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Search Results for Keyword(s):nautical  (matching all words)
Search found 564 matching products.

"Charles W. Morgan", The: The Story of the Last of the Old Whalers

Dickerman, Marion

 Price: $13.00
A Furnace Afloat: The Wreck of the Hornet and the Harrowing 4,300-mile Voyage of Its SurvivorsJackson, Joe - Product Image

A Furnace Afloat: The Wreck of the Hornet and the Harrowing 4,300-mile Voyage of Its Survivors

Jackson, Joe

 Price: $10.00

A history of the French navy, from its beginnings to the present day

Jenkins, Ernest Harold

 Price: $55.00

A Seafaring Legacy: The Photographs, Diaries, Letters and Memorabilia of a Maine Sea Captain and His Wife 1859-1908

Freehand, Julianna

 Price: $10.00

Admiral Rodney

Macintyre, Donald

 Price: $20.00

Adopted Son of Salem - Captain Dominick Lake Marsins 1827-1899

Buck, Polly Stone

 Price: $20.00

Adventures of Captain Horn, The

Stockton, Frank R.

 Price: $15.00

Adventures of John Wetherell, The

Forester (Ed.), C.S.

 Price: $12.00

Adventures of John Wetherell, The

Forester (Ed.), C.S.

 Price: $12.00

Aero Digest May 1937


 Price: $18.00

After the Storm: True Stories of Disaster and Recovery at Sea

Rousmaniere, John

 Price: $25.00
All Standing: The True Story of Hunger, Rebellion, and Survival Aboard the Jeanie JohnstonMiles, Kathryn - Product Image

All Standing: The True Story of Hunger, Rebellion, and Survival Aboard the Jeanie Johnston

Miles, Kathryn

 Price: $15.00

Amazing Adventure: A Thrilling Naval Biography

Chatterton, E. Keble

 Price: $12.00

America's Lighthouses - Their Illustrated History Since 1716

Holland, Jr., Francis Ross

 Price: $10.00

American Coast Pilot, The

Furlong, Captain Lawrence

 Price: $1,125.00

American Marine Paintings: Fourth Annual Exhibition and Sale

Smith Gallery

 Price: $8.00

American Marine Paintings: Nineteenth & Twentieth Century

Smith Gallery

 Price: $8.00

American Marine: The Shipping Question in History and Politics

Bates, William W.

 Price: $28.00
American Maritime Paintings of John StobartStobart, John and Robert P. Davis - Product Image

American Maritime Paintings of John Stobart

Stobart, John and Robert P. Davis

 Price: $150.00

American Nautical Art and Antiques

Kranz, Jacqueline L.

 Price: $10.00
American Nautical Art and AntiquesKranz, Jacqueline L. - Product Image

American Nautical Art and Antiques

Kranz, Jacqueline L.

 Price: $19.00

American Naval Broadsides: A Collection of Early Naval Prints 1745-1815

Smith, Edgar Newbold

 Price: $20.00

American Naval Prints

U.S. Naval Academy Museum

 Price: $15.00

American Neptune, Pictorial Supplement 1


 Price: $8.00

American Neptune, The: A Quarterly Journal of Maritime History 1980 (Volume XL) (4 Volume Set)

Carter (Editor), John S.

 Price: $31.00

American Neptune, The: A Quarterly Journal of Maritime History 1981 (Volume XLL) (4 Volume Set)

Carter (Editor), John S.

 Price: $38.00

American Neptune, The: A Quarterly Journal of Maritime History 1983 (Volume XLIII) (4 Volume Set)

Carter (Editor), John S.

 Price: $38.00

American Neptune, The: The Quarterly Journal of Maritime History - Volume 2 (3 Issues)


 Price: $19.00

American Neptune, The: The Quarterly Journal of Maritime History - Volume XI (3 Issues)


 Price: $19.00
American Neptune: A Quarterly Journal of Maritime History  Volume 19 No. 1-4 1959 (4 Issues)Dodge (Ed.), Ernest S. - Product Image

American Neptune: A Quarterly Journal of Maritime History Volume 19 No. 1-4 1959 (4 Issues)

Dodge (Ed.), Ernest S.

