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Search found 978 matching products.

"Fancy Rockingham" Pottery: The Modeller and Ceramics in Nineteenth-Century America

Stradling, Diana

 Price: $25.00

10 booklets on the art of dressmaking, cutting, fitting, patterns, and other aspects of woman's tailoring


 Price: $156.00

100 Poster Masterpieces - Sale No. 373 - Saturday, May 2, 1981

Phillips/Nicholas Dawes/Jack Rennert

 Price: $25.00

13,14 & 15th Publication Design Annual, The


 Price: $26.00

2 Concept and Responses - International Architectural Design Competition for the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, New Dehli

Indira Ghandi National Center for the Arts

 Price: $60.00

20th Century Book - Its illustration and design - New and revised edition

Lewis, John

 Price: $44.00

20th Century Design: U.S.A.

Friedman, William

 Price: $64.00

52nd Annual of Advertising, Editorial and Television Art and Design

Paul Davis, Pete Turner, Milton Glaser, Annie Leibovitz, Seymour Chwast, Art Kane

 Price: $40.00

55th Art Director's Annual, The

No Author

 Price: $50.00

65th Art Directors Annual

Gill (editor), Bob/Paula Radding

 Price: $15.00

75 Years of Children's Book Week Posters

Marcus, Leonard S.

 Price: $23.00

A New History of the United States. The Greater Republic

Morris, Charles, LL.D.

 Price: $22.00

Abraham Lincoln: The Year of His Election

Shaw, Albert

 Price: $45.00


Malerei, Lyrische

 Price: $25.00

Airports: Design, Construction and Management

Glidden, Horace K., Hervey F. Law, John E. Cowles

 Price: $50.00

Albers Collection of Pre-Columbian Art, The.

Taube, Karl

 Price: $30.00


Collins, Michael

 Price: $18.00


Collins, Michael

 Price: $9.00

America in View: Landscape Photography 1865 to Now

Liese (Editor), Jennifer

 Price: $31.00

American Art Posters of the 1890s

Goddu, Joseph

 Price: $15.00

American Art: Third Quarter Century

Van der Marck, Jan

 Price: $19.00

American Arts & Crafts: Virtue in Design

Bowman, Leslie Greene

 Price: $30.00

American Arts & Crafts: Virtue in Design

Bowman, Leslie Greene

 Price: $19.00

American Ballet Theatre


 Price: $20.00

American Buildings and Their Architects - Volume 4 - Progressive and Academic Ideals at the Turn of the Twentieth Century

Jordy, William H.

 Price: $15.00

American Churches

Kennedy, Roger G.

 Price: $25.00

American Crafts - A Source Book for the Home

Pearson, Katherine

 Price: $15.00

American Drawings: Portraits and Figure Studies.


 Price: $12.00

American Film: Volume VII, Number 4, January/February 1982

Biskind (Editor), Peter, Rod Steiger

 Price: $10.00

American Furniture from the First Colonies to World War I

Butler, Joseph T.

 Price: $13.00

American Indian Design and Decoration

Appleton, Leroy H.

 Price: $13.00

American Interiors, New England & the South

Peirce , Donald & Hope Alswang

 Price: $10.00

American Interiors, New England & the South

Peirce , Donald & Hope Alswang

 Price: $10.00
American Modernism: Graphic Design 1920 to 1960Remington, R.Roger - Product Image

American Modernism: Graphic Design 1920 to 1960

Remington, R.Roger

 Price: $25.00
American Modernism: Graphic Design 1920 to 1960Remington, R.Roger - Product Image

American Modernism: Graphic Design 1920 to 1960

Remington, R.Roger

 Price: $25.00

American Period Interiors in Miniature - A Style and Source Book

Klavan, Kate Doordan

 Price: $31.00

American Rustic Furniture

Osborn, Susan

 Price: $15.00

Americana from the Daphne Farago Collection

Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design

 Price: $15.00

Amusing Adventures of Guzman of Alfaraque, The: A Spanish Novel

Aleman, Mateo, Illust. by: Staal

 Price: $56.00
An ABC of the Works of Hipgnosis 'Walk Away Rene'Thorgerson, Storm - Product Image

An ABC of the Works of Hipgnosis 'Walk Away Rene'

Thorgerson, Storm

 Price: $200.00

Andrew-Safford House, The

Ward, Gerald R.W.

 Price: $20.00

Annual of The American Institute of Graphic Arts, The

Brown, David R.

