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Search Results for Keyword(s):New Jersey  (matching all words)
Search found 112 matching products.

Absolut Statehood: 51 Painters visions of their home states

O'Brien, Glenn

 Price: $25.00

American Archives: Gender, Race, and Class in Visual Culture

Smith, Shawn Michelle

 Price: $31.00

American Christians and Islam: Evangelical Culture and Muslims from the Colonial Period to the Age of Terrorism

Kidd, Thomas S.

 Price: $19.00

American Drawings and Watercolors in the Robert Lehman Collection

Clarke, Carol

 Price: $48.00

American Folk Sculpture: The Work of Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Craftsmen

Winser, Egner, et. al., Beatrice, Arthur F., et. al.

 Price: $35.00

American Folk Sculpture: The Work of Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Craftsmen

Winser, Egner, et. al., Beatrice, Arthur F., et. al.

 Price: $35.00

American Kasten: The Dutch-Style Cupboards of New York and New Jersey, 1650-1800

Kenny, Peter M.

 Price: $288.00

American Painting, from the Armory Show to the Depression

Brown, Milton W.

 Price: $15.00

American Paintings: A Gathering of Three Centuries

Parry, Ellwood (Essay) & The Historical Society of Princeton, New Jersey

 Price: $12.00

Applejack for Breakfast

Campbell, Alfred S. and Helen Monteith Campbell, Illust. by: Alice Harvey

 Price: $19.00

Archaeology and the Old Testament

Pritchard, James B.

 Price: $19.00

Armies of the American Revolution

Hogg, Ian V. and John H. Batchelor

 Price: $30.00
Art of the Cigar Label, TheDavidson, Joe - Product Image

Art of the Cigar Label, The

Davidson, Joe

 Price: $38.00

Artforum International, Volume XXXIX, May 2001, No. 9


 Price: $12.00

Battle of Fort Donelson, The

Hamilton, James

 Price: $12.00
Before Dawn on Bluff Road / Hollyhocks in the Fog: Selected New Jersey Poems / Selected San Francisco PoemsKleinzahler, August - Product Image

Before Dawn on Bluff Road / Hollyhocks in the Fog: Selected New Jersey Poems / Selected San Francisco Poems

Kleinzahler, August

 Price: $15.00

Ben Shahn: A Retrospective Exhibition

The New Jersey State Museum

 Price: $19.00

Billy Yank Governor, A - the life and times of New Jersey's Franklin Murphy

Olsen, Bernard A.

 Price: $32.00

Brain and the Meaning of Life, The

Thagard, Paul

 Price: $19.00

British Seaman 1200-1860, The: A Social Survey

Lloyd, Christopher

 Price: $12.00

Building By the Book: Pattern Book, Architecture in New Jersey

Guter, Robert P. and Janet W. Foster

 Price: $30.00

Centennial History of the Town of Dryden, 1797-1897, The

Goodrich, George E.

 Price: $23.00

Christmas Trees for Pleasure and Profit

Chapman, A. G., R. D. Wray

 Price: $15.00

Clarence Holbrook Center

Center, Clarence Holbrook

 Price: $10.00

Colonial Furniture of West New Jersey

Hopkins, Thomas Smith/Walter Scott Cox

 Price: $188.00
Complete First Edition the Original Folk & Fairy Tales of the Bothers Grimm, TheZipes (Trans./Ed.), Jack, Illust. by: Andreaq Dezso - Product Image

Complete First Edition the Original Folk & Fairy Tales of the Bothers Grimm, The

Zipes (Trans./Ed.), Jack, Illust. by: Andreaq Dezso

 Price: $25.00

Concordance to the Poems of Hart Crane, A

Landry, Hilto and Elaine

 Price: $19.00

Coral Reefs - Nature's Richest Realm

Steene, Roger

 Price: $25.00

Curator's Choice

New Jersey State Council on the Arts

 Price: $11.00

Day is Ours!, The: An Inside View of the Battles of Trenton and Princeton, November 1776-January 1777

Dwyer, William M.

 Price: $13.00

Day the Bunny Died, The: The Story of the Rise and Near Collapse of the Playboy Empire as Told by One of Its Principal Creators.

