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Search Results for Keyword(s):Africa Art  (matching all words)
Search found 78 matching products.

Africa - The Art of the Negro Peoples

Leuzinger, Elsy

 Price: $50.00

Africa of the Heart - A Personal Journey

Hone, Joseph

 Price: $23.00

African American History in the Press 1851-1899: From the Coming of the Civil War to the Rise of Jim Crow as Reported and Illustrated in Selected Newspapers of the Time (2 volumes)


 Price: $51.00
African Art and the School of ParisN/A - Product Image

African Art and the School of Paris


 Price: $19.00

African Birds of Prey

Tarboton, Warwick, Illust. by: Duncan Butchart

 Price: $13.00
African Experience: Wildlife Art and Adventure in KenyaCombes, Simon - Product Image

African Experience: Wildlife Art and Adventure in Kenya

Combes, Simon

 Price: $23.00

African Treasury, An

Hughes (Editor), Langston

 Price: $19.00

African-American Fine Art - February 16, 2012 - Sale 2268

Swann Auction Galleries

 Price: $25.00

African-American Fine Art - February 23, 2010 - Sale 2203

Swann Auction Galleries

 Price: $23.00

African-American Fine Art - October 6, 2011 - Sale 2255

Swann Auction Galleries

 Price: $23.00

American Film: Volume XI, Number 2, November 1985

Biskind (Editor), Peter, Ally Sheedy, Jean A. Mercier

 Price: $10.00

Anelli etnici: Africa, Asia, America (Italian Edition)

Cutsem, Anne van

 Price: $88.00

Art of Oceania, Africa, and the Americas from the Museum of Primitive Art

Metropolitan Museum of Art

 Price: $15.00

Arts d'Afrique, d'Oceanie, d'Asie du Sud-Est - Importantes Collections: Sotheby's Catalog 4 Decembre 2008


 Price: $25.00

Battle for North Africa 1940-43, The

Jackson, W.G.F.

 Price: $15.00

Benin - Royal Art of Africa

Duchateau, Armand

 Price: $13.00
Beyond DesirePirotte, Philippe - Product Image

Beyond Desire

Pirotte, Philippe

 Price: $18.00

Business History Review: Spring 2007

Harvard Business School

 Price: $12.00

Business History Review: Summer 2004

Harvard Business School

 Price: $12.00

Business History Review: Winter 2004

Harvard Business School

 Price: $12.00
Chinese Jades - Colloquies on Art & Archaeology in Asia No. 18Scott, Rosemary E. - Product Image

Chinese Jades - Colloquies on Art & Archaeology in Asia No. 18

Scott, Rosemary E.

 Price: $75.00

Cinema Journal: 34, No. 2 1995

Desser (Ed.), David

 Price: $10.00
Cloth That Does Not Die: The Meaning of Cloth in B - Product Image

Cloth That Does Not Die: The Meaning of Cloth in B

 Price: $15.00

Collecting African Art

Gillon, Werner

 Price: $25.00

Crisis in Kenya

Aaronovitch, S. & K.

 Price: $30.00

Desert Dies, A

Asher, Michael

 Price: $19.00

Economy of British Central Africa, The: A Case Study of Economic Development in a Dualistic Society

Barber, William J.

 Price: $25.00
Environment and Object: Recent African ArtAronson, Lisa, John S. Weber - Product Image

Environment and Object: Recent African Art

Aronson, Lisa, John S. Weber

 Price: $23.00
Fairest Cape, The (Cape Of Good Hope, South Africa)Cartwright, A.P. - Product Image

Fairest Cape, The (Cape Of Good Hope, South Africa)

Cartwright, A.P.

 Price: $23.00

Farmers, Kings, and Traders - The People of Southern Africa 200-1860

Hall, Martin

 Price: $19.00

Farthing Candle, The

Farquharson, Ronald

 Price: $19.00

For Spirits and Kings: African art from the Paul and Ruth Tishman Collection

Vogel (editor), Susan

 Price: $25.00

Forest of Symbols: Aspects of Ndembu Ritual, The

Turner, Victor

 Price: $13.00

French North Africa - The Maghrib Between Two World Wars

Berque, Jacques

 Price: $20.00
Gift of the Nile: chronicles of Ancient EgyptRoberts, Timothy Roland - Product Image

Gift of the Nile: chronicles of Ancient Egypt

Roberts, Timothy Roland

 Price: $25.00

Gold! Gold! Gold! : The Johannesburg Gold Rush

Rosenthal, Eric

 Price: $15.00
Home and the World: Architectural Sculpture by Two Contemporary African Artists: Aboudramane and Bodys Isek KingelezSerageldin, Ismail and Celeste Olalquiaga, Jean-Louis Pinte and Jean-Marc Patras - Product Image

Home and the World: Architectural Sculpture by Two Contemporary African Artists: Aboudramane and Bodys Isek Kingelez

Serageldin, Ismail and Celeste Olalquiaga, Jean-Louis Pinte and Jean-Marc Patras

 Price: $48.00

Ife in the History of West African Sculpture

Willett, Frank

 Price: $24.00

John Muir's Last Journey: South to the Amazon and East to Africa: Unpublished Journals and Selected Correspondence

Muir, John, Michael P. Branch

 Price: $25.00

Kimbell Art Museum: Handbook of the Collection

Robb, Jr., David M.

