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Annals and Antiquities of Rajast'han or, the Central and Western Rajpoot States of India (2 vols.)
Tod, James
Area of Darkness, An
Naipaul, V.S.
Bound to Exile - The Victorians in India
Edwardes, Michael
Contemporary Art South Asia: India, Pakistan - September 21, 2007 - Sale N08336
Sotheby's New York
Cronica de Dom Joao de Cadro
Nunes, Leonardo
Cultural Heritage of Pakistan
Desert Places
Davidson, Robyn
Emergence of the Indian National Congress, The
Mehrotra, S. R.
Essence of Camphor
Masud, Naiyer
Father India - How Encounters with an Ancient Culture transformed the Modern West
Paine, Jeffery
Five Thousand Years of Pakistan - An Archaeological Outline
Wheeler, R.E.M.
Flower Gardening in the Plains of Pakistan
Mian, Mohammad Aslam
Forgotten Army, The - India's Armed Struggle for Independence 1942-1945
Fay, Peter Ward
Guardian, The - The Men Who Ruled India
Woodruff, Philip
Handbook to India, Pakistan, Burma, Ceylon, A
Lothian, Ed., Sir Arthur C.
Hunza Land - The Fabulous Health and Youth Wonderland of the World
Banik, Dr. Allen E. and Renee Taylor
India in 1921-22 - A Report prepared for presentation to Parliament in accordance of the 26th Section of the Government of India Act (5 & 6 Geo. V, Chap. 61)
Williams, L. F. Rushbrook
Indian Development - Selected Regional Perspectives
Dreze (ed), Jean and Amartya Sen
Indian Sculpture: Masterpieces of Indian, Khmer and Cham Art
N. A.
Introduction to Karachi, An - Its Environs and Hinterland.
Pithawalla, Maneck B.
Islam in History
Munir, Muhammad
Karma Cola - Marketing The Mystic East
Mehta, Gita
Literary Scene in East Pakistan, The
Husain, et. al., DR. S.S.
Maharajahs, The
Lord, John
Modern India and the Indians - Being a Series of Impressions, Notes and Essays
Williams, Monier
Mountains of Pakistan
Raza, M. Hanif
Passage to India, A
Van Sinderen, Adrian
Political Corruption in India
Dwivedy, Surendranath and G.S. Bhargava
Portrait of India
Smith, Bradford
Structure and Change in Indian Society
Singer, Milton and Bernard S. Cohn
The Vanishing Jungle: The Story of the World Wildlife Fund Expeditions to Pakistan
Mountfort, Guy
This Is Kashmir
Gervis, Pearce
Threadlines Pakistan
Yacopino, Feliccia