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Search Results for Keyword(s):Anthropology  (matching all words)
Search found 385 matching products.

Aboriginal Cultures of the Western Hemisphere

U.S. Golden Gate International Exposition Commission

 Price: $11.00
Acoma, The People of the White RockL., H. (Harold L.) James - Product Image

Acoma, The People of the White Rock

L., H. (Harold L.) James

 Price: $10.00
Adventures in the Bone Trade: The Race to Discover Human Ancestors n Ethiopia's Afar DepressionKalb, Jon - Product Image

Adventures in the Bone Trade: The Race to Discover Human Ancestors n Ethiopia's Afar Depression

Kalb, Jon

 Price: $15.00
African Art and the School of ParisN/A - Product Image

African Art and the School of Paris


 Price: $19.00
African Genius, The: An Introduction to African Social and Cultural History Davidson, Basil - Product Image

African Genius, The: An Introduction to African Social and Cultural History

Davidson, Basil

 Price: $10.00

Americans From Africa: Old Memories, New Moods

Rose, Peter

 Price: $10.00

Ancient Mexico: An Introduction to the Pre-Hispanic Cultures

Peterson, Frederick, Jos

 Price: $23.00
Andaman Islanders, TheRadcliffe-Brown, A.R.  - Product Image

Andaman Islanders, The

Radcliffe-Brown, A.R.

 Price: $19.00

Anthropological Approaches to the Study of Religion

Banton (edited by), Michael

 Price: $13.00

Anthropologist at Work, An - Writings from Ruth Benedict

Mead, Marggret

 Price: $20.00
Anthropologists in the FieldJongmans, Dr. D.G. (Editor), Dr. P.C.W. Gutkind (Editor) - Product Image

Anthropologists in the Field

Jongmans, Dr. D.G. (Editor), Dr. P.C.W. Gutkind (Editor)

 Price: $19.00

Anthropology of Art, The: A Reader

Perkins, Morgan (Editor)

 Price: $38.00

Anthropology of Curing in Multiethnic Thailand, An

Golumb, Louis

 Price: $23.00

Arapaho Child Life and Its Cultural Background

Hilger, Sister M. Inez

 Price: $23.00

Archaeology of Industry, The

Hudson, Kenneth

 Price: $18.00

Archaeology of the Boat

Greenhill, Basil

 Price: $16.00
Arguing Sainthood: Modernity, Psychoanalysis, and IslamEwing, Katherine Pratt - Product Image

Arguing Sainthood: Modernity, Psychoanalysis, and Islam

Ewing, Katherine Pratt

 Price: $19.00

Arts of the South Pacific, The

Guiart, Jean

 Price: $50.00

Asiatic Mythology: A Detailed Description and Explanation of the Mythologies of All the Great Nations of Asia

Hackin, J. and others

 Price: $38.00
Asiwinarong: Ethos, Image, and Social Power among the Usen Barok of New IrelandWagner, Roy - Product Image

Asiwinarong: Ethos, Image, and Social Power among the Usen Barok of New Ireland

Wagner, Roy

 Price: $25.00

Aspects of Primitive Art

Redfield, Robert/Melville J. Herskovits/Gordon F. Ekholm

 Price: $19.00

Aztecs, The/ People of the Sun

Caso, Alfonso

 Price: $35.00

Babylonians: Peoples of the Past (Vol. 1)

Saggs, H. W. F.

 Price: $15.00
Baegu: Social and Ecological Organization in Malaita, Solomon Islands (Illinois Studies in Anthropology No. 8)Ross, Harold M. - Product Image

Baegu: Social and Ecological Organization in Malaita, Solomon Islands (Illinois Studies in Anthropology No. 8)

Ross, Harold M.

 Price: $19.00
Baining Life and LoreHesse, Karl - Product Image

Baining Life and Lore

Hesse, Karl

 Price: $50.00

Beginnings of Writing, The

Hoffman, Walter James

 Price: $64.00

Beyond Civilization - Humanity's Next Great Adventure

Quinn, Daniel

 Price: $12.00

Black White & Gold

Nelson, Hank

 Price: $31.00

Black-man of Zinacantan, The

Blaffer, Sarah C..

