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Search Results for Keyword(s):American Culture  (matching all words)
Search found 380 matching products.

'Allo Good-By

Humphrey, Zephine

 Price: $25.00
100 Years on the Road: The Traveling Salesman in American CultureSpears, Mr. Timothy B. - Product Image

100 Years on the Road: The Traveling Salesman in American Culture

Spears, Mr. Timothy B.

 Price: $25.00
101 Masterpieces of American Primitive Painting: From the Collection of Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler GarbischGarbisch, Bernice Chrysler - Product Image

101 Masterpieces of American Primitive Painting: From the Collection of Edgar William and Bernice Chrysler Garbisch

Garbisch, Bernice Chrysler

 Price: $19.00

1920's: The Decade that Roared

Lyndon Baines Johnson Library & Museum

 Price: $50.00

1939 - The Lost World of the Fair

Gelernter, David

 Price: $18.00

Across the Wide Missouri: The American West in Art

Schott (Director), Gene A.

 Price: $20.00

Afro-American Folk Culture - An Annotated Bibliography of Materials From North, Central and South America and the West Indies (2 vols.)

Szwed, John F. and Roger D. Abrahams

 Price: $100.00

After The Buffalo Were Gone - The Louis Warren Hill, Sr., Collection of Indian Art

Walton, Ann T./John C. Ewers/Royal B. Hassrick

 Price: $69.00

Against Obscenity: Reform and the Politics of Womanhoodin America 1873-1935

Wheeler, Leigh Ann

 Price: $15.00

Age of Energy

Jones, Howard Mumford

 Price: $10.00

All-Night Party - The Women of Bohemian Greenwich Village and Harlem 1913-1930

Barnet, Andrea

 Price: $10.00

Allen Ginsberg in America

Kramer, Jane

 Price: $23.00

Along the Andes and Down the Amazon (Following the Conquistadores)

Mozans, H.J., Theodore Roosevelt (Introduction)

 Price: $50.00

America Aflame: How the Civil War Created a Nation

Goldfield, David

 Price: $19.00
America's Painted Ladies - The Ultimate Celebration of Our VictoriansPomada, Elizabeth/Michael Larsen/Douglas Keister - Product Image

America's Painted Ladies - The Ultimate Celebration of Our Victorians

Pomada, Elizabeth/Michael Larsen/Douglas Keister

 Price: $15.00
American Agriculturist, for the Farm, Garden & Household. Jan. 1872 - Dec. 1872Orange Judd & Co. - Product Image

American Agriculturist, for the Farm, Garden & Household. Jan. 1872 - Dec. 1872

Orange Judd & Co.

 Price: $150.00

American Antique Toys 1830-1900

Barenholtz, Bernard, Inez McClintock, Bill Holland (Photographs)

 Price: $38.00

American Archives: Gender, Race, and Class in Visual Culture

Smith, Shawn Michelle

 Price: $31.00

American Art : Towards Independence (1750- 1800)

Montgomery, Charles & Patricia Kane

 Price: $20.00

American Art at the Nineteenth-Century Paris Salons

Fink, Lois Marie

 Price: $250.00

American Art: 1750-1800 Towards Independence


 Price: $45.00

American Audience for Art, The

Childs, Charles D. & others

 Price: $10.00

American Beginnings: Exploration, Culture, and Cartography in the Land of Norumbega

Baker, Emerson W. (Editor)

 Price: $25.00

American Christians and Islam: Evangelical Culture and Muslims from the Colonial Period to the Age of Terrorism

Kidd, Thomas S.

 Price: $19.00

American Churches

Kennedy, Roger G.

 Price: $25.00

American Ephemera

Byrne, Janet S.

 Price: $12.00

American Fiction - 1774 - 1850- A Contribution Toward a Bibliography

Wright (Editor), Lyle H.

 Price: $35.00

American Film Now: The People, The Power, The Money, The Movies

Monaco, James

 Price: $19.00

American Fish-Culture: Artificial Breeding and Rearing of Trout; The Culture of Salmon, Shad and Other Fishes.

