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Search Results for Keyword(s):India Art  (matching all words)
Search found 202 matching products.

"And Eagles Sweep Across the Sky": Indian Textiles of the North American West, Navajo Blankets and Rugs, Baskets of the West

Katzenberg, Dena S.

 Price: $15.00

100 American and European Drawings: A Portfolio

Goldstein, Nathan

 Price: $100.00
1992 Morgan Breeder's GuideGassman (Copyright), Frank, Judith - Product Image

1992 Morgan Breeder's Guide

Gassman (Copyright), Frank, Judith

 Price: $63.00

20th Century Asian Art - 14 July, 2005 - Sale LO5213

Sotheby's London

 Price: $12.00

Across the Wide Missouri: The American West in Art

Schott (Director), Gene A.

 Price: $20.00

After The Buffalo Were Gone - The Louis Warren Hill, Sr., Collection of Indian Art

Walton, Ann T./John C. Ewers/Royal B. Hassrick

 Price: $69.00
Ajitmahatantra: The Great Tantra of Ajita, Vol. 1Filliozat, Jean - Product Image

Ajitmahatantra: The Great Tantra of Ajita, Vol. 1

Filliozat, Jean

 Price: $38.00
Ajitmahatantra: The Great Tantra of Ajita, Vol. 2Filliozat, Jean - Product Image

Ajitmahatantra: The Great Tantra of Ajita, Vol. 2

Filliozat, Jean

 Price: $38.00
Ajitmahatantra: The Great Tantra of Ajita, Vol. 3Filliozat, Jean - Product Image

Ajitmahatantra: The Great Tantra of Ajita, Vol. 3

Filliozat, Jean

 Price: $38.00
Ajitmahatantra: The Great Tantra of Ajita, Vol. 4Filliozat, Jean - Product Image

Ajitmahatantra: The Great Tantra of Ajita, Vol. 4

Filliozat, Jean

 Price: $38.00

Akbar's India: Art from the Mughal City of Victory

Brand, Michael

 Price: $30.00

Alive and Dead in Indiana

Martone, Michael

 Price: $12.00

American Film: Volume XI, Number 1, October 1985

Biskind (Editor), Peter, John Malkovich, James Cain, Bud Yorkin

 Price: $10.00

American Indian Art: Form and Tradition


 Price: $18.00

American Indian Art

Feder, Norman

 Price: $51.00

American Indian Art

Feder, Norman

 Price: $35.00

American Indian Design and Decoration

Appleton, Leroy H.

 Price: $13.00

American Review of Canadian Studies: Spring 1987

Lipke, William C.

 Price: $12.00

American Scene 1820-1900, The: An exhibition of landscape and outdoor genre held in honor of the Sesquicentennial of Indiana University

Hawes, Louis

 Price: $15.00
American Scene 1820-1900, TheIndiana University Art Museums - Product Image

American Scene 1820-1900, The

Indiana University Art Museums

 Price: $19.00

American Women Artists: From Early Indian Times to the Present

Rubinstein, Charlotte Streider

 Price: $13.00
An Apache PrincessKing, General Charles, Illust. by: Frederic Remington & E.W. Deming - Product Image

An Apache Princess

King, General Charles, Illust. by: Frederic Remington & E.W. Deming

 Price: $38.00

Apache Princess, An

King, General Charles, Illust. by: Frederic Remington & Edwin Deming

 Price: $35.00

Appalachia June 1963 Magazine Number 136


 Price: $25.00

Art and Architecture of India - Buddhist, Hindu, Jain, The

Rowland, Benjamin

 Price: $38.00
Art of Emily Carr, TheShadbolt, Doris - Product Image

Art of Emily Carr, The

Shadbolt, Doris

 Price: $56.00

Art of Exile, The : Paintings by Tibetan Children in India

M.), Museum of International Folk Art (N.