 Price: $15.00

By the Evidence - Memoirs 1932-1951

Leakey, L.S.B.

 Price: $15.00

Camonica Valley

Anati, Emmanuel

 Price: $12.00
Cannibals: The Discovery and Representation of the Cannibal from Columbus to Jules VerneLestringant, Frank - Product Image

Cannibals: The Discovery and Representation of the Cannibal from Columbus to Jules Verne

Lestringant, Frank

 Price: $50.00

Caribbean Studies: A Symposium

Rubin, Vera (Editor)

 Price: $19.00

Cartographia: Mapping Civilizations

Virga, Vincent

 Price: $38.00

Central Asians Under Russian Rule: A Study in Culture Change

Bacon, Elizabeth E.

 Price: $12.00

Ceremonial Costumes of the Pueblo Indians: Their Evolution, Fabrication, and Significance in the Prayer Drama

Roediger, Virginia More

 Price: $25.00

Chamulas in the World of the Sun: Time and Space in a Maya Oral Tradition

Gossen, Gary H.

 Price: $19.00

Chaquicocha: Community in Progress

Castillo, Hernan and others

 Price: $10.00


 Price: $15.00
Cherokee StoriesSpade, Watt, Illust. by: Redcorn, Jim - Product Image

Cherokee Stories

Spade, Watt, Illust. by: Redcorn, Jim

 Price: $80.00

Chinese Family in the Communist Revolution, The

Yang, C.K.

 Price: $23.00

Chippewa Child Life and Its Cultural Background

Hilger, Sister M. Inez

 Price: $23.00
Choiseul Island Social StructureScheffler, H.W.  - Product Image

Choiseul Island Social Structure

Scheffler, H.W.

 Price: $23.00

Christians in the Arab East

Betts, Robert Brenton

 Price: $19.00

Circle of the Sea - Creations from Oceania

Keough, Tracey/Marilyn Massaro/Norman Hurst

 Price: $31.00
Clareti Enigmata: The Latin Riddles of Claret (Folklore Studies 7)Peachy, Frederic - Product Image

Clareti Enigmata: The Latin Riddles of Claret (Folklore Studies 7)

Peachy, Frederic

 Price: $15.00

Coming Down the Mountain - The Social Worlds of Mayobamba

Morris, Earl W. and others

 Price: $14.00

Consciousness - The Psychology of C. G. Jung

Meier, C. A.

 Price: $23.00

Constructing inequality: the Fabrication of a Hierarchy of Virtue Among the Etoro

Kelly, Raymond C.

 Price: $23.00
Context and Levels: Anthropological Essays on HierarchyBarnes, R.H. (eds.) - Product Image

Context and Levels: Anthropological Essays on Hierarchy

Barnes, R.H. (eds.)

 Price: $31.00
Cook Voyage Artifacts in Leningrad, Berne, and Florence Museumskaeppler, Adrienne L. (ed.) - Product Image

Cook Voyage Artifacts in Leningrad, Berne, and Florence Museums

kaeppler, Adrienne L. (ed.)

 Price: $44.00

Crete and Mycanea

Marinatos, Spyridon

 Price: $75.00

Cultural Agency in the Americas

Godenzzi, Juan Carlos

 Price: $13.00

Cultural Anthropology: An Introduction Using ExplorIt

Peregrine, Peter N.

 Price: $12.00
Cultures of Habitat: On Nature, Culture, and StoryNabhan, Gary Paul - Product Image

Cultures of Habitat: On Nature, Culture, and Story

Nabhan, Gary Paul

 Price: $10.00

Curse of Souw, The: Principles of Daribi Clan Definition and Alliance

Wagner, Roy

 Price: $19.00
Dangerous Words: Language and Politics in the Pacific (Inscribed by Myers)Brenneis, Donald Lawrence (Editor), Fred R. Myers (Editor - Product Image

Dangerous Words: Language and Politics in the Pacific (Inscribed by Myers)

Brenneis, Donald Lawrence (Editor), Fred R. Myers (Editor

 Price: $38.00

David Suzuki: The Autobiography

Suzuki, David

 Price: $8.00

Dawn of the World, The - Myths and Tales of the Miwok Indians of California

Merriam, C. Hart/Lowell J. Bean (Editor)

 Price: $25.00
Death in BanarasParry, Jonathan P. - Product Image

Death in Banaras

Parry, Jonathan P.

