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Search Results for Keyword(s):Spain History  (matching all words)
Search found 67 matching products.

A Concise History of Spain

Gomez-Tabanera, J. M.

 Price: $9.00

Andalusian Dances

Bonald, Jose M. Caballero

 Price: $19.00

Anglo-America Relations during the Spanish-American War

Reuter, Bertha Ann

 Price: $25.00
Audiences of Empire: Lope de Vega, the Spanish History Play, and Me (A SIGNED COPY)Bunn, Elaine McDermott - Product Image

Audiences of Empire: Lope de Vega, the Spanish History Play, and Me (A SIGNED COPY)

Bunn, Elaine McDermott

 Price: $25.00


Hughes, Robert

 Price: $10.00

Building the Escorial

Kubler, George

 Price: $38.00

Business History Review: Autumn 2005

Harvard Business School

 Price: $12.00

Business History Review: Autumn 2007

Harvard Business School

 Price: $12.00

Business History Review: Spring 2008

Harvard Business School

 Price: $12.00

Business History Review: Winter 2007

Harvard Business School

 Price: $12.00

Catalogue of Paintings (16th, 17th, and 18th Centuries)

Du Gue Trapier, Elizabeth

 Price: $18.00

Catalogue of the Bryant Spainish Collection in the Library of Dartmouth College

Bryant, William J.

 Price: $13.00

Chilean Rural Society: From the Spanish Conquest to 1930

Bauer, Arnold J.

 Price: $23.00

Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the Adjoining Countries (2 vols.)

Froissart, Sir John

 Price: $193.00
COLUMBUS: THE FOUR VOYAGESBergreen, Laurence - Product Image


Bergreen, Laurence

 Price: $19.00

Columbus: The Four Voyages

Bergreen, Laurence

 Price: $13.00
Communism and the Spanish Civil WarCattell, David T. - Product Image

Communism and the Spanish Civil War

Cattell, David T.

 Price: $19.00
Conquest of Mexico, The Thomas, Hugh - Product Image

Conquest of Mexico, The

Thomas, Hugh

 Price: $30.00

Death in the Olive Groves: American Volunteers in the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939

Landis, Arthur H.

 Price: $11.00

Detalls - Barcelona Modernista (Spanish Text)

Permanyer, Lluis/Melba Levick (Photographer)

 Price: $50.00

Early Medieval Spain: Unity in Diversity 400-1000

Collins, Roger

 Price: $19.00

Empire by Default: The Spanish-American War and the Dawn of the American Century

Musicant, Ivan

 Price: $15.00

Enrique Gaspar and the Social Drama in Spain

Kirschenbaum, Leo

 Price: $12.00

Espana: La Tierra, El Hombre, El Arte (2 Vols.)

Reparaz Ruiz, Gonzalo de and Jose Terrero

 Price: $150.00

Establishment of Spanish Rule in America - An Introduction to the History and Politics of Spanish America

Moses, Bernard

 Price: $15.00

First Spanish Entry into San Francisco Bay, The, 1775. The Original Narrative, Hitherto Unpublished, and Further Details by Participants of the First Explorations

Galvin, John (Ed.)

 Price: $40.00

Franco and Hitler: Spain, Germany and World War II

Payne, Stanley G.

 Price: $23.00

Franco Years, The - The Untold Human Story of Life Under Spanish Fascism

Yglesias, Jose

 Price: $12.00

From Merciless Invaders: An Eye-witness Account of the Spanish Armada

McKee, Alexander

 Price: $19.00

Gastronomy of Spain and Portugal, The

Manjon, Maite

 Price: $13.00


de Sola-Morales, Ignasi

 Price: $25.00

Godoy: Master of Spain 1792-1808

Chastenet, Jacques

 Price: $12.00

Golden Antilles, The: The Story of the Travelers, Adventurers, and Soldiers of Fortune who Searched for a Promised Land in the Caribbean

Severin, Timothy

 Price: $15.00

Goya - The Witches and Old Women Album

Wilson-Bareau (Editor), Juliet/Stephanie Buck

 Price: $31.00

Goya in the Democratic Tradition

Klingender, F. D.

