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Search found 158 matching products.
A Handbook of Legendary and Mythological ArtClement, Clara Erskine - Product Image

A Handbook of Legendary and Mythological Art

Clement, Clara Erskine

 Price: $50.00

Adoration of the Mystic Lamb, The

Hadjadj, Fabrice

 Price: $75.00
Aesthetics and Analysis in Writing on Religion: Modern Fascinations (SIGNED)Gold, Daniel  - Product Image

Aesthetics and Analysis in Writing on Religion: Modern Fascinations (SIGNED)

Gold, Daniel

 Price: $15.00
Ajitmahatantra: The Great Tantra of Ajita, Vol. 1Filliozat, Jean - Product Image

Ajitmahatantra: The Great Tantra of Ajita, Vol. 1

Filliozat, Jean

 Price: $38.00
Ajitmahatantra: The Great Tantra of Ajita, Vol. 2Filliozat, Jean - Product Image

Ajitmahatantra: The Great Tantra of Ajita, Vol. 2

Filliozat, Jean

 Price: $38.00
Ajitmahatantra: The Great Tantra of Ajita, Vol. 3Filliozat, Jean - Product Image

Ajitmahatantra: The Great Tantra of Ajita, Vol. 3

Filliozat, Jean

 Price: $38.00
Ajitmahatantra: The Great Tantra of Ajita, Vol. 4Filliozat, Jean - Product Image

Ajitmahatantra: The Great Tantra of Ajita, Vol. 4

Filliozat, Jean

 Price: $38.00

Aliya: Stories of the Elephants of Sri Lanka

Cannon, Teresa

 Price: $38.00

Altars & Icons

Nix, Patricia

 Price: $25.00

American Churches

Kennedy, Roger G.

 Price: $25.00

Anatomy of Human Destructiveness, The

Fromm, Erich

 Price: $15.00
Anselm Kiefer: Heaven And EarthAuping, Michael - Product Image

Anselm Kiefer: Heaven And Earth

Auping, Michael

 Price: $50.00

Apxn - Notes and Papers on Archaic Studies - No. 1

Sheehan (Editors), Donald and Carol

 Price: $25.00

Art of the Copts, The

Du Bourguet, Pierre M.

 Price: $12.00
Art of the CrossEmmerling, Mary - Product Image

Art of the Cross

Emmerling, Mary

 Price: $10.00

Benjamin West: The Context of His Life's Work

Dillenberger, John

 Price: $16.00
Brancacci Chapel, Florence (Great Fresco Cycles of the Renaissance), TheLadis, Andrew - Product Image

Brancacci Chapel, Florence (Great Fresco Cycles of the Renaissance), The

Ladis, Andrew

 Price: $15.00
Buddhist Art in India, Ceylon and JavaVogel, J.Ph. - Product Image

Buddhist Art in India, Ceylon and Java

Vogel, J.Ph.

 Price: $15.00
Carved Memories - Heritage in Stone from the Russian Jewish PaleGoberman, David/Robert Pinsky/Gershon Hundert - Product Image

Carved Memories - Heritage in Stone from the Russian Jewish Pale

Goberman, David/Robert Pinsky/Gershon Hundert

 Price: $15.00

Catalogue of Sculpture (Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries)

Gilman, Beatrice I.

 Price: $25.00

Church and the Fine Arts, The - An Anthology of Pictures, Poetry, Music & Stories Portraying the Growth and Develoment of the Church Through the Centuries

Maus, Cynthia Pear

 Price: $15.00

Code of the Life Maker

Hogan, James P.

 Price: $13.00

Collected Works of Ken Wilber- 8 Volume Set

Wilber, Ken

 Price: $438.00

Colors Demonic & Divine - Shades of Meaning in the Middle Ages & After

Pleij, Herman

 Price: $19.00

Compendium of the System of Divine Truth Contained in a Series of Essays

Catlin, Jacob

 Price: $75.00

Congregationalists of America - A Popular History of Their Origin, Belief, Polity, Growth and Work

Dunning, Albert E.

 Price: $25.00
Crossing the Circle at the Holy Wells of IrelandBrenneman, Walter L. Jr., Mary G. Brenneman - Product Image

Crossing the Circle at the Holy Wells of Ireland

Brenneman, Walter L. Jr., Mary G. Brenneman

 Price: $31.00

Crossroads of Norm and Nature, The: Essays on Aristotle's Ethics and Metaphysics

Sim (Editor), May

 Price: $48.00

Cure of Souls, The

Maclaren, Ian

 Price: $35.00

Der Naumburger Dom Und Seine Bildwerke

Pinder, Wilhelm/Walter Hege

 Price: $15.00

Dictionary of Christian Art

Apostolos-Cappadona, Diane

 Price: $13.00

Die Hegelsche Rechte (GERMAN TEXT)

Lubbe, Hermann

 Price: $44.00

Divine and Moral Songs For Children

Watts, Isaac

 Price: $44.00
Edo: Art in Japan 1615-1868Singer, Robert T. - Product Image

Edo: Art in Japan 1615-1868

Singer, Robert T.

