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Antique Combs and Purses
Haertig, Evelyn
Betel Cutters: From the Samuel Eilenberg Collection
Brownrigg, Henry
Bronze Sculpture of "Les Animaliers" Reference and Price Guide
Horswell, Jane
Chinese Bronzes
Deydier, Christian
Early American Pewter: John J. Evans, Jr. Collection
Allentown Art Museum
Fabulous Gold "and where to find it"
Thayer, ed. Donlu D
Four Continents, The: from the collection of James Hazen Hyde
The Cooper Union Museum
Willsberger, Johann
Hall Marks on Gold and Silver Plate - Illustrated with Revised Tables of Annual Date Letters Employed in The Assay Offices of England, Scotland and Ireland, to which is added A History of L'Orfevrerie Francaise - Ninth Edition
History of American Pewter, A
Montgomery, Charles F
Iron and Brass Implements of the English and American House
Lindsay, J. Seymour
Jewellry and Metalwork in the Museums of Georgia
Javakhishvili (ed.), Alexander, Guram Abramishvili
Mechanical Toys
Spilhaus, Athelstan
Old Domestic Base-Metal Candlesticks From the 13th to 19th Century: Produced in Bronze, Brass, Paktong and Pewter
Michaelis, Ronald F.
Palace of Gold and Light: Treasures from the Topkapi, Istanbul
Foundation, Palace Arts
Post-War Tin Toys: A Collector's Guide
Tempest, Jack
Russian Silver: Mid 19th CenturyBeginning of the 20th Century / Russkoe Serebro: Vtoraia Polovina 19Nachalo 20 Veka
Gilodo, Andrei
Tin Toy Museum, The
Takayama, Toyoji
Transport Toys - The Collector Guide (Collector's All Colour Guides)
Gardiner, Oneil