Norris, Thaddeus

 Price: $50.00

American Folk Sculpture

Bishop, Robert

 Price: $25.00

American Fruit Culturist: Containing Practical Directions for the Propagation and Culture of All Fruits Adapted to the United States

Thomas, John J.

 Price: $50.00

American Glance at Paris, An - 37 Works Belonging to Terra Foundation for the Arts

Reymond, Nathalie

 Price: $25.00

American Home Life 1880-1930: Social History Spaces Services

Foy, Jessica H.

 Price: $19.00

American Iconology: New Approaches to Nineteenth-Century Art and Literature

Miller, Mr. David C.

 Price: $23.00

American Illustrators: Catalog Four

Goffman, Judy and Alan

 Price: $30.00

American Illustrators: Catalog Three

Goffman, Judy and Alan

 Price: $30.00

American Illustrators: Catalog Two

Goffman, Judy and Alan

 Price: $30.00

American Illustrators

Goffman, Judy and Alan

 Price: $30.00

American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House

Meacham, Jon

 Price: $15.00

American Painting - First Flowers of Our Wilderness

Flexner, James Thomas

 Price: $23.00

American Painting - From the Colonial Period to the Present

Prown, Jules David/Barbara Rose/John Walker

 Price: $31.00
American Sensations: Class, Empire, and the Production of Popular CultureStreeby, Shelley - Product Image

American Sensations: Class, Empire, and the Production of Popular Culture

Streeby, Shelley

 Price: $19.00
American Small Town, The: Twentieth-Century Place ImagesJakle, John A. - Product Image

American Small Town, The: Twentieth-Century Place Images

Jakle, John A.

 Price: $25.00

American View, The: Art from 1770 to 1978

Kennedy Galleries

 Price: $8.00
Anasazi Places - The Photographic Vision of William CurrentCook, Jeffrey/Karen Current Sinsheimer - Product Image

Anasazi Places - The Photographic Vision of William Current

Cook, Jeffrey/Karen Current Sinsheimer

 Price: $20.00

Ancient Greek Dress

Abrahams, Ethel & Lady Evans and Marie Johnson (ed)

 Price: $25.00

Arapaho Child Life and Its Cultural Background

Hilger, Sister M. Inez

 Price: $23.00

Architecture of the Old South

Lane, Mills

 Price: $25.00

Around the Block: The Business of a Neighborhood

Shachtman, Tom

 Price: $10.00

Art in America - December-January 1965-66 - Number Six

Art in America

 Price: $23.00

Art in America - September-October 1967 - Number Five

Art in America

 Price: $23.00

Art in America - Volume 49 - Number Two - 1961

Art in America

 Price: $31.00

Art in America - Volume 52 - Number Two - April 1961 - 'New York Issue"

Art in America

 Price: $31.00

Art of American Livestock Breeding, The


 Price: $30.00

Art of Transition, The: Latin American Culture and Neoliberal Crisis

Masiello, Francine

 Price: $15.00

Artists of America, The: A Series of Biographical Sketches of American Artists; with Portraits and Designs on Steel

Lester, C. Edwards

 Price: $63.00
Authentic Voices: Arkansas Culture, 1541-1860Sarah, M. Fountain (editor) - Product Image

Authentic Voices: Arkansas Culture, 1541-1860

Sarah, M. Fountain (editor)

 Price: $13.00

Autocrat of the Breakfast Table, The

Holmes, Oliver Wendell

 Price: $75.00

Ballad Makin' in the Mountains of Kentucky

Thomas, Jean

 Price: $38.00

Beattles and the Sixties, The

Assayas, Michka and Claude Meunier

 Price: $19.00

Beautiful Brandon


 Price: $44.00

Best Families - The Town & Country Social Directory 1846-1996, The

Patterson, Jerry E./Anthony T. Mazzola/Frank Zachary

 Price: $19.00

Beyond the Godfather - Italian American Writers on the real Italian American Experience

Ciongoli (Editors), A. Kenneth/Jay Parini

 Price: $8.00
Black America, A Photographic Journey: Past to PresentSmith, Marcia A. - Product Image

Black America, A Photographic Journey: Past to Present

Smith, Marcia A.

