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Search found 204 matching products.
"Billy" Sunday: The Man and His MessageEllis, William T. - Product Image

"Billy" Sunday: The Man and His Message

Ellis, William T.

 Price: $38.00

37 The Broad - Memoirs Of An Oxford Doctor

Counsell, H.E.

 Price: $8.00

A Memorial of Rufus Spaulding Cushman, D.D., Late Pastor of the Congregational Church in Manchester, Vermont

Manchester, Vermont

 Price: $18.00

A Painted Herbarium - The Life And Art Of Emily Hitchcock Terry (1838-1921)

Smith, Beatrice Scheer

 Price: $35.00

Adventures of General Marbot

Thomason, Jr. (Ed.), John W.

 Price: $30.00

Albert Schweitzer - The Man and His Mind

Seaver, George

 Price: $12.00

Alexander Wilson: Naturalist and Pioneer

Cantwell, Robert

 Price: $30.00

Ambulance in Africa

Thomas, Evan

 Price: $25.00

American Irish, The - A Political and Social Portrait

Shannon, William V.

 Price: $18.00

Anna Freud: A Biography

Young-Bruehl, Elisabeth

 Price: $13.00

Apologia pro Vita Sua: Being a History of His Religious Opinions

Newman, John Henry

 Price: $25.00

Arnauld and the Cartesian Philosophy of Ideas

Nadler, Steven M.

 Price: $50.00

Art-Life of William Morris Hunt

knowlton, Helen M.

 Price: $32.00

Arthur Schopenhauer's English Schooling

Bridgwater, W. P.

 Price: $40.00

Audubon, By Himself

Ford (Ed.), Alice

 Price: $15.00

Audubon, The Naturalist of the New World: His Adventures and Discoveries

St. John, Horace, Illust. by: J.W. Orr

 Price: $31.00

Autobiography of the Rev. Dr. Alexander Carlyle, Minister of Inveresk, Containing Memorials of the Men and Events of His Time

Carlyle, Alexander

 Price: $23.00

Beethoven: Les Grandes Epoques Creatrices (2 Volumes)

Rolland, Romain

 Price: $40.00

Bernhard Eduard Fernow: A Story of North American Forestry

Rodgers, Andrew Denny

 Price: $15.00

Biological Aspects of Metals and Metal-Related Diseases

Sarkar, Bibudhandra (Ed.)

 Price: $60.00
Birdwatcher: The Life of Roger Tory PetersonRosenthal, Elizabeth - Product Image

Birdwatcher: The Life of Roger Tory Peterson

Rosenthal, Elizabeth

 Price: $11.00
Boothby : Recollections of a Rebel Boothby, Robert - Product Image

Boothby : Recollections of a Rebel

Boothby, Robert

 Price: $19.00

Brian Friel (The Irish writers series)

Maxwell, D.E.S.

 Price: $28.00
Bright ParadiseRaby, Peter - Product Image

Bright Paradise

Raby, Peter

 Price: $10.00

Britain's Master Spy: The Adventures of Sidney Reilly

Reilly, Sidney

 Price: $31.00


Penelhum, Terence

 Price: $19.00

By the Evidence - Memoirs 1932-1951

Leakey, L.S.B.

 Price: $15.00

Cezanne, His Life and Art

Lindsay, Jack

 Price: $12.00

Chopin and Other Musical Essays

Finck, Henry T.

 Price: $44.00


Bruun, Geoffrey

 Price: $12.00

Closer Look at Ariel, A - A Memory of Sylvia Plath

Steiner, Nancy Hunter

 Price: $19.00

Cortes - The Library of World Biography

Johnson, William Weber

 Price: $15.00
Dangerous World of Butterflies, The: The Startling Subculture of Criminals, Collectors, and ConservationistsLaufer, Peter - Product Image

Dangerous World of Butterflies, The: The Startling Subculture of Criminals, Collectors, and Conservationists

Laufer, Peter

 Price: $13.00

Daughter of the Medicis, A: The Romantic Story of Margaret of Valois

Mariejol, Jean H.

