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Search Results for Keyword(s):England PoliSci  (matching all words)
Search found 83 matching products.
1688: The First Modern RevolutionPincus, Steve - Product Image

1688: The First Modern Revolution

Pincus, Steve

 Price: $23.00
A Treatise of the Laws of NatureCumberland, Richard - Product Image

A Treatise of the Laws of Nature

Cumberland, Richard

 Price: $19.00
After Britain: New Labour and the Return of ScotlandNairn, Tom - Product Image

After Britain: New Labour and the Return of Scotland

Nairn, Tom

 Price: $8.00

Anthony Blunt: His Lives

Carter, Miranda

 Price: $15.00
Astell: Political WritingsSpringborg, Patricia (ed.) - Product Image

Astell: Political Writings

Springborg, Patricia (ed.)

 Price: $25.00

Birth of the World's First Air Force, The - RAF

Overy, Richard

 Price: $15.00
Blair Years, The: The Alastair Campbell DiariesCampbell, Alastair - Product Image

Blair Years, The: The Alastair Campbell Diaries

Campbell, Alastair

 Price: $19.00
Boothby : Recollections of a Rebel Boothby, Robert - Product Image

Boothby : Recollections of a Rebel

Boothby, Robert

 Price: $19.00

Boxmaker's Revenge, The: 'Orthodoxy,' 'Heterodoxy,' and the Politics of the Parish in Early Stuart London

Lake, Peter

 Price: $19.00

British Relations With Sind 1799-1843: An Anatomy of Imperialism

Huttenback, Robert A.

 Price: $12.00
Britons: forging the nation, 1707-1837Colley, Linda - Product Image

Britons: forging the nation, 1707-1837

Colley, Linda

 Price: $10.00

Burke's Speech on Conciliation with America

Burke, Edmund

 Price: $10.00

Cabinet Government

Jennings, Sir Ivor

 Price: $20.00

Calendar of Select Pleas and Memoranda of the City of London

Thomas, A. H.

 Price: $50.00
CanaanHill, Geoffrey - Product Image


Hill, Geoffrey

 Price: $9.00

Character and Style in English Politics

Grainger, J.H.

 Price: $15.00

Churchill: Visionary, Statesman, Historian

Lukacs, John

 Price: $15.00


Morgan, Ted

 Price: $10.00

Conservative England and the Case Against Voltaire

Schilling, Bernard N.

 Price: $20.00

Court of King's Bench in Law and History, The

Sayles, George O.

 Price: $15.00

Critical Elections: British Parties and Voters in Long-term Perspective

Evans, Professor Geoffrey (Editor)

 Price: $30.00

Daughter of the Medicis, A: The Romantic Story of Margaret of Valois

Mariejol, Jean H.

 Price: $38.00

Diana Mosley: A biography of the glamorous Mitford sister who became Hitler's friend and married the leader of Britain's fascists

Dalley, Jan

 Price: $15.00

Early Stuarts - 1603-1660, The

Davies, Godfrey

 Price: $15.00

Economy of British Central Africa, The: A Case Study of Economic Development in a Dualistic Society

Barber, William J.

 Price: $25.00
ELIZABETH I AND HER PARLIAMENTS 1559-1581. (vol 1) J. E. Neale, (John Ernest), - Product Image


J. E. Neale, (John Ernest),

 Price: $25.00
ELIZABETH I AND HER PARLIAMENTS 1584-1601. (volume 2) J. E. Neale, (John Ernest), - Product Image


J. E. Neale, (John Ernest),

 Price: $25.00
Empire or independence, 1760-1776: A British-American dialogue on the coming of the American RevolutionChristie, Ian R. - Product Image

Empire or independence, 1760-1776: A British-American dialogue on the coming of the American Revolution

Christie, Ian R.

