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Search Results for Keyword(s):Nature  (matching all words)
Search found 2614 matching products.
"Billy" Sunday: The Man and His MessageEllis, William T. - Product Image

"Billy" Sunday: The Man and His Message

Ellis, William T.

 Price: $38.00

"Fancy Rockingham" Pottery: The Modeller and Ceramics in Nineteenth-Century America

Stradling, Diana

 Price: $25.00

"Primitivism" in the Contemporary Ceramics - Regard For "Earth" (Japanese & English Text)

Inui (Curator), Yoshiaki

 Price: $63.00

'Nature and the Greeks' and 'Science and Humanism' (Canto original series)


 Price: $19.00

1992 Tennessee Banjo Institute


 Price: $25.00

37 The Broad - Memoirs Of An Oxford Doctor

Counsell, H.E.

 Price: $8.00


Vonnegut, Kurt

 Price: $40.00

A Change Of Air

Hope, Anthony

 Price: $12.00

A Good Medicine Collection: Life in Harmony with Nature

Wolf, Adolf Hungry

 Price: $10.00

A Joyful Noise: Poems

Finkel, Donald

 Price: $11.00

A Kettle Of Hawks and Other Wildlife Groups

Arnosky, Jim, Illust. by: Jim Arnosky

 Price: $12.00

A Letter to Amy

Keats, Ezra Jack, Illust. by: Ezra Jack Keats

 Price: $25.00

A Memorial of Rufus Spaulding Cushman, D.D., Late Pastor of the Congregational Church in Manchester, Vermont

Manchester, Vermont

 Price: $18.00
A New Selected PoemsKinnell, Galway - Product Image

A New Selected Poems

Kinnell, Galway

 Price: $19.00

A Nurse's Handbook of Obstetrics

Cooke, Joseph Brown

 Price: $10.00

A Painted Herbarium - The Life And Art Of Emily Hitchcock Terry (1838-1921)

Smith, Beatrice Scheer

 Price: $35.00

A Selected Bibliography of Slavic Linguistics - Volume I

Stankiewicz, Edward and Dean S. Worth

 Price: $15.00

A Slipping-Down Life

Tyler, Anne

 Price: $25.00

A Story That Ends With A Scream and Eight Others

Herlihy, James Leo

 Price: $18.00


Read, Thomas

 Price: $18.00
A Treatise of the Laws of NatureCumberland, Richard - Product Image

A Treatise of the Laws of Nature

Cumberland, Richard

 Price: $19.00

A Treatise on Foreign Bodies in Surgical Practice -Vol. II

Poulet, Alfred

 Price: $51.00

A Trojan Ending

Riding, Laura

 Price: $25.00

Abacus (Wesleyan New Poets)

Karr, Mary

 Price: $63.00

About Harry Towns

Friedman, Bruce Jay

 Price: $12.00
Above the River: The Complete PoemsWright, James - Product Image

Above the River: The Complete Poems

Wright, James

 Price: $100.00

Absent Without Leave


 Price: $15.00
Abstract ArtMoszynska, Anna - Product Image

Abstract Art

Moszynska, Anna

 Price: $12.00

Accolade, The

Sidgwick, Ethel

 Price: $10.00

Active Games and Contests

Mason, Bernard S. and Elmer D. Mitchell

 Price: $8.00

Adirondack Country

White, William Chapman

 Price: $12.00
Admission of Vermont into the Union, TheDean, Leon W.  - Product Image

Admission of Vermont into the Union, The

Dean, Leon W.

 Price: $75.00

Adrift on an Ice-Pan

Grenfell, Wilfred Thomason

 Price: $60.00
Adult Bookstore: PoemsShapiro, Karl - Product Image

Adult Bookstore: Poems

Shapiro, Karl

 Price: $19.00

Advance of the English Novel, The

Phelps, William Lyon

 Price: $25.00

Advances in Horticultural Science - Three Volumes.

Garnaud (editor), Jean-Claude

 Price: $60.00

Advances in Plasma Physics - Thomas H. Stix Symposium

Fisch (Ed.), Nathaniel J.

 Price: $28.00

Adventures of General Marbot

Thomason, Jr. (Ed.), John W.

