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Search Results for Keyword(s):England Biography  (matching all words)
Search found 307 matching products.

A Brook of Our Own: A Few Notes From the Files of a Mountain Real Estate Office

Harkness, Marjory Gane

 Price: $25.00

Adams Family, The

Adams, James Truslow

 Price: $18.00

Adventures ashore and afloat

Keyes, Roger

 Price: $40.00

Adventures of John Wetherell, The

Forester (Ed.), C.S.

 Price: $12.00

Adventures of John Wetherell, The

Forester (Ed.), C.S.

 Price: $12.00

Age of Wellington - The Life and Times of the Duke of Wellington 1769-1852, The

Cooper, Leonard

 Price: $13.00
Air Force Spoken Here: General Ira Eaker and the Command of the AirParton, James - Product Image

Air Force Spoken Here: General Ira Eaker and the Command of the Air

Parton, James

 Price: $15.00

Alexander Pope

Fraser, G.S.

 Price: $10.00

Alice: Grand Duchess of Hesse, Princess of Great Britain and Ireland


 Price: $50.00

All Our Yesterdays

Pierce, Enid Crawford

 Price: $35.00

Alton Locke: Tailor and Poet - An Autobiography

Locke, Alton (Charles Kingsley)

 Price: $12.00

Amazing Adventure: A Thrilling Naval Biography

Chatterton, E. Keble

 Price: $12.00

An Uncommon Woman: The Empress Frederick: Daughter of Queen Victoria, Wife of the Crown Prince of Prussia, Mother of Kaiser Wilhelm

Paula, Hannah

 Price: $15.00
Anne Boleyn: A New Life of England's Tragic QueenDenny, Joanna - Product Image

Anne Boleyn: A New Life of England's Tragic Queen

Denny, Joanna

 Price: $10.00

Anthony Blunt: His Lives

Carter, Miranda

 Price: $15.00
Anthony TrollopeGlendinning, Victoria - Product Image

Anthony Trollope

Glendinning, Victoria

 Price: $10.00

Anthony Trollope

Glendinning, Victoria

 Price: $13.00

Antony Eden / A Biography

James, Robert Rhodes

 Price: $20.00
Aristocrats: Caroline, Emily, Louisa, and Sarah Lennox 1740-1832Tillyard, Stella - Product Image

Aristocrats: Caroline, Emily, Louisa, and Sarah Lennox 1740-1832

Tillyard, Stella

 Price: $12.00

Arthur Schopenhauer's English Schooling

Bridgwater, W. P.

 Price: $40.00

At the Pines - Swinburne and Watts-Dunton in Putney

Panter-Downes, Mollie

 Price: $20.00


 Price: $23.00
Augustus John: A BiographyHolyroyd, Michael - Product Image

Augustus John: A Biography

Holyroyd, Michael

 Price: $38.00
Auto da FayWeldon, Fay - Product Image

Auto da Fay

Weldon, Fay

 Price: $13.00

Autobiography of Miss Knight: Lady Companion to Princess Charlotte

Fulford, Ed., Roger

 Price: $12.00

Autobiography of Richard Baxter: Being the Reliquiae Baxterianae, The

Baxter, Richard

 Price: $50.00
Ballad of Dorothy Wordsworth, The: A LifeWilson, Frances - Product Image

Ballad of Dorothy Wordsworth, The: A Life

Wilson, Frances

 Price: $19.00
Battle Of Wits: The Complete Story of Codebreaking in World War IIBudiansky, Stephen - Product Image

Battle Of Wits: The Complete Story of Codebreaking in World War II

Budiansky, Stephen

 Price: $19.00


Starkie, Enid

 Price: $15.00

Beneficiary, The: Fortune, Misfortune and the Story of My Father

Scott, Janny

 Price: $15.00
Benjamin BrittenOliver, Michael - Product Image

Benjamin Britten

Oliver, Michael

 Price: $8.00

Benjamin Robert Haydon: Historical Painter

Olney, Clarke

 Price: $23.00

Best of Rilke, The

Arndt, Walter and Rainer Maria Rilke

 Price: $23.00

Beyond the Wild Wood

Green, Peter

 Price: $15.00

Bill Brandt: A Life

Delany, Paul

 Price: $50.00

Biographical Sketches

Martineau , Harriet

 Price: $31.00

Biographies and Legends of the New England Indians, Volumes I - IV

Bonfanti, Leo, Illust. by: Robert J. Neary

 Price: $60.00

Bitch!: The Autobiography of Lady Lawford

Lawford, Mary S.