 Price: $15.00

Fascism and Anti-Fascism in Twentieth-Century British Fiction

Suh, Judy

 Price: $63.00

Finest Hour - Winston S. Churchill 1939-1941

Gilbert, Martin

 Price: $31.00
Gorbachev Factor, TheBrown, Archie - Product Image

Gorbachev Factor, The

Brown, Archie

 Price: $30.00
Hero of the Empire: The Boer War, a Daring Escape, and the Making of Winston ChurchillMillard, Candice - Product Image

Hero of the Empire: The Boer War, a Daring Escape, and the Making of Winston Churchill

Millard, Candice

 Price: $19.00
His Majesty's Indian Allies: British Indian Policy in the Defence of Canada 1774-1815Allen, Robert S. - Product Image

His Majesty's Indian Allies: British Indian Policy in the Defence of Canada 1774-1815

Allen, Robert S.

 Price: $19.00

History and Practice of The Political Police in Britain, The

Bunyan, Tony

 Price: $15.00

History of the Freedom Movement in India - Volume One

Chand, Tara

 Price: $25.00

History of the Freedom Movement in India - Volume Two

Chand, Tara

 Price: $50.00

Holland House Diaries, 1831-40 (Study in Social History)

Fox, Henry Richard Vassall

 Price: $13.00
Indian Tales of the RajMasani, Zareer - Product Image

Indian Tales of the Raj

Masani, Zareer

 Price: $11.00

Jane Austen: the Secret Radical

Kelly, Helena

 Price: $19.00
John Locke's Politics of Moral ConsensusForster, Greg - Product Image

John Locke's Politics of Moral Consensus

Forster, Greg

 Price: $23.00
Lectures on jurisprudenceSmith, Adam - Product Image

Lectures on jurisprudence

Smith, Adam

 Price: $25.00
Letters of Junius, TheJunius (pseudonym)  - Product Image

Letters of Junius, The

Junius (pseudonym)

 Price: $63.00

Life, Journalism and Politics - Volume II

Spender, J.A.

 Price: $25.00

Marx's General - The Revolutionary Life of Friedrich Engels

Hunt, Tristram

 Price: $19.00

Mask of Treachery: The First Documented Dossier on Blunt, MI5, and Soviet Subversion

Costello, John

 Price: $25.00

Medieval Foundation of England, The

Bryant, Arthur

 Price: $13.00

Mr. Pitt and America's Birthright / A biography of William Pitt, the Earl of Chatham 1707-1778

Long, V. C.

 Price: $15.00
Mrs. Thatcher's Minister: The Private Diaries of Alan ClarkClark, Alan - Product Image

Mrs. Thatcher's Minister: The Private Diaries of Alan Clark

Clark, Alan

 Price: $12.00
Nancy Astor, a biographyMasters, Anthony - Product Image

Nancy Astor, a biography

Masters, Anthony

 Price: $11.00

New England's Crises and Cultural Memory: Literature, Politics, History, Religion 1620-1860 (SIGNED)

McWilliams, John

 Price: $31.00

New England's Crises and Cultural Memory: Literature, Politics, History, Religion 1620-1860

McWilliams, John

 Price: $38.00

Olive Schreiner

First, Ruth/Ann Scott

 Price: $10.00

Politics and Religion during the English Revolution: The Scots and the Long Parliament 1643-1645

Kaplan, Lawrence

 Price: $20.00
Powers Behind the Prime Minister, The : The Hidden Influence of Number TenSeldon, Anthony - Product Image

Powers Behind the Prime Minister, The : The Hidden Influence of Number Ten

Seldon, Anthony

 Price: $12.00

Prison: The Penal Institutions of Britain Prisons Borstals Detention Centres Attendance Centres Approved Schools and Remand Homes

Wolff, Michael

 Price: $13.00

Puritan Republic, The

Howe, Daniel Wait

 Price: $50.00
Rape of the Constitution?, The Sutherland, Keith (Editor) - Product Image

Rape of the Constitution?, The

Sutherland, Keith (Editor)

