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Search Results for Keyword(s):History American Civil War  (matching all words)
Search found 234 matching products.

"Our Special Artist": Alfred R. Waud's Civil War

Waud, Alfred R.

 Price: $15.00

'Ware Sherman - A Journal of Three Months Personal Experience in the Last Days of the Confederacy

LeConte, Joseph

 Price: $75.00
1864: Lincoln at the Gates of HistoryFlood, Charles Bracelen - Product Image

1864: Lincoln at the Gates of History

Flood, Charles Bracelen

 Price: $13.00

1864: Lincoln at the Gates of History

Flood, Charles Bracelen

 Price: $19.00
1865: America Makes War and Peace in Lincoln's Final YearGabbard, Sara Vaughn (Editor) - Product Image

1865: America Makes War and Peace in Lincoln's Final Year

Gabbard, Sara Vaughn (Editor)

 Price: $25.00
Abial and Anna: The Life of a Civil War Veteran as Told in Family Letters (SIGNED)Kallgren, Beverly Hayes - Product Image

Abial and Anna: The Life of a Civil War Veteran as Told in Family Letters (SIGNED)

Kallgren, Beverly Hayes

 Price: $23.00

African American History in the Press 1851-1899: From the Coming of the Civil War to the Rise of Jim Crow as Reported and Illustrated in Selected Newspapers of the Time (2 volumes)


 Price: $51.00

African American History in the Press, 1851-1899 : From the Coming of the Civil War to the Rise of Jim Crow As Reported and Illustrated in Selected Newspapers of the Time. VOLUME 1: 1851-1869 and Volume 2: 1870-1899)

Schneider, Rich

 Price: $50.00
All's for the Best: The Civil War Reminiscences and Letters of Daniel W. SawtelleBuckingham (Editor), Peter H. - Product Image

All's for the Best: The Civil War Reminiscences and Letters of Daniel W. Sawtelle

Buckingham (Editor), Peter H.

 Price: $31.00

America Aflame: How the Civil War Created a Nation

Goldfield, David

 Price: $19.00

American Heritage History of American Antiques (2 vols.): from the Revolution to the Civil War, from the Civil War to World War 1

American Heritage

 Price: $19.00
American Massacre: The Tragedy at Mountain Meadows, September 1857Denton, Sally - Product Image

American Massacre: The Tragedy at Mountain Meadows, September 1857

Denton, Sally

 Price: $19.00

Andersonville: The Last Depot

Marvel, William

 Price: $8.00

At Andersonville - A Narrative of Personal Adventure at Andersonville, Florence and Charleston Rebel Prisons

Brownell, Josiah C.

 Price: $28.00

Atlanta 1864: Last Chance for the Confederacy

Richard M. McMurry

 Price: $25.00

Back Home in Oneida - Hermon Clarke and His Letters

Jackson, Harry F./Thomas F. O'Donnell

 Price: $15.00

Badge of Gallantry, The - Recollections of Civil War Congressional Medal of Honor Winners

Mitchell, Joseph B.

 Price: $20.00
Ball's Bluff-an Episode and Its Consequences to Some of UsPeirson, Charles Lawrence  - Product Image

Ball's Bluff-an Episode and Its Consequences to Some of Us

Peirson, Charles Lawrence

 Price: $63.00

BALLAD OF THE NORTH AND SOUTH, A: The Songs and Music sung and played by Union and Confederate Soldiers during and after the Civil War.

Angle, Paul M. and Miers, Earl Schenck.