 Price: $38.00

Black Sun - The Brief Transit and Violent Eclipse of Harry Crosby

Wolff, Geoffrey

 Price: $12.00

Blacksmiths' and Farriers' Tools at Shelburne Museum - A History of their Development from Forge to Factory - Museum Pamphlet Series, Number 7

Smith, H. R. Bradley

 Price: $45.00
Bliss' Magazine - Volume VI - July, 1900 - Number 1 - Guide to Pensacola - Facts for Tourists, Pleasure Seekers, Sportsmen, Home Seekers and Investors Bliss, Chas. H. - Product Image

Bliss' Magazine - Volume VI - July, 1900 - Number 1 - Guide to Pensacola - Facts for Tourists, Pleasure Seekers, Sportsmen, Home Seekers and Investors

Bliss, Chas. H.

 Price: $188.00

Book of Ages: The Life and Opinions of Jane Franklin

Lepore Jill

 Price: $19.00


Monaghan, Jay, editor.

 Price: $16.00

Briar Patch with Harry Crews (1935-2012) - A Memoir, In the

Nagel, Edward

 Price: $10.00

California Called Them: A Saga of Golden Days and Roaring Camps

O'Brien, Robert

 Price: $15.00

Cezanne, The Steins and Their Circle

Rewald, John

 Price: $15.00
Charisma and Sacred BiographyWilliams, Michael A. (ed.) - Product Image

Charisma and Sacred Biography

Williams, Michael A. (ed.)

 Price: $25.00

Charity & Sylvia: A Same-Sex Marriage in Early America (SIGNED BY AUTHOR)

Cleves, Rachel Hope

 Price: $31.00

Chippewa Child Life and Its Cultural Background

Hilger, Sister M. Inez

 Price: $23.00
Chronicles of Windsor, 1761-1975Conlin, Katherine, E., Wilma Burnham Paronto, Stella Vitty Henry - Product Image

Chronicles of Windsor, 1761-1975

Conlin, Katherine, E., Wilma Burnham Paronto, Stella Vitty Henry

 Price: $75.00

Cincinnati Reds - An Informal History, The

Allen, Lee

 Price: $38.00

Cinema Journal: 33, No. 1 1993

Desser (Ed.), David

 Price: $10.00

Cinema Journal: 33, No. 3 Spring 1994

Desser (Ed.), David

 Price: $10.00
Circus DreamsGoldsmith, Lynn (Photography and text) - Product Image

Circus Dreams

Goldsmith, Lynn (Photography and text)

 Price: $23.00
Civil War Letters of George Washington WhitmanLoving (Editor), Jerome M. - Product Image

Civil War Letters of George Washington Whitman

Loving (Editor), Jerome M.

 Price: $13.00

Civil, Religious and Mourning Councils and Ceremonies of Adoption of the New York Indians - New York State Museum - Bulletin 113

University of the State of New York

 Price: $10.00

Clara Sipprell - Pictorial Photographer

McCabe, Mary Kennedy

 Price: $25.00
Classic American Farm Tractor, The : From the Beginnings To 1960Halsey, Adam - Product Image

Classic American Farm Tractor, The : From the Beginnings To 1960

Halsey, Adam

 Price: $15.00
Clearing in the Distance - Frederick Law Olmsted and America in the Nineteenth Century, ARybczynski, Witold - Product Image

Clearing in the Distance - Frederick Law Olmsted and America in the Nineteenth Century, A

Rybczynski, Witold

 Price: $25.00

Coherent Splendor - The American Poetic Renaissance - 1910-1950, A

Gelpi, Albert

 Price: $23.00

Colics and Their Treatment

Campbell, D.M., D.V.S. (ed.)

 Price: $10.00

Colonial and Federal Portraits at Bowdoin College

Sadik, Marvin S.