Lownes, Victor

 Price: $15.00
Dupont - Behind the Nylon CompanyZilg, Gerald Colby - Product Image

Dupont - Behind the Nylon Company

Zilg, Gerald Colby

 Price: $188.00
Early Children's BooksQuayle, Eric - Product Image

Early Children's Books

Quayle, Eric

 Price: $39.00

Early Years of Art History in the United States, The

Smyth, Craig Hugh and Peter M. Lukehart

 Price: $18.00
Edison's Electric LightFriedel, Robert - Product Image

Edison's Electric Light

Friedel, Robert

 Price: $19.00

Edward Lear's Birds

Hyman, Susan

 Price: $30.00

Encyclopedia of New Jersey

Mappen, Marc

 Price: $31.00

Evolution of Parental Care, The (Monographs in Behavior and Ecology)

Clutton-Brock, T.H.

 Price: $23.00

Exhibition of Silver Used in New York, New Jersey and the South

Halsey, R. T. Haines

 Price: $26.00

Festival '72: Exhibition of Decorative and Fine Arts from New Jersey Private Collections

The Association for the Arts of the New Jersey State Museum

 Price: $35.00

Fine Arts Collection of Rutgers, The State University: A Selection

Rutgers, The State University

 Price: $25.00

Four Views

New Jersey State Museum

 Price: $12.00

From Lenape Territory to Royal Province: New Jersey 1600-1750

New Jersey State Museum

 Price: $16.00

From pioneer settlement to suburb: A history of Mahwah, New Jersey, 1700-1976

Bischoff, Henry

 Price: $50.00

FROM SMALL BEGINNINGS. A History of South Jersey Industries, Inc. and South Jersey Gas Company 1910 - 1985

Gemmel, William A.

 Price: $8.00

Genealogical Data From New York Administration Bonds 1753-1799

Scott (abstractor), Kenneth

 Price: $28.00
George Bellows : American ArtistOates, Joyce Carol - Product Image

George Bellows : American Artist

Oates, Joyce Carol

 Price: $18.00

Glass Gaffers of New Jersey

Pepper, Adeline

 Price: $31.00

Glorious French Food: A Fresh Approach to the Classics

Peterson, James

 Price: $18.00

Great Houses and Gardens of New Jersey

Seebohm, Caroline

 Price: $32.00
GREAT STORMS OF THE JERSEY SHORESavadore, Larry - Product Image


Savadore, Larry

 Price: $15.00
Guarding New Jersey's Shore: Lighthouses and Life-Saving Stations Veasey, David - Product Image

Guarding New Jersey's Shore: Lighthouses and Life-Saving Stations

Veasey, David

 Price: $10.00

Headed for the Blues

Skvorecky, Josef

 Price: $19.00

Historic American Buildings Survey of New Jersey

Bassett, William B.

 Price: $35.00

Historic Roadsides in New Jersey


 Price: $12.00

Historical Dictionary of South Africa

Saunders, Christopher

 Price: $18.00

History of a Village, A: Ridgewood, New Jersey

The History Committee of the Village of Ridgewood State Tercentenary Committee

 Price: $19.00

History of Economic Thought, The

Roll, Eric

 Price: $15.00

History of Tompkins County, New York; with Illustrations and Biographical Sketches of Some of its Prominent Men and Pioneers


 Price: $64.00

Hitler's Wartime Picture Magazine Signal

Mayer, S.L. (Ed.)

 Price: $19.00

Hungry Fred

Fox, Paula, Illust. by: Rosemary Wells

 Price: $80.00

L'avventura (Volume 12, Rutgers Films in Print)

Antonioni, Michelangelo (Director), Guido Fink (Editor), Seymour Chatman, (Editor)

 Price: $25.00

Legacy through the Lens: A Study of Mendham Architecture

Foster, Janet W. and E. Kenneth Hoffman

 Price: $19.00

Mindscapes, 104 Drawings, John Randolph Carter

Carter, John Randolph

 Price: $19.00

New Jersey and the Artist

New Jersey State Museum

 Price: $8.00

New Jersey Biographical and Genealogical Notes

Nelson, William

 Price: $36.00

New Jersey Sampler,. The - Historic Tales of Old New Jersey

Cunningham, John T., Illust. by: Homer Hill

 Price: $23.00

New York - New Jersey - Pennsylvania (3 Volumes) Romantic Stories of the States series

McSpadden, J. Walker

 Price: $30.00
Of Batsto and Bog IronBoucher, Jack E.  - Product Image

Of Batsto and Bog Iron

Boucher, Jack E.

 Price: $19.00

Old Churches & Meeting Houses In and Around Philadelphia

Faris, John T.

