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50 Jahre Deutsche Luftwaffe: Band 1 1910-15
Nowarra, Heinz J.
50 Jahre Deutsche Luftwaffe: Band II 1915-18
Aero Digest May 1937
Aeroplane Speaks, The
Barber, H.
Air Aces of the 1914-1918 War
Robertson, Bruce
Air Pilot Training
Shields, Bert A.
Air Pilots' Dead Reckoning Tables
Ramsey, Logan C.
Airbus Jetliners
Wagner, Mark
Aircraft Maintenance and Service
Drake, Colonel Rollen H.
Aircraft Powerplant Manual - A Practical Instruction and Reference Work on Aircraft Powerplants and Allied Subjects
Manly, G. B.
Airliner and its Inventor Alfred W. Lawson, The
Faunce, Cy Q.
American Wings
Leyson, Captain Burr
Ancient Air, An - A Biography of John Stringfellow of Chard: the Victorian Aeronautical Pioneer
Penrose, Harald
Astronautics and Aeronautics, 1963. Chronology on Science, Technology, and Policy (NASA SP-4004) National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Astronautics and Aeronautics, 1964. Chronology on Science, Technology, and Policy (NASA SP-4005) National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Astronautics and Aeronautics, 1965. Chronology on Science, Technology, and Policy (NASA SP-4006) National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Aviation Engines: Design-Construction-Operation and Repair
Page, Victor W.
Aviation's Mr. Sam
Haggerty, James J
Brief History of Flight, A : From Balloons to Mach 3 and Beyond
Heppenheimer, T. A.
British Aeroplanes 1914-18
Bruce, J. M.
British and European Combat Aircraft
Jackson, Paul A.
Cannibal Queen, The - An Aerial Odyssey Across America
Coonts, Stephen
Careers in Aviation
Burger, Samuel
Fighter Aircraft of the 1914-1918 War
Lamberton, W. M. and Others
First Across! - The U.S. Navy's Transatlantic Fligfht of 1919
Smith, Richard K.
Fliegerschwarme Uber Dem Ozean
Balbo, Italo
Flightpath South Pacific - The Flyers, The Airlines, and The Aircraft
Driscoll, Ian H.
Fly! - A Brief History of Flight Illustrated
Moser, Barry, Illust. by: Barry Moser
Flying High: Anecdotes About the Airways
Marsh, Franklin W., Illust. by: Jack Hinkley and C.F Schar
Great Atlantic Air Race, The
Rowe, Percy
Helicopter Analysis
Nikolsky, Alexander A.
Helicopter and How It Flies, The
Fay, John
Hindenburg, The
Mooney, Michael M.
History of Aviation - Second Edition - Fully Revised
Taylor, John W.R. and Kenneth Munso
How to Fly - The Pilot and His Problems
Studley, Barrett
How to Understand Aeroplanes
Walkden , S. L.
Jane's All the World's Aircraft 1919
Jane, Fred T. and C.G. Grey
Jane's All the World's Airships 1909
Jane, Fred T.
Knights of the Air
Maitland, Lt Lester J.
Last Hero: Charles A. Lindbergh, The
Ross, Walter S.
Lindbergh Alone May 21, 1927
Gill, Brendan
Loss of Eden - A Biography of Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Milton, Joyce
Man Flies - The Story of Alberto Santos-Dumont Master of the Balloon
Winters, Nancy
Military Aeroplanes: Simplified-Enlarged - An Explanatory Consideration of Their Characteristics, Performances, Construction, Maintenance and Operation
Loening, Grover C.
Monsters: The Hindenburg Disaster and the Birth of Pathological Technology
Regis, Ed
National Air and Space Museum, The
Bryan, C.D.B.
Navigation - Aerienne Transatlantique, La
Voitoux, G.
Northrop Flying Wings
Maloney, Edward T.
P-51 Mustang in Action
P-80 Shooting Star T-33/F-94 in Action
Pilot's Handbook for The Flying Wings of Northrop - Model YB-49 Airplane
Kohn (Introduction), Leo J.
Pilot's Manual for Martin B-26 Marauder
Kohn (Editor), Leo J.
Pilot's Manual for Supermarine Spitfire
Pilots' Powerplant Manual
Shedenhelm, L. E.
Principles of Helicopter Flight
Wagtendonk, W.J.
Sea Wings: The Romance of the Flying Boats
Jablonski, Edward
Sikorsky vs. 44 Flying Boat
Pember, Harry E.
Skylark: The Life, Lies, and Inventions of Harry Atwood
Mansfield, Howard
Spitfire in Action
Scutts, Jerry
Spitfire: Supermarine Spitfire MK V - Aeroguide Classics Number 1
Rimell, Ray
Jordanoff, Assen
Transport Aviation
Black, Archibald
Who Destroyed the Hindenburg?
Hoehling, A. A.
Winged Gospel, The: America's Romance with Aviation, 1900-1950
Corn, Joseph J.
World's Famous Racing Aircraft, The