 Price: $19.00
Colonial Prose Poetry, 3 VolumesTrent, William P. and Benjamin Wells - Product Image

Colonial Prose Poetry, 3 Volumes

Trent, William P. and Benjamin Wells

 Price: $75.00

Community in Spite of Itself, A: Soviet Jewish

 Price: $31.00

Confucius Lives Next Door. What Living in the East Teaches us About Living in the West.

Reid, T. R.

 Price: $8.00

Contemporary American Architects - Volume IV

Jodidio, Philip

 Price: $25.00
Conversations with the landVanDerPol, Jim - Product Image

Conversations with the land

VanDerPol, Jim

 Price: $15.00

Courtly Art of the Ancient Maya

Miller, Mary/Simon Martin/Kathleen Berrin

 Price: $44.00

Creation's Journey: Native American Identity and Belief

Hill, Tom (Editor)

 Price: $15.00

Crops Look Good, The: News from a Midwestern Family Farm (SIGNED)

DeLuca, Sara

 Price: $24.00
Crucian Recollections: From the Compelling Past of a Storied Island (SIGNED)Highfield, Arnold R. - Product Image

Crucian Recollections: From the Compelling Past of a Storied Island (SIGNED)

Highfield, Arnold R.

 Price: $31.00

Culture and Commitment 1929-1945

Susman(Ed.) Warren

 Price: $18.00

Culture of Complaint - The Fraying of America

Hughes, Robert

 Price: $8.00

Currents of Change: Art and Life Along the Mississippi River 1850-1861

Busch, Jason T., Christopher Monkhouse & Janet L. Whitmore

 Price: $18.00

Currier & Ives: Printmakers to the American People

Peters, Harry T.

 Price: $45.00

D. H. Lawrence and America

Arnold, Armin

 Price: $18.00

Dawn of the World, The - Myths and Tales of the Miwok Indians of California

Merriam, C. Hart/Lowell J. Bean (Editor)

 Price: $25.00

Days of Destruction, Days of Revolt

Hedges, Chris

 Price: $15.00
Decade in Conversation - Volume 1, AWeinberg, Adam D./Paul Pfeiffer/Irit Batsry/Raymond Pettibon/Mark Bradford/Omer Fast - Product Image

Decade in Conversation - Volume 1, A

Weinberg, Adam D./Paul Pfeiffer/Irit Batsry/Raymond Pettibon/Mark Bradford/Omer Fast

 Price: $25.00

Den Mother's Den Book

Boy Scouts of America

 Price: $31.00

Diary of Caroline Seabury, The - 1854 - 1863

Seabury, Caroline/Suzanne L. Bunkers (Editor)

 Price: $15.00

Discovering the Present: Three Decades in Art, Culture, & Politics

Rosenberg, Harold

 Price: $22.00

Doing Nothing 2006 first edition hdbk A history of loafers loungers slackers and bums in America

Lutz, Tom

 Price: $11.00
DoonesburyTrudeau, G. B. - Product Image


Trudeau, G. B.

 Price: $19.00

Dorothea Lange

Elliott, George P./The Museum of Modern Art

 Price: $13.00
Down With the Old Canoe: A Cultural History of the Titanic DisasterBiel, Steven - Product Image

Down With the Old Canoe: A Cultural History of the Titanic Disaster

Biel, Steven

 Price: $10.00

Dream Reaper: The Story of an Old-Fashioned Inventor in the High-Tech, High-Stakes World of Modern Agriculture

Crane, Craig

 Price: $25.00

Driving Continentally: National Policies and the North American Auto Industry

Molot, Maureen Appel (Editor)

 Price: $8.00
Drop in the Bucket, A: The Story of Maple Sugar Time on a Vermont FarmFollett, Muriel - Product Image

Drop in the Bucket, A: The Story of Maple Sugar Time on a Vermont Farm

Follett, Muriel

 Price: $25.00
Early American Literature and Culture: Essays Honoring Harrison T. MeseroleDerounian-Stodola, Kathryn Zabelle (Editor) - Product Image

