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Search found 763 matching products.
"Children of Perestroika", The : Moscow Teenagers Talk About Their Lives and the FutureAdelman, Deborah - Product Image

"Children of Perestroika", The : Moscow Teenagers Talk About Their Lives and the Future

Adelman, Deborah

 Price: $10.00

"En L'air!" (in the Air) - Three Years on and above Three Fronts

Hall, Lt. Bert

 Price: $50.00

"The Dark People": Russia's Crisis

Poole, Ernest

 Price: $25.00

1920 Diary

Babel, Isaac

 Price: $10.00

199 Days: The Battle for Stalingrad

Hoyt, Edwin P.

 Price: $15.00

A decade of euphoria: Western literature in post-Stalin Russia, 1954-64

Friedberg, Maurice

 Price: $18.00

A Guide to the Russian Texts of Tolstoi's War and Peace

Lehrman, Edgar

 Price: $19.00
A Normal Totalitarian Society: How the Soviet Union Functioned and How It CollapsedShlapentokh, Vladimir - Product Image

A Normal Totalitarian Society: How the Soviet Union Functioned and How It Collapsed

Shlapentokh, Vladimir

 Price: $50.00

A Scythe, A Rooster, And A Cat

Domanska, Janina, Illust. by: Janina Domanska

 Price: $12.00

A.S. Pushkin: Selected Works / . . :

Vorobeva / , I.V. (ed.) / . . ( )

 Price: $35.00

Acquired Traits

Berg, Raissa

 Price: $12.00
Agrarian Policy of the Russian Socialist-Revolutionary Party, The: From its Origins Through the evolution of 1905-1907Perrie, Maureen - Product Image

Agrarian Policy of the Russian Socialist-Revolutionary Party, The: From its Origins Through the evolution of 1905-1907

Perrie, Maureen

 Price: $50.00

Agriculture and the State in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia

Wegren, Stephen

 Price: $38.00

Aleksandr Blok: A Life

Berberova, Nina

 Price: $20.00
Alexander Herzen and the Role of the Intellectual RevolutionaryActon, Edward - Product Image

Alexander Herzen and the Role of the Intellectual Revolutionary

Acton, Edward

 Price: $40.00

Alexander Pushkin: A celebration of Russia's best-loved writer

Briggs, A.D.P.

 Price: $10.00

Alexander Rodchenko - Photography 1924-1954

Lavrentiev, Alexander

 Price: $80.00

Alexandre II: Vingt-Six Ans De Regne

De Cardonne, C.

 Price: $70.00

Alexandrovskaya Sloboda


 Price: $18.00
Alger Hiss's Looking-Glass WarsWhite, G. Edward - Product Image

Alger Hiss's Looking-Glass Wars

White, G. Edward

 Price: $12.00
Alien Tongues: Bilingual Russian Writers of the "First" EmigrationBeaujour, Elizabeth Klosty - Product Image

Alien Tongues: Bilingual Russian Writers of the "First" Emigration

Beaujour, Elizabeth Klosty

 Price: $19.00

All Stalin's Men

Medvedev, Roy Aleksandrovich

 Price: $12.00

All-Out On the Road to Smolensk

Caldwell, Erskine

 Price: $60.00
Alone TogetherBonner, Elena - Product Image

Alone Together

Bonner, Elena

 Price: $12.00

American Image of Russia, 1775-1917, The

Anschel, Eugene

 Price: $18.00

American Image of Russia: 1917-1977, The

Grayson, Benson Lee

 Price: $15.00

American Impact on Russia -Diplomatic and Ideological - 1784-1917, The

Laserson, Max M.

 Price: $15.00

An Atlas of Russian History: Eleven Centuries of Changing Borders

Chew, Allen F.