 Price: $15.00

Bitter Fame: A Life of Sylvia Plath

Stevenson, Anne

 Price: $19.00

Black Charlie

Napier, Priscilla

 Price: $30.00
Blair Years, The: The Alastair Campbell DiariesCampbell, Alastair - Product Image

Blair Years, The: The Alastair Campbell Diaries

Campbell, Alastair

 Price: $19.00
Bonnie Prince Charlie: A BiographyErickson, Carolly - Product Image

Bonnie Prince Charlie: A Biography

Erickson, Carolly

 Price: $13.00

Books of the Sea: An Introduction to Nautical Literature.

Lewis, Charles Lee

 Price: $40.00
Boothby : Recollections of a Rebel Boothby, Robert - Product Image

Boothby : Recollections of a Rebel

Boothby, Robert

 Price: $19.00

Bosie - Lord Alfred Douglas - His Friends and Enemies

Croft-Cooke, Robert

 Price: $15.00

Bounder from Wales - Lloyd George's Career Before the First World War

Cregier, Don M.

 Price: $15.00



 Price: $13.00

Britain's Master Spy: The Adventures of Sidney Reilly

Reilly, Sidney

 Price: $31.00

British Writers: Edited Under the Auspices of the British Council (Vol. VI)

Scott-Kilvert(Ed.), Ian

 Price: $40.00
British Writers: Edited Under the Auspices of the British Council Supplement IScott-Kilvert(Ed.), Ian - Product Image

British Writers: Edited Under the Auspices of the British Council Supplement I

Scott-Kilvert(Ed.), Ian

 Price: $30.00
British Writers: Supplement IIStade (Ed.), George - Product Image

British Writers: Supplement II

Stade (Ed.), George

 Price: $30.00
British Writers: Supplement VStade (Ed.), George and Sarah Hannah Goldstein - Product Image

British Writers: Supplement V

Stade (Ed.), George and Sarah Hannah Goldstein

 Price: $30.00
British Writers: Supplement XIParini (Ed.), Jay - Product Image

British Writers: Supplement XI

Parini (Ed.), Jay

 Price: $30.00
British Writers: Supplement XIParini (Ed.), Jay - Product Image

British Writers: Supplement XI

Parini (Ed.), Jay

 Price: $30.00

Brothers of the Quill: Oliver Goldsmith in Grub Street

Clarke, Norma

 Price: $23.00

Busiest Man in England, The: A Life of Joseph Paxton, Gardener, Architect & Victorian Visionary

Colquhoun, Kate

 Price: $20.00

CAPTAIN LIGHTFOOT: The Last of the New England Highwaymen

Waldo, Frederick W.

 Price: $19.00

Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton

Rice, Edward

 Price: $24.00

Cardigan: A Life of Lord Cardigan of Balaclava

Thomas, Donald

 Price: $15.00

Carrington: A Life

Gerzina, Gretchen Holbrook

 Price: $25.00


Bartlett, C.J.

 Price: $16.00



 Price: $10.00

Changes and Chances

Nevinson, Henry W.

 Price: $38.00

Charles Laughton: An Intimate Biography

Higham, Charles

 Price: $10.00

Charles the First

Bowle, John

 Price: $15.00

Charlotte Bronte and Her Circle

Shorter, Clement K.

 Price: $38.00

Chaucer: His Life, His Work, His World

Howard, Donald R.