 Price: $25.00
ORIG. VINTAGE MAGAZINE AD/ 1918 NUJOL LAXATIVE ADillustrator- N/A - Product Image


illustrator- N/A

 Price: $13.00

Painting and Sculpture in New Jersey

Gerdts, William

 Price: $19.00

Painting Religion in Public: John Singer Sargent's Triumph of Religion at the Boston Public Library

Promey, Sally M.

 Price: $32.00

Paintings by John Powell - New Jersey State Museum, Trenton - January 10-February 22, 1981

Buki (Curator), Zoltan

 Price: $15.00

Paramus: A Chronicle of Four Centuries

Bogert, Frederick W.

 Price: $44.00

Passenger Cars 3: Solariums, Sleepers, Inspection Cars

Carstens, Hal

 Price: $25.00

Phaidon Guide to Glass

Mehlman, Felice

 Price: $15.00

Queen of Bebop: The Musical Lives of Sarah Vaugan

Hayes, Elaine M.

 Price: $19.00

Robert Bruce Horsfll (1868-1948): American Natural Science Illustrator

Rutgers University Fine Arts Collection

 Price: $12.00

Robert Farber: American Mood

Faber, Robert, Illust. by: Robert Faber

 Price: $26.00

Rome of the XII Tables - Persons and Property

Watson, Alan

 Price: $100.00

Rough Notes on Pottery

Jervis, W. P.

 Price: $20.00

Sculptures by George Rickey and James Seawright

New Jersey State Museum

 Price: $51.00

Sculptures by George Rickey and James Seawright

New Jersey State Museum

 Price: $58.00

Selections from the Campbell Museum Collection

The Campbell Museum

 Price: $12.00

Shepard Kollock: Editor for Freedom

Anderson, John R., Illust. by: Ray G. Ellis

 Price: $19.00

Signal: Years of Triumph 1940-42: Hitler's Wartime Magazine

Mayer,S.L. (Ed.)

 Price: $23.00

Sinatra: The Life

Summers, Anthony, Robbyn Swan

 Price: $23.00

Social Control in the Colonial Economy

Hughes, J.R.T.

 Price: $10.00

Social World of the Florentine Humanists, The

Martines, Lauro

 Price: $38.00

Steamboat to the Shore - A Pictorial History of the Steamboat Era in Monmouth County, New Jersey

Moss, Jr., George H.

 Price: $38.00

Stone-Faced Boy, The

Fox, Paula, Illust. by: Donald A. Mackay

 Price: $12.00

Summer City By The Sea, The

Salvini, Emil R.

 Price: $24.00

Take the Connoli: Stories from the New World (SIGNED BY AUTHOR)

Vowell, Sarah

 Price: $19.00

Tales of Old Grafton

Cawley, James and Margaret

 Price: $10.00

Ten Years Out: The Class of 1938 Princeton University


 Price: $12.00

The Museum New Series: Winter 1958

Gerdts, William H.

 Price: $15.00

The Museum, New Series: Spring-Summer 1956

The Museum

 Price: $15.00

The Museum, New Series: Summer - Fall 1958

Newark Museum

 Price: $8.00

The Museum, New Series: Winter-Spring 1961

Newark Museum

 Price: $15.00
The Princeton Bric-a-Brac, 1942 (Vol. LXVI)Committee - Product Image

The Princeton Bric-a-Brac, 1942 (Vol. LXVI)


 Price: $53.00

The Silent Partner

Phelps Ward, Elizabeth S.

 Price: $40.00

Theory of Sex Allocation, The (Monographs in Population Biology, 18)

Charnov, Eric L.

 Price: $23.00

Touch of Country, A

Condon, Judy

 Price: $35.00

Trenton Battle Monument, The: Eakins Bronzes

Buki , Zoltan and Suzanne Corlette (eds)

 Price: $40.00

Ugetsu (Vol. 17, Rutgers Films in Print)

McDonald, Keiko (Editor), Kenji Mizoguchi (Director)

 Price: $15.00

Urban Explorations: Paintings and Drawings by Peter Passuntino

New Jersey State Museum

 Price: $13.00

Vietnam War and International Law, The

Falk (Ed.), Richard A.

 Price: $15.00

Walter Sickert

Corbett, David Peters

 Price: $23.00

Werner Groshans: Retrospective Exhibition

Groshans, Werner

 Price: $11.00

Whose Woods These Are: A History of the Breadloaf Writers' Conference 1926-1992

Bain, David Howard

 Price: $51.00

World They Made Together, The - Black and White Values in Eighteenth Century Virginia

Sobel, Mechal

 Price: $15.00