 Price: $15.00
An Imperial Collection: Women Artists from the State Hermitage MuseumNo Author - Product Image

An Imperial Collection: Women Artists from the State Hermitage Museum

No Author

 Price: $15.00

An Uncommon Woman: The Empress Frederick: Daughter of Queen Victoria, Wife of the Crown Prince of Prussia, Mother of Kaiser Wilhelm

Paula, Hannah

 Price: $15.00

Anastasia/The Riddle of Anna Anderson

Kurth, Peter

 Price: $15.00

Animal Tales from the Russian Countryside

Abramov, Fyodor/Victor Astafiev/Vassily Belov/Evgeni Nosov

 Price: $20.00

Anna Akhmatova: Poet and Prophet

Reader, Roberta

 Price: $29.00

Anna Akhmatova: Poet and Prophet

Reeder, Roberta

 Price: $15.00

Anna Pavlova: Her Life and Art

Money, Keith

 Price: $44.00

Anthology of Russian Literature

Wiener, Leo

 Price: $50.00

Anti-Stalin Campaign and International Communism

Roberts (Ed.), Henry L.

 Price: $8.00

Anton Tchekhov - Literary and Theatrical Reminiscences

Koteliansky (Editor), S. S.

 Price: $20.00

April in Russia: A Photographic Study

Lensen, George Alexander

 Price: $75.00

Architectural Monuments of the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra: Research and Restoration / - :

Trofimov / , I.V. / . .

 Price: $30.00
Arsenals of Folly: The Making of the Nuclear Arms RaceRhodes, Richard - Product Image

Arsenals of Folly: The Making of the Nuclear Arms Race

Rhodes, Richard

 Price: $13.00

Art and Revolution; Russian and Soviet Art 1910 - 1932 / Kunst und Revolution; Russische und Sowjetische Kunst 1910 - 1932 (Russian and English Text)

Strigalyov , A. and Katalin Bakos

 Price: $25.00

Art in Revolution: Soviet Art and Design Since 1917

Gray-Prokofieva, (intro) Kenneth Frampton , Camilla

 Price: $12.00
Art of Oleg Vassiliev, TheVassiliev, Oleg - Product Image

Art of Oleg Vassiliev, The

Vassiliev, Oleg

 Price: $24.00

Artist's Proof - The Annual of Contemporary Prints - Volume VII

Eichenberg, Fritz/Andrew Stasik

 Price: $38.00

Arts of Russia - 17th and 18th Centuries

Kaganovich, Abraam L.

 Price: $44.00

Artwork of the Soviet Union


 Price: $23.00
At His Side: The Last Years of Isaac BabelPirozhkova, A.N. - Product Image

At His Side: The Last Years of Isaac Babel

Pirozhkova, A.N.

 Price: $10.00
Atom Bomb Spies, TheHyde, H. Montgomery - Product Image

Atom Bomb Spies, The

Hyde, H. Montgomery

 Price: $10.00

Avant-Garde in Russia - 1910-1930: New Perspectives, The

Barron, Stephanie/Maurice Tuchman/Jeanne D'Andrea/Steve West/Phil Freshman

 Price: $19.00

Babushka's Mother Goose

Polacco, Patricia, Illust. by: Patricia Polacco

 Price: $23.00

Battle Stalin Lost, The - Memoirs of Yugoslavia 1948-1953

Dedijer, Vladimir

 Price: $12.00

Beautiful Loot: The Soviet Plunder of Europe's Art Treasures

Akinsha, Konstantin and Grigorii Kozlov

 Price: $23.00

Before the Revolution: Russia and Its People Under the Czar

Fitzlyon, Kyril

 Price: $15.00

Behind the Bolshoi Curtain

Collins, Richard

 Price: $44.00
Behind the Urals: An American Worker in Russia's City of SteelScott, John - Product Image

Behind the Urals: An American Worker in Russia's City of Steel

Scott, John

 Price: $12.00

Belorussia: Under the Soviet Rule, 1917-1957

Lubachko, Ivan S.