 Price: $38.00

David Hume: Philosopher of Moral Science

Flew, Antony

 Price: $50.00

David Suzuki: The Autobiography

Suzuki, David

 Price: $8.00

Dearest Friend - A Life of Abigail Adams

Withey, Lynne

 Price: $15.00
DescartesWilson, Margaret D. - Product Image


Wilson, Margaret D.

 Price: $15.00

Dilthey: Philosopher of the Human Studies

Makkreel, R.A.

 Price: $18.00
Dog Days: A Sequel to Donkey's YearsHiggins, Aidan - Product Image

Dog Days: A Sequel to Donkey's Years

Higgins, Aidan

 Price: $19.00

Donkey's Years

Higgins, Aidan

 Price: $13.00

Dorothy and Red

Sheean, Vincent

 Price: $15.00

Drawn from Nature: The Botannical Art of Joseph Prestele and His Sons

Van Ravenswaay, Charles

 Price: $13.00

Early Lectures of Ralph Waldo Emerson: Volume 3, 1838-1842

Spiller, Robert E. & Wallace E. Williams

 Price: $19.00

Edward Lear as a Landscape Draughtsman

Hofer, Philip

 Price: $23.00

Edwin Brothertoft

Winthrop, Theodore

 Price: $23.00

Elijah the Prophet

Taylor, Rev. William M.

 Price: $20.00

Elizabeth, The Exiles of Siberia - A Tale, Founded on Facts From the French of Madame Cottin

Cottin, Madame

 Price: $25.00

Elizabethan Sea Dogs: A Chronicle of Drake and His Companions

Wood, William

 Price: $8.00

Ellen Glasgow - Beyond Convention

Wagner, Linda W.

 Price: $18.00

Emerson, Our Contemporary

Derleth, August

 Price: $23.00

Emily Dickinson

Wolff, Cynthia Griffin

 Price: $15.00

Englishwoman's Love-Letters, An


 Price: $20.00
Etchings of James McNeill Whistler, TheLochnan, Katharine A. - Product Image

Etchings of James McNeill Whistler, The

Lochnan, Katharine A.

 Price: $25.00

Extracts from the Letters and other Writings of the Late Joseph Gurney Bevan; Preceded by a Short Memoir of His Life

no author

 Price: $40.00

Faith and Practice of Al-Ghazali

Watt, W. Montgomery

 Price: $19.00

Family Portrait With Fidel: A Memoir

Franqui, Carlos

 Price: $15.00
Fate of the Corps, The: What Became of the Lewis and Clark Explorers After the ExpeditionMorris, Larry E. - Product Image

Fate of the Corps, The: What Became of the Lewis and Clark Explorers After the Expedition

Morris, Larry E.

 Price: $23.00

First With the Most Forrest

Henry, Robert Selph

 Price: $20.00

Foursquare: The Story of a Fourfold Life

Oliver, John Rothbone

 Price: $15.00

Francis Thomas - A Critical Biography

Thomson, Paul Van K.

 Price: $18.00

Frank O'Connor

Wohlgelernter, Maurice

 Price: $11.00

Frederick the Great - The Ruler, the Writer, the Man

Gooch, G. P.

 Price: $15.00

From Grieg to Brahms: Studies of Some Modern Composers and Their Art

Mason, Daniel Gregory

 Price: $23.00

Gamekeeper At Home, The - Sketches of Natural History and Rural Life

Jefferies, Richard

 Price: $40.00

Garbo: Her Story

Gronowicz, Antoni

 Price: $10.00

Gascon Royalist in Revolutionary Paris, A: The Baron De Batz 1792-1795

Lenotre, G.