 Price: $23.00
Christian Religion, as Professed by a Daughter of the Church of EnglandAstell, Mary - Product Image

Christian Religion, as Professed by a Daughter of the Church of England

Astell, Mary

 Price: $50.00
Chronicler of Barsetshire, The: A life of Anthony TrollopeH., R. (Robert Henry) Super - Product Image

Chronicler of Barsetshire, The: A life of Anthony Trollope

H., R. (Robert Henry) Super

 Price: $15.00

Churchill: a Photographic Portrait

Gilbert, Martin

 Price: $15.00

Churchill: The End of Glory - A Political Biography

Charmley, John

 Price: $12.00

Churchill: Visionary, Statesman, Historian

Lukacs, John

 Price: $15.00


Morgan, Ted

 Price: $10.00

Churchills in Love and War, The

Lovell, Mary S.

 Price: $23.00

City in Terror, A: 1919 - The Boston Police Strike

Russell, Francis

 Price: $13.00

Confessions of a Caricaturist, The (Vol I)

Furmiss, Henry

 Price: $35.00

Contemporary Chinese Painting


 Price: $38.00

Country Voices: Life and Lore in English Farm and Village

Kightly, Charles

 Price: $15.00

Creevey Papers, The: A Selection from the Correspondence & Diaries of the Late Thomas Creevey, M.P Born 1768 Died 1838

Maxwell (Ed), Right Hon. Sir Herbert

 Price: $13.00

Daughter of the Medicis, A: The Romantic Story of Margaret of Valois

Mariejol, Jean H.

 Price: $38.00

Dawnland Encounters: Indian and Europeans in Norhtern New England

Calloway (Editor), Colin G.

 Price: $19.00
Defeat of John Hawkins, TheUnwin, Rayner - Product Image

Defeat of John Hawkins, The

Unwin, Rayner

 Price: $13.00

Diana Mosley: A biography of the glamorous Mitford sister who became Hitler's friend and married the leader of Britain's fascists

Dalley, Jan

 Price: $15.00
Doctor Wells of VermontBartlett, Donald  - Product Image

Doctor Wells of Vermont

Bartlett, Donald

 Price: $24.00

Domestic and Artistic Life of John Singleton Copley, The

Amory, Martha Babcock

 Price: $31.00

Double Thread, A : A Childhood in Mile End - And Beyond


 Price: $13.00

Dr. Johnson's Lichfield

Hopkins, Mary Alden

 Price: $15.00

Drawn from New England - Tasha Tudor - A Portrait in Words and Pictures

Tudor, Bethany

 Price: $38.00

Dreaming with His Eyes Open: A life of Diego Rivera

Marnham, Patrick

 Price: $23.00

Dukes of Buckingham , The

Tristram, Robert

 Price: $10.00

Early Tudor Government, Henry VII

Pickthorn, Kenneth

 Price: $8.00

Eaton Family of Nova Scotia, The - 1760 - 1929

Eaton, Arthur Wentworth Hamilton

 Price: $100.00

Education of a Yankee, The - An American Memoir

Hale, Judson

 Price: $12.00

Elizabethan Sea Dogs: A Chronicle of Drake and His Companions

Wood, William

 Price: $8.00

Eminent Victorians

Wilson, A. N.

 Price: $12.00

English Biography in the Eighteenth Century

Longaker, Mark

 Price: $15.00

English Men of Letters: Jeremy Taylor

Gosse, Edmund

 Price: $15.00
English, The: A Portrait of a PeoplePaxman, Jeremy - Product Image

English, The: A Portrait of a People

Paxman, Jeremy

 Price: $10.00
Evelyn Waugh The Later Years 1939-1966Stannard, Martin - Product Image

Evelyn Waugh The Later Years 1939-1966

Stannard, Martin

 Price: $15.00
Evelyn Waugh: A BiographyHastings, Selina - Product Image

Evelyn Waugh: A Biography

Hastings, Selina

 Price: $13.00

Fields of Fire - A Life of Sir William Hamilton

Constantine, David

 Price: $25.00

Finest Hour - Winston S. Churchill 1939-1941

Gilbert, Martin

 Price: $31.00

Four Worthies: John Chamberlain, Anne Clifford, John Taylor, Oliver Heywood (SIGNED)

Notestein, Wallace

 Price: $18.00

Frank Lloyd Wright: A Visual Encyclopedia

Thomson, Iain

 Price: $25.00

From Howard to Nelson: Twelve Sailors.

