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African Slavery in Latin America and the Caribbean
Klein, Herbert S.
Art of Transition, The: Latin American Culture and Neoliberal Crisis
Masiello, Francine
Before Cortes: Sculpture of Middle America
Easby, Elizabeth Kennedy & John F. Scott
Black-man of Zinacantan, The
Blaffer, Sarah C..
Breaking the Maya Code
Coe, Michael D.
Business History Review - Autumn 2003
Friedman (Eds.), Walter A. and Thomas K. McCraw
Central American Holiday - A Guide to the Railroads of El Salvador, Guatemala and Mexico
Best, Gerald M.
Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life
Anderson, Jon Lee
Chilean Rural Society: From the Spanish Conquest to 1930
Bauer, Arnold J.
Chronicle of the Maya Kings and Queens: Deciphering the Dynasties of the Ancient Maya
Grube, Nikolai
Companero: The Life and Death of Che Guevara
Castaneda, Jorge G.
Conquest of Chile, The
Pocock, H.R.S.
Development of Hispanic America, The
Wilgus, A. Curtis
Discovering the Americas: The Archive of the Indies
Garcia, Pedro Gonzalez
Em Defesa da Ordem: Aspectos da Praxis Conservadora Catolica no Meio Operario em Sao Paulo (1930-1945)
de Farias, Damiao Duque
Encountering the New World, 1493 to 1800
Danforth, Susan
Falling behind: explaining the development gap between Latin America and the United States
Fukuyama, Francis
Flightpath South Pacific - The Flyers, The Airlines, and The Aircraft
Driscoll, Ian H.
Galapagos : Discovery on Darwin's Island
Steadman, David W.
Gold of Peru - Masterpieces of Goldsmith's Work of Pre-Incan and Incan Time and the Colonial Period, The
Gallo, Miguel Mujica
Hand Book of the American Republics 2: Second Edition, Enlarged and Revised
Bureau of the American Republics
Inka Empire and Its Andean Origins, The
Morris, Craig/Adriana von Hagen/John Bigelow Taylor
Jaguar's Children: Pre-Classic Central Mexico, The
John Muir's Last Journey: South to the Amazon and East to Africa: Unpublished Journals and Selected Correspondence
Muir, John, Michael P. Branch
La Vallee Sacree des Andes - Recherches Americaines 4
Fioravanti, A. Molinie
Las Actuales Comunidades de Indigenas: Huarochiri en 1955
Matos, Jose and others
Hyams, Edward, & Ordish, George
Liberdade e Uma Calca Velha Azul e Desbotada: Publicidade, Cultura de Consumo e Comportamento Politica no Brasil (1954-1964)
Camargo, Anna Cristina and Moraes Figueiredo
Masks of the Spirit: Image and Metaphor in Mesoamerica
Markman, Roberta H./Peter T. Markman
Myths of Argentine History, The: The Construction of a Past as a Justification of the Present
Pigna, Felipe
Panama: Made in the U.S.A.
Gunson, Phil
Peru: Kingdoms of the Sun and the Moon
Bondil, Nathalie
Pre-Inca Art and Culture
Leicht, Hermann
Pueblos, Gods & Spaniards
Terrell, John Upton
Race, State, and Armed Forces in Independence-Era Brazil: Bahia
Kraay, Hendrik
Silence on the Mountain: Stories of Terror, Betrayal, and Forgetting in Guatemala
Wilkinson, Daniel
South American Fights and Fighters 1499-1868.
Brady, LL. D., Cyrus Townsend
Thanks To God And The Revolution
Hart, Dianne Walta
To Be a Slave in Brazil - 1550-1888
de Queiros Mattoso, Katia M.
Where The Earth Ends
Harrison, John
Zone Policeman 88: A Close Range Study of the Panama Canal and its Workers
Franck, Harry A.