 Price: $30.00
Gather Together In My NameAngelou, Maya - Product Image

Gather Together In My Name

Angelou, Maya

 Price: $13.00

Gentleman Johnny Burgoyne: Misadventures of an English General in the Revolution

Hudleston, F.J

 Price: $8.00

George Holmes Howison - Philosopher and Teacher / A Selection from his Writings with a Biographical Sketch

Buckham, John Wright and George Malcolm Stratton

 Price: $20.00

George Perkins Marsh: Prophet of Conservation

Lowenthal, David

 Price: $31.00
Home to the wildernessCarrighar, Sally - Product Image

Home to the wilderness

Carrighar, Sally

 Price: $10.00
Home: chronicle of a north country lifePowning, Beth - Product Image

Home: chronicle of a north country life

Powning, Beth

 Price: $11.00

Horatio Nelson and the Naval Supremacy of England

Russell, W. Clark

 Price: $25.00

House of Elrig - An Autobiography of Childhood, The

Maxwell, Gavin

 Price: $15.00

How Count L.N. Tolstoy Lives and Works

Sergyeenko, P. A.

 Price: $38.00

Hudson Taylor in Early Years: The Growth of the Soul

Taylor, Dr & Mrs Howard

 Price: $38.00
In Friendly CandourWeeks, Edward - Product Image

In Friendly Candour

Weeks, Edward

 Price: $10.00

In the Dust of Kilimanjaro

Western, David

 Price: $18.00

Indigo Bunting, The - A Memoir of Edna St. Vincent Millay

Sheean, Vincent

 Price: $23.00
Inextinguishable Symphony, The: A True Story of Music and Love in Nazi GermanyGoldsmith, Martin - Product Image

Inextinguishable Symphony, The: A True Story of Music and Love in Nazi Germany

Goldsmith, Martin

 Price: $10.00

Innocent Eye, The: The Life of Robert J. Flaherty

Calder-Marshall, Arthur

 Price: $26.00

Isaac T. Hopper: A True Life

Child, Lydia Maria

 Price: $15.00

Italo Svevo - The Man and the Writer

Furbank, P. N.

 Price: $25.00

Jean Renoir: The French Films 1924 - 1939 (Harvard Film Studies)

Sesonske, Alexander

 Price: $15.00

Jefferson Davis: Private Letters 1823 - 1889

Strode, Hudson

 Price: $23.00

John Cheever - A Biography

Donaldson, Scott

 Price: $15.00

John Ford's Stagecoach (Cambridge Film Handbooks)

Grant, Barry Keith

 Price: $19.00

John James Audubon: The Making of an American

Rhodes, Richard

 Price: $13.00

John Marshall in Diplomacy and In Law

Craigmyle, Lord

 Price: $13.00

John Millington Synge - Twayne's English Authors Series

Gerstenberger, Donna

 Price: $19.00

John S. Sargent: His Life and Work

Downes, William Howe

 Price: $25.00
Kingfisher MillTryon, Aylmer, Illust. by: Rodger McPhail  - Product Image

Kingfisher Mill

Tryon, Aylmer, Illust. by: Rodger McPhail

 Price: $25.00

Kokoro - Hints and Echoes of Japanese Inner Life

Hearn, Lafcadio

 Price: $30.00

Leonardo Da Vinci: The Marvelous Works of Nature and Man (INSCRIBED BY AUTHOR)

Kemp, Marint

 Price: $38.00

Letters of Henry James, Volume I: 1843-1875, The

James, Henry

 Price: $19.00
Letters of Henry James, Volume II: 1875-1883, The James, Henry - Product Image

Letters of Henry James, Volume II: 1875-1883, The

James, Henry

 Price: $38.00

Letters of James Gibbons Huneker

Huneker, Josephine

 Price: $25.00

Life and Art of Henry Fuseli, The

Tomory, Peter

 Price: $30.00

LIfe and Epistles of St. Paul, The: Two Volumes in One

Conybeare, Rev. W. J., Rev. J. S. Howson

 Price: $30.00

Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley (2 vols)

Huxley, Leonard

 Price: $36.00

Life and Public Services of Gen. James A. Garfield, The

McCabe, James D.