Early American Literature and Culture: Essays Honoring Harrison T. Meserole

Derounian-Stodola, Kathryn Zabelle (Editor)

 Price: $28.00

Eastern State Penitentiary

Kahan, Paul

 Price: $19.00

Economics of the Mount Hagen Tribes, New Guinea

Gitlow, Abraham

 Price: $15.00

Edgeworks: Volume Three, The Collected Ellison

Ellison, Harlan

 Price: $31.00

Elinor Wylie - A Biography

Olson, Stanley

 Price: $8.00
Encyclopedia of American Cultural & Intellectual History, Volume ICayton, Mary Kupiec (ed.) - Product Image

Encyclopedia of American Cultural & Intellectual History, Volume I

Cayton, Mary Kupiec (ed.)

 Price: $75.00
Encyclopedia of American Cultural & Intellectual History, Volume IICayton, Mary Kupiec (ed.) - Product Image

Encyclopedia of American Cultural & Intellectual History, Volume II

Cayton, Mary Kupiec (ed.)

 Price: $75.00
Encyclopedia of American Cultural & Intellectual History, Volume IIICayton, Mary Kupiec (ed.) - Product Image

Encyclopedia of American Cultural & Intellectual History, Volume III

Cayton, Mary Kupiec (ed.)

 Price: $75.00

Encyclopedia of American Farm Tractors

Wendel, C. H.

 Price: $31.00

English Settler In Pioneer Wisconsin, An

Quaife, Milo M.

 Price: $50.00

Estate of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis - April 23-26, 1996 - Sale 6834, The


 Price: $60.00

Exhibiting the Visual Culture of American Religions

Morgan, David/Sally M. Promey

 Price: $15.00

Exiled Memories: A Cuban Childhood

Medina, Pablo

 Price: $19.00
Fabulous History of the Dismal Swamp Company, The: A Story of George Washington's TimesRoyster, Charles - Product Image

Fabulous History of the Dismal Swamp Company, The: A Story of George Washington's Times

Royster, Charles

 Price: $18.00

Farm Tractors - 1950 - 1975

Larsen, Lester

 Price: $19.00

Farm Trouble

Soth, Lauren

 Price: $10.00

Farmers, Bureaucrats, and Middlemen - Historical Perspectives on American Agriculture

Peterson, Trudy Huskamp

 Price: $6.00

Fat Cats, Fire Ants, Chiggers, Ticks and Fleas: Unmasking the Glamour of Posh Hilton Head Island.

Callahan, Katie

 Price: $10.00
Few Facts About Mexico, ANuncio, Albino R./Leandro Fernandez/Manuel Fernandez Leal - Product Image

Few Facts About Mexico, A

Nuncio, Albino R./Leandro Fernandez/Manuel Fernandez Leal

 Price: $50.00
Fifties, TheHalberstam, David - Product Image

Fifties, The

Halberstam, David

 Price: $11.00

First Fifty Years of The Rhodes Trust and The Rhodes Scholarships, The: 1903-1953

Elton (Editor), Lord

 Price: $16.00

First Resort of Kings, The: American Cultural Diplomacy in the Twentieth Century

Arndt, Richard T.

 Price: $23.00

Forbidden Films: Censorship Histories of 125 Motion Pictures

Sova, Down B.

 Price: $15.00

Forgotten Cape: 1940-1960, The

Sicchio, Mary

 Price: $13.00

Forty-four Years of the Life of a Hunter; Being Reminiscences of Meshach Browning - A Maryland Hunter - Roughly Written Down by Himself

Browning, Meshach

 Price: $25.00
Forty-Six Years of Pretty Straight Going: The Life of a Family Dairy FarmBellerose, George - Product Image

Forty-Six Years of Pretty Straight Going: The Life of a Family Dairy Farm

Bellerose, George

 Price: $25.00

Framed Visions: Popular Culture, Americanization, and the Contemporary German and Austrian Imagination

Gemunden, Gerd

 Price: $19.00

Frederic Remington - Selected Letters

Splete, Allen P & Marilyn D. eds.