 Price: $22.00

Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, Showing the Operations, Expenditures, and Condition of the Institution for the Year 1860


 Price: $22.00

Annual Report on the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, Showing the Operations, Expenditures, and Condition of the Institution for the Year 1856


 Price: $16.00

Annual Report on the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, Showing the Operations, Expenditures, and Condition of the Institution for the Year 1858


 Price: $26.00

Annual Report on the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, Showing the Operations, Expenditures, and Condition of the Institution for the Year 1859


 Price: $22.00

Annual Report on the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution, Showing the Operations, Expenditures, and Condition of the Institution Up to Jaunuary 1, 1856 and the Proceedings of the Board up to March 22, 1856


 Price: $22.00

Anton Otto Fischer: Marine Artist

Fischer, Katrina Sigsbee

 Price: $35.00

Antonio Gaudi - Master Architect

Nonell, Juan Bassegoda/Melba Levick (Photographer)

 Price: $31.00

Applied Structural Design of Buildings

McKaig, Thomas

 Price: $16.00

April Cornell Decorating with Color

Cornell, April

 Price: $20.00

Architecture + Media: Visual Communication in Environmental Design

Johnson, Herbert F.

 Price: $19.00

Architecture and the Environment - Bioclimatic Building Design

Jones, David Lloyd

 Price: $31.00
Architecture of Robert & James Adam 1758-1794 (Two Volumes)Bolton, Arthur R. - Product Image

Architecture of Robert & James Adam 1758-1794 (Two Volumes)

Bolton, Arthur R.

 Price: $625.00

Architecture of the Absurd: How "Genius" Disfigured a Practical Art

Silber, John

 Price: $13.00

Ars Medica, Art, Medicine, and the Human Condition: Prints, Drawings, and Photographs from the Collection of the Philadelphia Museum of Art

Karp (Editor), Diane R.

 Price: $15.00
Arshile Gorky, 1904-1948: ExposicionGorky, Arshile - Product Image

Arshile Gorky, 1904-1948: Exposicion

Gorky, Arshile

 Price: $38.00

Art & Design in Europe and America, 1800-1900

Victoria & Albert Museum

 Price: $11.00

Art America

Tighe, Mary Ann & Elizabeth E. Lang

 Price: $19.00

Art and the Stage in the 20th Century - Painters and Sculptors Work for the Theater

Rischbieter, Henning/ Wolfgang Storch

 Price: $36.00

Art Deco

Arwas, Victor

 Price: $51.00

Art in Revolution: Soviet Art and Design Since 1917

Gray-Prokofieva, (intro) Kenneth Frampton , Camilla

 Price: $12.00

Art Nouveau - Art and Design at the Turn of the Century

Selz, Peter and Mildred Constantine

 Price: $30.00

Art Nouveau Bing - Paris Style 1900

Weisberg, Gabriel P.

 Price: $30.00

Art Nouveau Bing - Paris Style 1900

Weisberg, Gabriel P.

 Price: $26.00

Art Nouveau Designers at the Paris Salons: 18951914. Volume VI: Textiles and Leather

Duncan, Alastair

 Price: $50.00

Art Nouveau: Art and Design at the Turn of the Century

Selz (Editors), Peter, Mildred Constantine

 Price: $28.00

Art Nouveau

Schmidt, L.

 Price: $24.00
Art of Biedermeier Viennese Art and DesignStone, Dominic R - Product Image

Art of Biedermeier Viennese Art and Design

Stone, Dominic R

 Price: $16.00

Art of Carl Faberge, The

Snowman, A. Kenneth

 Price: $19.00

Art Of Color, The

Jacobs , Michel

 Price: $38.00

Art of Galle: 108 Masterworks in Glass/ The Property of a Gentleman

Galle, Emile Charles Martin

 Price: $60.00

Art of Gone With the Wind, The : The Making of a Legend

Cameron, Judy

 Price: $19.00
Art of Interior Design, The: Selecting Elements For Distinctive StylesWoloszynska, Suzanne - Product Image

Art of Interior Design, The: Selecting Elements For Distinctive Styles

Woloszynska, Suzanne

 Price: $15.00

Art of Romare Bearden, Art

Bearden, Romare

 Price: $25.00

Art of Sculpture, The: The A.W. Mellon Lectures in the Fine Arts for 1954

Read, Herbert

 Price: $25.00

Art of the Chopper

Zimberoff, Tom

 Price: $25.00
Art of the Cigar Label, TheDavidson, Joe - Product Image

Art of the Cigar Label, The

Davidson, Joe

 Price: $38.00

Art of the Embroider

de Saint-Aubin, Charles Germain

 Price: $45.00

Art on Paper - Vol. 3, No. 2 - Nov.- Dec. 1998

Art on Paper

 Price: $12.00

Art on Paper - Vol. 3, No. 3 - Jan.- Feb. 1999

Art on Paper

 Price: $12.00

Artful Toil: Artistic Innovation in an Age of Enterprise

Seidler, Jan

 Price: $8.00

Artists By Themselves: Artists' Portraits from the National Academy of Design

National Academy of Design

 Price: $15.00

Artists By Themselves: Artists' Portraits From the National Academy of Design

Quick, et. al., Michael

 Price: $13.00

Artists of America, The: A Series of Biographical Sketches of American Artists; with Portraits and Designs on Steel

