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Search Results for Keyword(s):art Realism  (matching all words)
Search found 107 matching products.

A Selection of American and European Paintings Priced Under $10,000: Philadelphia Collection LVIII

The Schwartz Gallery

 Price: $13.00

Abstract Expressionism the Formative Years

Hobbs, Robert Carleton & Gail Levin

 Price: $18.00

American & European Paintings: Philadelphia Collection XX

Frank S. Schwartz & Son Philadelphia

 Price: $16.00

American Art Treasures Discovered: A Community Adventure

Morris Museum of Arts and Sciences

 Price: $10.00

American Art Treasures Discovered: A Community Adventure

Morris Museum of Arts and Sciences

 Price: $13.00

American Impressionism and Realism: The Painting of Modern Life, 1885-1915

H. Barbara, Doreen Bolger, and David Park Curry Weinberg

 Price: $35.00

American Impressionism and Realism; The Painting of Modern Life 1885-1915

H. Barbara; Bolger, Doreen; Curry, David Weinberg

 Price: $23.00

American Impressionist and Realist Paintings and Drawings from the William Marshall Fuller Collection

Clark, Carol

 Price: $6.00
American Painting Of The 19th Century: Realism, Idealism, And The American Experience, Second EditionNovak, Barbara - Product Image

American Painting Of The 19th Century: Realism, Idealism, And The American Experience, Second Edition

Novak, Barbara

 Price: $12.00

American Painting: Philadelphia Collection XL

Frank S. Schwartz & Son Philadelphia

 Price: $11.00

American Paintings: Philadelphia Collection LVI

Schwartz, Robert D.

 Price: $19.00
American Realism and the Industrial AgeDoezema, Marianne - Product Image

American Realism and the Industrial Age

Doezema, Marianne

 Price: $15.00
American Realism and the Industrial AgeDoezema, Marianne - Product Image

American Realism and the Industrial Age

Doezema, Marianne

 Price: $15.00
American Realism and the Industrial AgeDoezema, Marianne - Product Image

American Realism and the Industrial Age

Doezema, Marianne

 Price: $15.00

American Realism: A Pictorial Survey from the Early Eighteenth Century to the 1970s

Mathe, Francois

 Price: $26.00

American realism: Twentieth-century drawings and watercolors from the collection of Glenn C. Janss

Martin, Alvin

 Price: $45.00

American Realism

Lucie-Smith, Edward

 Price: $35.00

American Realists: Homer to Hopper

Young, Mahonri Sharp

 Price: $45.00

American Tradition of Realism Part II: Paintings and Sculpture of the Twentieth Century

Kennedy Galleries

 Price: $8.00

Art in America: May-June 1968

Lipman (Ed.), Jean (David Von Schlegell)

 Price: $15.00

Art Institute of Chicago, The: Twentieth Century Painting and Sculpture


 Price: $26.00

Aspects of the 70's

various authors

 Price: $80.00

Aspects of the 70's

various authors

 Price: $80.00

Ben Shahn

Shahn, Bernarda Bryson

 Price: $64.00

Benjamin West and the Taste of His Times

Evans, Grose

 Price: $26.00

Books Abroad: An International Literary Quarterly - Spring 1969

Sellin, Eric and others

 Price: $15.00
Brackman: His Art and TeachingBates, Kenneth - Product Image

Brackman: His Art and Teaching

Bates, Kenneth

 Price: $23.00

Ceci N'est Pas le Surrealisme/California: Idioms of Surrealism

de Alcuaz, Marie

 Price: $13.00

Charles Sheeler: A Concentration of Works from the Permanent Collection of the Whitney Museum of American Art

Sims, Patterson

 Price: $10.00

Charles Sheeler: A Concentration of Works from the Permanent Collection of the Whitney Museum of American Art

Sims, Patterson

 Price: $10.00

Cinema of Economic Miracles: Visuality and Modernization in the Italian Art Film

Restivo, Angelo

 Price: $15.00

Collection of Lydia Winston Malbin - Wednesday, May 16, 1990 - Sale #6021, The


 Price: $19.00

Contemporary American Realism since 1960

Goodyear , Frank H.

 Price: $20.00

Currier & Ives: Printmakers to the American People

Peters, Harry T.