 Price: $25.00

Life and Services of Gen. John A. Logan as Soldier and Statesman

Dawson, George Francis

 Price: $63.00

Life and Times of Kin Hubbard, Creator of Abe Martin

Kelly, Fred C.

 Price: $12.00

Life of Charlotte Bronte, The (Two Volumes)

Gaskell, E. C.

 Price: $60.00

Life of Colonel Pownoll Phipps, The

Phipps, Pownoll W.

 Price: $40.00

Life of Martin Luther, The

Rein, William/G. F. Behringer

 Price: $25.00

Life of Mary Lyon, The

Gilchrist, Beth Bradford

 Price: $24.00

Life of William Shakespeare, A

Lee, Sidney

 Price: $19.00

Life, Speeches and Public Services of Abraham Lincoln

Barrett, J. H.

 Price: $96.00

Literary Biography

Edel, Leon

 Price: $15.00
Little By LittleLittle, Jean - Product Image

Little By Little

Little, Jean

 Price: $23.00

Luis Bu–uel: A Critical Biography

Aranda, Francisco

 Price: $19.00
Macmillan Biographical Encyclopaedia of Photographic ArtistsBrowne, Turner (Editor) - Product Image

Macmillan Biographical Encyclopaedia of Photographic Artists

Browne, Turner (Editor)

 Price: $70.00

Mail Story of the Flood


 Price: $19.00

Making of a Publisher, The - A Life in the 20th Century Book Revolution

Weybright, Victor

 Price: $19.00

Margaret Fell: Mother of Quakerism

Ross, Isabel

 Price: $38.00
Mark Twain: Man in White: The Grand Adventure of His Final YearsShelden, Michael - Product Image

Mark Twain: Man in White: The Grand Adventure of His Final Years

Shelden, Michael

 Price: $15.00

Mary Lavin, Quiet Rebel: A Study of Her Short Stories

Kelly, A. A.

 Price: $19.00

Mary Lavin: Irish Writers Series

Bowen, Zack

 Price: $23.00

Memorials of Alfred Marshall

Pigou (ed.), A. C.

 Price: $100.00

Memories: A Story of German Love

Muller, Max, Illust. by: Margaret Armstrong

 Price: $50.00
Military and Civil Life of General Ulysses S. GrantBoyd, A.M., James P.  - Product Image

Military and Civil Life of General Ulysses S. Grant

Boyd, A.M., James P.

 Price: $63.00

Mineral Metabolism: An Advanced Treatise

Comar, C. L.

 Price: $20.00

Mission to Bokhara, A

Wolff, Joseph

 Price: $13.00

Money Lords, The

Josephson, Matthew

 Price: $19.00

Moon Man, The: A Biography of Nikolai Miklouho-Maclay

Webster, E.M.

 Price: $23.00

Multivariate Statistical Methods: A Primer

Manly, Bryan F.J., Illust. by: ISBN: 0412286203

 Price: $30.00

My Blue Notebooks

de Pougy, Laine

 Price: $20.00

Nature of Sacrifice, The: A Biography of Charles Russell Lowell, Jr., 1835-64

Bundy, Carol

 Price: $19.00

Nature's Engraver - A Life of Thomas Bewick

Uglow, Jenny

 Price: $19.00

Nature's Engraver: A Life of Thomas Bewick

Uglow, Jenny

 Price: $18.00
Nature's Engraver: A Life of Thomas BewickUglow, Jenny - Product Image

Nature's Engraver: A Life of Thomas Bewick

Uglow, Jenny

 Price: $25.00
Nature's Engraver: A Life of Thomas BewickUglow, Jenny - Product Image

Nature's Engraver: A Life of Thomas Bewick

Uglow, Jenny

 Price: $20.00
Nature's Engraver: A Life of Thomas BewickUglow, Jenny - Product Image

Nature's Engraver: A Life of Thomas Bewick

Uglow, Jenny

 Price: $28.00

Nelson: The Man - A Portrait Study

Corbett-Smith, A.

