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Search found 63 matching products.

A Shadow Born of Earth: New Photography in Mexico

Ferrer, Elizabeth

 Price: $30.00
Acoma, The People of the White RockL., H. (Harold L.) James - Product Image

Acoma, The People of the White Rock

L., H. (Harold L.) James

 Price: $10.00

Albers Collection of Pre-Columbian Art, The.

Taube, Karl

 Price: $30.00

Aperture 139 - Strong Hearts - Native American Visions and Voices

Hoffman, Michael E./Melissa Harris & Michael Sand (Editor)

 Price: $30.00

Art and Architecture of Mexico - A Comprehensive Survey

Rojas, Pedro

 Price: $38.00

Art of Exile, The : Paintings by Tibetan Children in India

M.), Museum of International Folk Art (N.

 Price: $19.00
Arts and Crafts of MexicoSayer, Chloe - Product Image

Arts and Crafts of Mexico

Sayer, Chloe

 Price: $25.00

Basket Weavers of Arizona, The

Robinson, Bert

 Price: $19.00

California Connection: Sixteen Paintings from the Gifford and Joann Phillips Collection

Museum of Fine Arts, Museum of New Mexico

 Price: $8.00

Changing Woman

Scott, Jay

 Price: $18.00
Christian Texts for Aztecs: Art and Liturgy in Colonial MexicoLara, Jaime - Product Image

Christian Texts for Aztecs: Art and Liturgy in Colonial Mexico

Lara, Jaime

 Price: $50.00

Clay Figures from Guerrero

Renwick Gallery

 Price: $8.00

Contemporary Pueblo Indian Pottery

Harlow , Francis H. & John V. Young

 Price: $12.00

D'as de Mas, D'as de Menos (Days of Plenty, Days of Want: Spanish Folklife and Art in New Mexico)

Museum of New Mexico

 Price: $20.00

D. H. Lawrence in New Mexico: The Time is Different There

Bachrach, Arthur J.

 Price: $10.00
Days of the Dead, The: Mexico's Festival of Communion With the Departed/Los Dias De Muertos (Bilingual English/Spanish)Beimler, Rosalind Rosoff - Product Image

Days of the Dead, The: Mexico's Festival of Communion With the Departed/Los Dias De Muertos (Bilingual English/Spanish)

Beimler, Rosalind Rosoff

 Price: $15.00

Development of Hispanic America, The

Wilgus, A. Curtis

 Price: $30.00

Dreaming with His Eyes Open: A life of Diego Rivera

Marnham, Patrick

 Price: $23.00
El Dia De Los Muertos: The Life of the Dead in Mexican Folk ArtPomar, Maria Teresa - Product Image

El Dia De Los Muertos: The Life of the Dead in Mexican Folk Art

Pomar, Maria Teresa

 Price: $19.00
El Dia De Lost Muertos: The Life of the Dead in Mexican Folk ArtPomar, Maria Teresa - Product Image

El Dia De Lost Muertos: The Life of the Dead in Mexican Folk Art

Pomar, Maria Teresa

 Price: $19.00

Evolution of Artistic Form, The: Ancient Sculpture from Western Mexico.

Alsberg, John L., Rodolfo Petschek,

 Price: $60.00
Experimental Cinema - Number 5 - 1934Jacobs (Editors), Lewis/B. G. Braver-Mann/Seymour Stern - Product Image

Experimental Cinema - Number 5 - 1934

Jacobs (Editors), Lewis/B. G. Braver-Mann/Seymour Stern

 Price: $94.00

Fabulous Life of Diego Rivera. The

Wolfe, Bertram D.

 Price: $20.00

First 10 Years, The: Museum of International Folk Art

Museum of New Mexico

 Price: $13.00

Georgia O'Keefe: The Artist's Landscape

Webb, Todd

 Price: $80.00

Handbook of the Collections, 1914-1974. Museum of Fine Arts.

Museum of Fine Arts

 Price: $12.00

Historic Pueblo Indian Pottery

Harlow, Francis H.

 Price: $12.00


Museum of International Folk Art, Museum of New Mexico

 Price: $13.00

Jaguar's Children: Pre-Classic Central Mexico, The

Coe, Michael D.