 Price: $29.00

Bastiles of the Confederacy: A Reply to Jefferson Davis

Moran, Frank E., Illust. by: Frank Moran

 Price: $100.00

Battered Stars, The: One State's Civil War Ordeal During Grant's Overland Campaign From the Home Front in Vermont to the Battlefields of Virginia (INSCRIBED & SIGNED BY AUTHOR)

Coffin, Howard

 Price: $25.00
Battered Stars, The: One State's Civil War Ordeal During Grant's Overland Campaign, From the Home Front in Vermont to the Battlefields of VirginiaCoffin, Howrad - Product Image

Battered Stars, The: One State's Civil War Ordeal During Grant's Overland Campaign, From the Home Front in Vermont to the Battlefields of Virginia

Coffin, Howrad

 Price: $40.00

Battle from the Start, A: The Life of Nathan Bedford Forrest

Wills, Brian Steel

 Price: $15.00
Battle of Ball's Bluff, ThePatch, Joseph Dorst - Product Image

Battle of Ball's Bluff, The

Patch, Joseph Dorst

 Price: $15.00

Battle of Belmont, The : Grant Strikes South (Civil War America)

Jr., Nathaniel Cheairs Hughes

 Price: $19.00

Battle of Fort Donelson, The

Hamilton, James

 Price: $12.00

Battle of the Wilderness, May 5--6, 1864, The

Rhea, Gordon C.

 Price: $19.00

Battles and Leaders of the Civil War

Bradford, Ned (ed.)

 Price: $11.00

Beleaguered City, The

Bill, Alfred Hoyt

 Price: $10.00

Blue and the Gray, The: The Story of the Civil War as Told by Participants

Commager, Henry Steele

 Price: $20.00
Cadets at War: The True Story of Teenage Heroism at the Battle of New MarketBeller, Susan Provost - Product Image

Cadets at War: The True Story of Teenage Heroism at the Battle of New Market

Beller, Susan Provost

 Price: $20.00

Campaigning with Grant

Porter, Horace

 Price: $15.00

Campaigns of General Nathan Bedford Forrest and of Forrest's Cavalry, The (New introduction by Albert Castel

Jordan, General Thomas, J.P. Pryor

 Price: $15.00
Caning, The: The Assault That Drove America to Civil War (SIGNED)Puleo, Stephen - Product Image

Caning, The: The Assault That Drove America to Civil War (SIGNED)

Puleo, Stephen

 Price: $19.00

Capital Elites - High Society in Washington, D.C. after the Civil War

Jacob, Kathryn Allamong

 Price: $20.00

Cavalry at Appomattox: A Tactical Study of Mounted Operations during the Civil War's Climactic Campaign, March 27-April 9, 1865, The

Longacre, Edward G.

 Price: $13.00

Chancellorsville - Lee's Greatest Battle

Stackpole, Edward J.

 Price: $18.00
ChancellorsvilleBigelow, John - Product Image


Bigelow, John

 Price: $20.00

Chattanooga: A Death Grip on the Confederacy

McDonough, James Lee

 Price: $20.00

Chickamauga: Bloody Battle in the West

Tucker, Glenn

 Price: $10.00
Civil War Letters of George Washington WhitmanLoving (Editor), Jerome M. - Product Image

Civil War Letters of George Washington Whitman

Loving (Editor), Jerome M.

 Price: $13.00

Civil War Lexington, Kentucky: Bluegrass Breeding Ground of Power (Civil War Series)

Leet, Joshua H.

 Price: $15.00
Civil War Times Illustrated: Volume II - April 1963 to Feb. 1964Fowler (Ed.), Robert - Product Image

Civil War Times Illustrated: Volume II - April 1963 to Feb. 1964

Fowler (Ed.), Robert

 Price: $38.00
Civil War Times Illustrated: Volume IIi - April 1964 to Feb. 1965Fowler (Ed.), Robert - Product Image

Civil War Times Illustrated: Volume IIi - April 1964 to Feb. 1965

Fowler (Ed.), Robert

 Price: $38.00
Civil War Times Illustrated: Volume IV - April 1965 to Feb. 1966Fowler (Ed.), Robert - Product Image

Civil War Times Illustrated: Volume IV - April 1965 to Feb. 1966

Fowler (Ed.), Robert

 Price: $38.00
Civil War Times Illustrated: Volume V - April 1966 to Feb. 1967Fowler (Ed.), Robert - Product Image

Civil War Times Illustrated: Volume V - April 1966 to Feb. 1967

Fowler (Ed.), Robert

 Price: $38.00
Civil War Times Illustrated: Volume VI - April 1967 to Feb. 1968Fowler (Ed.), Robert - Product Image

Civil War Times Illustrated: Volume VI - April 1967 to Feb. 1968

Fowler (Ed.), Robert

 Price: $38.00
Civil War, The - State by StateHearn, Chester G. - Product Image

Civil War, The - State by State

Hearn, Chester G.