 Price: $30.00

Advice Limited: A Series of Stories

Oppenheim, E. Phillips

 Price: $19.00

Aesthetic Judgment

Prall, D.W.

 Price: $63.00

Africa - The Art of the Negro Peoples

Leuzinger, Elsy

 Price: $50.00

African Railwaymen - Solidarity and Opposition in an East African Labour Force

Grillo, R.D.

 Price: $25.00

African Societies in Southern Africa

Thompson, Leonard

 Price: $40.00

After Many a Summer

Huxley, Aldous

 Price: $18.00

Afternoon of Pocket Billiards: Poems

Taylor, Henry

 Price: $13.00

Against Romance (Poets, Penguin)

Blumenthal, Michael

 Price: $19.00
Age of Propaganda: The Everyday Use and Abuse of PersuasionPratkanis, Anthony - Product Image

Age of Propaganda: The Everyday Use and Abuse of Persuasion

Pratkanis, Anthony

 Price: $10.00

Aged in American Society, The

Drake, Joseph T.

 Price: $13.00

Agricultural Production and the Economic Development of Japan 1873 - 1922

Nakamura, James I.

 Price: $15.00

Akavak - An Eskimo Journey

Houston, James, Illust. by: James Houston

 Price: $15.00

Alaska and Its Wildlife

Sage, Bryan L.

 Price: $15.00

Alaskans All

Willoughby, Barrett

 Price: $20.00

Albert Schweitzer - The Man and His Mind

Seaver, George

 Price: $12.00
Alchemy Tried in the Fire: Starkey, Boyle, and the Fate of Helmontian ChymistryNewman, William R. - Product Image

Alchemy Tried in the Fire: Starkey, Boyle, and the Fate of Helmontian Chymistry

Newman, William R.

 Price: $35.00

Alexander Wilson: Naturalist and Pioneer

Cantwell, Robert

 Price: $30.00

Alexander's Vacation

Knight, Marjorie, Illust. by: Howard Simon

 Price: $15.00

All My Sins Remembered (SIGNED COPY)

Haldeman, Joe

 Price: $20.00
All the God-Sized Fruit (Hugh Maclennan Poetry Series)Lemay, Shawna - Product Image

All the God-Sized Fruit (Hugh Maclennan Poetry Series)

Lemay, Shawna

 Price: $10.00

Amber - Window to the Past

Grimaldi, David A.

 Price: $30.00

Ambulance in Africa

Thomas, Evan

 Price: $25.00

America Bewitched - The Rise of Black Magic and Spiritism

Logan, Daniel

 Price: $18.00

America, I Presume

Lewis, Wyndham

 Price: $38.00

American Character, The

Brogan, D. W.

 Price: $6.00

American Character, The

Brogan, D.W.

 Price: $12.00

American Commonwealth, The: vol. I

Bryce, James

 Price: $10.00

American Folk Painting

Black, Mary, Jean Lipman

 Price: $15.00

American Girl in London, An

Duncan, Sara Jeannette

 Price: $40.00

American Indian and Eskimo Basketry: A Key to Identification

Miles, Charles and Pierre Bovis

 Price: $12.00
American Indian As a Sea-Fighter in Colonial Times, The (SIGNED)Beck, Horace P. - Product Image

American Indian As a Sea-Fighter in Colonial Times, The (SIGNED)

Beck, Horace P.

 Price: $29.00

American Irish, The - A Political and Social Portrait

Shannon, William V.

 Price: $18.00
American Light (Contemporary Poetry (Univ of Georgia Paperback))Pettit, Michael - Product Image

American Light (Contemporary Poetry (Univ of Georgia Paperback))

Pettit, Michael

 Price: $10.00

American Nights Entertainment

Overton, Grant

 Price: $12.00

American Presidency in Political Cartoons: 1776-1976, The

Blaisdell, Thomas & Peter Selz

 Price: $10.00

American Rose Annual - 1928

McFarland (Ed.), J. Horace

 Price: $10.00

American Silver

Hood, Graham

 Price: $18.00

American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, The: The First Sixty Years, 1908-1969

Chen, K. K.