Laughton, M. A. (ed.), John Knox

 Price: $20.00

Gallstones and Ghosts - The Casebook of a Country Doctor

Bagster, Hubert

 Price: $15.00

Genuine Reality: A Life of William James

Simon, Linda

 Price: $15.00

George III

Hibbert, Christopher

 Price: $25.00

Georgiana: Duchess of Devonshire

Foreman, Amanda

 Price: $10.00

God, War, and Providence: The Epic Struggle of Roger Williams and the Narragansett Indians against the Puritans of New England

Warren, James A.

 Price: $15.00

Gordon: martyr & misfit

Nutting, Anthony

 Price: $10.00

Graham Greene - An Intimate Portrait by His Closest Friend & Confident

Duran, Leopoldo

 Price: $18.00

Great Adventuress - Lady hamilton and the Revolution in Naples, A

Turquan, Joseph/Jules D'Auriac

 Price: $25.00

Greville Diary, The (Two Vols)

Wilson (Ed), Philip Whitwell

 Price: $10.00

Happy Yesterdays

Jarvis, Major C. S.

 Price: $8.00

Henry Fielding

Thomas, Donald

 Price: $12.00

Henry Irving

Craig, Edward Gordon

 Price: $22.00
Henry James and the 'Woman Business'Habegger, Alfred - Product Image

Henry James and the 'Woman Business'

Habegger, Alfred

 Price: $44.00
Hero of the Empire: The Boer War, a Daring Escape, and the Making of Winston ChurchillMillard, Candice - Product Image

Hero of the Empire: The Boer War, a Daring Escape, and the Making of Winston Churchill

Millard, Candice

 Price: $19.00

History of St. Albans, VT, The: Civil, Religious, Biographical and Statistical: and The History of Sheldon, VT

Dutcher, L.L., H.R. Whitney

 Price: $44.00

History of the Life of King Henry the Second, and of the Age in which he lived, in five books:to which is prefixed, A History of the Revolutions of England from the Death of Edward the Confessor to the Birth of Henry the Second (4 Volumes)

 Price: $600.00
Hogarth: His Life, Art, and Times - Volume I & IIPaulson, Ronald - Product Image

Hogarth: His Life, Art, and Times - Volume I & II

Paulson, Ronald

 Price: $80.00

Holland House Diaries, 1831-40 (Study in Social History)

Fox, Henry Richard Vassall

 Price: $13.00

Hooded, Hawk, The - Or the Case of Mr. Boswell

Lewis, D.B. Wyndham

 Price: $18.00

Hopkins of Dartmouth: The Story of Ernest Martin Hopkins and his Presidency of Dartmouth College

Widmayer, Charles E.

 Price: $25.00

Horace Ward Bailey (1852-1914) - Vermonter - A Memorial by His Friends

Fish, Frank L.

 Price: $19.00

Horace Ward Bailey - Vermonter - A Memorial by His Friends

Fish (Editor), Frank L.

 Price: $23.00

Horatio Nelson and the Naval Supremacy of England

Russell, W. Clark

 Price: $25.00

Horror of Love, The : Nancy Mitford and Gaston Palewski in Paris and London

Hilton, Lisa

 Price: $10.00

House that Thomas Built, The: The Story of De La Rue

Houseman, Lorna

 Price: $23.00

How the Queen Reigns - An Authentic Study of the Queen's Personality and Life Work

Laird, Dorothy

 Price: $12.00

In My Garden

Ronan, Frank

 Price: $23.00

Invisible Man, The: The Life and Liberties of H.G. Wells

Coren, Michael

 Price: $11.00

Iris Murdoch: A Life

Conradi, Peter J.