 Price: $19.00
Art of the Northwest Coast Indians, Second editionInverarity, Robert Bruce - Product Image

Art of the Northwest Coast Indians, Second edition

Inverarity, Robert Bruce

 Price: $15.00

Artists of the Rockies and the Golden West

Manson (ed), John

 Price: $10.00

As in a Vision: Masterworks of American Indian Art

Wade, Edwin L. & Carol Haralson & Rennard Strickland

 Price: $19.00

As in a Vision: Masterworks of American Indian Art

Wade, Edwin L. & Carol Haralson & Rennard Strickland

 Price: $19.00

As the Seasons Turn: Southwest Indian Easel Painting and Related Arts

Spencer, Anne and Fearn Thurlow

 Price: $15.00
Beyond Tradition: Contemporary Indian Art and Its EvolutionJacka, Jerry D. - Product Image

Beyond Tradition: Contemporary Indian Art and Its Evolution

Jacka, Jerry D.

 Price: $38.00

Birbhum Terracottas

Dey, Mukul

 Price: $25.00

Boys Book of Border Battles

Sabin, Edwin L.

 Price: $35.00

Bread-and-Butter Indian

Clover, Anne, Illust. by: Garth Williams

 Price: $50.00

Brother Owl

Hine, Al

 Price: $10.00
Buddhist Art in India, Ceylon and JavaVogel, J.Ph. - Product Image

Buddhist Art in India, Ceylon and Java

Vogel, J.Ph.

 Price: $15.00

Carl Theodor Dreyer: Four Screen Plays

Dreyer, Carl Theodor/Oliver Stallybrass (Translator) & Ole Storm (Introduction)

 Price: $31.00

Cinema Journal: 34, No. 4 1995

Desser (Ed.), David

 Price: $10.00

Circles of the World : Traditional Art of the Plains Indians

Conn, Richard

 Price: $22.00

Compendium of the Indian Wars in New England, A

Trumbull, Benjamin

 Price: $58.00

Contemporary Art Asia: China, Korea, Japan - September 20, 2006 - Sale N08242

Sotheby's New York

 Price: $15.00

Contemporary Art Asia: China, Korea, Japan - September 20, 2007 - Sale N08343

Sotheby's New York

 Price: $15.00

Contemporary Art South Asia: India, Pakistan - September 21, 2007 - Sale N08336

Sotheby's New York

 Price: $15.00

Contemporary Glass

Indiana University of Art Museum

 Price: $10.00

Contemporary Pueblo Indian Pottery

Harlow , Francis H. & John V. Young

 Price: $12.00

Courtly Art of the Ancient Maya

Miller, Mary/Simon Martin/Kathleen Berrin

 Price: $44.00

Cowboys and Indians: Characters in Oil and Bronze

Beeler, Joe

 Price: $15.00

Cree Life, A: The Art of Allen Sapp

Sapp, Allen

 Price: $22.00

Critical Bibliography of American Folk Art, A

Bronner , Simon J.

 Price: $13.00

Cultural Heritage of Pakistan


 Price: $18.00

Dawn of the World, The - Myths and Tales of the Miwok Indians of California

Merriam, C. Hart/Lowell J. Bean (Editor)

 Price: $25.00

Dowries from Kutch: A Women's Folk Art Tradition in India

Elson, Vickie C.

 Price: $50.00

Dutch Paintings of the Seventeenth Century

Tarkington, Booth (Intro.)

 Price: $25.00

Early American Metal Projects

Daniele, Joseph William

 Price: $8.00

Early Bird, The

Chester, George Randolph

 Price: $13.00

Elura: Art and Culture

Pathy, T.V.

 Price: $31.00

Essays in Economic Analysis & Policy

Gehrels, Franz, Henry M. Oliver, Jr., and George W. Wilson

 Price: $25.00

Exploring India's Sacred Art

Miller, Barbara Stoler

 Price: $40.00

Faberge and His Contemporaries: The India Early Minshall Collection of the Cleveland Museum of Art

Hawley, Henry

 Price: $10.00

Fighting Indians of the West

Schmitt, Martin F. and Dee Brown

 Price: $15.00

Fire Along the Sky

Moss, Robert

 Price: $28.00

FMR No. 17

Ricci (Ed.), Franco Maria

 Price: $15.00

FMR No. 4

Ricci (Ed.), Franco Maria

 Price: $15.00
French and Indian War 1754-1763, The Schwartz, Seymour I. - Product Image

French and Indian War 1754-1763, The

Schwartz, Seymour I.