 Price: $25.00
American WakeDelanty, Greg - Product Image

American Wake

Delanty, Greg

 Price: $10.00

American Wings

Leyson, Captain Burr

 Price: $18.00

Amid the High Hills

Fraser, Hugh

 Price: $45.00

Amiel's Journal: The Journal Intime of Henri-Frederic Amiel

Ward , Mrs. Humphrey (translator)

 Price: $20.00

Among the Dahlias

Sansom, William

 Price: $15.00

An Account of the Celebration of the Diamond Wedding of Dea. Frederick and Harriet North

North, F. A.

 Price: $25.00

An Essay on The Pastoral Office as Exemplified in the Economy of the Methodist Episcopal Church

Wythes, J. H.

 Price: $50.00

An Introduction to Virology

Goodheart, Clyde R.

 Price: $15.00

Anatomy of Satire, The

Highet, Gilbert

 Price: $15.00

Anatomy of the Nervous System, The: From the Standpoint of Development and Function

Ranson, Stephen Walter

 Price: $20.00

Ancient Greece - The Triumph of a Culture

Payne, Robert

 Price: $25.00

Ancient Medicine

Edelstein, Ludwig

 Price: $10.00

Ancient Trees: Trees That Live For 1,000 Years

Lewington, Anna

 Price: $25.00

Andersonville: The Last Depot

Marvel, William

 Price: $8.00

Andrew Wyeth - Dry Brush and Pencil Drawings

Wyeth, Andrew

 Price: $18.00

Anecdotes of the Habits and Instincts of Birds, Reptiles, and Fishes

Lee, Mrs. R.

 Price: $38.00

Angel Hide and Seek

Turner, Ann, Illust. by: Lois Ehlert

 Price: $18.00

Anim Runs Away

DeLeeuw, Adele and Cateau, Illust. by: Adele and Cateau DeLeeuw

 Price: $15.00

Anna Freud: A Biography

Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth

 Price: $13.00

Annals and Antiquities of Rajast'han or, the Central and Western Rajpoot States of India (2 vols.)

Tod, James

 Price: $30.00

Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood

MacDonald, George

 Price: $88.00
Annotated Bibliography of Spanish Folklore in New Mexico and Southern Colorado, AnTully, Marjorie F. and Juan B. Rael - Product Image

Annotated Bibliography of Spanish Folklore in New Mexico and Southern Colorado, An

Tully, Marjorie F. and Juan B. Rael

 Price: $23.00

Annotated Catalogue of the Papers of Charles S. Peirce

Robin, Richard S.

 Price: $100.00

Annual Report on the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, Showing the Operations, Expenditures, and Condition of the Institution for the Year 1856


 Price: $16.00

Annual Report on the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, Showing the Operations, Expenditures, and Condition of the Institution for the Year 1870


 Price: $19.00

Answer Back: Poems

Finkel, Donald

 Price: $10.00
Ant and the Peacock, The: Altruism and Sexual Selection from Darwin to TodayCronin, Helena - Product Image

Ant and the Peacock, The: Altruism and Sexual Selection from Darwin to Today

Cronin, Helena

 Price: $19.00

Anthropological Approaches to the Study of Religion

Banton (edited by), Michael

 Price: $13.00

Anti-Group, The: Destructive Forces in the Group and their Creative Potential (Routledge Mental Health Classic Editions)

Nitsun, Morris

 Price: $19.00

Antigua Penny Puce

Graves, Robert

 Price: $75.00

Antiquity of Proverbs, The

Marvin, Dwight Edwards

 Price: $31.00

Anybody's Gold - The Story of California's Mining Towns

Jackson, Joseph Henry, Illust. by: E.H. Suydam

 Price: $35.00

Anywhere But Here

Simpson, Mona

 Price: $25.00

Apache Princess, An

King, General Charles, Illust. by: Frederic Remington & Edwin Deming

 Price: $35.00
Ape That Spoke, The: Language and the Evolution of the Human MindMcCrone, John - Product Image

Ape That Spoke, The: Language and the Evolution of the Human Mind

McCrone, John

 Price: $13.00
Apes, Language, and the Human MindSavage-Rumbaugh, Sue - Product Image