 Price: $23.00

Development of Painting in Bali, The

Neka, Suteja/Garrett Kam (Translator)

 Price: $15.00

Dictionary of Celtic Mythology

MacKillop, James

 Price: $19.00

Double descent in an African Society: The Afikpo Village-Group

Ottenberg, Simon

 Price: $15.00

Down Among the Wild Men: The Narrative Journal of Fifteen Years Pursuing the Old Stone Age Aborigines of Australia's Western Desert

Greenway, John

 Price: $15.00
Drylongso: A sSlf-Portrait of Black AmericaGwaltney, John L. - Product Image

Drylongso: A sSlf-Portrait of Black America

Gwaltney, John L.

 Price: $19.00
Early Highland Peoples of AnatoliaLloyd, Seton - Product Image

Early Highland Peoples of Anatolia

Lloyd, Seton

 Price: $15.00

Early Tahiti as The Explorers Saw it, 1767-1797

Ferdon, Edwin N.

 Price: $19.00

East and the West, The: A Study of their Psychic and Cultural Characteristics.

Gulick, Sidney Lewis

 Price: $12.00
Echoes of a Native Land: Two Centuries of a Russian VillageSchmemann, Serge - Product Image

Echoes of a Native Land: Two Centuries of a Russian Village

Schmemann, Serge

 Price: $10.00
Echoes of a Native Land: Two Centuries of a Russian VillageSchmemann, Serge - Product Image

Echoes of a Native Land: Two Centuries of a Russian Village

Schmemann, Serge

 Price: $10.00

Economics of the Mount Hagen Tribes, New Guinea

Gitlow, Abraham

 Price: $15.00
Egyptians, The: A Radical StoryShenker, Jack - Product Image

Egyptians, The: A Radical Story

Shenker, Jack

 Price: $15.00

Eighteenth Report to the Legislature of Vermont relating to the Registry and Returns of Births, Marriages and Deaths, in this State for the year ending December 31st, 1874

Nichols, George

 Price: $25.00

English Archaeologist's Handbook, The

Godwin, Henry

 Price: $10.00

Entangled Objects: Exchange, Material Culture, and Colonialism in the Pacific

Thomas, Nicholas

 Price: $19.00

Environment in British Prehistory

Simmons, Ian and Michael, Eds Tooley

 Price: $10.00

Eskimo Masks: Art and Ceremony

Ray, Dorothy Jean

 Price: $35.00
Eskimos, TheBirket-Smith, Kaj - Product Image

Eskimos, The

Birket-Smith, Kaj

 Price: $23.00
Ethics of Violence, The: The Study of A Fractured WorldFaust, George H. - Product Image

Ethics of Violence, The: The Study of A Fractured World

Faust, George H.

 Price: $38.00

Everyday Life in Prehistoric Times

Quennell, Marjorie & C.H.B

 Price: $18.00

Evolution and Ecology: Essays on Social Transformation

Steward, Julian H.

 Price: $12.00

Evolution in the Arts: and Other Theories of Culture History

Munro, Thomas

 Price: $11.00

Experiments in Civilization: The Effects of European Culture on a Native Community of the Solomon Islands

Hogbin, H. Ian

 Price: $15.00

Factions and Faenas - The Development Potential of Checras District, Peru

Bourque, Susan C. and others

 Price: $9.00
Fame of Gawa, The: A Symbolic Study of Value Transformation in a Massim (Papua New Guinea) SocietyMunn, Nancy D. - Product Image

Fame of Gawa, The: A Symbolic Study of Value Transformation in a Massim (Papua New Guinea) Society

Munn, Nancy D.

 Price: $23.00

Fiji and its Possiblities

Grimshaw, Beatrice

 Price: $44.00

Five Thousand Years of Pakistan - An Archaeological Outline

Wheeler, R.E.M.