 Price: $23.00

Gardiner Purcell Collection - The Indian Queen

Henry Purcell / John Eliot Gardiner / John Elwes / Gillian Fisher / Monteverdi Choir / English Baroque Soloists / Martin Hill /

 Price: $25.00
Generations in Clay: Pueblo Pottery of the American SouthwestDittert, Jr., Alfred E. - Product Image

Generations in Clay: Pueblo Pottery of the American Southwest

Dittert, Jr., Alfred E.

 Price: $15.00

George Catlin and the Old Frontier

McCracken, Harold

 Price: $50.00

Grant of Appomattox

Brooks, William E.

 Price: $21.00

Graphis -Number 201 - Volume 35 - July/August 1979

Graphis Magazine

 Price: $15.00

Grosse Kulturen Der Fruhzeit - Das Fruhe Indien

Mode, Heinz

 Price: $6.00

Gund Collection of Western Art: A Historical and Pictorial Description of the American West

Gund Collection of Western Art

 Price: $8.00

Handbook to India, Pakistan, Burma, Ceylon, A

Lothian, Ed., Sir Arthur C.

 Price: $10.00

Hands Across the Sea: A Celebration of the German Presence in American Art

Indiana University Art Museum

 Price: $8.00

Henry Farny

Carter, Denny

 Price: $96.00

Historic Pueblo Indian Pottery

Harlow, Francis H.

 Price: $12.00

Homage to James S. and Elizabeth G. Adams

Indiana University Art Museum

 Price: $20.00

Homeless Paintings of the Renaissance

Berenson, Bernard

 Price: $31.00

Ideal Image - The Gupta Sculptural Tradition and Its Influence, The

Pal, Pratapaditya

 Price: $38.00

Im Reiche des Mescal - Eine Indianische Legende

Schafer, Georg/Nan Cuz/Miguel Angel Asturias

 Price: $38.00

Image of Man - The Indian Perception of the Universe through 2000 Years of Painting and Sculpture, In the

Michell, Dr. George/Dr. Linda Leach/Dr. Kapila Vatsyayan

 Price: $19.00

Images: Stone: B.C. Thirty Centuries of Northwest Coast Indian Sculpture

Duff, Wilson

 Price: $19.00

India and Southeast Asia

Sawyers, Martha and William Reusswig, Illust. by: Martha Sawyers and William Reusswig

 Price: $18.00

India Ink: Letters from India 1953-61

Keehn, Martha McKee

 Price: $32.00

Indian Art Including Miniatures and Modern Paintings - March, 2007 - Sale N08300

Sotheby's New York

 Price: $18.00

Indian Art Including Modern Paintings and Miniatures - September 19, 2007 - Sale N08341

Sotheby's New York

 Price: $15.00

Indian Art of the Americas

Dallas Museum of Fine Arts

 Price: $13.00

Indian Art of the United States

Douglas, Frederic H. and Rene D'Harnoncourt

 Price: $40.00

Indian Art; An Auction to Benefit the Kolata Museum of Modern Art - July 17, 2007 - Sale N08390

Sotheby's New York

 Price: $15.00

Indian Basketry - Second Edition - Revised and Enlarged

James, George Wharton

 Price: $63.00

Indian Contemporary Art - September 22, 2006 - Sale N08290

Sotheby's New York

 Price: $15.00

Indian Development - Selected Regional Perspectives

Dreze (ed), Jean and Amartya Sen

 Price: $15.00

Indian Drawings and Painted Sketches - 16th Through 19th Centuries

Welch, Stuart Cary

 Price: $19.00

Indian Drawings and Painted Sketches: 16th Through 19th Centuries

Welch, Stuart Cary

 Price: $30.00
Indian HandcraftsWilbur, C. Keith - Product Image

Indian Handcrafts

Wilbur, C. Keith

 Price: $15.00

Indian Lives: A Photographic Record from the Civil War to Wounded Knee (Art & Design)

Hiesinger, Ulrich W.

 Price: $23.00

Indian Masks & Myths of the West

Wherry, Joseph H.

 Price: $15.00

Indian Masks & Myths of the West

Wherry, Joseph H.