 Price: $40.00

Jose Clemente Orozco

Reed, Alma/Jose Clemente Orozco

 Price: $88.00

Leonardo's Bicycle

Taibo II, Paco Ignacio

 Price: $10.00

Les Voyages Extraordinaires - Michel Strogoff - Moscou-Irkoutsk- Suivi de Un Drame au Mexique

Verne, Jules, Illust. by: Ch. Brabant

 Price: $250.00
Lucien Bonaparte Maxwell: The Napoleon of the SouthwestMurphy, Lawrence R. - Product Image

Lucien Bonaparte Maxwell: The Napoleon of the Southwest

Murphy, Lawrence R.

 Price: $31.00

Man of Fire: Jose Clemente Orozco - An Interpretive Biography

Helm, MacKinley

 Price: $50.00

Manuel Alvarez Bravo

Parker, Fred R.

 Price: $55.00

March to Monterrey, The (SIGNED)

Clayton (Editors), Lawrence R. and Joseph E. Chance, Illust. by: Wil Martin

 Price: $25.00
Mexican American ArtistsQuirarte, Jacinto - Product Image

Mexican American Artists

Quirarte, Jacinto

 Price: $25.00

Mexican Architects - An Encounter of Form & Function

de Haro, Fernando/Omar Fuentes

 Price: $25.00

Mexican Art

Fernandez, Justino

 Price: $30.00

Mexican Folk Crafts

Espejel, Carlos

 Price: $39.00

Mexican Modern: Masters of the 20th Century

Craven, David (Contributor)

 Price: $15.00

Mexico - New York

Bravo, Alvarez/Cartier-Bresson/Walker Evans

 Price: $40.00

Mexico in Sculpture 1521-1821

Weismann, Elizabeth Wilder

 Price: $50.00

Modern by Tradition: American Indian Painting in the Studio Style

Bernstein, Bruce

 Price: $19.00

National Geographic Magazine - Vol. LVIII July - December 1930 (Six Issues)

National Geographic Society

 Price: $44.00

New Mexico Santero, The

Boyd, E.

 Price: $12.00

Palace of the Governors, The

Shishkin, J. K.

 Price: $8.00

Patrocino Barela

Owings-Dewey Fine Art

 Price: $50.00

Pobre Raza! Violence, Justce, and Mobilization Among Mexico Lindo Immigrants 1900-1936

Rosales, F. Arturo

 Price: $12.00

Pottery of Acatlan, The: A Changing Mexican Tradition

Lackey, Louana

 Price: $13.00

Reuvundicacion del Conde Don Julian

Goytisolo, Juan

 Price: $120.00

Road to Guadalupe, The - A Modern Pilgrimage to the Goddess of the Americas (SIGNED BY AUTHOR)

Hanut, Eryk

 Price: $23.00

Roberto Juarez: Spirit and Prism

Smith, Duncan

 Price: $10.00

San Cristobal - Voices and Visions of the Galisteo Basin

Mednick, Christina Singleton

 Price: $63.00

Sons of the Shaking Earth: The People of Mexico and Guatemala Their Land, History, and Cultures

Wolf, Eric R.

 Price: $15.00

Thomas Gage's Travels in the New World

Thompson, J. Eric S. (Editor/Introduction)

 Price: $23.00
Tina Modotti: Image, Texture, PhotographyNoble, Andrea - Product Image

Tina Modotti: Image, Texture, Photography

Noble, Andrea

 Price: $13.00

Treasures of Mexico - from the Mexican National Museums

Hammer, Olga/Jeanne D'Andrea

 Price: $10.00

Twenty Centuries of Mexican Art

Leal, Antonio Castro/Alfonso Caso/Manuel Toussaint/Roberto Montenegro/MiguelCovarrubias

 Price: $25.00

Valley of Mexico, The - Studies in Pre-Historic Ecology and Society

Wolf, Eric R. (Ed.)

 Price: $20.00


Campillo, Juan C., Illust. by: Luis Enrique Otero

 Price: $13.00

Yazz: Navajo Painter

Wagner, Sallie R., J.J. Brody, and Beatien Yazz

 Price: $70.00


Dame, Lawrence

 Price: $44.00