 Price: $35.00

Folk Culture of Yucatan, The

Redfield, Robert

 Price: $15.00
Folk Life: A Journal of Ethnological Studies: Volume EighteenLinnard (Ed.), William - Product Image

Folk Life: A Journal of Ethnological Studies: Volume Eighteen

Linnard (Ed.), William

 Price: $13.00
Folk Life: A Journal of Ethnological Studies: Volume FifteenJenkins (Ed.), J. Geraint - Product Image

Folk Life: A Journal of Ethnological Studies: Volume Fifteen

Jenkins (Ed.), J. Geraint

 Price: $13.00
Folk Life: A Journal of Ethnological Studies: Volume FourteenJenkins (Ed.), J. Geraint - Product Image

Folk Life: A Journal of Ethnological Studies: Volume Fourteen

Jenkins (Ed.), J. Geraint

 Price: $13.00
Folk Life: A Journal of Ethnological Studies: Volume NineteenLinnard (Ed.), William - Product Image

Folk Life: A Journal of Ethnological Studies: Volume Nineteen

Linnard (Ed.), William

 Price: $13.00
Folk Life: A Journal of Ethnological Studies: Volume SeventeenJenkins (Ed.), J. Geraint - Product Image

Folk Life: A Journal of Ethnological Studies: Volume Seventeen

Jenkins (Ed.), J. Geraint

 Price: $13.00
Folk Life: A Journal of Ethnological Studies: Volume SixteenJenkins (Ed.), J. Geraint - Product Image

Folk Life: A Journal of Ethnological Studies: Volume Sixteen

Jenkins (Ed.), J. Geraint

 Price: $13.00
Folk Life: A Journal of Ethnological Studies: Volume ThirteenJenkins (Ed.), J. Geraint - Product Image

Folk Life: A Journal of Ethnological Studies: Volume Thirteen

Jenkins (Ed.), J. Geraint

 Price: $13.00
Folk Life: A Journal of Ethnological Studies: Volume TwelveJenkins (Ed.), J. Geraint - Product Image

Folk Life: A Journal of Ethnological Studies: Volume Twelve

Jenkins (Ed.), J. Geraint

 Price: $13.00
Folk Life: A Journal of Ethnological Studies: Volume Twenty-FourLinnard (Ed.), William - Product Image

Folk Life: A Journal of Ethnological Studies: Volume Twenty-Four

Linnard (Ed.), William

 Price: $13.00
Folk Life: A Journal of Ethnological Studies: Volume Twenty-SevenLinnard (Ed.), William - Product Image

Folk Life: A Journal of Ethnological Studies: Volume Twenty-Seven

Linnard (Ed.), William

 Price: $13.00
Folk Life: A Journal of Ethnological Studies: Volume Twenty-SixLinnard (Ed.), William - Product Image

Folk Life: A Journal of Ethnological Studies: Volume Twenty-Six

Linnard (Ed.), William

 Price: $13.00
Folk Life: A Journal of Ethnological Studies: Volume Twenty-TwoLinnard (Ed.), William - Product Image

Folk Life: A Journal of Ethnological Studies: Volume Twenty-Two

Linnard (Ed.), William

 Price: $13.00
Folk Life: Journal of the Society for Folk Life Studies -  Volume 10Jenkins (Ed.), J. Geraint - Product Image

Folk Life: Journal of the Society for Folk Life Studies - Volume 10

Jenkins (Ed.), J. Geraint

 Price: $25.00
Folk Life: Journal of the Society for Folk Life Studies -  Volume 9Jenkins (Ed.), J. Geraint - Product Image

Folk Life: Journal of the Society for Folk Life Studies - Volume 9

Jenkins (Ed.), J. Geraint

 Price: $25.00
Folktales of Chile - ( Folktales of the World )Pino-Saavedra (Ed.), Yolando - Product Image

Folktales of Chile - ( Folktales of the World )

Pino-Saavedra (Ed.), Yolando

 Price: $19.00

Force of Knowledge, The

Ziman, John M.

 Price: $20.00

Foreign Bodies - Performance, Art, and Symbolic Anthropology

Napier, A. David

 Price: $19.00

Forest of Kings, A - The Untold Story of the Ancient Maya

Schele, Linda and David Freidel

 Price: $9.00

Forest of Symbols: Aspects of Ndembu Ritual, The

Turner, Victor

 Price: $13.00

Form, Function, and Design

Grillo, Paul Jacques

 Price: $13.00
Freya Stark in the Levant (The St Antony's College Middle East Archives)Ruthven, Malise - Product Image

Freya Stark in the Levant (The St Antony's College Middle East Archives)

Ruthven, Malise

 Price: $31.00

From Ape to Angel - An Informal History of Social Anthropoloy

Hays, H. R., Illust. by: B&W illustrations

 Price: $8.00

From Ape to Angel

Hays, H. R.