 Price: $38.00

Cole's Cavalry; or, Three Years in the Saddle in the Shenandoah Valley

Newcomer, C. Armour

 Price: $180.00

Colorado Volunteers in New Mexico, 1862

Hollister, Ovando J.

 Price: $30.00

Combat Uniforms of the Civil War

Lloyd, Mark

 Price: $20.00

Coming of the Civil War, The

Craven, Avery

 Price: $38.00

Confederate Agent. A Discovery in History. Newly Revised and Updated

Horan, James D.

 Price: $25.00

CONFEDERATE AGENT: A Discovery in History.

Horan, James

 Price: $10.00

Confederate Agent

Horan, James

 Price: $18.00

Confederate Carpetbaggers, The

Sutherland, Daniel E.

 Price: $10.00

Confederate Navy, The : A Pictorial History

Stern, Philip Van Doren

 Price: $15.00

Confederate Ordeal - The Southern Home Front (Civil War Series)

Time-Life Books

 Price: $19.00
Connecticut Yankee at War, A: The Life and Letters of George Lee Gaskell (Inscribed by author)Grandchamp, Robert - Product Image

Connecticut Yankee at War, A: The Life and Letters of George Lee Gaskell (Inscribed by author)

Grandchamp, Robert

 Price: $38.00

Conquering the Valley: Stonewall Jackson at Port Republic

Krick, Robert K.

 Price: $19.00
Controversies & Commanders: Dispatches from the Army of the PotomacSears, Stephen W. - Product Image

Controversies & Commanders: Dispatches from the Army of the Potomac

Sears, Stephen W.

 Price: $19.00

Crossing Border Street - A Civil Rights Memoir

Honigsberg, Peter Jan

 Price: $18.00
Custer McMurtry, Larry - Product Image


McMurtry, Larry

 Price: $23.00

Custer and the Little Bighorn: The Man, the Myth, the Mystery

Donovan, Jim

 Price: $25.00

Dahlgren Affair, The - Terror and Conspiracy in the Civil War

Schultz, Duane

 Price: $25.00
Daring Deeds of American GeneralsJenkins, John S. - Product Image

Daring Deeds of American Generals

Jenkins, John S.

 Price: $75.00

Decoying the Yanks - Jackson's Valley Camlpaign (Civil War Series)

Time-Life Books

 Price: $19.00

Deep Waters of the Proud, The - Vol. 1 of the Imperiled Union: 1861-1865

Davis, William C.

 Price: $12.00

Destruction and Reconstruction: Personal Experiences of the Late War

Taylor, Richard

 Price: $20.00

Diary From Dixie, The

Chesnut, Mary Boykin

 Price: $18.00

Doctors in Gray - The Confederate Medical Service

Cunningham, H. H.

 Price: $38.00

Drawn with the Sword - Reflections on the American Civil War

McPherson, James M.

 Price: $20.00
Echoes of Mercy  Whispers of Love: Diaries of John Hemphill Simpson  1861,1862, 1863 and 1865 War Between the StatesMiller (Ed.), J. Michael - Product Image

Echoes of Mercy Whispers of Love: Diaries of John Hemphill Simpson 1861,1862, 1863 and 1865 War Between the States

Miller (Ed.), J. Michael

 Price: $31.00

Embattled Courage: The Experience of Combat in the American Civil War.

Linderman, Gerald F.

 Price: $12.00

Emblems of Southern Valor: Battleflags of the Confederacy

Crute, Joseph

 Price: $60.00

Englishman in the American Civil War, An - The Diaries of Henry Yates Thompson

Thompson, Henry Yates

 Price: $10.00

Face of Robert E. Lee in Life and in Legend, The

Meredith, Roy

 Price: $40.00

Families & Freedom - A Documentary - History of African-American Kinship in the Civil War Era

Berlin, Iva and Leslie S. Rowland

 Price: $20.00

Families and Freedom: A Documentary History of African American Kinship in the Civil War Era

Berlin, Ira

 Price: $10.00
Fateful Lightning: A New History of the Civil War and Reconstruction Guelzo, Allen C. - Product Image

Fateful Lightning: A New History of the Civil War and Reconstruction

Guelzo, Allen C.