Apes, Language, and the Human Mind

Savage-Rumbaugh, Sue

 Price: $8.00

Apologia pro Vita Sua: Being a History of His Religious Opinions

Newman, John Henry

 Price: $25.00



 Price: $63.00

Appalachia December 1941 Magazine Number 92


 Price: $38.00

Appalachia December 1943 Magazine Number 96


 Price: $38.00

Appalachia December 1944 Magazine Number 98


 Price: $20.00

Appalachia December 1945 Magazine Number 100


 Price: $25.00

Appalachia December 1951 Magazine Number 113


 Price: $25.00

Appalachia December 1954 Magazine Number 119


 Price: $25.00

Appalachia December 1956 - Magazine Number 123


 Price: $20.00

Appalachia December 1961 Magazine Number 133


 Price: $20.00

Appalachia December 1967 Magazine Number 145


 Price: $20.00

Appalachia June 1941 Magazine Number 91


 Price: $31.00

Appalachia June 1945 Magazine Number 140


 Price: $20.00

Appalachia June 1945 Magazine Number 99


 Price: $20.00

Appalachia June 1947 Magazine Number 103


 Price: $25.00

Appalachia June 1957 Magazine Number 124


 Price: $25.00

Appalachia June 1961 Magazine Number 132


 Price: $20.00

Appalachia June 1963 Magazine Number 136


 Price: $25.00

Appalachia June 1964 Magazine Number 138


 Price: $20.00

Appalachia June 1966 Magazine Number 142


 Price: $20.00

Appalachia Vol. VII No.4 June 1895


 Price: $31.00

Appalachia Vol. XIV No.2 June 1917


 Price: $31.00

Appalachia Vol. XIV No.3 June 1918


 Price: $31.00

Appalachia Vol.II No.2 June 1880


 Price: $31.00

Appalachia Vol.VIII No.1 January 1896


 Price: $31.00

Appalachia Vol.VIII No.2 November 1896


 Price: $31.00

Appalachia Vol.VIII No.3 July 1897


 Price: $31.00

Appalachia Vol.XI No.4 June 1908


 Price: $31.00

Appalachia Vol.XII No.1 July 1909


 Price: $31.00

Appalachian Trail

Warren, Michael

 Price: $25.00

Apt. 3

Keats, Ezra Jack, Illust. by: Ezra Jack Keats

 Price: $30.00

Aquatic Diptera

Johannsen, O.A.

 Price: $25.00

Arabesque and Honeycomb

Sitwell, Sacheverell

 Price: $13.00
Arabian NightsN/A - Product Image

Arabian Nights


 Price: $28.00

Architects of Charleston

Ravenel, Beatrice St. Julien

 Price: $19.00

Architecture of the Absurd: How "Genius" Disfigured a Practical Art

Silber, John

 Price: $13.00

ARCTIC JOURNEY. Paintings, Sketches, and Reminiscences of a Vanishing World.

Buerschaper, Peter

 Price: $13.00

ARCTIC JOURNEY. Paintings, Sketches, and Reminiscences of a Vanishing World

Buerschaper, Peter

 Price: $11.00

Arctic Prairies, The

Seton, Ernest Thompson

 Price: $100.00

Areopgifica and Other Prose Writings

Milton, John

 Price: $15.00

Arnauld and the Cartesian Philosophy of Ideas

Nadler, Steven M.

 Price: $50.00

Art & Artists

Sparkes, W.E.

 Price: $13.00

Art & Nature: Three Centuries of Natural History Art from Around the World

Magee, Judith

 Price: $31.00

Art and Artists of the Capitol of the United States of America

Fairman, Charles E.

 Price: $15.00

Art in America: May-June 1968

Lipman (Ed.), Jean (David Von Schlegell)

 Price: $15.00

Art in America: Number One 1963

Lipman (Ed.), Jean (Richard Lindner, Will Barnett, Helen Frankenthaler )

 Price: $31.00

Art in European Architecture

Damaz, Paul

 Price: $20.00

Art of Fiction, The

Besant, Walter and Henry James

 Price: $28.00

Art of Glen Loates, The

Duval, Paul

 Price: $50.00

Art of National Geographic, The

Carter, Alice

 Price: $31.00

Art of Rachel Whiteread, The

Townsend, Chris

 Price: $23.00

Art of Seeing

Zelanski, Paul

 Price: $18.00

Art of the Renaissance, The

Murray, Peter & Linda

 Price: $12.00

Art Text-Books: Classic and Italian Painting

Poynter, Edward J., Percy R. Head

 Price: $18.00

Art-Life of William Morris Hunt

knowlton, Helen M.

