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Search Results for Keyword(s):England Colonial  (matching all words)
Search found 26 matching products.

Account of the Treasurer of the Colony of Rhode Island for the Port Royall Expedition 1710, An


 Price: $13.00

American Furniture from the First Colonies to World War I

Butler, Joseph T.

 Price: $13.00

Beardsley Limner and Some Contemporaries, The: Postrevolution Portraiture in New England, 1785-1805

Schloss, Christine Skeeles

 Price: $13.00

British Atlantic, American Frontier - Spaces of Power in Early Modern British America

Hornsby, Stephen J.

 Price: $75.00

Colonial Annual Reports: Kenya, 1948


 Price: $50.00

Colonial Office List - 1955, The


 Price: $44.00
Cotton Mather: The Christian PhilosopherSolberg, Winton U. (ed.) - Product Image

Cotton Mather: The Christian Philosopher

Solberg, Winton U. (ed.)

 Price: $35.00

Cultural Bond, The : Sport, Empire, Society (Sport in the Global Society)

Mangan, J.A.

 Price: $44.00

Discoveries of Waldron Phoenix Belknap, Jr., Concerning the Influence of the English Mezzotint on Colonial Painting, The

Phillips (eds), John Marshall and Barbara N. Parker

 Price: $30.00

Economy of British Central Africa, The: A Case Study of Economic Development in a Dualistic Society

Barber, William J.

 Price: $25.00

Gardiners of Massachusetts, The: Provincial Ambition and the British-American Career

Milford, T.A.

 Price: $19.00
Making of New England, The. 1580-1643.Drake, Samual Adams - Product Image

Making of New England, The. 1580-1643.

Drake, Samual Adams

 Price: $38.00

Moffatt-Ladd House: Its Garden and Its Period:1763, The

Orcutt, Phiilip Dana

 Price: $20.00
New England Colonial, The: American Design SeriesPowell, Anne Elizabeth - Product Image

New England Colonial, The: American Design Series

Powell, Anne Elizabeth

 Price: $19.00

New England Girlhood, A

Larcom, Lucy

 Price: $15.00

New England's Crises and Cultural Memory: Literature, Politics, History, Religion 1620-1860

McWilliams, John

 Price: $38.00


Clarks, Mary Stetson, Illust. by: Joshua Tolford

 Price: $13.00

Puritan in England and New England, The.

Byington, D.D., Ezra Hoyt

 Price: $20.00

Refugees of 1776 from Long Island to Connecticut, The

Mather, Frederic Gregory

 Price: $225.00

Revolutionary New England 1691-1776


 Price: $15.00

Romance and Reality of the Puritan Coast

Garrett, Edmund H. (pictures), Illust. by: Edmund H. Garrett

 Price: $11.00

Royal Navy in America 1760-1775, The: A Study of Enforcement of British Colonial Policy in the Era of the American Revolution

Stout, Neil R.

 Price: $18.00

Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Vermont - 1914, The

Peck, Hamilton Sullivan/Heman Woods Allen/Officers and Committees of the Society of Colonial Wars in the State of Vermont

 Price: $25.00

Tristram Bent

Safford, Henry Barnard

 Price: $19.00

World Turned Upside Down, The - Essex County During America's Turbulent Years, 1763 - 1790 (SIGNED BY AUTHOR)

Tagney, Ronald N.

 Price: $50.00

Zanzibar Chest, The: A Story of Life, Love, and Death in Foreign Lands

Hartley, Aidan

 Price: $15.00