 Price: $19.00
Between Revolutions: An American Romance with RussiaAlberts, Laurie - Product Image

Between Revolutions: An American Romance with Russia

Alberts, Laurie

 Price: $13.00

Between the Fields and the City: Women, Work, and Family in Russia, 1861-1914

Engel, Barbara Alpern

 Price: $15.00
Beyond the Stars, Part 1: The Boy from RigaEisenstein, Sergei - Product Image

Beyond the Stars, Part 1: The Boy from Riga

Eisenstein, Sergei

 Price: $23.00

Bibliotheca Curiosa: Chancellor's Voyage to Muscovy; being Clement Adams Anglorum Navigatio Ad Muscovitas, taken from Respublica Muscoviae(1630),...edited with notes by Edmund Goldsmid

McCrindle, J.

 Price: $60.00

Blood Accusation - The Strange History of the Beiliss Case

Samuel, Maurice

 Price: $18.00

Bobby Fischer Goes to War: How the Soviets Lost the Most Extraordinary Chess Match of All Time

Edmonds, David; Eidinow, John

 Price: $15.00
Bobby Fischer Goes to War: How the Soviets Lost the Most Extraordinary Chess Match of All TimeEdmonds, David - Product Image

Bobby Fischer Goes to War: How the Soviets Lost the Most Extraordinary Chess Match of All Time

Edmonds, David

 Price: $13.00

Bolshevik Ideology and the Ethics of Soviet Labor: 1917-1920: The Formative Years

Kaplan, Frederick I.

 Price: $13.00
Bolshevik Poster, The White, Stephen - Product Image

Bolshevik Poster, The

White, Stephen

 Price: $44.00

Bolsheviks in Power, The : Reminiscences of the Year 1918

Zhenevsky, A.F. Ilyin-

 Price: $40.00

Bolsheviks in Siberia, 1917-1918, The

Snow, Russell E.

 Price: $15.00
Boris GodounovPushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich, Illust. by: Boris Zvorykin - Product Image

Boris Godounov

Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich, Illust. by: Boris Zvorykin

 Price: $23.00
BOY TRAVELLERS IN THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE, THE. Adventures of Two Youths in a Journey in European and Asiatic Russia With Accounts of a Tour Across Siberia Voyages on the Amoor Volga and Other Rivers A Visit to Central Asia Travels Among the Exi - Product Image

BOY TRAVELLERS IN THE RUSSIAN EMPIRE, THE. Adventures of Two Youths in a Journey in European and Asiatic Russia With Accounts of a Tour Across Siberia Voyages on the Amoor Volga and Other Rivers A Visit to Central Asia Travels Among the Exi

 Price: $100.00

Burgess and Maclean

Purdy, Anthony & Douglas Sutherland

 Price: $16.00
Carved Memories - Heritage in Stone from the Russian Jewish PaleGoberman, David/Robert Pinsky/Gershon Hundert - Product Image

Carved Memories - Heritage in Stone from the Russian Jewish Pale

Goberman, David/Robert Pinsky/Gershon Hundert

 Price: $15.00
Catherine the Great: Portrait of a WomanMassie, Robert K. - Product Image

Catherine the Great: Portrait of a Woman

Massie, Robert K.

 Price: $23.00

Caught in the Crossfire

Goodwin, Jan

 Price: $13.00

Central Asians Under Russian Rule: A Study in Culture Change

Bacon, Elizabeth E.

 Price: $12.00

Chaliapin - An Autobiography as told to Maxim Gorky

Gorky, Maxim

 Price: $23.00


Gorky, Maxim

 Price: $25.00

Chief Contemporary Dramatists: Twenty Plays From the Recent Drama of England, Ireland, America, Germany, France, Belgium, Norway, Sweden, and Russia

Dickinson (Editor), Thomas H.

 Price: $25.00

Chinese-Russian Relations

Pavlovsky, Michel N.