 Price: $19.00

Indian Masterpieces from the Walter and Marianne Koerner Collection


 Price: $6.00

Indian Rawhide: An American Folk Art

Morrow, Mable, Illust. by: Mable Morrow

 Price: $38.00

Indian Sandpainting of the Greater Southwest: Excerpts from Tapestries in Sand

Villasenor, David

 Price: $12.00

Indian Sculpture: Masterpieces of Indian, Khmer and Cham Art

N. A.

 Price: $26.00

Indiana Stoneware

Loar, Peggy A., Carl J. Weinhardt, Jr. and Don D. Moore

 Price: $32.00

Indiana University Art Museum Bulletin II, 1

Rudolph, Wolf (Ed.)

 Price: $12.00

Indiana University Art Museum Bulletin

Rudolph, Wolf (Ed.)

 Price: $12.00

Indianapolis Collects: American Furniture 1700-1850

Warrum, Richard L.

 Price: $13.00

INDIANS BEFORE COLUMBUS. Twenty Thousand Years of North American History Revealed by Archeology

Martin, Paul S. George I. Quimby, and Donald Collier

 Price: $19.00

Indians of Canada, The: A Survey

Rogers, Edward S.

 Price: $15.00

Indians of the North Pacific Coast

Rogers, Edward S.

 Price: $8.00

Indians of the Plains

Rogers, Edward S.

 Price: $12.00

Japanese Works of Art - September 14, 1999 - Sale 7341

Sotheby's New York

 Price: $15.00

Japanese Works of Art from the Collection of the Late Charles A. Greenfield, Part II - September 18, 1998 - Sale 7184

Sotheby's New York

 Price: $15.00

Japanese Works of Art Including the Collection of the Late Charles A. Greenfield, Part III - March 24, 1999 - Sale 7279

Sotheby's New York

 Price: $15.00

Jeweler's Eye, A: Islamic Arts of the Book from the Vever Collection

Lowry, Glenn D. and Susan Nemazee

 Price: $30.00

Journal of American Folklore - April-June 1953 Number 260

Luomala (Ed.), Katharine

 Price: $31.00
JOURNAL OF POPULAR CULTURE Volume X Spring 1977 No. 4Brown (Ed.), Ray B. - Product Image


Brown (Ed.), Ray B.

 Price: $13.00

Karl Martz: Potter-Retrospective

Bowie, Carl

 Price: $77.00

Krishnamurti: 100 Years

Blau, Evelyne

 Price: $19.00

L'Inde - images divines

Rambach, Pierre/Vitold de Marie-Golish

 Price: $20.00

Lake Champlain and Lake George

Van de Water, Frederic F.

 Price: $18.00

Lardner on Baseball

Lardner, Ring, Jeff Silverman (Editor)

 Price: $19.00

Life and Art of Charles Schreyvogel

Horan, James D.

 Price: $58.00

Lights of Canopus, The. Anvar i Suhaili. (Described by J.V.S. Wilkinson)

Wilkinson, J.V.S

 Price: $29.00

Lincoln and the Tools of War

Bruce, Robert V.

 Price: $35.00

Magic Images

Wade, Edwin L. & Strickland, Rennard

 Price: $8.00

Man Who Married the Moon, The

Lummis, Charles F., Illust. by: George Wharton Edwards

 Price: $63.00

Manners, Customs, and Antiquities of the Indians of North and South America, The

Goodrich, S. G.

 Price: $51.00

Masterworks from the Museum of the American Indian

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

 Price: $18.00


Coomaraswamy, Ananda K.

 Price: $88.00

Michael Coleman: Paintings of Indian Life


 Price: $10.00

Michael Coleman

Coleman, Michael

 Price: $8.00

Miniatures from the East

Hajek, Lubor

 Price: $20.00

Mirages of Memory: 200 Years of Indiana Art - Volume 1


 Price: $13.00

Mission to Tashkent

Bailey, F.M.

 Price: $19.00

Missions in Hindustan: With a Brief Description of the Country, and of the Moral and Social Conditions of the Inhabitants

Campbell, Rev. James R.

 Price: $79.00

Modern and Contemporary Indian Art, 30 March 2006, Sale Number 1762

Christie's New York

 Price: $18.00

Modern Traveller, The: A Popular Description, Geographical, Historical and Topographical, of the Various Countries of the Globe - India (Vol. 1 Only)

Knight, Helen C.

