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Search Results for Keyword(s):Europe Religion  (matching all words)
Search found 39 matching products.

Cathedrals and Abbey Churches of The Rhine

Gall, Ernst

 Price: $35.00

Christianity & Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries

MacMullen, Ramsay

 Price: $20.00
Commentary on the Law of Prize and BootyGrotius, Hugo - Product Image

Commentary on the Law of Prize and Booty

Grotius, Hugo

 Price: $31.00
Courtier and the Heretic, The: Leibniz, Spinoza, and the Fate of God in the Modern WorldStewart, Matthew - Product Image

Courtier and the Heretic, The: Leibniz, Spinoza, and the Fate of God in the Modern World

Stewart, Matthew

 Price: $23.00

Crusades, The

Pernoud, Regine

 Price: $12.00
Dialogue on the Great World Systems in the Salusbury TranslationGalilei, Galileo  - Product Image

Dialogue on the Great World Systems in the Salusbury Translation

Galilei, Galileo

 Price: $38.00
First Crusade, The: A New HistoryAsbridge, Thomas - Product Image

First Crusade, The: A New History

Asbridge, Thomas

 Price: $19.00

General History of Free-Masonry in Europe, A

Rebold, Emmanuel

 Price: $50.00

Genesis and Geology: A study in the Relations of Scientific Thought, Natural Theology, and Social Opinion in Great Britain, 1790-1850

Gillispie, Charles Coulston

 Price: $23.00
God's Jury: The Inquisition and the Making of the Modern WorldMurphy, Cullen - Product Image

God's Jury: The Inquisition and the Making of the Modern World

Murphy, Cullen

 Price: $19.00

Great Centuries of Painting - Romanesque Painting from the Eleventh to the Thirteenth Century, The

Grabar, Andre/Carl Nordenfalk

 Price: $38.00
Heart Turned East - Among the Muslims of Europe & America, ALebor, Adam - Product Image

Heart Turned East - Among the Muslims of Europe & America, A

Lebor, Adam

 Price: $31.00

Highland Clans, The: Sir Iain Moncreiffe of That Ilk

Moncreiffe, Iain

 Price: $38.00
Historia De Goa (Politica E Arqueologica)De Saldanha, Padre M.J. Gabriel - Product Image

Historia De Goa (Politica E Arqueologica)

De Saldanha, Padre M.J. Gabriel

 Price: $60.00

History of the Inquisition of the Middle Ages, A (3 vol set)

Charles, Henry Lea

 Price: $188.00

Hundred Years of Methodism, A

Simpson, Matthew

 Price: $19.00
John Locke's Politics of Moral ConsensusForster, Greg - Product Image

John Locke's Politics of Moral Consensus

Forster, Greg

 Price: $23.00
King James Bible After 400 Years, The: Literary, Linguistic, and Cultural InfluencesHamlin, Hannibal - Product Image

King James Bible After 400 Years, The: Literary, Linguistic, and Cultural Influences

Hamlin, Hannibal

 Price: $31.00

Lectures on the History of the Eastern Church

Stanley, A. P.

 Price: $20.00

Life and Miracles of St William of Norwich, The

Thomas of Monmouth, Augustus Jessup, M.R. James (Editors/Translators)

 Price: $31.00

Life of Martin Luther, The

Rein, William/G. F. Behringer

 Price: $25.00

Mission: The History and Architecture of the Missions of North America

Kennedy, Roger S.

 Price: $19.00

Monasteries: A Hundred Jewels of European Architecture

Bernhard, Marianne

 Price: $31.00

Monks, Nuns, and Monasteries

Sitwell, Sacheverell

 Price: $15.00

Most Holy War, A: The Albigensian Crusade and the Battle for Christendom

Pegg, Mark Gregory

 Price: $13.00

Noms des Israelites en France - Histoire et Dictionnaire, Les

Levy, Paul

 Price: $75.00

Normans in European History, The

Haskins, Charles Homer

 Price: $19.00

Old Lithuanian Sculpture, The

Martinaitis, Marcelijus

 Price: $75.00

Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam, and the West (INSCRIBED BY AUTHOR)

Caldwell, Christopher

 Price: $23.00

Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, The

Cowie, Leonard W.

 Price: $13.00
Regimes of the Mind: Boyle, Locke, and the Early Modern Cultura Animi TraditionCorneanu, Sorana - Product Image

Regimes of the Mind: Boyle, Locke, and the Early Modern Cultura Animi Tradition

Corneanu, Sorana

 Price: $63.00

Religion and the Rise of History: Martin Luther and the Cultural Revolution in German, 1760-1810 (SIGNED)

Smith, Leonard S.

 Price: $25.00

Religious Art in France - XIII Century - A Study in Mediaeval Iconography and its Sources of Inspiration

Male, Emile/Dora Nussey

 Price: $63.00
Renaissance Popes, The: Statesmen, Warriors and the Great Borgia MythNoel, Gerard - Product Image

Renaissance Popes, The: Statesmen, Warriors and the Great Borgia Myth

Noel, Gerard

 Price: $19.00
Singular Pilgrim, The: Travels on Sacred GroundMahoney, Rosemary - Product Image

Singular Pilgrim, The: Travels on Sacred Ground

Mahoney, Rosemary

 Price: $6.00
Spinoza's Critique of ReligionStrauss, Leo - Product Image

Spinoza's Critique of Religion

Strauss, Leo

 Price: $31.00

Theology of Calvin, The

Niesel, Wilhelm

 Price: $15.00
Two Eyes of Spinoza and Other Essays on Philosophers, TheKolakowski, Leszek - Product Image

Two Eyes of Spinoza and Other Essays on Philosophers, The

Kolakowski, Leszek

 Price: $31.00


Leppmann, Wolfgang

 Price: $15.00