, Julian - Product Image

Mutiny (Kydd Series #4)

Stockwin, Julian

 Price: $10.00

Decay of the Angel, The

Mishima, Yukio

 Price: $35.00

Mouring the Death of Magic

Boyd, Blanch McCrary

 Price: $15.00


Didion, Joan

 Price: $40.00

Night Ride Home

Covington, Vicki

 Price: $10.00

Magnificent Spinster, The

Sarton, May

 Price: $30.00


Bausch, Richard

 Price: $14.00

Picturing Will

Beattie, Ann

 Price: $8.00

Atlantean Chronicles

Eichner, Henry M.

 Price: $30.00

Inland Sea, The

Varni, Steve

 Price: $10.00

Death on the Set

McClure, Victor

 Price: $50.00


Legouve, Ernest.

 Price: $13.00


Ball, Pamela

 Price: $12.00

You Don't Love Yourself

Sarraute, Nathalie

 Price: $15.00


Percy, Walker

 Price: $38.00


Echenoz, Jean

 Price: $23.00

Simple Gifts

Greenberg, Joanne

 Price: $15.00
Lost Father, TheSimpson, Mona - Product Image

Lost Father, The

Simpson, Mona

 Price: $12.00
Bone By BoneMatthiessen, Peter - Product Image

Bone By Bone

Matthiessen, Peter

 Price: $23.00

Trace Elements of Random Tea Parties: A Novel

Lemus, Felicia Luna

 Price: $10.00

Thirty Favorite Paintings by Leading American Artists

Maxfield Parrish, Frederic Remington, Henry Hutt, A.B. Frost, et al.

 Price: $120.00
HangmanBohjalian, Christopher A. - Product Image


Bohjalian, Christopher A.

 Price: $63.00
Darkest EnglandHope, Christopher - Product Image

Darkest England

Hope, Christopher

 Price: $12.00
Arthur & GeorgeBarnes, Julian - Product Image

Arthur & George

Barnes, Julian

 Price: $12.00

Land of Promise

Lynn, Margaret, Illust. by: Gayle Hoskins

 Price: $15.00

Drummer of the Eleventh North Devonshire Fusiliers, The

Davenport, Guy

 Price: $10.00

Forest of Arden, The

Edwards, George Wharton

 Price: $38.00

Capitol Offense, A

Davey, Jocelyn

 Price: $15.00

No Letters for the Dead

Wilhelm, Gale

 Price: $15.00

American Romance, An

Casey, John

 Price: $25.00