 Price: $31.00

American Paintings of Ports and Harbors: 1774-1968

Dodge, Joseph Jeffers

 Price: $6.00

American Sail - A Pictorial History

Laing, Alexander

 Price: $30.00

American Ship Models: And How to Build them

Grimwood, V.R.

 Price: $8.00

American Ships

Laing, Alexander

 Price: $12.00

Americana from the Daphne Farago Collection

Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of Design

 Price: $15.00
Anatomy of a Mutiny Ship: Sharon, 1842Purrington, Philip F. - Product Image

Anatomy of a Mutiny Ship: Sharon, 1842

Purrington, Philip F.

 Price: $16.00

Anchors Aweigh!: Tales of Wooden Ship Days

Swan (editor), Oliver G.

 Price: $20.00

Ancient Air, An - A Biography of John Stringfellow of Chard: the Victorian Aeronautical Pioneer

Penrose, Harald

 Price: $20.00

Anton Otto Fischer: Marine Artist - His Life and Work

Fischer, Katrina Sigshee

 Price: $75.00

Archaeology of the Boat

Greenhill, Basil

 Price: $16.00
Archaeology Under Water Bass, George F. - Product Image

Archaeology Under Water

Bass, George F.

 Price: $15.00

At the Water's Edge: Muskoka's Boathouses

de Visser, John, Judy Ross

 Price: $23.00

Atlas of Maritime History

Lloyd, Christopher

 Price: $10.00

Autobiography of George Dewey: Admiral of the Navy

Dewey, George

 Price: $15.00

Background of Phoenician Expansion into the Mediterranean in the Early First Millennium

Douglas Young, Gordon

 Price: $26.00

Battle of Lake Erie, The: And Reminiscences of the Flagships "Lawrence" and "Niagara"

Dobbins, Captain W. W.

 Price: $40.00

Battles By Sea

Chatterton, E. Keble

 Price: $15.00
Battleships 1856-1977Preston, Anthony - Product Image

Battleships 1856-1977

Preston, Anthony

 Price: $15.00

Beat to Quarters

Forester, C. S.

 Price: $313.00

Beyond the Capes: Pacific Exploration from Captain Cook to the Challenger (1776-1877)

Dodge, Ernest S.

 Price: $15.00

Bibliotheca Curiosa: Chancellor's Voyage to Muscovy; being Clement Adams Anglorum Navigatio Ad Muscovitas, taken from Respublica Muscoviae(1630),...edited with notes by Edmund Goldsmid

McCrindle, J.

 Price: $60.00

Big Red: Three Months On Board a Trident Nuclear Submarine

Waller, Douglas C.

 Price: $19.00

Bismarck Episode, The

Grenfell, Captain Russell

 Price: $15.00
Bitter Waters: America's Forgotten Naval Mission to the Dead SeaBain, David Haward - Product Image

Bitter Waters: America's Forgotten Naval Mission to the Dead Sea

Bain, David Haward

 Price: $19.00

Black Jacks: African American Seamen in the Age of Sail

Bolster, W. Jeffrey

 Price: $13.00

Black Night Off Finisterre: The Tragic Tale of an Early British Ironclad

Hawkey, Arthur

 Price: $10.00

Black Ship, The - The Quest to Recover an English Pirate Ship and Its Lost Treasure

Clifford, Barry with Paul Perry

 Price: $6.00

Black Ship, The : The Quest to Recover an English Pirate Ship and Its Lost Treasure

Clifford, Barry

 Price: $10.00

Black Ship, The

Pope, Dudley

 Price: $19.00

Blackspit Smugglers, The - An Adventure Novel of To-day

Kerr, Lennox, Illust. by: Rowland Hilder

 Price: $41.00

Blow the Man Down!: A Yankee Seaman's Adventures Under Sail

Williams, James H. and Warren Kuehl (Ed.)