 Price: $12.00

Heroes of our War with Spain - Their Exploits told for a Boy

Ross, Clinton

 Price: $38.00

Historian's History of the World : Vol. X - Spain and Portugal

Williams (Ed.), Henry Smith

 Price: $44.00

Historical Dictionary of the Spanish Empire, 1402-1975

Olson (Editor), James S.

 Price: $120.00

History of Our Navy, The: From its Origin to the End of the War with Spain 1775-1898 (5 Vols)

Spears, John R.

 Price: $60.00

History of Our Navy, The: From its Origin to the End of the War with Spain, 1775-1898, Vol. I of V.

Spears, John R.

 Price: $18.00

History of Our Navy, The: From its Origin to the End of the War with Spain, 1775-1898, Vol. II of V.

Spears, John R.

 Price: $18.00

History of Our War With Spain including Battles on Sea and Land

Young, Hon. James Rankin

 Price: $30.00

Horses of the Conquest, The

Graham, R.B. CUNNINGHAM, Illust. by: J. Craig Sheppard

 Price: $19.00

Illustrated History of Our War with Spain, An - Salesman's Sample

Russell, Henry B.

 Price: $64.00

Interior Exile

Salabert, Miguel de

 Price: $10.00

Italian Story, The - From the Etruscans to Modern Times

Trease, Geoffrey

 Price: $19.00

Italy - A Modern History

Smith, Denis Mack

 Price: $19.00

Journal of William Beckford in Portugal and Spain 1787-1788, The

Alexander, Boyd

 Price: $38.00

Lord of All the Dead: A Nonfiction Novel

Cercas, Javier

 Price: $23.00

Manila Envelopes - Oregon Volunteer Lt. George F. Telfer's Spanish-American War Letters

Bunett (ed), Sara

 Price: $18.00

Neither Friend Nor Foe - The European Neutrals in World War II

Packard, Jerrold M.

 Price: $15.00

Papa Spy - Love, Faith, and Betrayal in Wartime Spain

Burns, Jimmy

 Price: $13.00

Quinn at Trafalgar

Styles, Showell

 Price: $15.00

Rembrandt's Eyes

Schama, Simon

 Price: $31.00

Savoring Spain & Portugal (Williams-Sonoma)

Goldstein, Joyce

 Price: $15.00

Sculpture in the Netherlands/Germany/France/Spain: 1400-1500

Muller, Theodor

 Price: $35.00
Shadows and Wolves Herrick , William  - Product Image

Shadows and Wolves

Herrick , William

 Price: $15.00
Spain During World War IIBowen, Wayne H.  - Product Image

Spain During World War II

Bowen, Wayne H.

 Price: $38.00

Spaniard in the Portuguese Indies, A: The Narrative of Martin Fernandez de Figueroa

McKenna, James B.

 Price: $11.00

Spanish Adventures of Washington Irving, The

Bowers, Claude G.

 Price: $15.00

Spanish Struggle for Justice in the Conquest of America, The

Hanke, Lewis

 Price: $15.00

Stories Selected From the History of Spain

Ramble, Robert

 Price: $63.00

Story of Seville, The

Gallichan, Walter M. , Illust. by: Elizabeth Hartley

 Price: $18.00

Studies in the History of Art: Volume 13 - El Greco: Italy and Spain


 Price: $25.00

Tropics of Empire, The: Why Columbus Sailed South to the Indies

Wey Gomez, Nicolas

 Price: $48.00
VelazquezCarr, Dawson W. - Product Image


Carr, Dawson W.

 Price: $63.00


Baticle, Jeannine/Yves Bottineau/Jonathan Brown/Alfonso E. Perez Sanchez

 Price: $31.00