 Price: $13.00

Jacqueline du Pre - A Biography

Easton, Carol

 Price: $10.00
James McNeill Whistler: Beyond the MythAnderson, Ronald - Product Image

James McNeill Whistler: Beyond the Myth

Anderson, Ronald

 Price: $25.00
Jane Austen's Letters To Her Sister Cassandra and OthersChapman, R. W. - Product Image

Jane Austen's Letters To Her Sister Cassandra and Others

Chapman, R. W.

 Price: $375.00
Jane Austen: A LifeTomalin, Claire - Product Image

Jane Austen: A Life

Tomalin, Claire

 Price: $25.00

Jane Austen: A Life

Tomalin, Claire

 Price: $23.00

Jane Austen: the Secret Radical

Kelly, Helena

 Price: $19.00

John Ruskin

Harrison, Frederic

 Price: $12.00

John Singleton Copley - 2 Volume Set

Prown, Jules David

 Price: $75.00

Jonathan Swift

Rowe, A. L.

 Price: $12.00

Journal of the Rev. John Wesley, A.M. - Enlarged from Original MSS., with Notes from Unpublished Diaries, Annotations, Maps, and Illustrations - Standard Edition, The

Wesley, John/Nehemiah Curnock (editor)

 Price: $188.00

Kindness of Sisters, The: Annabella Milbanke and the Destruction of the Byrons

Crane, David

 Price: $11.00
King Edward IIIPacke, Michael - Product Image

King Edward III

Packe, Michael

 Price: $10.00
Kingfisher MillTryon, Aylmer, Illust. by: Rodger McPhail  - Product Image

Kingfisher Mill

Tryon, Aylmer, Illust. by: Rodger McPhail

 Price: $25.00

Kitchener: Architect of Victory, Artisan of Peace

Pollock, John

 Price: $10.00

Knight of the Sword: The Life and Letters of Admiral Sir William Sidney Smith

Liverpool, Lord Russel of

 Price: $15.00

Knox Brothers, The

Fitzgerald, Penelope

 Price: $20.00

Last Changes Last Chances

Nevinson, Henry W.

 Price: $38.00

Last Viceroy

Murphy , Ray

 Price: $25.00

Laughter and the Love of Friends - A Memoir 1945 to the Present Day

Wyndham, Ursula

 Price: $20.00

Leonardo: The Artist and the Man

Bramly, Serge

 Price: $15.00

Leslie Stephen: His Thought and Character in Relation to his Time

Annan, Noel

 Price: $10.00

Letters and Private Papers of William Makepeace Thackeray, The

Ray, Gordon N. (Editor)

 Price: $38.00

Letters from Dorothy Osborne to Sir William Temple 1652-1654

Parry, Edward Abbott (Ed.)

 Price: $30.00

Letters Home From Sea: The Life and Letters of Solon J. Hanson Down East Sailor (SIGNED BY AUTHOR)

Webster, L.J., M.A. Noah

 Price: $19.00

Letters of T.E. Lawrence, The

Garnett, David (Editor)

 Price: $25.00

Letters of Virginia Woolf, The: Volume 2 1912-1922

Nicolson, Nigel (Editor), Joanne Trautmann (Asst. Editor)

 Price: $23.00

Life and Letters of Thomas H. Huxley (2 Vols.)

Huxley, Leonard

 Price: $31.00

Life and Mind of Julian deCordova, The

Levine, Herbert

 Price: $15.00

Life In A Liberty Bodice: Random Recollections of a Yorkshire Childhood

Burniston, Christabel

 Price: $15.00

Life of Henry Labouchere, The

Thorold, Algar Labouchere

 Price: $18.00

Life of Rielly, The

Rielly , James

 Price: $15.00

Life of Thomas Hardy, The (Volumes 1 and 2)

Hardy , Florence Emily

 Price: $38.00

Life of William Ewart Gladstone, The (2 Vols.)