 Price: $15.00

Blue Water Men - and Women

Humiston, Fred

 Price: $19.00

Bluewater Journal - The Voyage Of The Sea Tiger

Krupinski, Loretta, Illust. by: Loretta Krupinski

 Price: $15.00

Boat and the Town, The

Moorhouse, Geoffrey

 Price: $6.00

Bob Graham at Sea

Riesenberg, Felix, Illust. by: Charles E. Cartwright

 Price: $15.00

Bonadventure, The - a Random Journal of an Atlantic Holiday

Blunden, Edmund

 Price: $15.00

Book of the Ocean, and Life on the Sea, The (Two volumes bound together)


 Price: $100.00

Books of the Sea: An Introduction to Nautical Literature.

Lewis, Charles Lee

 Price: $35.00

Books of the Sea: An Introduction to Nautical Literature.

Lewis, Charles Lee

 Price: $40.00

Bounty Ships of France

Villiers, Alan/Henri Picard

 Price: $15.00

Bridge Across the Atlantic: The Story of Hapag Lloyd's North American Liner Services

Seiler, Otto J.

 Price: $44.00

British Navy, The: A Concise History

Warner, Oliver

 Price: $10.00

British Sailor, The

Garrett, Richard

 Price: $10.00

British Seaman 1200-1860, The: A Social Survey

Lloyd, Christopher

 Price: $12.00

Broadsides & Boarders

Albert, Marvin H.

 Price: $15.00

Brotherhood of the Sea, The

Chatterson, E. Keble

 Price: $10.00

Buccaneers of the Pacific

Wycherley, George

 Price: $20.00

Build a Simple Dinghy

Nicolson, Ian

 Price: $11.00

Building A Clipper Ship

Coleman, H. S., Illust. by: W. B. Reeve

 Price: $16.00

Business History Review: Autumn 2005

Harvard Business School

 Price: $12.00

Business History Review: Summer 2007

Harvard Business School

 Price: $12.00

Business History Review: Winter 2005

Harvard Business School

 Price: $12.00

By Dead Reckoning: Adventures in the China Seas

Davidson, V. M.

 Price: $13.00

Call Of The Running Tide, The - A Portrait Of An Island Family

Graff, Nancy Price

 Price: $30.00
Cape Cod Canal, TheFarson, Robert H. - Product Image

Cape Cod Canal, The

Farson, Robert H.

 Price: $19.00

Captain & the Cannibal, The: An Epic Story of Exploration, Kidnapping, and the Broadway Stage.

Fairhead, James

 Price: $25.00

Captain Class Frigates in the Second World War, The : An Operational History of the American-Built Destroyer Escorts Serving Under the White Ensign from 1943-46

Collingwood, Donald

 Price: $44.00

Captain James Cook

Villiers, Alan

 Price: $15.00

Captain Macedoine's Daughter

McFee, William

 Price: $35.00
Captain of the Vanished Fleet, ASharp, Benjamin - Product Image

Captain of the Vanished Fleet, A

Sharp, Benjamin

 Price: $19.00

Captain's Best Mate, The : The Journal of Mary Chipman Lawrence on the Whaler Addison, 1856-1860

Lawrence, Mary Chipman.

 Price: $10.00
Caravels of Christ, TheRenault, Gilbert - Product Image

Caravels of Christ, The

Renault, Gilbert

 Price: $15.00

Cargo Work: The Care, Handling and Carriage of Cargoes

Taylor, Captain L. G. and F. H. Trim

 Price: $8.00

Caribbean as Columbus Saw It, The

Elliot, Samuel and Mauricio and Obregon

 Price: $10.00

Carrier Lexington

Power, Hugh Irvin

 Price: $15.00

Casuals of the Sea: The Voyage of a Soul

McFee, William

 Price: $35.00

Cent Ans De Voiles

Beken of Cowes, Illust. by: Beken of Cowes

 Price: $150.00

Charles W. Morgan, The - The Last Wooden Whaleship

Stackpole, Edouard A.

 Price: $25.00
Charles W. Morgan, TheStackpole, Edouard A. - Product Image

Charles W. Morgan, The

Stackpole, Edouard A.

 Price: $19.00

Cochrane the Dauntless - A Tale of the Exploits of Lord Cochrane in South American Waters, With

Henty, C. A.