 Price: $12.00

Reign of George III - 1760-1815, The

Watson, J. Steven

 Price: $19.00
Republican Learning: John Toland and the Crisis of Christian Culture, 1696-1722Champion, Justin - Product Image

Republican Learning: John Toland and the Crisis of Christian Culture, 1696-1722

Champion, Justin

 Price: $31.00
Rescuing Science from Politics: Regulation and the Distortion of Scientific ResearchSteinzor, Rena (Editor) - Product Image

Rescuing Science from Politics: Regulation and the Distortion of Scientific Research

Steinzor, Rena (Editor)

 Price: $19.00

Response of Jean Bodin to the Paradoxes of Malestroit and the Paradoxes

Bodin, Jean and George Albert Moore (trans.)

 Price: $20.00

Retreat from China

Clifford, Nicholas

 Price: $19.00
Richard III, England's black legendSeward, Desmond - Product Image

Richard III, England's black legend

Seward, Desmond

 Price: $15.00
Rise and Decline of the State, The Creveld, Martin van - Product Image

Rise and Decline of the State, The

Creveld, Martin van

 Price: $30.00

Royal Marines, The

Moulton, Major-General J.L., Lt.-General Sir Brian Horrocks

 Price: $19.00
Russia, America and the Cold War: 1949-1991 (Revised 2nd Edition) (2nd Edition)McCauley, Martin - Product Image

Russia, America and the Cold War: 1949-1991 (Revised 2nd Edition) (2nd Edition)

McCauley, Martin

 Price: $20.00
Russian Officialdom in Crisis: Autocracy and Local Self-Government, 1861-1900Pearson, Thomas S. - Product Image

Russian Officialdom in Crisis: Autocracy and Local Self-Government, 1861-1900

Pearson, Thomas S.

 Price: $31.00
Russian Officialdom in Crisis: Autocracy and Local Self-Government, 1861-1900Pearson, Thomas S. - Product Image

Russian Officialdom in Crisis: Autocracy and Local Self-Government, 1861-1900

Pearson, Thomas S.

 Price: $40.00

School for Statesmen, The: Or the Public Man's Manual; Being a complete guide to the Constitution Since the Reform Bill

M. P., An Old

 Price: $25.00

Special Relationship, The: Anglo-American Relations Since 1945

Louis (Editors), Wm. Roger/Hedley Bull

 Price: $19.00

Spoilt Children of Empire: Westerners in Shanghai and the Chinese Revolution of the 1920s (SIGNED)

Clifford, Nicholas R.

 Price: $44.00

St George: Hero, Martyr and Myth

Riches, Samantha

 Price: $23.00

Story of British Diplomacy, The: Its Makers and Movements

Escott, T.H.S.

 Price: $25.00
Struggle for Labour's Soul: Analysing the Political Thought of the Labour PartyPlant, P. - Product Image

Struggle for Labour's Soul: Analysing the Political Thought of the Labour Party

Plant, P.

 Price: $40.00
The Continuum Companion to LockeSavonius-Wroth, S.-J. - Product Image

The Continuum Companion to Locke

Savonius-Wroth, S.-J.

 Price: $25.00

The Secret History of MI6

Jeffery, Keith

 Price: $25.00

Theodore Frank Thomas Plucknett - 1897 - 1965

Milsom, S. F. C.

 Price: $15.00

Thomas Becket

Winston, Richard

 Price: $13.00

Thomas Wentworth: First Earl of Strafford 1593-1641: A Revaluation

Wedgwood, C.V.

 Price: $12.00

Victorian Law Reformer's Correspondence, A

Carr, Cecil

 Price: $15.00

Victorious Century: The United Kingdom, 1800-1906 (The Penguin History of Britain)

Cannadine, David

 Price: $23.00

Whig Supremacy 1714-1760, The

Williams, Basil

 Price: $15.00
Winston S. Churchill: Never Despair, 1945-1965Gilbert, Martin - Product Image

Winston S. Churchill: Never Despair, 1945-1965

Gilbert, Martin

 Price: $38.00