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Basic Writings of Saint Thomas Aquinas - Vol.1
Pegis, Anton C.
Colors Demonic & Divine - Shades of Meaning in the Middle Ages & After
Pleij, Herman
DeGrammatico of St. Anselm: The Theory of Paronyny, The
Henry, Desmond Paul
Divine Discourse: Philosophical Reflections on the Claim that God Speaks
Wolterstorff, Nicholas
Etudes sur le Role de la Pensee Medievale dans la Formation du Systeme Cartesien
Gilson, Etienne
Gods, Voices and the Bicameral Mind
Kuijsten, Marcel
Gothick North, The
Sitwell, Sacheverell
Introduction a La Pensee Juive du Moyen Age
Vajda, Georges
Lectures on the History of Philosophy. The Lectures of 1825-26 Volume III: Medieval and Modern Philosophy
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Life and Miracles of St William of Norwich, The
Thomas of Monmouth, Augustus Jessup, M.R. James (Editors/Translators)
Medieval Foundation of England, The
Bryant, Arthur
Medieval Logic & Metaphysics: A Modern Introduction
Henry, D. P.
Most Holy War, A: The Albigensian Crusade and the Battle for Christendom
Pegg, Mark Gregory
Nebuchadnezzar's Children - Conventions of Madness in Middle English Literature
Doob, Penelope B. R.
Philosophy in the Middle Ages: The Christian, Islamic, and Jewish Traditions
Hyman, (edited by), Arthur & James J. Walsh
Psychology and Alchemy - The Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 12
Jung, C. G.
Reformation of the Sixteenth Century, The
Cowie, Leonard W.
Selections from Medieval Philosophers (2 Volumes)
McKeon, Richard
The Cambridge History of Medieval Political Thought c.350-c.1450
Burns, J.H. (ed.)
Voice of the Middle Ages in Personal Letters 1100 - 1500, The
Moriarty (Editor), Catherine