 Price: $15.00

Father Abraham's Children - Michegan Episodes In The Civil War

Woodford, Frank B.

 Price: $25.00

Field Manual for the Use of the Officers, The


 Price: $15.00

First With the Most Forrest

Henry, Robert Selph

 Price: $20.00

For Country Cause & Leader - The Civil War Journal of Charles B. Haydon

Sears (Ed.), Stephen W.

 Price: $25.00

Forged in Battle: The Civil War Alliance of Black Soldiers and White Officers

Glatthaar, Joseph T.

 Price: $10.00
Fort Macon North Carolina During the Civil WarPohoresky, W.L. - Product Image

Fort Macon North Carolina During the Civil War

Pohoresky, W.L.

 Price: $19.00
Fredericksburg! Fredericksburg!Rable, George C. - Product Image

Fredericksburg! Fredericksburg!

Rable, George C.

 Price: $23.00

From Cedar Mountain to Antietam: August-September 1862

Stackpole, Edward J.

 Price: $20.00
Full Duty: Vermonters in the Civil WarCoffin, Howard - Product Image

Full Duty: Vermonters in the Civil War

Coffin, Howard

 Price: $60.00

Gallant Hood, The

Dyer, John P.

 Price: $24.00

Galloping Thunder: The Stuart Horse Artillery Battalion

Trout, Robert J.

 Price: $23.00

General Thomas

Coppee, Henry

 Price: $38.00

Gettysburg: Day Three

Wert, Jeffry D.

 Price: $11.00

Glory Hunter

Madsen, Brigham D.

 Price: $18.00

Grafting Memory: Essays on War and Commemoration

Lipke, Bill and Bill Mares

 Price: $24.00

Grand Army Blue-Book, The

Beath, Robert

 Price: $26.00

Granite Farm Letters, The - The Civil War Correspondence of Edgeworth & Sallie Bird

Rozier, John

 Price: $25.00

Grant and His Campaigns: A Military Biography

Coppee, Henry

 Price: $75.00

Grant Moves South

Catton, Bruce

 Price: $15.00

Grant: A Biography

McFeely , William S.

 Price: $40.00

Gray Ghost: The Life of Col. John Singleton Mosby

Ramage, James A.

 Price: $31.00
Great Civil War, A: A Military and Political History, 1861-1865Weigley, Russell F. - Product Image

Great Civil War, A: A Military and Political History, 1861-1865

Weigley, Russell F.

 Price: $15.00

Great Invasion, The

Hoke, Jacob

 Price: $15.00

Great Photographers of the Civil War

Weber, Eva

 Price: $10.00

Guerrillas, Unionists, and Violence on the Confederate Home Front

Sutherland, Daniel E. (Ed.)

 Price: $25.00

Guns at Gettysburg, The

Downey, Fairfax

 Price: $15.00

Guns at Gettysburg, The

Downey, Fairfax

 Price: $13.00

Guns on the Western Waters: The Story of River Gunboats in the Civil War

Gosnell, H. Allen

 Price: $15.00

Hammonds of Redcliffe, The

Bleser (Ed.), Carol

 Price: $15.00

Harpers Ferry: Prize of War

Wellman, Manly Wade

 Price: $33.00

Harvard Memorial Biographies - 2 Vol.


 Price: $80.00

Headquarters in the Brush: Blazer's Independent Union Scouts

Stephenson, Darl L.

 Price: $23.00

Heroic Life of Ulysses S. Grant, The - General of the Armies of the United States


 Price: $23.00

Historical Record of the First Regiment Maryland Infantry - With an Appendix containing a Register of the Officers and Enlisted Men, Biographies of Deceased Officers, etc. - War of the Rebellion, 1861-65

Camper, Chas./J. W. Kirkley<

 Price: $19.00

History Of Civil, Political, and Military of the History Of The Southern Revolution. (Vol. 1)

Victor, Orville J.