 Price: $10.00

Christ in Russia - The History, Tradition, and the Life of the Russian Church.

Iswolsky, Helene

 Price: $6.00

Church Reforms in Russia 1905-1918

Bogolepov, Alexander A.

 Price: $20.00

Churchill Roosevelt Stalin: The War They Waged and the Peace They Sought

Feis, Herbert

 Price: $20.00

Circumstantial Narrative of the Campaign in Russia, A

LaBaum, Eugene

 Price: $36.00

Citadel: The Battle of Kursk

Cross, Robin

 Price: $8.00
City in Late Imperial Russia, The Hamm, Michael F. (Editor) - Product Image

City in Late Imperial Russia, The

Hamm, Michael F. (Editor)

 Price: $20.00

Civil War in South Russia, 1918

Kenez, Peter

 Price: $25.00

Class and society in Soviet Russia

Matthews, Mervyn

 Price: $12.00

Coesistenza e rivoluzione - Documenti della disputa cino-sovietica

Calzini, Paolo & Enrica Collotti Pischel

 Price: $15.00

Comedy in the Soviet Theater

Yershov, Peter

 Price: $25.00

Common Russian Similes - Illustrated Dictionary for English Speakers

Ogoltsev, V. M.

 Price: $30.00

Comrade Criminal - Russia's New Mafia

Handelman, Stephen

 Price: $25.00

Conquest of a Continent: Siberia and the Russians, The

Lincoln, W. Bruce

 Price: $12.00
Consolidation of Dictatorship in Russia, The: An Inside View of the Demise of DemocracyOstrow, Joel M. - Product Image

Consolidation of Dictatorship in Russia, The: An Inside View of the Demise of Democracy

Ostrow, Joel M.

 Price: $25.00

Consuming Russia: Popular Culture, Sex, and Society since Gorbachev

Borenstein, Eliot (Contributor)

 Price: $12.00

Contending With Stalinism: Soviet Power and Popular Resistance in the 1930s

Viola, Lynne (Editor)

 Price: $40.00

Conversations With Stalin

Djilas, Milovan

 Price: $12.00

Correspondence de Frederic-Cesar de la Harpe et Alexandre I (Vol 2 Only)

Biaudet (ed), Jean Charles and Francoise Nicod

 Price: $35.00

Count Witte and the Tsarist Government in the 1905 Revolution

Mehlinger, Howard D. & Thompson, John M.

 Price: $15.00
Creation of Nikolai Gogol, TheFanger, Donald - Product Image

Creation of Nikolai Gogol, The

Fanger, Donald

 Price: $12.00

Crisis of the Old Order in Russia, The: Gentry and Government

Manning, Roberta Thompson

 Price: $28.00

Crossroads of Continents: Cultures of Siberia and Alaska

Fitzhugh, William W.

 Price: $23.00

Culture and Art of Peter's Times /

Komelova / , G.N. (ed.) / . . ( )

 Price: $25.00

Culture in Exile: Russian Emigres in Germany, 1881-1941

Williams, Robert C.

 Price: $38.00

Darkest Year, The: Britain Alone June 1940-June 1941

Agar, Herbert

 Price: $15.00

Dawn of Legal Reform, The: April 1985 to June 1989

Chalidze, Valery

 Price: $100.00

Day in the Life of the Soviet Union, A.


 Price: $50.00

Days With Ulanova - A Unique Pictorial Portrait of the Great Russian Ballerina

Kahn, Albert E.

 Price: $25.00

Deadly Embrace, The - Hitler, Stalin, and the Nazi-Soviet Pact 1939-1941

Read, Anthony and David Fisher

 Price: $8.00
Dean Acheson: A Life in the Cold WarBeisner, Robert L.  - Product Image

Dean Acheson: A Life in the Cold War

Beisner, Robert L.