Morley, John

 Price: $9.00

Life of William Shakespeare, A

Lee, Sidney

 Price: $19.00

Life, Journalism and Politics - Volume II

Spender, J.A.

 Price: $25.00

Little Learning, A

Waugh , Evelyn

 Price: $19.00

Lives of the Lord Chancellors of England and Keepers of the Great Seal of England, from the Earliest Times Till the Reign of Queen Victoria, vol. I

Campbell, Lord

 Price: $16.00

Lives of the Lord Chancellors of England, vol. II

Campbell, Lord

 Price: $16.00

Lives of the Queens of England of the House of Hanover in 2 Volumes

Dr. Doran

 Price: $26.00
Lost LondonHobhouse, Hermione - Product Image

Lost London

Hobhouse, Hermione

 Price: $13.00
Lost Tudor Princess; TheWeir, Alison - Product Image

Lost Tudor Princess; The

Weir, Alison

 Price: $19.00

Mail Story of the Flood


 Price: $19.00

Making of Charles Dickens, The: An absorbing Study of a Complex and Striking Character During the Years of His Major Creative Development

Hibbert, Christopher, Illust. by: George Cruikshank

 Price: $10.00

Man From Steamtown, The -The Story of F. Nelson Blount

Adair James R.

 Price: $15.00

Man Who Won the Battle of Britain, The

Wright, Robert

 Price: $15.00

Marches, The - A Borderland Journey Between England and Scotland

Stewart, Rory

 Price: $19.00

Mark Twain's Four Weeks in England 1907

Lathem (Ed.), Edward Connery

 Price: $35.00
Martin Amis Bradford, Richard - Product Image

Martin Amis

Bradford, Richard

 Price: $16.00

Martin Frobisher - Elizabethan Privateer

McDermott, James

 Price: $25.00

Marx's General - The Revolutionary Life of Friedrich Engels

Hunt, Tristram

 Price: $19.00

Matthew Arnold

Paul, Herbert W.

 Price: $6.00

Matthew Hale

Heward, Edmund

 Price: $10.00

Memoirs of a Public Baby

O'Connor, Philip

 Price: $31.00

Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi

Dickens, Charles

 Price: $20.00

Memoirs of King Richard the Third and Some of His Contemporaries With an Historical Drama on the Battle of Bosworth - 2 volumes complete

Jesse, John Heneage

 Price: $79.00

Memoirs of Sir James Melville of Halhill 1535-1617

Stewart (Editor), A. Francis

 Price: $24.00
MERLIN: PRIEST OF NATUREMarkale, Jean - Product Image


Markale, Jean

 Price: $10.00

More Changes More Chances

Nevinson, Henry W.

 Price: $38.00

Mr. Pitt and America's Birthright / A biography of William Pitt, the Earl of Chatham 1707-1778

Long, V. C.

 Price: $15.00

Mrs. Jordan's Profession - The Actress and the Prince

Tomalin, Claire

 Price: $25.00
Mrs. Thatcher's Minister: The Private Diaries of Alan ClarkClark, Alan - Product Image

Mrs. Thatcher's Minister: The Private Diaries of Alan Clark

Clark, Alan

 Price: $12.00
My reel storyPerry, Ted - Product Image

My reel story

Perry, Ted

 Price: $13.00
Names and Stories: Emilla Dilke and Victorian CultureIsrael, Kali - Product Image

Names and Stories: Emilla Dilke and Victorian Culture

Israel, Kali

 Price: $13.00
Nancy Astor, a biographyMasters, Anthony - Product Image

Nancy Astor, a biography

Masters, Anthony

 Price: $11.00

Nature of Sacrifice, The: A Biography of Charles Russell Lowell, Jr., 1835-64

Bundy, Carol

 Price: $19.00

Nature's Engraver: A Life of Thomas Bewick

Uglow, Jenny

 Price: $15.00