Lester, C. Edwards

 Price: $63.00

Artists of Lake George: 1776-1976

Raych, A. Morton

 Price: $8.00

Arts Decoratifs Du XXeme Siecle: 6 Decembre 1987


 Price: $12.00

Arts in Society - The Arts and the Human Environment - Volume 8, Number 2 - Summer-Fall 1971

Kamarck (Editor), Edward

 Price: $15.00

At Home in Manhattan: Modern Decorative Arts, 1925 to the Depression

Davies, Karen

 Price: $35.00

At Last, Mr. Tolliver

Wiegand, William

 Price: $19.00

At the Sign of the Rainbow: Margaret Calkin James 1895-1985

Miles, Betty

 Price: $19.00

Audrey Preissler: An American Humanist Artist of Today

Von Blum, Paul

 Price: $19.00

Autumn Light: Season of Fire and Farewells

Iyer, Pico

 Price: $19.00

Awards in the Visual Arts 1: an exhibition of works by recipients of the first annual Awards in the Visual Arts Fellowships

National Museum of American Art

 Price: $10.00

Ayesha: The Return of She

Haggard, H. Rider

 Price: $30.00

Baby World: Stories, Rhymes, and Pictures for Little Folks

Dodge, Mary Mapes

 Price: $35.00

Ballet and Theatre Material


 Price: $15.00

Bandboxes and Shopping Bags

Cooper-Hewitt Museum

 Price: $18.00

Bandboxes and Shopping Bags

The Smithsonian Institution

 Price: $15.00

Barn Book, The: Creative Conversions for Country Living

Corbett-Winder, Kate, David Permiter (Photography)

 Price: $31.00

Baroque & Rococo - Art & Culture

Minor, Vernon Hyde

 Price: $50.00

Baroque, The - Principles, Styles, Modes, Themes

Bazin, Germain

 Price: $25.00

Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi - Glory and Destruction

Bonsanti, Giorgio

 Price: $25.00

Bauhaus 1919-1933

Droste, Magdalena

 Price: $31.00
Bayside Bohemia - Fin de Siecle San Francisco & Its Little MagazinesBurgess, Gelett - Product Image

Bayside Bohemia - Fin de Siecle San Francisco & Its Little Magazines

Burgess, Gelett

 Price: $100.00
Behind the Scenes of Tifany Glassmaking - The Nash NotebooksEidelberg, Martin and Nancy A.  McCelland - Product Image

Behind the Scenes of Tifany Glassmaking - The Nash Notebooks

Eidelberg, Martin and Nancy A. McCelland

 Price: $50.00

Benjamin Baldwin - An Autobiography in Design

Baldwin, Benjamin

 Price: $21.00

Between Worlds - The Autobiography of Leo Lionni

Lionni, Leo

 Price: $15.00
Big Book of Bags, Tags, and Labels, The Campos, Cristian - Product Image

Big Book of Bags, Tags, and Labels, The

Campos, Cristian

 Price: $38.00

Blues Album Cover Art, The

Marsh (Editor), Graham/Barrie Lewis

 Price: $25.00

Boardman Robinson

Christ-Janer, Albert

 Price: $28.00

Book of Books, A

Morell, Abelardo, Nicholson Baker

 Price: $25.00

Book of Dried Flowers, The - A Complete Guide to Growing, Drying and Arranging

Hillier, Malcolm & Colin Hilton

 Price: $20.00
Book of Garden Ornament, TheHunt, Peter Raymond Slater - Product Image

Book of Garden Ornament, The

Hunt, Peter Raymond Slater

 Price: $38.00

Book of King Arthur and His Noble Knights, The

MacLeod, Mary, Illust. by: A.G. Walker

 Price: $69.00

Book of Samplers, The

Fawdry, Marguerite & Deborah Brown

 Price: $16.00

Book of Wallpaper, The

Entwisle, E. A.

 Price: $26.00

British Trees Including the Finer Shrubs for Garden and Woodland

Johns , Rev. C. A.

