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Bech: A Book
Updike , John
BOY TRAVELLERS IN THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE, THE. Adventures of Two Youths in a Journey in European and Asiatic Russia With Accounts of a Tour Across Siberia Voyages on the Amoor Volga and Other Rivers A Visit to Central Asia Travels Among the Exi
Dalmatien: Das Land der Sonne - Eine Wanderfahrt an der Andria
Band, Moriz
Ernst Benkert - Travel Books - Drawings, Notes, and Photographs 1994-2004 - A Selection
Benkert, Ernst
Extended Travels in Romantic America: Being a Nineteenth Century Journey through the most Picturesque Portions of North America, Reconstructed form Accounts by European Visitors; the Whole Embellished with Watercolour Drawings and Engraving
Extended Travels in Romantic America
Jobe, Joseph
Grand Tour dell'Europa in Automobile
Brilli, Attilio
Grand Tour in the Eighteenth Century, The
Mead, William Edward
Haps and Mishaps
Greenwood, Grace
High Season: How One French Riviera Town Has Seduced Travelers for Two Thousand Years
Kanigel, Robert
Il Petit Tour . Itinerari minori del viaggio in Italia
Iron Gate of Illyria, The
Sommelius, Torgny
Italian Days
Harrison, Barbara Grizzuti
Journal of Charles B. Crockett, The
Crockett, Charles B.
Journals of Dorothy Wordsworth - Volume 1 and 2
De Selincourt (Editor), E.
Journey into Romanesque - A Traveller's Guide to Romanesque Monuments in Europe
Nebolsine, George
Journey to the Alcarria: Travels On Foot Through the Spanish Countryside
Cela, Camilo Jos
Lake of Geneva, The
Treves, Sir Frederick
Letters of Susan Hale
Atkinson (Ed), Caroline P.
Letters of the Right Honourable Lady Mary Wortley Montague - Written during her Travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa, Which contain, among other curious relations, Accounts of the Policy and Manners of the Turks - Drawn from Sources that hav
Marsden Hartley
Cat. Sted. Museum 246
Naples Declared - A Walk Around the Bay
Taylor, Benjamin
National Geographic Magazine - Vol. XXXIX January - June 1921 (Six issues)
National Geographic Society
National Geographic Magazine - Vol. XXVII July-December 1915 (Six Issues)
Painter's Pilgrimage, A
Soyer, Raphael
Boudot-Lamotte, Emmanuel
Playing with Fire: European Terracotta Models, 1740-1840
Draper, James David, Guilhem Scherf
Praga Caput Regni: The Sights of Prague and Its Neighborhood
Neubert, Karel and Jan Royt
Prague in Black and Gold - Scenes from the Life of a European City
Demetz, Peter
Preiswert durch Europa.
Klein, Wolfgang
Prodigal, The: A Poem
Walcott, Derek
Richard Hakluyt and The English Voyages
Parks, George Bruner
Scotland through American Eyes
Scott, Robert
Seven Spanish Cities
Hale , Edward E.
Singular Pilgrim, The: Travels on Sacred Ground
Mahoney, Rosemary
So You're Going to Germany and Austria!
Laughlin, Clara E.
South-Eastern France
Hare, Augustus J. C.
Spaniard in the Portuguese Indies, A: The Narrative of Martin Fernandez de Figueroa
McKenna, James B.
Stickluft (Black Damp)
Dornik, Franc
Taste of Conquest, The: The Rise and Fall of the Three Great Cities of Spice
Krondl, Michael
This Was America: True Accounts of People and Places, Manners and Customs, As Recorded by European Travelers to the Western Shore in the Eighteenth, Nineteenth, and Twentieth Centuries
Handlin, Oscar (ed.)
Through Spain and Portugal
Peixotto, Ernest
Through the Dutch Canals
Bristow, Philip
Tour Through Sicily and Malta, in a Series of Letters to William Beckford, Esq. of Somerly in Suffolk; from P. Brydone, F. R. S. in Two Volumes - A New Edition, A
Brydone, P.
Two Travelers In Europe
Hall, Mrs. Herman J.
Vanishing Map, The : A Journey from L.A. to Tokyo to the Heart of Europe
Barber, Stephen
Vienna, My Vienna
Wechsberg, Joseph
Watching Europe Grow
Who's Who in the Middle Ages (2 Vol.)
Emmerson, Richard K. (Editor), Sandra Clayton-Emmerson (Asso. Editor)
World's Best Golf, The: A Spectacular Guided Tour of the Greatest Golf Courses in the World
Davis, William H.
Year in Europe: Comprising a Journal of Observations in England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Switzerland, The North of Italy, and Holland in 1818 and 1819. [Volume Two only].
Griscom, John