 Price: $80.00

History Of Civil, Political, and Military of the History Of The Southern Revolution. (Vol. 2)

Victor, Orville J.

 Price: $80.00

History of Company F, First United States Sharp Shooters 1861-1865, A

Ripley, Wm Y. W.

 Price: $31.00

Horsemen Blue and Gray: A Pictorial History

Johnson, James Ralph, Alfred Hoyt Bill

 Price: $18.00

Incidents and Anecdotes of the War: with Narratives of Great Battles, Great Marches, Great Events, and the Record of Heroic Deeds and Daring Personal Achievements, Which Characterized the Great Conflict for the Union.

Victor, Orvill

 Price: $50.00

Jefferson Davis: Private Letters 1823 - 1889

Strode, Hudson

 Price: $23.00

Killing Ground - Photographs of the Civil War and the Changing American Landscape

Huddleston, John

 Price: $40.00
Killing Ground: The Civil War and the Changing American LandscapeHuddleston, John - Product Image

Killing Ground: The Civil War and the Changing American Landscape

Huddleston, John

 Price: $38.00

Lafayette Rhode Island: A Few Phases of Its History from the Ice Age to the Atomic

Gardiner, George W.

 Price: $31.00

Landscape Turned Red - The Battle of Antietam

Sears, Stephen W.

 Price: $40.00

Last Train From Atlanta

Hoehling, A.A.

 Price: $28.00

Lee and His Army in Confederate History

Gallagher, Gary W.

 Price: $50.00

Lee Takes Command - From Seven Days to Second Bull Run (Civil War Series)

Time-Life Books

 Price: $19.00

Lee's Cavalrymen: A History of the Mounted Forces of the Army of Northern Virginia, 1861-1865

Longacre, Edward G.

 Price: $25.00

Leonidas Polk: Bishop and General, Volume II

Polk, William M.

 Price: $50.00

Letters from Lee's Army: Or Memoirs of Life in and out of the Army in Virginia During the War Between the States

Blackford, ed., Charles

 Price: $24.00
Letters Home to Sarah: The Civil War Letters of Guy C. Taylor, Thirty-Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers (SIGNED)Alderson, Kevin & Patsy - Product Image

Letters Home to Sarah: The Civil War Letters of Guy C. Taylor, Thirty-Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers (SIGNED)

Alderson, Kevin & Patsy

 Price: $25.00
Lincoln's "Ready-Made" Soldiers - Saugatuck Area Men in the Civil WarLane, Kit  - Product Image

Lincoln's "Ready-Made" Soldiers - Saugatuck Area Men in the Civil War

Lane, Kit

 Price: $23.00

Lincoln's Loyalists: Union Soldiers from the Confederacy

Current, Richard Nelson

 Price: $15.00

Lincoln's Quest For Union - Public and Private Meanings

Strozier, Charles B.

 Price: $15.00
Lincolns, The: portrait of a marriageEpstein, Daniel Mark - Product Image

Lincolns, The: portrait of a marriage

Epstein, Daniel Mark

 Price: $15.00

Look Away!: A History of the Confederate States of America

Davis, William C.

 Price: $10.00
Louisiana Scalawags, The : politics, race, and terrorism during the Civil War and ReconstructionWetta, Frank Joseph - Product Image

Louisiana Scalawags, The : politics, race, and terrorism during the Civil War and Reconstruction

Wetta, Frank Joseph

 Price: $35.00

Memoirs of Charles Henry Veil

Viola, Herman J.

 Price: $18.00

Men of Our Day - Or Biographical Sketches

Brockett, L. P.

 Price: $40.00

Men Stood Like Iron, The

Herdegen, Lance J.

 Price: $19.00

Messages and Papers of Jefferson Davis and the Confederacy: Including Diplomatic Correspondence 1861-1865

Richardson, James D./Allan Nevins

 Price: $75.00

Mighty Stonewall

Vandiver, Frank E.