 Price: $11.00

Broken Tablets - The Cult of the Law in French Art from David to Delacroix

Ribner, Jonathan P.

 Price: $15.00

Building Portsmouth - The Neighborhoods Architecture of New Hampshire's Oldest City

Candee, Richard M.

 Price: $15.00

Buildings and Projects 1966-1981

Graves, Michael, Karen Vogel Wheeler, Peter Arnell, Ted Bickford (Editors)

 Price: $15.00
Built in USA: Post-war ArchitectureHitchcock, Henry-Russell - Product Image

Built in USA: Post-war Architecture

Hitchcock, Henry-Russell

 Price: $23.00

Bulletin of Rhode Island School of Design; Museum Notes January 1972 Selection 1: American Watercolors and Drawings


 Price: $6.00

Bulletin of Rhode Island School of Design; Museum Notes January 1972 Selection 1: American Watercolors and Drawings


 Price: $6.00

Business History Review: Autumn 2006

Harvard Business School

 Price: $12.00

Business History Review: Autumn 2006

Harvard Business School

 Price: $12.00

Business History Review: Autumn 2006

Harvard Business School

 Price: $12.00

Byzantine Painting

Grabar, Andr

 Price: $63.00

Caleb West: Master Diver

Smith, F. Hopkinson

 Price: $11.00

California Design 1910

Andersen, Timothy J., Eudorah M. Moore, Robert W. Winter (editors)

 Price: $19.00

Carl Larsson

Larsson, Carl

 Price: $18.00

Cartier Design Viewed

Sottsass, Ettore

 Price: $35.00

Cartoon History of Architecture, A

Lancaster, Osbert

 Price: $15.00

Carvings, Casts & Replicas - Nineteenth Century Sculpture from Europe & America in New England Collections

Hunisak, John M.

 Price: $19.00

Catalogue of Paintings in the Collection of Jules S. Bache, A

Bache, Jules S.

 Price: $200.00
Cecil Beaton: Memoirs of the 40sBeaton, Cecil - Product Image

Cecil Beaton: Memoirs of the 40s

Beaton, Cecil

 Price: $19.00

Century and a Half of American Art 1825-1975, A

National Academy of Design

 Price: $8.00

Century and a Half of American Art: 1825-1975, A

National Academy of Design

 Price: $15.00

Century of Chair Design, A

Russel, Frank, Philippe Garner,John Read

 Price: $22.00

Century of Posters 1870-1970 - Sale No. 242 - Saturday, November 10, 1979, A

Phillips/Nancy McClelland/Jack Rennert

 Price: $23.00

Chair, The: Art or Architecture? An Index of Current Production Designs, 1860-1970

American Institute of Architects Foundation

 Price: $16.00

Chairs made for American Children

Morris Museum of Arts and Sciences

 Price: $13.00

Chamberlain Selection of New England Rooms 1639-1863

Chamberlain, Samuel & Narcissa G. Chamberlain

 Price: $20.00
Chanel: Collections and CreationsBott, Daniele - Product Image

Chanel: Collections and Creations

Bott, Daniele

 Price: $44.00

Character Sketches from Dickens

Matz (Ed.), B. W.

 Price: $60.00

Charles and Ray Eames - Designers of the Twentieth Century

Kirkham, Pat

 Price: $40.00
Charles Eames: Furniture From the Design CollectionDrexler, Arthur - Product Image

Charles Eames: Furniture From the Design Collection

Drexler, Arthur

 Price: $23.00

Charles Willson Peale's "Belfield": A History of a National Historic Landmark, 1684-1984

Butler, James A.

 Price: $19.00
Charleston Furniture 1700-1825Burton, E. Milby - Product Image

Charleston Furniture 1700-1825

Burton, E. Milby

 Price: $23.00
Cheese monkeys : a novel in two semesters, TheKidd, Chip - Product Image

Cheese monkeys : a novel in two semesters, The

Kidd, Chip

 Price: $19.00
Chicago Architecture 1872-1922 Birth of a MetropolisZukowsky (Ed.), John - Product Image

Chicago Architecture 1872-1922 Birth of a Metropolis

Zukowsky (Ed.), John

 Price: $38.00

Christine's Picture Book: Hans Christian Andersen and Grandfather Drewsen

Andersen, Hans Christian & Grandfather Drewsen

 Price: $38.00

Christmas Snowflake, A: A Rhyme for Children

Granniss, Anna J.

 Price: $50.00

Christo and Jeanne-Claude: An Authorized Biography

Chernow, Burt, Wolfgang Volz (Epilogue

 Price: $15.00

Classic Book Jackets: The Design Legacy of George Salter

Hansen, Thomas S.