 Price: $40.00

Novelist of Vermont, The - A Biographical and Critical Study of Daniel Pierce Thompson

Flitcroft, John E.

 Price: $19.00

Occupation for Gentlemen, The

Warburg, Frederic

 Price: $8.00

Old Bill Williams, Mountain Man

Favour, Alpheus H.

 Price: $25.00

Olives: The Life and Lore of a Noble Fruit

Rosenblum, Mort

 Price: $15.00

One-Straw Revolution, The

Fukuoka, Masanobu/Larry Korn (Editor)

 Price: $23.00

Open Polar Sea, The - A Narrative of a Voyage of Discovery Towards the North Pole in the Schooner "United States"

Hayes, Isaac I.

 Price: $38.00

Orchestra and Orchestral Music, The (The Music Lover's Library)

Henderson, W. J.

 Price: $25.00

Orion on the Dunes: A Biography of Henry Beston

Payne, Daniel G.

 Price: $19.00
Pablo Picasso Man and His WorkPorzio, Domenico, Illust. by: Pablo Picasso  - Product Image

Pablo Picasso Man and His Work

Porzio, Domenico, Illust. by: Pablo Picasso

 Price: $25.00

Paintings of Louis Ritman (1889-1963), The

Love, Richard H./Maurice Ritman/Nicole de Fleur

 Price: $63.00

Paris Review, The - Summer, 1984

Plimpton (Editor), George/Milan Kundera, Arthur Koestler, Edna O'Brien, E. L. Doctorow & Philip Levine

 Price: $19.00

Paul Klee

Grohmann, Will

 Price: $30.00

Peron - His Rise and Fall

Owen, Frank

 Price: $15.00

Pier Paolo Pasolini: Cinema as Heresy

Greene, Naomi

 Price: $23.00

Pilgrimage to Vallombrosa -From Vermont to Italy in the Footsteps of George Perkins Marsh

Elder, John

 Price: $19.00


Cadwell, Steven Allen

 Price: $15.00

Poems of Michael Lermontoff

Lermontoff, Michael and E.N. Steinhart

 Price: $30.00

Portrait of Andre Gide

O'Brien, Justin

 Price: $20.00
Positively 4th Street: The Lives and Times of Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, Mimi Baez Farina & Richard FarinaHajdu, David - Product Image

Positively 4th Street: The Lives and Times of Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, Mimi Baez Farina & Richard Farina

Hajdu, David

 Price: $10.00

Private Life of Daniel Webster, The

Lanman, Charles

 Price: $38.00

Proust - The Early Years The Later Years - (2 Vols.)

Painter, George D., Illust. by: Samuel H, Bryant

 Price: $30.00

Quentin Durward (Standard English Classics)

Scott, Walter/R. W. Bruere (Editor)

 Price: $19.00

Refiguring the Map of Sorrow - Nature Writing and Autobiography

Allister, Mark

 Price: $15.00

Ring - A Biography of Ring Lardner

Yardley, Jonathan

 Price: $20.00

Rodin: A Biography

Grunfeld, Frederic V.

 Price: $25.00

Roosevelt - The Story of a Friendship 1880-1919

Wister, Owen

 Price: $20.00
Roots: The Saga of an American Family (SIGNED COPY)Haley, Alex - Product Image

Roots: The Saga of an American Family (SIGNED COPY)

Haley, Alex

 Price: $63.00

Rosalie Edge, Hawk of Mercy: The Activist Who Saved Nature from the Conservationists

Furmansky, Dyana Z.