 Price: $25.00

Death of Hitler, The: The Final Words From Russia's Secret Archives

Petrova, Ada

 Price: $13.00

Decline of an Empire - The Soviet Socialist Republics in Revolt

d'Encausse, Helene Carrere

 Price: $10.00

Decline of Imperial Russia, The: 1855-1914

Seton-Watson, Hugh

 Price: $13.00
Democratic Changes and Authoritarian Reactions in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and MoldovaDawisha, Karen (Editor) - Product Image

Democratic Changes and Authoritarian Reactions in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova

Dawisha, Karen (Editor)

 Price: $20.00

Democratization and Revolution in the USSR, 1985-91

Hough, Jerry F.

 Price: $20.00
Diaries and Selected LettersBulgakov, Mikhail - Product Image

Diaries and Selected Letters

Bulgakov, Mikhail

 Price: $19.00
Diaries of Sofia TolstoyNo Author - Product Image

Diaries of Sofia Tolstoy

No Author

 Price: $38.00

Diary of Tolstoy's Wife 1860-1891, The

Werth, tr., Alexander

 Price: $10.00

Dictators, The: Hitler's Germany, Stalin's Russia

Overy, Richard

 Price: $20.00

Dictionary of Russian Historical Terms from the Eleventh Century to 1917

Pushkarev (compiled by), Sergei G.

 Price: $63.00

Dictionary of Russian Idioms & Colloqualisms, A: 2200 Expressions with Explanations

Jaszczun, Vasyl & Szymon Krynski

 Price: $15.00

Dictionary of Russian Literature Since 1917

Kasack, Wolfgang

 Price: $26.00

Dictionary of Spoken Russian

Russian Language

 Price: $20.00

Divided Twins: Alaska/Siberia

Yevtushenko, Yevgeny

 Price: $15.00

Dom Cathedral Architectural Ensemble in Riga


 Price: $10.00
Domestic Context of Soviet Foreign Policy, The Bialer, Seweryn (Editor) - Product Image

Domestic Context of Soviet Foreign Policy, The

Bialer, Seweryn (Editor)

 Price: $10.00

Dostoevski's Image in Russia Today

Seduro, Vladimir

 Price: $31.00

Down Along the Mother Volga: An Anthology of Russian Folk Lyrics

Reeder (Ed), Robert

 Price: $15.00
Dreams of My Russian SummersMakine, Andre - Product Image

Dreams of My Russian Summers

Makine, Andre

 Price: $12.00

Early Russian architecture

Faensen, Hubert

 Price: $100.00

Early Russian Painting - Recent Discoveries


 Price: $24.00
East of the Sun: The Epic Conquest and Tragic History of SiberiaBobrick, Benson - Product Image

East of the Sun: The Epic Conquest and Tragic History of Siberia

Bobrick, Benson

 Price: $12.00
East of the Sun: The Epic Conquest and Tragic History of SiberiaBobrick, Benson - Product Image

East of the Sun: The Epic Conquest and Tragic History of Siberia

Bobrick, Benson

 Price: $13.00

East of the Sun

Bobrick, Benson

 Price: $29.00

Eastern Front, The: 1914-1917

Stone, Norman

 Price: $23.00
Echoes of a Native Land: Two Centuries of a Russian VillageSchmemann, Serge - Product Image

Echoes of a Native Land: Two Centuries of a Russian Village

Schmemann, Serge

 Price: $10.00
Echoes of a Native Land: Two Centuries of a Russian VillageSchmemann, Serge - Product Image

Echoes of a Native Land: Two Centuries of a Russian Village

Schmemann, Serge

 Price: $10.00

Economic Development of the U.S.S.R., The

Munting, Roger

 Price: $10.00

Education and the State in Tsarist Russia

Alston, Patrick L.

 Price: $13.00

EIMI: The Journal of a Trip to Russia

Cummings, E. E.