 Price: $19.00

Classic Savannah: History, Homes and Gardens.

Mitchell, jr, Willian Robert

 Price: $22.00

Classical I Kebana - The Japanese art of flower arrangement

Davidson, George

 Price: $18.00

Clip Art Book, The : A Complilation of More Than 5,000 Illustrations and Designs

Quinn, Gerard

 Price: $18.00

Collapsible - The Genius of Space-Saving Design

Mollerup, Per

 Price: $19.00

Collected Poems of William Watson

Watson, William

 Price: $35.00

Colonial Interiors, Second Series, Southern Colonial and Early Federl

Sale, Edith Tunis

 Price: $20.00

Color in Your Home: Good Ideas

Feduchi, Marta

 Price: $15.00

Color: A Complete Guide for Artists

Fabri, Ralph

 Price: $10.00

Colour Vision: Physiology and Psychophysics

Mollon, ed., J. D.

 Price: $64.00

Common Man Through the Centuries, The: A Book of Costume Drawings

Barsis, Max

 Price: $19.00

Communication Arts - August 1985 - Photography Annual


 Price: $13.00

Communication Arts - December 1985 - CA85 Advertising Annual


 Price: $14.00

Communication Arts - July 1985 - Illustration Annual


 Price: $13.00

Communication Arts - July/August - 1978 - The Art Annual


 Price: $13.00

Communication Arts - March/April - 1985

Marvin Mattelson, Carlos Llerena Aguirre

 Price: $8.00

Communication Arts - November 1985 - CA85 Design Annual


 Price: $14.00

Communication Arts - Volume 12 Number 6 1971

Fred Wolf, Roger Cook, Don Shanosky, Ken Parkhurst

 Price: $8.00

Communication Arts - Volume 13 Number 2 1971

Susan Keig, Kathe Mooslie

 Price: $8.00

Communication Arts - Volume 14 Number 1 1972

Gene Hoffman, Don Weller, John Wanamaker

 Price: $8.00

Communication Arts January/February 1999

Palmer Jarvis DDB, Kan & Lau Design Consultants, Christine Alicino, Natalie Ascencios, Jim Parkinson.

 Price: $12.00

Communication Arts - 228 - CA91 Design Annual


 Price: $10.00

Communication Arts - August 1984 Photography Annual 1984


 Price: $13.00

Communication Arts - August 1989 Photography Annual 1989


 Price: $13.00

Communication Arts - December 1983 - CA 83 Advertising Annual


 Price: $13.00

Communication Arts - December 1983 - CA 83 Advertising Annual


 Price: $13.00

Communication Arts - December 1983 - CA 83 Advertising Annual


 Price: $13.00

Communication Arts - December 1984 CA 84 Advertising Annual


 Price: $13.00

Communication Arts - January/February 1980

Ignacio Gomez, Bradbury Thompson, Peter Good

 Price: $8.00

Communication Arts - January/February 1981

Jozef Sumichrast, Clarence Lee, Eric Meola, Dick Brown

 Price: $8.00

Communication Arts - January/February 1983

Sharleen Pederson, Clint Clemens

 Price: $8.00

Communication Arts - January/February 1983

Sharleen Pederson, Clint Clemens

 Price: $8.00

Communication Arts - January/February 1984

Gary Kelley, Lance Hidy, Byron Ferris

 Price: $6.00

Communication Arts - January/February 1984

Gary Kelley, Lance Hidy, Byron Ferris

 Price: $6.00

Communication Arts - January/February 1986

Michael Peters, Seymour Chwast, Lloyd Ziff

 Price: $8.00

Communication Arts - January/February 1988

William Neill, Art Chantry

 Price: $8.00

Communication Arts - January/February 1989


 Price: $8.00

Communication Arts - July 1984 Illustration Annual 1984


 Price: $13.00

Communication Arts - July 1988 -Illustration Annual 1988


 Price: $13.00

Communication Arts - July 1989 Illustration Annual 1989


 Price: $13.00

Communication Arts - July/August 1976 - The Art Annual


 Price: $13.00

Communication Arts - July/August 1979 - The Art Annual


 Price: $13.00

Communication Arts - July/August 1979 - The Art Annual


 Price: $13.00

Communication Arts - July/August 1980 - 1980 Art Annual


 Price: $13.00

Communication Arts - July/August 1981 - 1981 Art Annual


 Price: $13.00

Communication Arts - July/August 1981 - 1981 Art Annual


 Price: $13.00