 Price: $50.00
Modesty Blaise: The Head Girls, The Black Pearl, The Magnified ManO'Donnell, Peter and Jim Holdaway - Product Image

Modesty Blaise: The Head Girls, The Black Pearl, The Magnified Man

O'Donnell, Peter and Jim Holdaway

 Price: $23.00
Modesty Blaise: The Jericho Caper, The Killing Ground, Bad SukiO'Donnell, Peter and Jim Holdaway - Product Image

Modesty Blaise: The Jericho Caper, The Killing Ground, Bad Suki

O'Donnell, Peter and Jim Holdaway

 Price: $23.00
Modesty Blaise: The Mind of Mrs. Drake, Uncle HappyO'Donnell, Peter and Jim Holdaway - Product Image

Modesty Blaise: The Mind of Mrs. Drake, Uncle Happy

O'Donnell, Peter and Jim Holdaway

 Price: $23.00
Modesty Blaise: Top Traitor, The VikingsO'Donnell, Peter and Jim Holdaway - Product Image

Modesty Blaise: Top Traitor, The Vikings

O'Donnell, Peter and Jim Holdaway

 Price: $23.00

Mother Earth, Father Sky: Pueblo and Navajo Indians of the Southwest

Keegan, Marcia

 Price: $23.00

Native Americans: A Portrait : The Art and Travels of Charles Bird King, George Catlin, and Karl Bodmer

Moore, Jr. Robert J.

 Price: $38.00

Native Arts of the Pacific Northwest: From the Rasmussen Collection of the Portland Museum

Davis, Robert Tyler

 Price: $40.00

Navajo Blanket, The

Kahlenberg, Mary Hunt

 Price: $64.00
Navajo Weaving: Three Centuries of Change (Studies in American Indian Art)Kent, Kate Peck - Product Image

Navajo Weaving: Three Centuries of Change (Studies in American Indian Art)

Kent, Kate Peck

 Price: $15.00

Noguchi & Rickey & Smith

Solley (Curator), Thomas T.

 Price: $26.00

North American Indian Mythology

Burland, Cottie

 Price: $16.00

North American Indian Portraits: 120 Full-Color Plates from the McKenney-Hall Portrait Gallery of American Indians

Horan, James David

 Price: $25.00
Northwest Coast Indian Art: An Analysis of FormHolm, Bill - Product Image

Northwest Coast Indian Art: An Analysis of Form

Holm, Bill

 Price: $18.00
Northwest Coast Indian Art: An Analysis of FormHolm, Bill - Product Image

Northwest Coast Indian Art: An Analysis of Form

Holm, Bill

 Price: $18.00

On Paper: The Journal of Prints, Drawings, and Photography - July-August 1997


 Price: $10.00
ORIG VINTAGE MAGAZINE COVER/ SATURDAY EVENING POST - JULY 18 1908Wyeth (Illust.), N.C., Illust. by: N.C.  Wyeth - Product Image


Wyeth (Illust.), N.C., Illust. by: N.C. Wyeth

 Price: $50.00

Otto Ping 1900-1940 - Photographer of Brown County, Indiana

Hartley, W. Douglas, Illust. by: Ping

 Price: $10.00

Painted Prayers: Women's Art in Village India

Huyler, Stephen P.

 Price: $31.00
Painted Tipis By Contemporary Plains Indian ArtistsN/A - Product Image

Painted Tipis By Contemporary Plains Indian Artists


 Price: $23.00

Paintings and Sculptures by Midwest Faculty-Artists

Krannert Art Museum, University of Illinois/Indiana University Art Museum

 Price: $8.00

Pelican History of Art, The: The Art and Architecture of India: Buddhist, Hindu, Jain.

Rowland, Benjamin

 Price: $20.00

Penland School of Crafts, The: Book of Pottery

Coyne (Editor), John

 Price: $24.00
People of the Northwest Coast (EXHIBITION POSTER)N/A - Product Image

People of the Northwest Coast (EXHIBITION POSTER)


 Price: $38.00

Permanent Collection, The: Vol. 1

Gunther, Dr. Erna

 Price: $19.00

Pima Indian Basketry

Cain, H. Thomas

 Price: $15.00

Portraits and Painters of the Governors of Indiana, 1800-1978

Peat, Wilbur D.