 Price: $63.00

Elura: Art and Culture

Pathy, T.V.

 Price: $31.00

Embroidery Through the Ages

Musee des Arts Decoratifs

 Price: $10.00

Empire of the Tsars and the Russians - Part III - The Religion, The

Leroy-Beaulieu, Anatole

 Price: $50.00

Eric Gill - Man of Flesh and Spirit

Yorke, Malcolm

 Price: $25.00

Eric Gill: Workman

Attwater, Donald

 Price: $10.00

Etudes sur le Role de la Pensee Medievale dans la Formation du Systeme Cartesien

Gilson, Etienne

 Price: $40.00

Exhibiting the Visual Culture of American Religions

Morgan, David/Sally M. Promey

 Price: $15.00
Festival Icons for the Christian YearBaggley, John - Product Image

Festival Icons for the Christian Year

Baggley, John

 Price: $15.00
flame of fire, A: The story of Troy Annual ConferenceSchwartz, Charles Downer, Illust. by: Ouida Schwartz - Product Image

flame of fire, A: The story of Troy Annual Conference

Schwartz, Charles Downer, Illust. by: Ouida Schwartz

 Price: $11.00
Forbidden Knowledge: From Prometheus to PornographyShattuck, Roger - Product Image

Forbidden Knowledge: From Prometheus to Pornography

Shattuck, Roger

 Price: $15.00

Foundations of a New Humanism 1280-1440

Duby, Georges

 Price: $38.00

Four Seasons of Shaker Life, The

Wertkin, Gerald C.

 Price: $15.00

Fruits of the Shaker Tree of Life - Memoirs of Fifty Years of Collecting and Research

Andrews, Edward Deming and Faith Andrews

 Price: $18.00
Georgian Metalwork - From Antiquity to the 18th CenturyAmiranashvili, Shalva/Karel Neubert - Product Image

Georgian Metalwork - From Antiquity to the 18th Century

Amiranashvili, Shalva/Karel Neubert

 Price: $13.00

Giordano Bruno - Philosopher of the Renaisssance

Gatti (Editor), Hilary

 Price: $100.00

Giotto at Assisi

Bellosi, Luciano, Illust. by: Giotto

 Price: $38.00
Giotto: The Scrovegni Chapel, PaduaCole, Bruce - Product Image

Giotto: The Scrovegni Chapel, Padua

Cole, Bruce

 Price: $25.00
Goddesses of the Celestial GalleryShrestha, Romio (Creator), Illust. by: Romio Shrestha  - Product Image

Goddesses of the Celestial Gallery

Shrestha, Romio (Creator), Illust. by: Romio Shrestha

 Price: $38.00

Great Centuries of Painting - Romanesque Painting from the Eleventh to the Thirteenth Century, The

Grabar, Andre/Carl Nordenfalk

 Price: $38.00
Grunewald: The PaintingsHuysmans, J.-K. - Product Image

Grunewald: The Paintings

Huysmans, J.-K.

 Price: $25.00

Henry Ward Beecher - The Shakespeare of the Pulpit

Barrows John Henry

 Price: $25.00

Highland Clans, The: Sir Iain Moncreiffe of That Ilk

Moncreiffe, Iain

 Price: $38.00

Historical Atlas of World Mythology; Vol: II The Way of the Seeded Earth; Part 1: Mythologies of the Primitive Planters: The Northern Americas

Campbell, Joseph

 Price: $38.00

History of the Puritans or Protestant Nonconformists, The; From the Beginning of the Civil War in the Year 1642, to the Death of King Charles I, 1648 (Vol. III)

Neal, Daniel

 Price: $63.00

History of the Sandwich Islands With an Account of the American Mission Established There in 1820

Eveleth, Ephraim

 Price: $150.00
Holy Bible, Then/a - Product Image

Holy Bible, The


 Price: $160.00

House of Many Rooms, A

Hunter, Rodello

 Price: $18.00
IconostasisFlorensky, Pavel - Product Image


Florensky, Pavel

 Price: $23.00
IconsRice (Editor), Tamara Talbot - Product Image


Rice (Editor), Tamara Talbot

 Price: $44.00

Ideals of the East - With Special Reference to the Art of Japan, The

Okakura, Kakuzo

 Price: $20.00

Ideas of Good and Evil

Yeats, W. B.

