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Search Results for Keyword(s):England Regional  (matching all words)
Search found 67 matching products.

Abandoned New England - Its Hidden Ruins and Where to Find Them

Robinson, William F.

 Price: $50.00


James, M.R.

 Price: $38.00
Among Old Portsmouth HousesMay, Ralph - Product Image

Among Old Portsmouth Houses

May, Ralph

 Price: $31.00

ARAN - Islands of Legend

Siochain, P. A. O.

 Price: $38.00

Arts and Crafts in New England, 1704-1775, The, Volume 1

Dow, George Francis

 Price: $30.00

Atlas of Rutland County Vermont

Beers, F. W.

 Price: $250.00

Boys of Beech Hill Road - A Life Revisited, The

Poulin, Paul R.

 Price: $50.00
Brief History of the Universalist Society of Hartland, Vermont - 1802-1902  - During its First Century with Biographical Sketches - Illustrated with Views and PortraitsDarling, Nancy - Product Image

Brief History of the Universalist Society of Hartland, Vermont - 1802-1902 - During its First Century with Biographical Sketches - Illustrated with Views and Portraits

Darling, Nancy

 Price: $75.00

British Atlantic, American Frontier - Spaces of Power in Early Modern British America

Hornsby, Stephen J.

 Price: $75.00

Chittenden County, Vermont, Look Around

Carlisle, Lilian Baker/Samuel J. Hatfield

 Price: $75.00

Cotswolds, The

Hadfield, Charles/Alice Mary Hadfield

 Price: $10.00

Covered Bridges Can Talk!

Harlow, Lewis A.

 Price: $12.00

Covered Bridges of New England

Wagemann, Clara E.

 Price: $30.00

Cure Cottages of Saranac Lake - Architecture and History of a Pioneer Health Resort

Gallos, Philip L.

 Price: $60.00

Derwent; or, Recollections of Young Life in the Country

Chester, John

 Price: $63.00
Downriver - A Memoir of Choate Island (SIGNED)Wonson, Mary and Roger Choate - Product Image

Downriver - A Memoir of Choate Island (SIGNED)

Wonson, Mary and Roger Choate

 Price: $250.00

Early Houses of Norwich, Vermont

White, Philip Aylwin/Dana Doane Johnson/Marjorie Yule Butler/Abbie H. Metcalf

 Price: $13.00

Easthampton, Massachusetts 1785-1935 - Historical Review - Commemorating the 150th Anniversary

Johnson, C. H./A. Z. Galbraith/Dr. O. W. Cobb/S. M. Carver

 Price: $38.00

Ethan Allen and the Green-Mountain Heroes of '76 - With a Sketch of the Early History of Vermont

De Puy, Henry W.

 Price: $75.00

Everett Souvenir

Bailey, Dudley P./Walter L. Colby/City of Everett

 Price: $125.00

Floodtide of 1927: A Gathering of Reports and Pictures which Tell Their Story Graphically of the Great November Flood in Vermont State

Johnson, Luther B.

 Price: $25.00
Folk Songs of Old New EnglandLinscott, Eloise Hubbard - Product Image

Folk Songs of Old New England

Linscott, Eloise Hubbard

 Price: $44.00

Growing Edge - Vermont Villages, 1840-1880, The

Bassett, T. D. Seymour

 Price: $50.00

Guide to the Architecture of the Rutland Community - Rutland Historical Society Quarterly - Fall 1976 - Volume VI - Number 4, A

Elwert (Editor), F. P./Robert E. West/Donna Herring/Lloyd G. Marsh/Kathlyn Hatch

 Price: $31.00

History of Greensboro: The First Two Hundred Years, The

Greensboro Historical Society

 Price: $38.00

History of Hartford, Vermont - July 4, 1761-April 4, 1889

Tucker, William Howard

 Price: $100.00

History of Jericho, Vermont, The

Hayden, Chauncey H./Luther C. Stevens, LaFayette Wilbur/Rev. S. H. Barnum/Mrs. Elinor I. Merle

 Price: $19.00

History of the Town of Essex

Bent, Frank R.

 Price: $38.00

History of Vermont: From Its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time, The

Carpenter, W. H./T. S. Arthur

 Price: $88.00

History of Vermont; with Descriptions, Physical and Topographical, The

Beckley, Rev. Hosea

 Price: $50.00

Look Around Colchester and Milton, Vermont - Heritage Series Pamphlet Number Nine

Carlisle (Editor), Lilian Baker/Christopher W. Closs/Suzanne Ferland/Mary P. Simpers/Noah C. Thompson/Eleanor Wheeler Ballway/Mary P. Noble/Samuel J.

 Price: $19.00

Look Around Essex and Williston, Vermont - Heritage Series Pamphlet Number Four

Carlisle (Editor), Lilian Baker/Frank R. Bent/Ethan E. Newton/Natalie H. Mclure/Elaine Kloures Radcliffe/Myrtle Lane/Louise/Louise Judge/Rhoda Fogg Stul

 Price: $15.00

Look Around Essex and Williston, Vermont - Heritage Series Pamphlet Number Four

Carlisle (Editor), Lilian Baker/Frank R. Bent/Ethan E. Newton/Natalie H. Mclure/Elaine Kloures Radcliffe/Myrtle Lane/Louise/Louise Judge/Rhoda Fogg Stul

 Price: $15.00

Look Around Hinesburg and Charlotte, Vermont - Heritage Series Pamphlet Number Five

Carlisle (Editor), Lilian Baker/Barbara F. Agnew/Harriet P. Dantzscher/Paul F. Heald/Margaret P. MacDonough/Margaret Hazen Muller/Nancy C. Muller/Sa

 Price: $50.00

Look Around Richmond, Bolton and Huntington, Vermont - Heritage Series Pamphlet Number Six