 Price: $45.00

Dada Almanac - (Atlas Arkhive One)

Huelsenbeck, Richard/Malcolm Green & Alistaire Brotchie (Editors)

 Price: $31.00

Dada, Surrealism, and Their Heritage

Rubin, William S.

 Price: $8.00

Dada: Eine Internationale Bewegung

Meyer, Raimund and Hans Bollinger

 Price: $31.00
Dali: The PaintingsDali, Robert Descharnes Neret Gilles Salvador - Product Image

Dali: The Paintings

Dali, Robert Descharnes Neret Gilles Salvador

 Price: $38.00


Gerard (Editor), Max, Illust. by: Salvador Dali

 Price: $31.00

Dancin' in the Streets! Anarchists, Iwws, Surrealists, Situationists & Provos in the 1960S (Sixties Series)

Rosemont, Franklin

 Price: $19.00

Daniel Quintero: Recent Paintings and Drawings

Marlborough Gallery

 Price: $11.00

David Parrish

Kahan, Mitchell Douglas

 Price: $22.00

Dean Cornwell: Dean of Illustrators

Broder, Patricia Janis

 Price: $192.00

Fantastic Universe of Salvador Dali, The

Dali, Salvador

 Price: $23.00

Fantasy Worlds (English, German and French Edition)

Schaewen, Deidi von

 Price: $44.00

Film Quarterly - Spring 1959

Callenbach (Ed.), Ernest

 Price: $12.00

Fine American Paintings: Philadelphia Collection XLVIII

The Schwartz Gallery

 Price: $6.00

Five Realists

Hirschl & Adler Galleries, Inc.

 Price: $8.00

Genteel Tradition, The: Selections from the Koger Collection

Keyes, Donald D.

 Price: $30.00
George Bellows : American ArtistOates, Joyce Carol - Product Image

George Bellows : American Artist

Oates, Joyce Carol

 Price: $18.00

Georgia O'Keeffe: The New York Years

Bry, Doris and Nicholas Calloway

 Price: $38.00

Hiram Williams: Exploring the Sources of His Expression

Stephens, William B.

 Price: $13.00

History of Modern Painting from Picasso to Surrealism

Raynal, Maurice

 Price: $38.00

Images of Labor

Howe, Irving, Joan Mondale

 Price: $19.00

Immortal Eight, The: American painting from Eakins to the Armory show, 1870-1913

Perlman, Bennard B.

 Price: $20.00

In Quest of Dali

Lake, Carlton, Illust. by: Illustrated

 Price: $20.00

James Ensor & Paul West

Musees Secrets

 Price: $19.00

Jan Vermeer

Wheelock, Arthur K.

 Price: $30.00

John Moore

Hirschl and Adler Modern

 Price: $8.00

John Sloan: A Painter's Life

Brooks, Van Wyck

 Price: $13.00
John Whalley: In New LightWhalley, John - Product Image

John Whalley: In New Light

Whalley, John

 Price: $25.00

Joseph Cornell

Waldman, Diane

 Price: $45.00

Leon Kroll: A Spoken Memoir

Hale, Nancy & Fredson Bowers

 Price: $45.00


Soby, James Thrall

 Price: $10.00


Whitfield, Sarah

 Price: $32.00


Whitfield, Sarah

 Price: $40.00
Making Mischief: Dada Invades New YorkNaumann, Francis M./Beth Venn/Allan Antliff/Whitney Museum of American Art - Product Image

Making Mischief: Dada Invades New York

Naumann, Francis M./Beth Venn/Allan Antliff/Whitney Museum of American Art

 Price: $31.00

Man Ray - Publications & Transformations

Foresta, Merry A.

 Price: $12.00
Man Ray: Paris - LA - September 21, 1996 - January 31, 1996 - Track 16 Gallery and Robert Berman GalleryBerman, Robert/Tom Patchett/Dickran Tashjian - Product Image

Man Ray: Paris - LA - September 21, 1996 - January 31, 1996 - Track 16 Gallery and Robert Berman Gallery

Berman, Robert/Tom Patchett/Dickran Tashjian

 Price: $25.00

Marcel Duchamp

D'Harnoncourt, Anne and Kynaston McShine (Ed.)