 Price: $63.00

In Remembrance of Creation: Evolution, Art and Scholarship in the Medieval and Renaissance Bible

Berkowitz, David Sandler

 Price: $15.00

In Search of the Hidden Treasure

Inayat Khan, Pir Vilayat

 Price: $39.00

In The Beginning - Bibles Before The Year 1000

Brown (Editor), Michelle P.

 Price: $50.00

Indian Masks & Myths of the West

Wherry, Joseph H.

 Price: $15.00

Irish Protestant Letters. Etc., Etc; Also, an Address on Ireland the Cradle of European Literature; To Which Is Added a Choice of Collection of Original and Selected Poetry

Dublin, R. R. B., J. B. Finlay

 Price: $50.00

Israelite Before the Ark and the Christian Before the Altar, The

Goesbriand, L. De

 Price: $13.00


Kidder, Jr., J. Edward

 Price: $45.00


Freund, Miriam

 Price: $19.00

Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes - Volume Thirty-Two

Gombrich, E. H./J. B. Trapp, D. P. Walker, Anthony Blunt, Frances A. Yates, T. S. R. Boase, & George Zarnecki

 Price: $44.00

Kitty Brown: Beginning to Think

N/A (Elizabeth Stuart Phelps)

 Price: $23.00

L'art Gaulois

Varagnac, Andre

 Price: $40.00

La Corte di Lodovico il Moro: Gli Artisti Lombardi

Valeri, Francesco Malaguzzi

 Price: $150.00
Landscape of Belief, TheDavis, John - Product Image

Landscape of Belief, The

Davis, John

 Price: $40.00

Leo Baeck Institute Year Book: Nineteenth Century Antisemitism and Nazi Rule v. 32

Institute, Leo Baeck

 Price: $13.00
Leonardo - A Study in Chronology and StylePedretti, Carlo  - Product Image

Leonardo - A Study in Chronology and Style

Pedretti, Carlo

 Price: $25.00
Literary Merit of the English Bible, TheQuiller-Couch, Sir Arthur, Arthur Machen, Sir A. Conan Doyle and others - Product Image

Literary Merit of the English Bible, The

Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur, Arthur Machen, Sir A. Conan Doyle and others

 Price: $80.00
Lord is my Shepherd, The: The Twenty-Third PsalmPalazzo, Tony - Product Image

Lord is my Shepherd, The: The Twenty-Third Psalm

Palazzo, Tony

 Price: $25.00

Lost Chord, The


 Price: $63.00

Luther and Melanchthon - In the history and theology of the Reformation

Vajta (Editor), Vilmos

 Price: $25.00

Masks, Transformation, and Paradox

Napier, A. David

 Price: $15.00
Masterpieces of Russian Folk Art: Rostov Enamels AlbumBorisova, Valentina - Product Image

Masterpieces of Russian Folk Art: Rostov Enamels Album

Borisova, Valentina

 Price: $15.00

Meaning of Religion, The

Kristensen, W. Brede

 Price: $25.00

Medieval Foundation of England, The

Bryant, Arthur

 Price: $13.00

Methodologies Of Art, The : An Introduction

Adams, Laurie Schneider

 Price: $10.00

Mirror of Creation: 150 Years of American Nature Painting


 Price: $6.00

Missions in Hindustan: With a Brief Description of the Country, and of the Moral and Social Conditions of the Inhabitants

Campbell, Rev. James R.

 Price: $79.00

Monks, Nuns, and Monasteries

Sitwell, Sacheverell

 Price: $15.00
National Geographic Magazine  - Vol. XXII No. 8 August 1911National Geographic Society - Product Image

National Geographic Magazine - Vol. XXII No. 8 August 1911

National Geographic Society

 Price: $25.00

New Churches of Europe, The

Smith, G.E. Kidder

 Price: $25.00
Night of Stone: Death and Memory in Twentieth Century RussiaMerridale, Catherine - Product Image

Night of Stone: Death and Memory in Twentieth Century Russia

Merridale, Catherine

 Price: $15.00

Normandie Romane 1: La Basse Normandie

Musset, Lucien

 Price: $40.00

Normans in European History, The

Haskins, Charles Homer

 Price: $19.00
Off Main St. West Glover, VT Young, Loudon, Illust. by: Anna Baker - Product Image

