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American Patriots: The Story of Blacks in the Military from the Revolution to Desert Storm
Buckley, Gail Lumet
Belorussia: Under the Soviet Rule, 1917-1957
Lubachko, Ivan S.
Bondwoman's Narrative, The
Crafts, Hannah
Brandywine Tradition, The
Pitz, Henry C.
Cavalry at Appomattox: A Tactical Study of Mounted Operations during the Civil War's Climactic Campaign, March 27-April 9, 1865, The
Longacre, Edward G.
Civil War in South Russia, 1918
Kenez, Peter
Families & Freedom - A Documentary - History of African-American Kinship in the Civil War Era
Berlin, Iva and Leslie S. Rowland
Heart & soul: a celebration of Black music style in America, 1930-1975
Merlis, Bob
Hollywood Science: Movies, Science, and the End of the World
Perkowitz, Sidney
If the creek don't rise: my life out West with the last Black widow of the Civil War
Rita (Rita Ann) Williams
In the Country of the Enemy: The Civil War Reports of a Massachusetts Corporal (New Perspectives on the History of the South)
Harris, William C.
Ladies' Repository, The: A Monthly Periodical, Devoted to Literature and Religion
Wiley, ed., Rev. I. W.
New Equality, The
Hentoff, Nat
One More River to Cross - An African American Photograph Album
Myers, Walter Dean
Philibert's Bright Ideas
Avelot, Henri, Illust. by: Helen H. Owen
Rise of American Air Power, The: The Creation of Armageddon
Sherry, Michael S.
Spirits of the Passage
Burnside, Madeleine
To Raise Up a Nation - John Brown, Frederick Douglass and the Making of a Free Country
King, William S.