 Price: $15.00

From The Hands of the Hills

Campbell , Margaret

 Price: $38.00

Gates of the Dream, The

R-heim, G

 Price: $25.00

Genesis and Geology: A study in the Relations of Scientific Thought, Natural Theology, and Social Opinion in Great Britain, 1790-1850

Gillispie, Charles Coulston

 Price: $23.00

Gentle Tasady, The - A Stone Age People in the Philippine Rain Forest

Nance, John

 Price: $18.00
Ghost train to the Eastern star: on the tracks of the great railway bazaarTheroux, Paul - Product Image

Ghost train to the Eastern star: on the tracks of the great railway bazaar

Theroux, Paul

 Price: $15.00

Gordion Excavations (1950-1973) Final Reports, The: Volume II: The Lesser Phrygian Timuli, Part 1, The Inhumations

Kohler, Ellen L. , G.K. Sams (Ed.)

 Price: $88.00

Gordion Excavations Final Reports III: The Bronze Age

Gunter, Ann C., E.L. Kohler (Ed.)

 Price: $75.00

Gordion Excavations Final Reports, The: Volume 1, Three Great Early Tumuli

Young, Rodney S., Kohler, E.L. (Ed.)

 Price: $75.00

Gordion Special Studies II: The Terracotta Figurines and Related Vessels

Romano, Irene Bald, G. Kenneth Sams (Ed.)

 Price: $50.00

Gordion Special Studies Volume 1: Nonverbal Graffiti, Dipinti, and Stamps

Roller, Lynn E.

 Price: $25.00

Grosse Kulturen Der Fruhzeit - Das Fruhe Indien

Mode, Heinz

 Price: $6.00

Grosse Kulturen Der Fruhzeit - Die Nordgermanen

Oxenstierna, Eric Graf

 Price: $6.00

Grosse Kulturen Der Fruhzeit - Die Weit der Kelten

Moreau, Jacques

 Price: $6.00

Grosse Kulturen Der Fruhzeit - Die Welt der Agyptrer

Wolf, Walter

 Price: $6.00

Grosse Kulturen Der Fruhzeit - Die Welt der Bibel Fonf Jahrtausende in Palastina-Syrien

Jirku, Anton

 Price: $6.00

Grosse Kulturen Der Fruhzeit - Die Welt der Hetbiter

Riemschneider, Margarete

 Price: $6.00

Grosse Kulturen Der Fruhzeit - Die Welt der Perser

Von Der Osten, Hans Henning

 Price: $6.00

Grosse Kulturen Der Fruhzeit - Kreta, Mykene, Troja

Matz, Friedrich

 Price: $6.00

Grosse Kulturen Der Fruhzeit - Ur, Assor und Babylon - Drei Jahrtausende im Zweistromland

Schmokel, Hartmut

 Price: $6.00
Growing up in New Guinea: A Comparative Study of Primitive EducationMead, Margaret - Product Image

Growing up in New Guinea: A Comparative Study of Primitive Education

Mead, Margaret

 Price: $23.00

Guns & Rain - Guerrillas & Spirit Mediums in Zimbabwe

Lan, David

 Price: $15.00

Gypsies of the Pampa

Dolinger, Jane

 Price: $12.00

Heads and Tails

Hoffman, Malvin

 Price: $50.00
Historical Atlas of World Mythology Vol I: The Way of the Animal Powers, Part 1: Mythologies of the Primitive Hunters and GatherersCampbell, Joseph - Product Image

Historical Atlas of World Mythology Vol I: The Way of the Animal Powers, Part 1: Mythologies of the Primitive Hunters and Gatherers

Campbell, Joseph

 Price: $35.00
Historical Atlas of World Mythology Vol I: The Way of the Animal Powers, Part 2: Mythologies of the Great HuntCampbell, Joseph - Product Image