Off Main St. West Glover, VT

Young, Loudon, Illust. by: Anna Baker

 Price: $50.00

Old Lithuanian Sculpture, The

Martinaitis, Marcelijus

 Price: $75.00

Old Testament Made Easy, The

Steig, Jeanne, Illust. by: William Steig

 Price: $10.00
Opus Sacrum: From the Collection of Barbara Piasecka Johnson: the Royal Castle in Warsaw, April-July 1990 (SIGNED)Grabski, Jozef(Editor) - Product Image

Opus Sacrum: From the Collection of Barbara Piasecka Johnson: the Royal Castle in Warsaw, April-July 1990 (SIGNED)

Grabski, Jozef (Editor)

 Price: $63.00
ORIG VINTAGE MAGAZINE COVER/ McCALL'S - DECEMBER 1922 Becher (Illust.), Arthur, Illust. by: Arthur  Becher - Product Image


Becher (Illust.), Arthur, Illust. by: Arthur Becher

 Price: $19.00
Orthodoxy and Heresy in the Christian ChurchHall, Edward H. - Product Image

Orthodoxy and Heresy in the Christian Church

Hall, Edward H.

 Price: $50.00
Oxford Illustrated History of Christianity, TheMcManners (editor), John - Product Image

Oxford Illustrated History of Christianity, The

McManners (editor), John

 Price: $11.00
Padua: Baptistery of the Cathedral: FrescoesDe'Menabuoi, Pietro Lievore (Editor) - Product Image

Padua: Baptistery of the Cathedral: Frescoes

De'Menabuoi, Pietro Lievore (Editor)

 Price: $31.00

Painting Religion in Public: John Singer Sargent's Triumph of Religion at the Boston Public Library

Promey, Sally M.

 Price: $32.00
Pandora's Box: The Changing Aspects of a Mythical SymbolPanofsky, Dora and Erwin - Product Image

Pandora's Box: The Changing Aspects of a Mythical Symbol

Panofsky, Dora and Erwin

 Price: $39.00

Parish Journey 1856-2006 - St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, A

Contosta, David R.

 Price: $26.00
Peasant Customs and Savage Myths: Selections from the British FolkloristsDorson, Richard M. (ed.) - Product Image

Peasant Customs and Savage Myths: Selections from the British Folklorists

Dorson, Richard M. (ed.)

 Price: $38.00

Peintures de L'Evangeliaire De Sinope (Bibliotheque Nationale, Suppl. gr. 1286) - Reproduites en Fac-Simile, Les

Grabar, Andre

 Price: $120.00

Pelican History of Art, The: The Art and Architecture of India: Buddhist, Hindu, Jain.

Rowland, Benjamin

 Price: $20.00

Pilgrim's Progress, The

Bunyan, John

 Price: $13.00

Plato Two: Ethics, Politics, & Philosophy of Art & Religion; A Collection of Critical Essays

Vlastos, Gregory (Editor)

 Price: $19.00

Poverty of Philosophy, The

Marx, Karl

 Price: $8.00

Proceedings of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the United States of America: 33rd Triennial Conclave Los Angeles, California June 20th, 21st, 22nd and 23rd, A.D. 1916, A.0. 798

Johnson, Frank K.

 Price: $75.00

Recent Philosophy

Laird, John

 Price: $15.00
Religion and Philosophy of the Veda and Upanishads, TheKeith, Arthur Berriedale - Product Image

Religion and Philosophy of the Veda and Upanishads, The

Keith, Arthur Berriedale

 Price: $19.00

Religion and the Rise of History: Martin Luther and the Cultural Revolution in German, 1760-1810 (SIGNED)

Smith, Leonard S.

 Price: $25.00

Religion of the Occident, The: or The Origin and Development of the Essene-Christian Faith

Larson, Martin A.

 Price: $19.00

Religion, Reason and Man

Marti, Fritz

 Price: $13.00

Religious Art in France - XIII Century - A Study in Mediaeval Iconography and its Sources of Inspiration

Male, Emile/Dora Nussey

 Price: $63.00

Reluctant Partners: Art and Religion in Dialogue

Heller, Ena Giurescu

 Price: $12.00

Remarkable Characters and Places of the Holy Land

Elliott, Charles W.

 Price: $35.00

Rembrandt's Drawings and Etchings for the Bible

Rotermund, Hans-Martin

 Price: $44.00

Road to Guadalupe, The - A Modern Pilgrimage to the Goddess of the Americas (SIGNED BY AUTHOR)

Hanut, Eryk

 Price: $23.00
Russian Orthodox Church, TheBradbury (Translator), Doris - Product Image

Russian Orthodox Church, The

Bradbury (Translator), Doris

 Price: $23.00

Sakti Iconography

Rajeswari, D. R.