 Price: $50.00

Einstein und die Sowjetphilosophie. Krisis einer Lehre. Band I: Die Grundlagen. Die Spezielle Relativitatstheorie


 Price: $18.00

Eisenstein At Work

Leyda, Jay & Voynow, Zina

 Price: $30.00

Electrification of Russia, 1880-1926, The

Coopersmith, Jonathan

 Price: $25.00

Elizabeth, The Exiles of Siberia - A Tale, Founded on Facts From the French of Madame Cottin

Cottin, Madame

 Price: $25.00

Embroidery of All Russia

Gostelow, Mary

 Price: $15.00

Emergence of the Modern Russian State, 1855-81, The

McCauley, Martin/Peter Waldron

 Price: $30.00

Emerging Russian Bear, The : Integrating the Soviet Union into the World Economy

Brada, Josef C. (Editor)

 Price: $30.00

Empire of the Czar: A Journey Through Eternal Russia

de Custine, Marquis

 Price: $18.00

Empire of the Steppes, The: A History of Central Asia

Grousset, Rene

 Price: $19.00

Empire of the Tsars and the Russians - Part 1 - The Country and it's Inhabitants

Leroy-Beaulieu, Anatole

 Price: $31.00

Empire of the Tsars and the Russians - Part II - The Institutions, The

Leroy-Beaulieu, Anatole

 Price: $38.00

Empire of the Tsars and the Russians - Part III - The Religion, The

Leroy-Beaulieu, Anatole

 Price: $50.00
End of Imperial Russia, 1855-1917, TheWaldron, Peter - Product Image

End of Imperial Russia, 1855-1917, The

Waldron, Peter

 Price: $30.00

Enemy at the Gates: The Battle for Stalingrad

Craig, William

 Price: $15.00

Enserfment of the Russian Peasantry, The

Smith, R. E. F.

 Price: $19.00

Essays on Russian Liberalism

Timberlake, Charles E.

 Price: $15.00

Essential Serbocroatian

Markovic, Jelica

 Price: $19.00

Europe in the Russian Mirror: Four Lectures in Economic History

Gerschenkron, Alexander

 Price: $12.00

Exhibition of Soviet Graphic Arts - Catalogue - 1963


 Price: $23.00

Expansion and Coexistence - The History of Soviet Foreign Policy 1917-67

Ulam, Adam B.

 Price: $18.00

Faberge and His Contemporaries

Hawley, Henry

 Price: $13.00

Faberge, Russian Works of Art, Objects of Vertu and Silver - June 16, 1988 - Sale #5730


 Price: $15.00
Faberge: A Catalog of the Lillian Thomas Pratt Collection of Russian Imperial JewelsLesley, Parker - Product Image

Faberge: A Catalog of the Lillian Thomas Pratt Collection of Russian Imperial Jewels

Lesley, Parker

 Price: $25.00
Faberge: Court Jeweler to the TsarsHabsburg-Lothringen, G. Van - Product Image

Faberge: Court Jeweler to the Tsars

Habsburg-Lothringen, G. Van

 Price: $23.00

Fairytale Dictionary


 Price: $15.00

Fall Out of Heaven - An Autobiographical Journey

Cheuse, Alan

 Price: $15.00

Family in Imperial Russia, The: New Lines of Historical Research

Ransel (Ed.), David L.

 Price: $12.00

Family in Soviet Russia, The

Geiger, H. Kent

 Price: $15.00

Fantastic and Imaginative Works by Russian Artists


 Price: $12.00

Far Eastern Republic of Siberia, The

Norton, Henry Kittredge

 Price: $63.00

FDR & Stalin: A Not So Grand Alliance 1943-1945

Perlmutter, Amos

 Price: $13.00

FDR & Stalin: A Not So Grand Alliance 1943-1945

Perlmutter, Amos

 Price: $25.00
FDR & Stalin: A Not So Grand Alliance, 1943-1945Perlmutter, Amos - Product Image

FDR & Stalin: A Not So Grand Alliance, 1943-1945

Perlmutter, Amos

 Price: $13.00

Feodor Vladimir Larrovitch: An Appreciation of his Life and Works

Jordan & Wright, ed., William George & Richardson

 Price: $11.00
Feud, The: Vladimir Nabokov, Edmund Wilson, and the End of a Beautiful FriendshipBeam, Alex - Product Image

Feud, The: Vladimir Nabokov, Edmund Wilson, and the End of a Beautiful Friendship

Beam, Alex

 Price: $15.00

Fifty Years of Russian Prose - From Pasternak to Solzhenitsyn (2 vols.)