Historical Atlas of World Mythology Vol I: The Way of the Animal Powers, Part 2: Mythologies of the Great Hunt

Campbell, Joseph

 Price: $35.00
Historical Atlas of World Mythology Vol II: The Way of the Seeded Earth Part, 2: Mythologies of the Primitive Planters: The Northern AmericasCampbell, Joseph - Product Image

Historical Atlas of World Mythology Vol II: The Way of the Seeded Earth Part, 2: Mythologies of the Primitive Planters: The Northern Americas

Campbell, Joseph

 Price: $35.00
Historical Atlas of World Mythology Vol II: The Way of the Seeded Earth, Part 3: Mythologies of the Primitive Planters: The Middle and Southern AmericasCampbell, Joseph - Product Image

Historical Atlas of World Mythology Vol II: The Way of the Seeded Earth, Part 3: Mythologies of the Primitive Planters: The Middle and Southern Americas

Campbell, Joseph

 Price: $35.00
History and Culture in the Society IslandsHandy, E.S. Craighill  - Product Image

History and Culture in the Society Islands

Handy, E.S. Craighill

 Price: $25.00

History of the Town of Essex, The

Bent, Frank R.

 Price: $25.00

Homo Hierarchicus: The Caste System and Its Implications

Dumont, Louis

 Price: $15.00

Houses and House Use of the Sierra Tarascans (Smithsonian Institution Institute of Social Anthropology Publication No. 1)

Beals, Ralph L., Pedro Carrasco, and Thomas McCorkle

 Price: $15.00
Houses, Boats, and Fishing in the Society Islands: Bulletin 90Handy, E.S. Craighill - Product Image

Houses, Boats, and Fishing in the Society Islands: Bulletin 90

Handy, E.S. Craighill

 Price: $25.00

Huli of Papua: A Cognatic Descent System

Glasse, Robert M., J.A. Barnes

 Price: $23.00

Human Origins - Manual of Prehistory (2 Vols.)

MacCurdy, George Grant

 Price: $26.00

Hunting Peoples, The

Coon, Carleton S.

 Price: $30.00

Images of Savages: Ancient Roots of Modern Prejudice in Western Culture

Jahoda, Gustav

 Price: $31.00

Images: Stone: B.C. Thirty Centuries of Northwest Coast Indian Sculpture

Duff, Wilson

 Price: $19.00
In the Arms of Africa: The Life of Colin TurnbullGrinker, Roy Richard - Product Image

In the Arms of Africa: The Life of Colin Turnbull

Grinker, Roy Richard

 Price: $8.00

In the Beginning - The Navajo Genesis

Levy, Jerrold E.

 Price: $15.00

In the Middle - The Eskimo Today

Williams, Stephen Guion

 Price: $13.00

In the Shadow of the Bush

Talbot, P. Amaury

 Price: $100.00

Indian Masks & Myths of the West

Wherry, Joseph H.

 Price: $19.00

Indian Skin Paintings from the American Southwest: Two Representations of Border Conflicts Between Mexico and the Missouri in the Early Eighteeth Century

Hotz, Gottfried

 Price: $13.00

Indian Tribes of the Northern Rockies

Wolf, Beverly Hungry

 Price: $10.00

Indians of Manhattan Island and Vicinity, The

Skinner, Alanson

 Price: $13.00

Inka Empire and Its Andean Origins, The

Morris, Craig/Adriana von Hagen/John Bigelow Taylor

 Price: $44.00

Interpretation of Ritual, The: Essays in Honour of A.I. Richards

La Fontaine, J.S. (Editor)

 Price: $19.00
Into the West: The Story of Its PeopleNugent, Walter - Product Image

Into the West: The Story of Its People

Nugent, Walter

 Price: $15.00

Introduction Generale a L'etude des Doctrines Hindoues

Guenon, Rene

 Price: $50.00
Island Ancestors: Oceanic Art From the Masco CollectionWardwell, Allen - Product Image

Island Ancestors: Oceanic Art From the Masco Collection

Wardwell, Allen

 Price: $31.00
Karavar: Masks and Power in a Melanesian RitualErrington, Frederick Karl - Product Image

Karavar: Masks and Power in a Melanesian Ritual

Errington, Frederick Karl

 Price: $19.00
Kinship and Conflict: A Study of an Aboriginal Community in Northern Arnhem LandHiatt, L.R. - Product Image

Kinship and Conflict: A Study of an Aboriginal Community in Northern Arnhem Land

Hiatt, L.R.