 Price: $63.00

Military and Civil History - Connecticut during The War of 1861-65, The

Croffut, W. A./John M. Morris

 Price: $63.00

Military Uniforms in America Volume III: Long Endure: The Civil War Period, 1852-1867

Elting, John R. (Ed.), et. al.

 Price: $50.00

Monitor Chronicles, The

Marvel (Editor), William

 Price: $15.00

More Generals in Gray

Allardice, Bruce S.

 Price: $15.00

More Terrible Than Victory - North Carolina's Bloody Bethel Regiment 1861-65

Chapman, Craig S.

 Price: $18.00

Mosby's Rangers

Wert, Jeffry D.

 Price: $8.00

Mr. Lincoln's Camera Man - Mathew B. Brady

Meredith, Roy

 Price: $25.00
My Brave Boys: To War with Colonel Cross & the Fighting Fifth (Inscribed by author)Pride, Mike, Mark Travis - Product Image

My Brave Boys: To War with Colonel Cross & the Fighting Fifth (Inscribed by author)

Pride, Mike, Mark Travis

 Price: $15.00

My Dear Wife... - The Civil War Letters Of David Brett Union Cannoneer


 Price: $18.00

Narrative of the Services of the Officers and Enlisted Men of the 7th Regiment of Vermont Volunteers (Veterans) from 1862 to 1866, A

Holbrook, William C.

 Price: $25.00

Nature of Sacrifice, The: A Biography of Charles Russell Lowell, Jr., 1835-64

Bundy, Carol

 Price: $19.00

New England Girlhood, A

Larcom, Lucy

 Price: $15.00

New Hampshire in the Great Rebellion - Containing Histories of the Several New Hampshire Regiments, and Biographical Notices of Many of the Prominent Actors in the Civil War of 1861-65

Waite, Major Otis F. R.

 Price: $50.00

New, Original and Authentic Record of the Life and Deeds of General U. S. Grant, Containing a Full History of his Early Life; His Record as a Student at the West Point Military Academy; His Gallantry in the Mexican War; His Honorable Career

 Price: $38.00

Nine Months to Gettysburg - Stannard's Vermonters and the Repulse of Pickett's Charge

Coffin, Howard

 Price: $22.00

Now the Drum of War: Walt Whitman and His Brothers in the Civil War

Roper, Robert

 Price: $25.00

One Day of the Civil War - America in Conflict April 10, 1863

Willett, Jr., Robert L.

 Price: $18.00

Ordeal of the Union (2 Vols.)

Nevins, Allan

 Price: $30.00
Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant, In Two VolumesGrant, U.S. - Product Image

Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant, In Two Volumes

Grant, U.S.

 Price: $1,063.00

Personal Reminiscences

Chittenden, L.E.

 Price: $50.00

Photographic History of the Civil War - Volume 2

Rodenbough, Theo F.

 Price: $13.00
Photographic History of the Civil War, The, Volume 4: Soldier Life and Secret ServiceOppel, Frank (Editor) - Product Image

Photographic History of the Civil War, The, Volume 4: Soldier Life and Secret Service

Oppel, Frank (Editor)

 Price: $20.00

Plowshares to Bayonets...In the Defense of the Heartland - A History of the 27th Regiment Mississippi Infantry, CSA - (Excerpts from the Civil War Memoirs and Diary of 1st Sergeant Roberto Amos Jarman, Company K, "Enfield Rifles", Aberdeen,

 Price: $23.00
Private Civil War, The: Popular Thought During the Sectional Conflict (INSCRIBED BY AUTHOR)Jimerson, Randall C. - Product Image

Private Civil War, The: Popular Thought During the Sectional Conflict (INSCRIBED BY AUTHOR)

Jimerson, Randall C.

 Price: $23.00

Private Smith's Journal: Recollections of the Late War

Walton, Clyde C.