 Price: $44.00

Columbus: The Four Voyages

Bergreen, Laurence

 Price: $13.00

Combat Fleets of the World 1990/91

Baker, AD et al

 Price: $35.00

Comeback: My Race for the America's Cup

Conner, Dennis and Bruce Stannard

 Price: $19.00
Commentary on the Law of Prize and BootyGrotius, Hugo - Product Image

Commentary on the Law of Prize and Booty

Grotius, Hugo

 Price: $31.00

Commodore John Rodgers: Captain, Commodore, and Senior Officer of the American Navy 1773-1838, A Biography

Paullin, Charles Oscar

 Price: $40.00

Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry and the War on the Lakes

Lyman, Olin L.

 Price: $12.00

Conquest of the North Atlantic, The

Marcus, G. J.

 Price: $6.00

Conquest of the Seas - The History and Adventure of Sea and Ships

Bowen, Frank C.

 Price: $20.00

Consigned to Davy Jones

Grant, Captain George H. , Illust. by: Gordon Grant

 Price: $15.00

Contribution to the Bibliography of the History of the United States Navy, A.

Harbeck, Charles T.

 Price: $18.00
Conway's History of the Ship: The Advent of Steam, The Merchant Steamship before 1900Greenhill, Dr. Basil - Product Image

Conway's History of the Ship: The Advent of Steam, The Merchant Steamship before 1900

Greenhill, Dr. Basil

 Price: $31.00

Cornish Shipwrecks: Vol. 2 , The North Coast

Cartel, Clive

 Price: $8.00

Dark Wind - A Survivor's Tale of Love and Loss

Chaplin, Gordon

 Price: $12.00

Decatur and Somers

Seawell, M. Elliot

 Price: $25.00

Decision at Trafalgar

Pope, Dudley

 Price: $25.00

Delta Queen, The: Last of the Paddlewheel Palaces

Perez, August & Associates

 Price: $13.00

Design and Construction of Ports and Marine Structures

DeF. Quinn, Alonzo

 Price: $33.00

Design and Construction of Ports and Marine Structures

Quinn, Alonzo DeF.

 Price: $26.00

Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships, Volume I A-B

Navy Department

 Price: $20.00

Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships, Volume III, G-K

Navy Department

 Price: $30.00

Dictionary of Marine Artists

Brewington, Dorothy E. R.

 Price: $26.00

Discovery of the Bismarck

Ballard, Robert, Illust. by: Ken Marschall

 Price: $8.00
Down on T Wharf: The Boston Fisheries as Seen Through the Photographs of Henry D. FisherGerman, Andrew W. - Product Image

Down on T Wharf: The Boston Fisheries as Seen Through the Photographs of Henry D. Fisher

German, Andrew W.

 Price: $19.00

Down to the Sea in Ships

Anthony, Irvin

 Price: $15.00

Down to the Sea: The Romance of the Clyde, Its ships and Shipbuilders

Blake, George

 Price: $12.00
Down With the Old Canoe: A Cultural History of the Titanic DisasterBiel, Steven - Product Image

Down With the Old Canoe: A Cultural History of the Titanic Disaster

Biel, Steven

 Price: $10.00

Down-Easter: Building a Model of the Benjamin F. Packard

Bragdon, Roger Weare

 Price: $8.00
Early American ShipsMillar, John Fitzhugh - Product Image

Early American Ships

Millar, John Fitzhugh

 Price: $31.00

East Coast Passage: The Voyage of a Thomas Sailing Barge

Clarke, D. H.

 Price: $20.00

East Coast Sail: Working Sail 1850-1970

Simpler, Robert

 Price: $11.00

East Indiamen: the East India Company's Maritime Service

Cotton, Sir Evan and Charles Fawcett

 Price: $19.00
Education of an Engineer, TheSmith, Jr., Edward Wanton - Product Image

Education of an Engineer, The

Smith, Jr., Edward Wanton

 Price: $63.00

Elizabethan Sea Dogs: A Chronicle of Drake and His Companions

Wood, William

 Price: $8.00

Emma in Blue: A Romance of Friendship

Hamilton, Gerald, Desmond Stewart

 Price: $12.00

Empire of Ice, An: Scott, Shackleton, and the Heroic Age of Antarctic Science

Larson, Edward J.