 Price: $19.00
Frederic Remington - The American West - An Official Publication of the American Museum of Natural HistorySt. Clair (Editor), Philip R./Mark J. Stratman/Barry L. Kessel - Product Image

Frederic Remington - The American West - An Official Publication of the American Museum of Natural History

St. Clair (Editor), Philip R./Mark J. Stratman/Barry L. Kessel

 Price: $44.00

Frederick Douglass: New Literary and Historical Essays (Cambridge Studies in American Literature and Culture)

Sundquist, Eric J.

 Price: $15.00

Gameboards of North America

Wendel, Bruce/Doranna Wendel

 Price: $69.00


 Price: $15.00

George Harvey - A Passionate Patriot

Johnson, Willis Fletcher

 Price: $31.00

George Henry Durrie (1820-1863) - American Winter Landscapist: Renowned Through Currier and Ives

Hutson, Martha Young

 Price: $38.00

Georgie and Elsa: Jorge Luis Borges and His Wife, The Untold Story

Di Giovanni, Norman Thomas

 Price: $23.00
Ghost Town El DoradoFlorin, Lambert - Product Image

Ghost Town El Dorado

Florin, Lambert

 Price: $11.00
Ghost Town TrailsFlorin, Lambert - Product Image

Ghost Town Trails

Florin, Lambert

 Price: $11.00

Ghost Towns of the Colorado Rockies

Brown, Robert L.

 Price: $13.00

Ghost Towns of the Northwest

Weis, Norman

 Price: $13.00
Ghost Towns of the WestFlorin, Lambert - Product Image

Ghost Towns of the West

Florin, Lambert

 Price: $20.00
Ghost Towns, Gamblers and GoldLawliss, Chuck - Product Image

Ghost Towns, Gamblers and Gold

Lawliss, Chuck

 Price: $13.00

Gleanings from Old Shaker Journals

Sears, Clara Endicott

 Price: $19.00

Gold Dust

Jackson, Donald Dale

 Price: $13.00
Gold rush narrow gauge: The story of the White Pass and Yukon RouteMartin, Cy - Product Image

Gold rush narrow gauge: The story of the White Pass and Yukon Route

Martin, Cy

 Price: $25.00

Golden Age of Piracy, The

Rankin, Hugh F.

 Price: $15.00

Good Years, The - From 1900 to the First World War

Lord, Walter

 Price: $12.00

Grail, The

Doyle, Brian, Illust. by: Mary Miller Doyle

 Price: $15.00

Grandma Moses

Kallir, Otto

 Price: $81.00
Graphic Works of the American 30'sDa Capo Press - Product Image

Graphic Works of the American 30's

Da Capo Press

 Price: $31.00

Great American Chewing Gum Book, The

Hendrickson, Robert

 Price: $15.00

Grecian History, from the Earliest State to the Death of Alexander the Great - Two Volumes in One, The

Goldsmith, Dr.

 Price: $63.00

Gringa: An American Woman in Mexico

Squier, Emma-Lindsay, John Bransby (Photography)

 Price: $25.00

Grit's Triumph - Essays on the Works of Harry Crews, A

Jeffrey (Editor), David K.

 Price: $100.00

Guerrillas, Unionists, and Violence on the Confederate Home Front

Sutherland, Daniel E. (Ed.)

 Price: $25.00

H. H. Richardson - Architectural Forms for an American Society

O'Gorman, James F.

 Price: $12.00

Hands Across the Sea: A Celebration of the German Presence in American Art

Indiana University Art Museum

 Price: $8.00
Harvesting ExcellenceDucasse, Alain - Product Image

Harvesting Excellence

Ducasse, Alain

 Price: $38.00

Hawk: Occupation: Skateboarder

Hawk, Tony, Sean Mortimer

 Price: $15.00
Heart Turned East - Among the Muslims of Europe & America, ALebor, Adam - Product Image

Heart Turned East - Among the Muslims of Europe & America, A

Lebor, Adam

 Price: $31.00

Helldorados, Ghosts and Camps of the Southwest

Weis, Norman D.