 Price: $28.00

Rebel Brothers - The Civil War Letters of the Truehearts

Williams, Edward B.(Ed)

 Price: $13.00

Report of the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War - Part One


 Price: $33.00

Richard Taylor - Saldier Prince of Dixie

Parrish, T. Michael

 Price: $28.00

Richmond Burning: The Last Days of the Confederate Capital

Lankford, Nelson

 Price: $8.00
River Unvexed, A: A History and Tour Guide of the Campaign for the Mississippi RiverMiles, Jim - Product Image

River Unvexed, A: A History and Tour Guide of the Campaign for the Mississippi River

Miles, Jim

 Price: $15.00

Sea Devil of the Confederacy: The Story of the Florida and her Captain, John Newland Maffitt

Boykin, Edward

 Price: $15.00


Montgomery, James Stuart

 Price: $16.00

Shenandoah Valley Campaign, The

Gallagher (Editor), Gary W.

 Price: $15.00

Sherman - Fighting Prophet

Lewis, Lloyd

 Price: $31.00

Sketches of the War: A Series of Letters to the North Moore Street School

Nott, Charles C.

 Price: $32.00

Slavery and the American West: The Eclipse of Manifest Destiny

Morrison, Michael A.

 Price: $19.00

Slavery in North Carolina, 1748-1775

Kay, Marvin L.

 Price: $8.00


Athearn, Robert G. (Ed.)

 Price: $16.00
Soldier's Record during The Civil War 1864-1865, AStahl, John S. - Product Image

Soldier's Record during The Civil War 1864-1865, A

Stahl, John S.

 Price: $48.00

Spectator of America - A Classic Document About Lincoln and Civil War America by a Contemporary English Correspondent

Mitgang (Ed.), Herbert

 Price: $15.00
Stand of the U.S. Army at Gettysburg, TheHall, Jeffrey C. - Product Image

Stand of the U.S. Army at Gettysburg, The

Hall, Jeffrey C.

 Price: $31.00

Stanton - The Life and Times of Lincoln's Secretary of War

Thomas, Benjamin P./Harold M. Hyman

 Price: $25.00

Statesmen and Solddiers of the Civil War: A Study of the Conduct of War

Maurice, Major General Sir Frederick

 Price: $20.00

Statesmen of the Lost Cause - Jefferson Davis and His Cabinet

Hendrick, Burton J.

 Price: $15.00

Statesmen of the Lost Cause - Jefferson Davis and His Cabinet

Hendrick, Burton J.

 Price: $18.00
Stony the Road: Reconstruction, White Supremacy, and the Rise of Jim CrowGates, Jr., Henry Louis - Product Image

Stony the Road: Reconstruction, White Supremacy, and the Rise of Jim Crow

Gates, Jr., Henry Louis

 Price: $15.00

Story of the Battles of Gettysburg, The

Scott, James K. P.

 Price: $25.00

Story of the Great March from the Diary of a Staff Officer, The

Nichols, Brevet Major George Ward

 Price: $63.00

Sword of the Republic, The : The United States Army on the Frontier 1783-1846

Prucha, Francis Paul

 Price: $25.00
Ten Hills Farm: The Forgotten History of Slavery in the North (SIGNED COPY)Manegold, C.S. - Product Image

Ten Hills Farm: The Forgotten History of Slavery in the North (SIGNED COPY)

Manegold, C.S.

 Price: $38.00

Tenth Vermont

Haynes, E. M.

 Price: $109.00

Terrain of Freedom : American Art and the Civil War

Art Institute of Chicago

 Price: $12.00

Testament to Union - Civil War Monuments in Washington, D.C.

Jacob, Kathryn Allamong, Illust. by: Edwin Harlan Remsberg

 Price: $25.00

The Civil War Papers of George B. McClellan: Selected Correspondence, 1860-1865

McClellan, George B.

 Price: $25.00

Theodore Winthrop

Eliot, Jr., Ellsworth

 Price: $56.00

Third Day at Gettysburg, The

Young Jr., Ford E.

 Price: $25.00

This Hallowed Ground - The Story of the Union Side of the Civil War

Catton, Bruce

 Price: $40.00
This Republic of Suffering: Death and the American Civil WarFaust, Drew Gilpin - Product Image

This Republic of Suffering: Death and the American Civil War

Faust, Drew Gilpin

 Price: $15.00