 Price: $13.00

Enduring Friendships

Roberts, Al

 Price: $30.00

Engineers' Manual of the Local Marine Board Examinations

Ainsley, Thomas L.

 Price: $26.00

English Channel, The

Calder, Nigel

 Price: $23.00

English Oak and Spanish Gold

Mawhinney, Thomas A. H., Illust. by: Manning DeV. Lee

 Price: $19.00
Facing the Wind: A True Story of Tragedy and ReconciliationSalamon, Julie - Product Image

Facing the Wind: A True Story of Tragedy and Reconciliation

Salamon, Julie

 Price: $8.00

Fair Winds and Foul

Hauser, Heinrich

 Price: $16.00
Famine Ships, The: The Irish Exodus to AmericaLaxton, Edward - Product Image

Famine Ships, The: The Irish Exodus to America

Laxton, Edward

 Price: $23.00

Fast Sailing Ships: Their Design and Construction, 1775-1875

MacGregor, David R.

 Price: $31.00

Fatal River, The: The Life and Death of La Salle

Gaither, Frances

 Price: $23.00
Fatal Storm: The Inside Story of the Tragic Sydney-Hobart RaceMundle, Rob - Product Image

Fatal Storm: The Inside Story of the Tragic Sydney-Hobart Race

Mundle, Rob

 Price: $10.00

Fatal Treasure: Greed and Death, Emeralds and Gold, and the Obsessive Search for the Legendary Ghost Galleon Atocha

Smith, Jedwin

 Price: $19.00

Fearnley & Eger: 1869-1969

Agutter, Rodney

 Price: $8.00

Fibreglass Boats: Fitting Out Maintenance and Repairs

du Plessis, Hugo

 Price: $8.00
Fisher's Face; or,: Getting to Know the AdmiralMorris, Jan - Product Image

Fisher's Face; or,: Getting to Know the Admiral

Morris, Jan

 Price: $13.00

Fitz Hugh Lane 1804 - 1865

William A. Farnsworth Museum, Illust. by: Fitz Hugh Lane

 Price: $19.00

Fitz Hugh Lane

Wilmerding, John

 Price: $31.00

Five Hundred Sailing Records of American Built Ships

Cutler, Carl C.

 Price: $10.00

Floating Harpsichord, The: One Sailors Log and Manuals for Solo-Sailing and Solo-Medicine

Strykers, Peter H.

 Price: $8.00

Floating Republic, The: An Account of the Mutinies at Spithead and the Nore in 1797

Manwaring, G. E., Bonamy Dobree

 Price: $40.00

Former Naval Person: Churchill and the Wars at Sea

Hough, Richard

 Price: $10.00

Forty Years Travels: At Sea and in Foreign Countries with an Account of His Shipwrecks

Lefavor, Captain William

 Price: $150.00

France: The Quiet Way (SIGNED)

Liley, John

 Price: $15.00

Freebooters of the Red Sea

Cochran, Hamilton

 Price: $15.00

Frigate Constitution, The: The Central Figure of the Navy under Sail

Hollis, Ira N.

 Price: $20.00

From Howard to Nelson: Twelve Sailors.

Laughton, M. A. (ed.), John Knox

 Price: $20.00

From the Log of the Velsa

Bennett, Arnold

 Price: $13.00

From the Lower Deck: The Royal Navy 1780-1840

Baynham, Henry

 Price: $12.00

Full Cup, A: Sir Thomas Lipton's Extraordinary Life and His Quest for the America's Cup

D'Antonio, Michael

 Price: $19.00

Full Sail for Tripoli

Graydon, William R.

 Price: $15.00
Fundamentals of Sailing, Cruising, and Racing (SIGNED) Colgate, Stephen - Product Image

Fundamentals of Sailing, Cruising, and Racing (SIGNED)

Colgate, Stephen

 Price: $25.00

Galley Songs

Collins (T.C.), Tom

 Price: $63.00

Gentlemen Rovers

Powell, E. Alexander

 Price: $18.00
Ghost of the Southern Belle - A Sea TaleBodkin, Odds, Illust. by: Bernie Fuchs - Product Image

Ghost of the Southern Belle - A Sea Tale

Bodkin, Odds, Illust. by: Bernie Fuchs

 Price: $15.00

Glorious Shannon's Old Blue Duster and Other Faded Flags of Fadeless Fame, The

Snider, C. H. J.