 Price: $19.00

Saint Genet: Actor and Matyr

Sartre, Jean-Paul

 Price: $25.00

Samuel de Champlain: Father of New France

Morison, Samuel Eliot

 Price: $30.00

Seeing the Light - Wilderness and Salvation: A Photographer's Tale

Shroder, Tom/John Barry/Clyde Butcher

 Price: $50.00

Selected Poems Francis Thompson

Thompson, Francis/Wilfrid Meynell

 Price: $25.00

Shaw: An Autobiography, 1856-1898

Shaw, Bermard

 Price: $9.00

Shelley: His Life and Work, Two Volumes

Peck, Walter Edwin

 Price: $35.00

Sir Walter Scott As a Judge: His Decisions in the Sheriff Court of Selkirk

Chisholm, K.C., John

 Price: $25.00

Sketches of the Life and Times of Eld. Ariel Kendrick

Kendrick, Eld. Ariel

 Price: $30.00

Skin For Skin

Powys, Llewelyn

 Price: $15.00


Legouis, Emile

 Price: $20.00

Story of Lindbergh, The - Lone Eagle

Beamish, Richard J.

 Price: $6.00

Stranger and Traveler

Wilson, Dorothy Clarke

 Price: $18.00

Tell Freedom - Memories of Africa

Abrahams, Peter

 Price: $15.00

The Great Singers - From the Dawn of Opera to Our Own Time

Pleasants, Henry

 Price: $28.00

The James Family - A Group Biography With Selected Writings

Matthiessen, F.O.

 Price: $25.00

The Land of the Crooked Tree

Hedrick, U. P.

 Price: $12.00

The Man Verdi

Walker, Frank

 Price: $15.00

The Nature of Generosity

Kittredge, William

 Price: $20.00

Thomas - A novel of the Life, passion, and miracles of Becket

Mydans, Shelley

 Price: $15.00

Thomas Becket

Winston, Richard

 Price: $13.00

Thomas Starr King: Patriot and Preacher

Wendte, Charles W.

 Price: $24.00

Thorstein Veblen: A Critical Reappraisal/Lectures and Essays Commemorating the Hundredth Anniversary of Veblen's Birth

Dowd (ed.), Douglas F.

 Price: $30.00

True Stories from History and Biography

Hawthorne, Nathaniel

 Price: $20.00

U.S. Grant Album: A Pictorial Biography of Ulysses S. Grant from Leather Clerk to the White House

Frost, Lawrence A.

 Price: $18.00

Unser - An American Family Portrait

Kirby, Gordon

 Price: $20.00

Van Gogh, A Self Portrait: Letters Revealing His Life as a Painter

Auden, W. H.

 Price: $12.00

Vegetation of New Zealand, The

Cockayne, Leonard

 Price: $38.00

Venice and Its Story

Okey, T.

 Price: $38.00

Vermont Indians

Daniels, Thomas E., Illust. by: Peg Artitage

 Price: $13.00

Vermont Indians

Daniels, Thomas E., Illust. by: Peg Artitage

 Price: $13.00

Voices Offstage: A Book Of Memoirs

Connelly, Marc

 Price: $19.00

Voices: A life of Frank O'Connor

Matthews, James H

 Price: $19.00

W. H. Auden - The Life of a Poet

Osborne, Charles

 Price: $23.00

Wedgewoods, The: Being a Life of Josiah Wedgewood; with Notices of his Worksand their Productions, Memoirs of the Wedgewood and other Families, and a History of the Early Potteries of Staffordshire

Jewitt, Llewellynn

 Price: $77.00

Whitaker's Southold: Being a Substantial Reproduction of the History of Southold, L.I.: Its First Century

Whitaker, Rev. Epher

 Price: $64.00
Whole Hog, The: A Sequel to Donkey's Years and Dog DaysHiggins, Aidan - Product Image

Whole Hog, The: A Sequel to Donkey's Years and Dog Days

Higgins, Aidan

 Price: $19.00