 Price: $12.00

L'Art Negre

Schmalenbach, Werner

 Price: $100.00

Last Chance in Kenya, A

Leys, N orman

 Price: $44.00

Living Texas Blues

Govenar, Alan

 Price: $50.00
Lost World of the Kalahari, Thevan der Post, Laurens - Product Image

Lost World of the Kalahari, The

van der Post, Laurens

 Price: $25.00

Mountains of Pharaoh, The

Cottrell, Leonard

 Price: $15.00

Negro Art - From the Institute of Ethnography, Leningrad

Olderogge, Dmitry/Werner Forman

 Price: $31.00

Nine Hills to Nambonkaha: Two Years in the Heart of an African Village

Erdman, Sarah

 Price: $11.00

Not Yet Home - A South African Journey

Cartwright, Justin

 Price: $28.00

Nyero Rock Paintings

Sassoon, Hamo

 Price: $20.00

Official Year Book of the Union and of Basutoland, Bechuanaland Protectorate, and Swaziland

South Africa Union Office of Census and Statistics

 Price: $40.00

On Wings of Eagles: The Plight, Exodus, and Homecoming of Oriental Jewry

Schechtman, Joseph B.

 Price: $19.00

Our Grandmothers' Drums

Hudson, Mark

 Price: $15.00
Our Vichy GambleLanger, William L. - Product Image

Our Vichy Gamble

Langer, William L.

 Price: $150.00

Personal Journey, A: Central African Art from the Lawrence Gussman Collection

Clarke, Christa

 Price: $25.00

Political Parties in French-Speaking West Africa

Morgenthau, Ruth S.

 Price: $20.00

Poppie Nongena: The Internationally Acclaimed Story of One Woman's Struggle Against Apartheid

Joubert, Elsa

 Price: $15.00

Prelude to the Partition of West Africa

Hargreaves, John D.

 Price: $23.00

Report of the Mission on Land Consolidation and Registration in Kenya 1965-1966

Republic of Kenya

 Price: $30.00

Roman Art In Africa

Vilimkova, Dr. M.

 Price: $20.00

Rumble of a Distant Drum - A True Story of the African Hinterland

Akeley, Mary L. Jobe

 Price: $31.00

Sculpture of Black Africa

Paul Tishman Collection

 Price: $13.00

Sharpeville Six, The

Diar, Prakash

 Price: $18.00

Swann Galleries Auction Catalog: African-American Fine Art - Sale 2189 - October 8, 2009


 Price: $15.00

Tales of the Big Game Hunters

Kemp, Kenneth (Editor)

 Price: $25.00

Tamrart - 13 Days in the Sahara

Clark, Eleanor

 Price: $40.00

Tanganyika: Report for the Year 1947


 Price: $44.00

Tanganyika: Report for the Year 1948


 Price: $31.00

Tanganyika: Report for the Year 1952


 Price: $31.00

Tanganyika: Report for the Year 1955


 Price: $31.00
The Savage Hits BackLips, Julius E. - Product Image

The Savage Hits Back

Lips, Julius E.

 Price: $31.00

Tradition and Creativity in Tribal Art

Biebuyck, Daniel P.

 Price: $38.00
Travels and Discoveries in North and Central Africa from the Journal of an Expedition under the Auspices of H. B. M.'s Government, in the Years 1849-1855 Barth, Henry - Product Image

Travels and Discoveries in North and Central Africa from the Journal of an Expedition under the Auspices of H. B. M.'s Government, in the Years 1849-1855

Barth, Henry

 Price: $50.00

Treasures of Ancient Nigeria

Eyo, Ekpo and Frank Willett

 Price: $18.00

Tri-Quarterly, 69 - From South Africa - New Writing, Photographs & Art

South Africa

 Price: $15.00

Tribes and Forms in African Art

Fagg, William

 Price: $38.00

World of Villages, A - A Six-year Journey Through Africa and Asia

Schwartz, Brian M.

 Price: $23.00

Zanzabuka (Dangerous Safari): The Adventurous Account of Three Dangerous Safaris to Africa, Filming Wild Animals and Primitive Tribes

Cotlow, Lewis

 Price: $40.00

Zanzibar Chest, The: A Story of Life, Love, and Death in Foreign Lands

Hartley, Aidan

 Price: $15.00