 Price: $60.00

GOOD SHIPS OF NEWPORT NEWS, THE. An Informal Account of Ships, Shipping and Shipbuilding in the Lower Chesapeake Bay Region. Together with the Story of the Last Terrible Voyage of the Yarmouth Castle

Brown, Alexander Crosby

 Price: $18.00

Grain Race

Villiers, Alan

 Price: $18.00

Graven by the Fishermen Themselves

Malley, Richard C.

 Price: $15.00

Graves Papers, The: And Other Documents Relating to the Naval Operations of the Yorktown Campaign, July to October, 1781.

Chadwick (ed), French Ensor

 Price: $70.00

Great Campaigns of Nelson, The

Morris, William O'Connor

 Price: $20.00

Great Days of Sail, The

Shewan, Andrew

 Price: $8.00

Great Gulf, The: Fishermen, Scientists, and the Struggle to Revive the World's Greatest Fishery

Dobbs, David

 Price: $19.00

Great Passenger Ships of the World, Complete Six Volume Set

Kludas, Arnold

 Price: $250.00

Great Stories of the Sea & Ships

Wyeth, N. C.

 Price: $30.00

Great War at Sea 1914-1918, The

Hough, Richard

 Price: $8.00

Growing Up in a Shipyard: Reminiscences of a Shipbuilding Life in Essex, Massachusetts (SIGNED BY AUTHOR)

Story, Dana A.

 Price: $25.00
Guarding New Jersey's Shore: Lighthouses and Life-Saving Stations Veasey, David - Product Image

Guarding New Jersey's Shore: Lighthouses and Life-Saving Stations

Veasey, David

 Price: $10.00

Guga Stone, The : Lies, Legends and Lunacies from St Kilda

Murray, Donald S.

 Price: $25.00

Guns on the Western Waters: The Story of River Gunboats in the Civil War

Gosnell, H. Allen

 Price: $15.00

Hamburg Cove: Past and Present

Schuler, Stanley (editor)

 Price: $30.00

Happy Parrot, The

Chambers, Robert W.

 Price: $15.00

Hard Way Around, The: The Passages of Joshua Slocum

Wolff, Geoffrey

 Price: $13.00

Harvest of the Sea, The - A Tale of Both Sides of the Atlantic

Grenfell, Wilfred T.

 Price: $15.00

Harvest of the Sea, The

Grenfell, W. T.

 Price: $22.00

Havoc's Sword: An Alan Lewrie Naval Adventure

Lambdin, Dewey

 Price: $30.00
Head WindsConnolly, James B., Illust. by: N. C.  Wyeth - Product Image

Head Winds

Connolly, James B., Illust. by: N. C. Wyeth

 Price: $25.00

Hearings Before the Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences United States Senate 87th Congress First Session of the Scientific and Technical Programs of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration; February 28 and March 1, 1961

 Price: $38.00

Hearings Before the NASA Authorization Subcommittee of the Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences United States Senate Eighty-Sixth Congress Second Session on H.R. 10809 Part 2 Scientific and Technical Aspects of NASA Program, June 30

 Price: $38.00

Hearts of Oak & Yankee Pluck: The British and American Naval Experience in the Age of Fighting Sail 1755-1815

Kochan, James L.

 Price: $20.00

Hero of Erie, The: Oliver Hazard Perry

Barnes, James

 Price: $25.00

Himself and I

Leitch, Mary Sinton

 Price: $8.00

Historic Ships

Holland, Rupert Sargent

 Price: $12.00

History and Construction of the United States Schooner Ticonderoga, The

Crisman, Kevin James

 Price: $200.00

History of American Marine Painting, A

Wilmerding, John

 Price: $38.00

HIstory of American Marine Painting, A

Wilmerding, John

 Price: $31.00

History of American Privateers, A.

Maclay, A.M., Edgar Stanton

 Price: $60.00