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Search Results for Keyword(s):Film screenplay  (matching all words)
Search found 31 matching products.

Blood of a Poet, The

Cocteau, Jean

 Price: $26.00

Carl Theodor Dreyer: Four Screen Plays

Dreyer, Carl Theodor/Oliver Stallybrass (Translator) & Ole Storm (Introduction)

 Price: $31.00
Daniel (MOVIE POSTER)N/A - Product Image



 Price: $63.00

Domino - Ein Film

Brasch, Thomas

 Price: $38.00

Douglas Fairbanks - The Making of a Screen Character

Cooke, Alistair

 Price: $19.00
First and Last  (Signed by author) Frayn, Michael - Product Image

First and Last (Signed by author)

Frayn, Michael

 Price: $40.00

Full Metal Jacket: Screenplay

Kubrick, Stanley, Michael Herr and Gustav Hasford

 Price: $79.00

Hitchcock's Notebooks: An Authorized and Illustrated Look Inside the Creative Mind of Alfred Hitchcock

Auiler, Dan

 Price: $31.00

King Who Was a King, The

Wells, H.G.

 Price: $13.00

L'avventura (Volume 12, Rutgers Films in Print)

Antonioni, Michelangelo (Director), Guido Fink (Editor), Seymour Chatman, (Editor)

 Price: $25.00

L. A. Confidential

Helgeland, Brian and Curtis Hanson

 Price: $12.00

Lulu on the Bridge

Auster, Paul

 Price: $20.00

Marquise of O, The

von Kleist, Heinrich

 Price: $8.00

Missionary, The

Palin, Michael

 Price: $15.00

Modern Film Scripts - Weekend and Wind from the East - Two Films by Jean-Luc Godard

Godard, Jean-Luc

 Price: $25.00
One-Trick Pony (MOVIE POSTER)N/A - Product Image

One-Trick Pony (MOVIE POSTER)


 Price: $50.00

Photoplay Scenarios: How to Write and Sell Them

Ball, Eustace Hale

 Price: $50.00
River Pirate, TheCoe, Charles Francis - Product Image

River Pirate, The

Coe, Charles Francis

 Price: $19.00

Road to Glory, The

Sayre, Joel and William Faulkner

 Price: $25.00
Shakespeare in Love: A ScreenplayNorman, Marc - Product Image

Shakespeare in Love: A Screenplay

Norman, Marc

 Price: $15.00

Stalag 17

Wilder, Billy

 Price: $8.00


Semprun, Jorge

 Price: $25.00
Steven Spielberg: A BiographyJackson, Kathi - Product Image

Steven Spielberg: A Biography

Jackson, Kathi

 Price: $13.00

Storytelling in the New Hollywood: Understanding Classical Narrative Technique

Thompson, Kristin

 Price: $31.00
Sunday bloody Sunday: the original screenplay of the John Schlesinger film: with "Making Sunday bloody Sunday"Gilliatt, Penelope - Product Image

Sunday bloody Sunday: the original screenplay of the John Schlesinger film: with "Making Sunday bloody Sunday"

Gilliatt, Penelope

 Price: $15.00

Three Stooges Book of Scripts, The

Maurer, Joan Howard

 Price: $45.00

Tootsie: Screenplay

Gelbart, Larry

 Price: $63.00

Trilogy - A Christmas Memory, Miriam, Among the Paths to Eden

Capote, Truman with Eleanor and Frank Perry

 Price: $25.00

Trilogy - An Experiment in Multimedia

Capote, Truman, Eleanor & Frank Perry, Illust. by: B&W Photographs

 Price: $30.00


Ford, John

 Price: $12.00

We're No Angels

Mamet, David

 Price: $20.00