 Price: $23.00

Kinship and Marriage in Burma: A Cultural and Psychodynamic Analysis

Spiro, Melford E.

 Price: $23.00
Kula, The: A BibliographyMacintyre, Martha - Product Image

Kula, The: A Bibliography

Macintyre, Martha

 Price: $25.00

Land and Polity in Tibet

Carrasco, Pedro

 Price: $23.00

Land of Ghosts, A: The Braided Lives of People and the Forest in Far Western Amazonia

Campbell, David G.

 Price: $15.00


Campbell, David G.

 Price: $10.00

Las Actuales Comunidades de Indigenas: Huarochiri en 1955

Matos, Jose and others

 Price: $63.00

Last of the Seris, The

Coolidge , Dane and Mary Roberts Coolidge

 Price: $25.00

Les Civilisations de L'Orient (4 Volume Set: L'Orient, L'Inde, La Chine, Le Japon) (FRENCH TEXT)

Grousset, Ren

 Price: $125.00

Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People

Murrin, John M.

 Price: $40.00
Life in Lesu: The Study of a Melanesian Society in New IrelandPowdermaker, Hortense - Product Image

Life in Lesu: The Study of a Melanesian Society in New Ireland

Powdermaker, Hortense

 Price: $19.00
Life is Hard: Machismo, Danger, and the Intimacy of Power in NicaraguaLancaster, Roger N. - Product Image

Life is Hard: Machismo, Danger, and the Intimacy of Power in Nicaragua

Lancaster, Roger N.

 Price: $15.00

Line of Power, A

Strathern, Andrew

 Price: $19.00

Living Magic: the Realities Underlying the Psychical Practices and Beliefs of the Australian Aborigines

Rose, Ronald

 Price: $20.00

Longhouse and Jungle: An Expedition to Sarawak

Arnold, Guy

 Price: $20.00

Lost Cities of Asia: Ceylon, Pagan, Angkor

Swaan, Wim

 Price: $19.00
Lost World of the Kalahari, Thevan der Post, Laurens - Product Image

Lost World of the Kalahari, The

van der Post, Laurens

 Price: $25.00

Lucy's Child: The Discovery of a Human Ancestor

Johanson, , Donald C.; Shreeve, James

 Price: $11.00

Lucy's Child: The Discovery of a Human Ancestor

Johanson, Donald C.

 Price: $8.00
Lucy's Legacy: Sex and Intelligence in Human EvolutionJolly, Alison - Product Image

Lucy's Legacy: Sex and Intelligence in Human Evolution

Jolly, Alison

 Price: $10.00

Lure of Unknown Lands

 Price: $25.00

Magic World of the Xhosa, The

Elliott, Aubrey

 Price: $25.00

Majesty of Colour, The: A Life of Sir John Bates Thurston. Volume One: I, the Very Bayonet

Scarr, Deryck

 Price: $23.00

Making of the Modern Greek Family, The: Marriage and Exchange in Nineteenth-Century Athens (Cambridge Studies in Social and Cultural Anthropology)

Cassia, Paul Sant, Constantina Bada

 Price: $38.00
Malay Fishermen: Their Peasant EconomyFirth, Raymond - Product Image

Malay Fishermen: Their Peasant Economy

Firth, Raymond

 Price: $19.00

Man and His Works: The Science of Cultural Anthropology

Herskovits, Melville J.

 Price: $9.00

Man as Art: New Guinea Photographs by Malcolm Kirk

Kirk, Malcolm/Andrew Strathern

 Price: $50.00
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Mandak Realities: Person and Power in Central New Ireland

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Maori Women

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March of Archaeology, The

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Masked Culture

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Masks and Men in a Melanesian Society: The Valuku or Tubuan of the Lakalai of New Britain

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Masks, Transformation, and Paradox

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Matriliny and Modernisation: The Nagovisi of South Bougainville (New Guinea Research Bulletin No. 55)

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