 Price: $23.00

Here They Dug the Gold - The Story of the Colorado Gold Rush

Willison, George F.

 Price: $15.00

High Anxiety: Catastrophe, Scandal, Age & Comedy

Mellencamp, Patricia

 Price: $15.00

Historical and Revolutionary Incidents of the Early Settlers of The United States, with Biographical Sketches of the Lives of Allen, Boone, Kenton, and other Celebrated Pioneers.

Webber, C. W.

 Price: $150.00

History of Marion County, Ohio - Containing: A History of the County; Its Townships, Towns, Churches, Schools, Etc,; General and Local Statistics; Military Record; Portraits of Early Settlers and Prominent Men; History of The Northwest Terr

 Price: $50.00
History of the Town of Fenton, TheStephans, Karen - Product Image

History of the Town of Fenton, The

Stephans, Karen

 Price: $38.00
Hog Ranches of Wyoming, The: Liquor, Lust & Lies Under Sagebrush Skies. Brown , Larry K  - Product Image

Hog Ranches of Wyoming, The: Liquor, Lust & Lies Under Sagebrush Skies.

Brown , Larry K

 Price: $25.00

Hollywood's Last Golden Age: Politics, Society, and the Seventies Film in America

Kirshner, Jonathan

 Price: $23.00

Hotter Than That: The Trumpet, Jazz, and American Culture

Gabbard, Krin

 Price: $10.00

How George Rogers Clark Won the Northwest and Other Essays in Western History

Thwaites, Reuben Gold

 Price: $23.00

Image of The Black in Western Art - 4 From the American Revolution to World War 1 - Part 1 - Slaves and Liberators, The

Honour, Hugh

 Price: $150.00

Images of American Living: Four Centuries of Architecture and Furniture as Cultural Expression

Gowans, Alan

 Price: $22.00

Images of an Era: the American Poster 1945-75

National Collection of Fine Arts

 Price: $63.00

Indian Journals 1859-62, The

Morgan, Lewis Henry

 Price: $44.00

Indian Notes: Volume seven Number one: January 1930


 Price: $25.00

Indians of the North Pacific Coast

Rogers, Edward S.

 Price: $8.00

Indigenous Quotient Stalking Words: American Indian Heritage as Future

G-mez-Qui–ones, Juan

 Price: $19.00

Introduction to the Sheldon Jackson Museum, An

Billman, Esther & Erna Gunther

 Price: $8.00

Iroquois Restoration - Iroquois Diplomacy on the Colonial Frontier, 1701-1754

Aquila, Richard

 Price: $15.00

Jackson Pollock

O'Connor, Francis V.

 Price: $35.00
Johnny Podres: Brooklyn's Yankee KillerBennett, Bob, John and Robert S. - Product Image

Johnny Podres: Brooklyn's Yankee Killer

Bennett, Bob, John and Robert S.

 Price: $100.00
Johnny Podres: Brooklyn's Yankee KillerBennett, Bob, John and Robert S. - Product Image

Johnny Podres: Brooklyn's Yankee Killer

Bennett, Bob, John and Robert S.

 Price: $100.00
JOURNAL OF POPULAR CULTURE Volume X Spring 1977 No. 4Brown (Ed.), Ray B. - Product Image


Brown (Ed.), Ray B.

 Price: $13.00
Journey of Life, The : A Cultural History of Aging in AmericaCole, Thomas R. - Product Image

Journey of Life, The : A Cultural History of Aging in America

Cole, Thomas R.

 Price: $25.00

Joyce Treiman: Paintings 1961-1972

La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art

 Price: $10.00
Julia Ward Howe 1819-1910 - 2 VolumesRichards, Laura E./Maud Howe Elliott/Florence Howe Hall - Product Image

Julia Ward Howe 1819-1910 - 2 Volumes

Richards, Laura E./Maud Howe Elliott/Florence Howe Hall

 Price: $63.00