 Price: $32.00

Arthur Bonnicastle - An American Novel

Holland, J.G.

 Price: $40.00

Arthur Schopenhauer's English Schooling

Bridgwater, W. P.

 Price: $40.00

Artist Wife and Other Tales, The

Howitt, Mary

 Price: $25.00

Asian Rural Society - China, India, Japan

Fukutake, Tadashi

 Price: $18.00

At a Bend In a Mexican River

Sutton, George Miksch

 Price: $32.00
At Home in Nature: Modern Homesteading and Spiritual Practice in AmericaGould, Rebecca Kneale - Product Image

At Home in Nature: Modern Homesteading and Spiritual Practice in America

Gould, Rebecca Kneale

 Price: $15.00
At Home in Nature: Modern Homesteading and Spiritual Practice in AmericaGould, Rebecca Kneale - Product Image

At Home in Nature: Modern Homesteading and Spiritual Practice in America

Gould, Rebecca Kneale

 Price: $35.00

At the Sign of the Dollar

Irwin, Wallace, Illust. by: E. W. Kemble

 Price: $35.00

Atlantic Reef Corals

Smith, F.G. Walton

 Price: $15.00
Atoms and Alchemy: Chymistry and the Experimental Origins of the Scientific RevolutionNewman, William R. - Product Image

Atoms and Alchemy: Chymistry and the Experimental Origins of the Scientific Revolution

Newman, William R.

 Price: $23.00
Atonement: A NovelMcEwan, Ian - Product Image

Atonement: A Novel

McEwan, Ian

 Price: $10.00
Attic of the WestLund, Doris Herold, Illust. by: Ati Forberg - Product Image

Attic of the West

Lund, Doris Herold, Illust. by: Ati Forberg

 Price: $13.00

Aubrey Beardsley

Reade, Brian

 Price: $50.00

Audubon, By Himself

Ford (Ed.), Alice

 Price: $15.00

Audubon, The Naturalist of the New World: His Adventures and Discoveries

St. John, Horace, Illust. by: J.W. Orr

 Price: $31.00

August F. Lundberg: A Retrospective Exhibition

Adams, Davidson Galleries

 Price: $8.00


Bishop, Claire Huchet, Illust. by: Grace Paull

 Price: $15.00

Aunt Serena

Howard, Blanche Willis

 Price: $11.00

Austin and Mabel: The Amherst Affair and Love Letters of Austin Dickinson and Mabel Loomis Todd

Longsworth, Polly

 Price: $18.00

Autobiography of the Rev. Dr. Alexander Carlyle, Minister of Inveresk, Containing Memorials of the Men and Events of His Time

Carlyle, Alexander

 Price: $23.00

Avalanche Handbook - Alpine Snow and Avalanche Research Project - Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station - Agriculture Handbook 489

Perla, Ronald I./M. Martinelli, Jr.

 Price: $15.00

Aztecs, The - People of the Sun

Caso, Alfonso

 Price: $18.00

Baby Animals

Brown, Margaret Wise, Illust. by: Susan Jeffers

 Price: $12.00

Baby World: Stories, Rhymes, and Pictures for Little Folks

Dodge, Mary Mapes

 Price: $35.00

Baby's Childhood Days: A Biography


 Price: $13.00

Backyard Wilderness: From the Canadian Maritimes to the Florida Keys, The

Abraitys, Vincent, Illust. by: John Schoenherr

 Price: $31.00

Bacterial Physiology and Metabolism

Sokatch, J. R.

 Price: $15.00

Baedeker's Great Britain

Baedeker, Karl

 Price: $30.00

Baedeker's Switzerland

Baedeker, Karl

 Price: $30.00

Bajo la Cruz del Sur: Cuerpu Militar del Trabajo - Ejercito de Chiie


 Price: $25.00

Balkan Nephropathy, The

Wolstenholme, G. E. W. and Julie Knight.

 Price: $12.00

Bambi vs. Godzilla: On the Nature, Purpose, and Practice of the Movie Business

Mamet, David

 Price: $12.00
BambooAustin, Robert - Product Image


Austin, Robert

 Price: $25.00