 Price: $50.00

Scenes from the Life of Jesus in Woodcut

Pulsifer, Susan Nichos

 Price: $36.00

Science and Health with Key to The Scriptures

Eddy, Mary Baker

 Price: $19.00
Science, Metaphysics, and the Chance of Salvation: An Interpretation of the Thought of William JamesLevinson, N.S. - Product Image

Science, Metaphysics, and the Chance of Salvation: An Interpretation of the Thought of William James

Levinson, N.S.

 Price: $44.00

Sculptural Programs of Chartres Cathedrals: Christ Mary Ecclesia

Katzenellenbogen, Adolf

 Price: $44.00
Setting the World on Fire: The Brief, Astonishing Life of St. Catherine of SienaEmling, Shelley - Product Image

Setting the World on Fire: The Brief, Astonishing Life of St. Catherine of Siena

Emling, Shelley

 Price: $13.00

Short Talk Bulletins, The: Volumes 61-80: 1983-2002: Volume V

Morris, S. Brent (Editor)

 Price: $50.00
Stone Sculpture of India - A Study of the Materials Used by Indian Sculptors from ca. 2nd century B. C. to the 16th century, TheNewman, Richard - Product Image

Stone Sculpture of India - A Study of the Materials Used by Indian Sculptors from ca. 2nd century B. C. to the 16th century, The

Newman, Richard

 Price: $125.00

Story of the Wise Men, The: According to the Gospel of Saint Matthew


 Price: $20.00

Survival of the Pagan Gods: The Mythological Tradition and Its Place in Renaissance Humanism Art, The

Seznec, Jean

 Price: $13.00

Symbolism in Liturgical Art

Appleton, LeRoy H. and Stephen Bridges

 Price: $10.00
Tao: The Chinese Philosophy of Time and ChangeRawson, Philip S. - Product Image

Tao: The Chinese Philosophy of Time and Change

Rawson, Philip S.

 Price: $13.00
Temple, The: Sacred Poems and Private EjaculationsHerbert, George - Product Image

Temple, The: Sacred Poems and Private Ejaculations

Herbert, George

 Price: $188.00
The Sacred Remains: Myth, History, and Polity in BelauParmentier, Richard J. - Product Image

The Sacred Remains: Myth, History, and Polity in Belau

Parmentier, Richard J.

 Price: $23.00

Theological Investigations: God, Christ, Mary and Grace

Rahner, Karl

 Price: $38.00

Theological Investigations: Later Writings

Rahner, Karl

 Price: $25.00

Throne of Wisdom - Wood Sculptures of the Madonna in Romanesque France, The

Forsyth, Ilene H.

 Price: $250.00

To Freedom Condemned

Sartre, Jean-Paul

 Price: $15.00

Trail of History or History of Religion and Empire in Parallel from the Creation to the Present Time

Merriman, Rev. T. M.

 Price: $64.00

Travels in New England and New York (Volume IV Only)

Dwight, Timothy

 Price: $50.00

Treasures of Mount Athos - Illuminated Manuscripts - Miniatures-Headpieces-Initial Letters - Volume 1 - The Protaton and the Monasteries of Dionysiou, Koutloumousiou, Xeropotamou and Gregoriou, The

Pelekanidis, S. M./P. C. Christou/

 Price: $100.00

Tres Riches Heures, The

Jean, Duke of Berry

 Price: $80.00

Un progetto per Piero della Francesca: Indagini diagnostico-conoscitive per la conservazione della "Leggenda della Vera Croce" e della "Madonna del Parto" (Italian Edition)

Comitato Nazionale per il Quinto centenario della morte di

 Price: $25.00

Ursula Von Rydingsv

 Price: $13.00


Vogade, Francois

 Price: $15.00

Wanderings Through Ancient Roman Churches

Lanciani, Rodolfo

 Price: $25.00

Warlpiri Dreamings and Histories

Yimikirli, Peggy Rockman Napaljarri (Ed./Trans), Lee Cataldi (Ed./Trans)

 Price: $19.00

Where Do You live?

Brown, Charles Reynolds, D.D., LL.D.

 Price: $8.00

William Holman Hunt and Typological Symbolism

Landow, George P.

 Price: $60.00


Leppmann, Wolfgang

 Price: $15.00

Wood Carvings in English Churches: I - Misericords

Bond, Francis

 Price: $31.00
Zen in Japanese Culture: A Visual Journey Through Art, Design, and LifeBlair, Gavin - Product Image

Zen in Japanese Culture: A Visual Journey Through Art, Design, and Life

Blair, Gavin

 Price: $19.00