 Price: $20.00

Pueblo Indian Folk-Stories

Lummis, Charles F., Illust. by: George Wharton Edwards

 Price: $63.00

Pueblo Storyteller, The - Development of a Figurative Ceramic Tradition

Babcock, Barbara A. and Guy asnd Doris Monthan

 Price: $44.00

Quilts from the Indiana Amish: A Regional Collection

Pottinger, David

 Price: $12.00

Recent Accessions: 1966-1972

Indianapolis Museum of Art

 Price: $12.00
Red Men and WhiteOwen, Wister - Product Image

Red Men and White

Owen, Wister

 Price: $56.00

Reflection Thru a Collector's Eye: A Selection of Prints and Drawings from the Collection of Lydia and Harry Lewis Winston

Sharp,, Ellen & Thomas T. Solley

 Price: $11.00

Reflections of the Old West

Steele, Ray W.

 Price: $20.00

Robes of White Shell and Sunrise: Personal Decorative Arts of the Native American

Conn, Richard

 Price: $15.00

Rock Art of the American Indian

Grant, Campbell

 Price: $15.00

Royal Conquests and Cultural Migrations in South India and the Deccan

Sivaramamurti, C.

 Price: $25.00

Sacred Circles. Two Thousand Years of North American Indian Art

Coe., Ralph T.

 Price: $19.00

Saturday Evening Post Animal Book, The


 Price: $31.00
Sinhalese LiteratureGodakumbura, Dr. C.E. - Product Image

Sinhalese Literature

Godakumbura, Dr. C.E.

 Price: $19.00

Song from the Earth: American Indian Painting

Highwater, Jamake

 Price: $15.00

Southwestern Indian Arts & Crafts

Bahti, Tom

 Price: $15.00

Spirit Within, The

Larson, Judy

 Price: $31.00

Splendour of Mughal Painting

Das, Asok Kumar

 Price: $38.00
Stone Sculpture of India - A Study of the Materials Used by Indian Sculptors from ca. 2nd century B. C. to the 16th century, TheNewman, Richard - Product Image

Stone Sculpture of India - A Study of the Materials Used by Indian Sculptors from ca. 2nd century B. C. to the 16th century, The

Newman, Richard

 Price: $125.00

Swann Auction Catalog -19th & 20th Century Art - March 9, 2005 - Catalog#1853

Swann Galleries

 Price: $10.00

Ten Indians: A novel

Bell, Madison Smartt

 Price: $10.00

Ten Indians

Bell, Madison Smart

 Price: $10.00

Tennessee Historical Quarterly: Fall 1985

Jones (ed), Robert B.

 Price: $25.00

Textiles in Daily Life in the Middle Ages

Martin, Rebecca

 Price: $65.00

The Beat of the Drum and the Whoop of the Dance: A Study of the Life and Work of Joseph Henry Sharp (SIGNED)

Fenn, Forrest

 Price: $375.00

The Indian Sale - 23 May, 2006 - Sale LO6221

Sotheby's London

 Price: $20.00

The Indian Sale: Including Miniatures and Modern and Contemporary Paintings - 24 May, 2007 - Sale LO7221

Sotheby's London

 Price: $20.00

The Museum, New Series: Summer - Fall 1958

Newark Museum

 Price: $8.00

Titian the Magnificent and the Venice of His Day

Riggs, Arthur Stanley

 Price: $10.00

Treat 'em Rough - Letters from Jack the Kaiser Killer

Lardner, Ring W.

 Price: $28.00

Two Hundred Years of North American Indian Art

Feder, Norman

 Price: $12.00

Upstream, Downstream and Out of My Mind

Hoff, Syd

 Price: $15.00

Vermont Indians

Daniels, Thomas E., Illust. by: Peg Artitage

 Price: $13.00

Vermont Indians

Daniels, Thomas E., Illust. by: Peg Artitage

 Price: $13.00

Western American Art - Selections from The Harrison Eiteljorg Collection - January 21 through February 28, 1976

Lazarus, Diane Gail

 Price: $12.00

William McGregor Paxton 1869-1941

Lee, Ellen Wardwell, Illust. by: William McGregor Paxton

 Price: $192.00

Wood Works: Constructions by Robert Indiana

Mecklenberg, Virginia M.

 Price: $20.00