Carlisle (Editor), Lilian Baker/Ester Patten Beal/Bertha Brown Hanson/Esbon C. Kenyon/Mildred Moore Kenyon/Harriet Wheatley Riggs/Samuel J. H

 Price: $35.00

Look Around Winooski, Vermont - Heritage Series Pamphlet Number Three

Carlisle (Editor), Lilian Baker/David J. Blow/James N. Hunt, Sr./Samuel J. Hatfield

 Price: $25.00

Looking Back

Mahnke, Susan

 Price: $11.00

Manchester in-the-Mountains Vermont

Manchester Development Association/George Smith/W. B. Edgerton/Geprge l. Towsley, William F. Orvis

 Price: $200.00

Massachusetts: The American Guide Series

Federal Writers' Project

 Price: $20.00

Memories of a Mountain Town (Lincoln, Vermont) - A Bi-Centennial Commemorative Collection of Old Photographs Contributed by Her People

Norton (Chairman), Linda/Genevieve Burke/Ronald Rood/Donald Brown/Lincoln Bi-Centennial Committee

 Price: $44.00

My Mama Rolled Out of the Sleigh: A Sampler of: Individual and Family Memories Recorded at the Vermont Women's State Fair

Lane (Editor), Karen/MaryKasamatsu/Eleanor Ott

 Price: $24.00

Natural History and the Topography of Groton, Massachusetts, The

Green, Samuel Abbott

 Price: $63.00

New England Celebrates: Spectacle, Commemoration, and Festivity

Benes (Editor), Peter

 Price: $30.00

New France and New England

Fiske, John

 Price: $20.00

North American Indian Mythology

Burland, Cottie

 Price: $16.00

Pastoral Days or Memories of a New England Year

Gibson, W. Hamilton

 Price: $50.00

Patty Cannon Administers Justice or Joe Johnson's Last Kidnapping Exploit: A Tale of the Delmarva Peninsula in its "Dark Ages"

Messenger, R.W.

 Price: $31.00

Pictorial History of Bennington, New Hampshire, A

Glynn, David A./Erving A. LeCain/Joy Levesque/Elizabeth Cashion/Bennington Historical Society

 Price: $44.00

Preserving New England

Holtz Kay, Jane and Pauline Chase Harrell

 Price: $15.00

Records of the Congregational Church in Canterbury Connecticut 1711-1844


 Price: $50.00
Romance of Old New England Rooftrees, TheCrawford, Mary C. - Product Image

Romance of Old New England Rooftrees, The

Crawford, Mary C.

 Price: $63.00

Setting for a Suffolk Festival, The

Strutt, Clive

 Price: $13.00
Soil Survey (Reconnaissance) of Vermont - Bureau of Chemistry and Soils - Series 1930 - Number 43Latimer, W. J./ S.O. Perkins/F. R. Lesh/L. R. Smith/ K. V. Goodman - Product Image

Soil Survey (Reconnaissance) of Vermont - Bureau of Chemistry and Soils - Series 1930 - Number 43

Latimer, W. J./ S.O. Perkins/F. R. Lesh/L. R. Smith/ K. V. Goodman

 Price: $63.00
Souvenir of the White MountainsNA - Product Image

Souvenir of the White Mountains


 Price: $38.00

Springfield, Massachusetts 1895


 Price: $75.00

The Fortunate Island of Monhegan: A Historical Monograph

Jenney, Charles Francis

 Price: $60.00

Three Heroines of New England Romance

Spofford, Mrs. Harriet Prescott and Miss Louise Imogen Guiney and Miss Alice Brown, Illust. by: Edmund H. Garrett

 Price: $13.00

Vanished Arizona - Recollections of My Army Life

Summerhayes, Martha

 Price: $15.00
Vermont 1907 - Beautiful Vermont - Unsurpassed as a residence or a playground, For the Summer Resident, The Summer Visitor, The Tourist, The Capitalist and the Workingman State of Vermont - Product Image

Vermont 1907 - Beautiful Vermont - Unsurpassed as a residence or a playground, For the Summer Resident, The Summer Visitor, The Tourist, The Capitalist and the Workingman

State of Vermont

 Price: $79.00

Vermont in the Victorian Age - Continuity and Change in the Green Mountain State 1850-1900

Graffagnino, J. Kevin

 Price: $125.00

Vermont Voices - 1609 Through The 1990's: A Documentary History of the Green Mountain State

Graffagnino, J. Kevin/Samuel B. Hand/Gene Sessions

 Price: $75.00

Vital Records of Londonderry, New Hampshire

Annis, Daniel Gage

 Price: $25.00
Walton-on-the-Naxe in old picture postcardsNorman, Bernard J. - Product Image

Walton-on-the-Naxe in old picture postcards

Norman, Bernard J.

 Price: $39.00

Waterbury Sketches

Wheeler, Alton/Alice Post/Max Ayers/Waterbury Historical Society

 Price: $25.00
We Go as Captives - The Royalton Raid and the Shadow War on the Revolutionary FrontierGoodwin, Neil  - Product Image

We Go as Captives - The Royalton Raid and the Shadow War on the Revolutionary Frontier

Goodwin, Neil

 Price: $63.00

We Were New England - Yankee Life by Those Who Lived It

Mussey, Barrows

 Price: $25.00
Why the Early Inhabitants of Vermont Disclaimed the Jurisdiction of New York, and Established an Independent Government - An Address Delivered Before the New York Historical Society - December 4th, 1860Hall, Hiland - Product Image

Why the Early Inhabitants of Vermont Disclaimed the Jurisdiction of New York, and Established an Independent Government - An Address Delivered Before the New York Historical Society - December 4th, 1860

Hall, Hiland

 Price: $79.00