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Annotated Catalogue of the Papers of Charles S. Peirce
Robin, Richard S.
Charles Kingsley: His Letters and Memories of His Life
Kingsley (Ed.), F. E.
Cur Deus Homo by St Anselm to which is added a selection from his letters
Anselm, St.
Hartshorne and Brightman on God, Process, and Persons: The Correspondence, 1922-1945
Auxier, Randall E. (Editor)
Letters of James Gibbons Huneker
Huneker, Josephine
Letters of Karl Marx, The
Padover, Saul K.
Nowhere at Home: Letters from Exile of Emma Goldman and Alexander Berkman
Drinnon (Editors), Richard, Anna Maria Drimmon
Quakerism - A Faith to Live By
Vipont, Elfrida
Selected letters: The personal correspondence, 1844-1877
Marx, Karl
Spinoza: The Letters
Shirley, Samuel (trans.)
Theology of the Early Greek Philosophers, The
Jaeger, Werner
Voice of the Middle Ages in Personal Letters 1100 - 1500, The
Moriarty (Editor), Catherine