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Schulthess, Emil
Animals in Africa
Leakey, L. S. B.
Animals in India
Animals in Motion
Muybridge, Eadweard
Birds of Africa - A Bird Photographer in East Africa
Karmali, John
Birds of Prey
Scholz, Floyd
Cougar: Ghost of the Rockies
McCall, Karen
Dinosaur Tracks and Other Fossil Footprints of Europe
Lockley, Martin and Christian Meyer
Encyclopedia of North American sporting dogs
Smith, Steve
Greatest Show on Earth, The: The Evidence for Evolution
Dawkins, Richard
Horses of the Camargue
Silvester, Hans
Iditarod Spirit
Heacox, Kim
It's Showtime: A Beginner's Guide to Showing Draft Horses
Mischka, Robert A.
Koi of the World: Japanese Colored Carp
Axelrod, Herbert R.
Last of the Wild, The - On the Track of Rare Animals
Schuhmacher, Eugen
leopard's tale, The
Scott, Jonathan
Life of Horses
Holderness-Roddam, Jane
Look at a Colt
Wright, Dare
Milk and Honey - Travails With a Donkey
Stanton, Paul
Mongoose Watch - A Family Observed
Rasa, Anne, Illust. by: Wolfgang Tambour
More Wild Animals and the Camera
Dando, Walter P.
Mouse and Company
Hess, Lilo, Illust. by: Photos
Curtin, Sharon
Oscar: The Business Rabbit (SIGNED)
Edwards, Dorothy Lee
Photography and Amateur Cinematography, Part 10
Brown, Georage E., Percy W. Harris (Ed.)
Sand Rivers
Matthiessen, Peter
The Southern Pine Beetle
Thatcher (ed), Robert C.
Duncan, David Douglas
Twilight Hunters: Wolves, Coyotes and Foxes
Turbak, Gary
Upland Passage - A Field Dog's Education
Jones, Roert F.
Wild Animals of North America
Wings over the Kattegatt: A Swedish coastline, caught by the camera of Sven Gillsater
Gillsater, Sven