 Price: $31.00

Maxfield Parrish

Ludwig, Coy

 Price: $51.00
Meret Oppenheim - Beyond the TeacupBurckhardt, Jacqueline/Bice Curiger/Josef Helfenstein/Thomas McEvilley/Nancy Spector - Product Image

Meret Oppenheim - Beyond the Teacup

Burckhardt, Jacqueline/Bice Curiger/Josef Helfenstein/Thomas McEvilley/Nancy Spector

 Price: $31.00

Nineteenth Century Realist Art

Needham, Gerald

 Price: $12.00

Pablo Picasso Salvador Dali: A Preliminary Study in Their Similarities and Contrasts

Morse, A. Reynolds

 Price: $200.00

Painting Annual, 1982-1983

Childs Gallery

 Price: $10.00

Paintings by The Peale Family

Cincinnati Art Museum

 Price: $11.00

Paul Eluard - Collection Saint-Denis, Musee d'art et d'histoire

Collection de Saint-Denis

 Price: $188.00


Grohmann, Will , Illust. by: Paul Klee

 Price: $55.00

Peinture - a travers Dada et le Surrealisme

Gaffe, Rene

 Price: $70.00

Philip Evergood

Baur, John I. H.

 Price: $58.00
Private Eye, A: Dada, Surrealism, and More From the Brandt CollectionRobinson (Foreward), Frank - Product Image

Private Eye, A: Dada, Surrealism, and More From the Brandt Collection

Robinson (Foreward), Frank

 Price: $31.00

Real & Surreal, Michale Lenson 1903-1971: Paintings from the 30s, 40s, & 50s

Janet Marqusee Fine Arts

 Price: $16.00

Realism and Abstraction: Counterpoints in American drawing, 1900-1940 : November 12-December 30, 1983

No Author

 Price: $18.00

Realism, Photorealism

Arthur, John

 Price: $22.00

Realist Drawings & Watercolors

Arthur, John

 Price: $44.00

Realists At Work

Arthur, John

 Price: $51.00

Recognizable Image, The: Sixteen Contemporary Realists

Bruce Museum

 Price: $11.00

Rediscoveries in American Painting

The Cincinnati Art Museum

 Price: $8.00

Rediscovery of Jared French, The

French, Jared

 Price: $64.00

Robert Henri Painter

Henri, Robert

 Price: $45.00

Salvador Dali: Notes on the Paintings in Our Collection (Student Edition)

Morse, A. Reynolds

 Price: $25.00

Soviet Dis-Union: Socialist Realist & Nonconformist Art


 Price: $38.00

Stephen Antonakos: New Works/1982

Antonakos & Shapiro, Stephen & David, Illust. by: Stephen Antonakos

 Price: $11.00
Superrealist Painting & SculptureLindey, Christine - Product Image

Superrealist Painting & Sculpture

Lindey, Christine

 Price: $31.00

Superrealist Paintings and Sculpture

Lindey, Christine

 Price: $19.00

Surrealism and Beyond In the Israel Museum

Adina, Kamien-Kazhdan

 Price: $50.00

Surrealism and Modernism: From the Collection of the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art

Zafran, Mr. Eric

 Price: $30.00
Surrealist Look, The - An Erotics of EncounterCaws, Mary Ann - Product Image

Surrealist Look, The - An Erotics of Encounter

Caws, Mary Ann

 Price: $25.00
The Dada & Surrealist Word-ImageFreeman, Judi - Product Image

The Dada & Surrealist Word-Image

Freeman, Judi

 Price: $25.00

Theater of the Mind

Tress, Arthur

 Price: $60.00

Thomas P. Anshutz, 1851-1912

Heard, Sandra Denney, Illust. by: Thomas P. Anshutz

 Price: $10.00


Schmied, Wieland

 Price: $11.00


Baynes, Ken

 Price: $10.00

West Coast Realism

Gamwell, Lynn

 Price: $29.00

World of Marcel Duchamp, The: 1887 -

Tomkins, Calvin

 Price: $26.00

World of Salvador Dali, The

Descharnes, Robert

 Price: $40.00

Younger French Poets - The Chapbook (A Monthly Miscellany) - Number 17 - Volume 2 - November 1920, The

Flint, Frank Stewart

 Price: $125.00