Pomorska, Krystyna (Ed.)

 Price: $25.00

Fine Arts of Soviet Kazakhstan


 Price: $30.00

Fine Russian Works of Art - June 28 & 29, 1979 - Sale #4271


 Price: $15.00

Fine Silver, Objects of Vertu and Russian Works of Art: Auction October 27, 1992 - Sale 7528


 Price: $30.00

Fire-Bird, The: Russian Fairy Tales

N. A.

 Price: $12.00

Flying Witch, The

Yolen, Jane

 Price: $12.00
Folk Embroidery of the USSRKlimova, Nina T - Product Image

Folk Embroidery of the USSR

Klimova, Nina T

 Price: $40.00

Folk Fundamentals of Russian Art Volume 1 / I

Zotov / , A.I. / . .

 Price: $28.00

Folk Fundamentals of Russian Art Volume II / II

Zotov / , A.I. / . .

 Price: $28.00
Folklore: Volume 84 1973 (4 issues)Folk-Lore Society - Product Image

Folklore: Volume 84 1973 (4 issues)

Folk-Lore Society

 Price: $25.00

Fool And The Fish, The - A Tale From Russia

Afanasyev, Alexander Nikolayevich, Illust. by: Gennady Spirin

 Price: $25.00

Fool Of The World And The Flying Ship, The

Denise, Christopher, Illust. by: Christopher Denise

 Price: $18.00

Forgotten Peoples of Siberia, The

Mayer, Fred

 Price: $40.00

Formation of Political Parties and the First National Elections in Russia, The

Emmons, Terence

 Price: $15.00

Formation of Political parties and the First National Elections in Russia, The

Emmons, Terence

 Price: $19.00

Formation of the Great Russian State, The: A Study of Russian History in the Thirteenth to Fifteenth Centuries

Presniakov, A. E.

 Price: $15.00

From out of the dustbin: Bakunin's basic writings, 1869-1871

Bakunin, Mikhail Aleksandrovich

 Price: $18.00
From Peasant to Patriarch: Account of the Birth, Upbringing, and Life of His Holiness Nikon, Patriarch of Moscow and All RussiaShusherin, Ioann - Product Image

From Peasant to Patriarch: Account of the Birth, Upbringing, and Life of His Holiness Nikon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia

Shusherin, Ioann

 Price: $19.00
From Stagnation to Catastroika: Commentaries on the Soviet Economy, 1983-1991Hanson, Philip - Product Image

From Stagnation to Catastroika: Commentaries on the Soviet Economy, 1983-1991

Hanson, Philip

 Price: $12.00

From the Yaroslavsky Station - Russia Perceived

Pond, Elazabeth

 Price: $15.00

Frontiers of Hope

Kallen, Horace M.

 Price: $15.00

Frozen Treasure, The - :A Tale of Arctic Russia

Lampen, C. Dudley, Illust. by: Harold Piffard

 Price: $13.00

Future of Russia, The

Braverman, Harry

 Price: $8.00

Gamailis and Other Tales from Stalin's Russia

Andreyev, Vladimir

 Price: $12.00

Gates of November, The: Chronicles of the Slepak Family

Potok, Chaim

 Price: $15.00

Gentry Politics on the Eve of the Russian Revolution: The Nationalist Party 1907-1917

Edelman, Robert

 Price: $15.00