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"Shedding the Veil"
Suarez, Thomas
America In Maps - Dating From 1500 to 1856
Klemp (Ed.), Egon
Atlas of Maritime History
Lloyd, Christopher
Atlas of the Bible
Reid, Joyce M. H. (Ed.)
Atlas of the Great Plains
Lavin, Stephen J.
Baedeker's United States with an Excursion Into Mexico, The
Baedeker, Karl
Book of Old Maps, A
Fite, Emerson D. and Archibald Freeman
Fourth Part of the World, The: The Race to the Ends of the Earth, and the Epic Story of the Map That Gave America Its Name
Lester, Toby
Geographical Dictionary, or Universal Gazetteer, Ancient and Moder-Vol. 2
Worcester, J.E.
Glacial and Periglacial Geomorphology
Embleton, Clifford and Cuchlaine A. M. King
History of Cartography
Bagrow, Leo
Hudson River Watertrail Guide, The: Official Guidebook of The Hudson River Watertrail Association
Giddy, Ian
Longmans' Atlas of Ancient Geography
Butler, Rev. George
Men and Meridians: The History of Mapping and Surveying in Canada (Volume 1, Prior to 1867)
Thomson, Don W.
New Universal Gazetteer, or Geographical Dictionary, Containing A Description of the Various Countries, Provinces, Cities, Towns, Seas, Lakes, Rivers, Mountains, Capes, & c. In The Known World with an Appendix, Containing an Account of the
New Zealand Atlas
McKenzie, D. W. (ed.)
People's Republic of China Atlas
Shaping of America, The: A Geographic Perspective on 500 Years of History. Volume 2: Continental America, 1800-1867
Meinig, D.W.
Soil Survey (Reconnaissance) of Vermont - Bureau of Chemistry and Soils - Series 1930 - Number 43
Latimer, W. J./ S.O. Perkins/F. R. Lesh/L. R. Smith/ K. V. Goodman
Surveying Instruments - Their History and Classroom Use
Kiely, Edmond R.
Vermont (Map)
Vinland Map and the Tartar Relation, The - New Edition
Skelton, R. A., Thomas Marston & George Painter