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Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life - Volume 2, The
Melchizedek, Drunvalo
Apxn - Notes and Papers on Archaic Studies - No. 1
Sheehan (Editors), Donald and Carol
Apxn - Notes and Papers on Archaic Studies - Transformation of Archaic Images No. 6
Doty (Editor), William G.
Apxn - Notes and Papers on Archaic Studies No. 4 and 5
Discussion of the Doctrine of The State of the Dead and Punishment of the Wicked
Clayton (Fred Manning), W.W. and M. Grant
Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry and Its Kindred Sciences, An: Comprising the Whole Range of Arts, Sciences and Literature (New and Revised Edition)(2 volume set)
Mackey, Albert G., Charles T. McClenachan, Edward L. Hawkins, William J.
Ghost Hunters: William James and the Search for Scientific Proof of Life After Death
Blum, Deborah
History of Freemasonry in Oklahoma
Creager, Charles E. (Edit), John G. Hough, James A. Lathium (Editors)
Huna - A Beginner's Guide
Hoffman, Enid
Madame Blavatsky's Baboon: A History of the Mystics, Mediums, and Misfits Who Brought Spiritualism to America
Washington, Peter
Masonry in Alabama: A Sesquicentennial History, 1821-1971
Jackson, Joseph Abram
Mastering Your Hidden Self: A Guide to the Huna Way
King, Serge Kahili
Metamagical Themas: Questing for the Essence of Mind and Pattern
Hofstadter, Douglas R.
Mission of Mysticism, The
Kirby, Richard
Occult World, The
Sinnett, A.P.
Outlines of Phrenology
Spurzheim, G.
Phrenological Journal and Life Illustrated - Vol. 55 - Number 3 - September, 1872, The
Wells (Editor), Samuel R.
Phrenological Journal and Life Illustrated - Vol. 58 - Number 2 - February, 1874, The
Psychology and Alchemy - The Collected Works of C. G. Jung, Volume 12
Jung, C. G.
Reminiscences of an old Clergyman
Lindevall, C.A.
Frers, Ernesto
Sensitives, The: Dynamics and Dangers of Mysticism: Volume Eleven
Brunton, Paul
Short Talk Bulletins, The: Volumes 61-80: 1983-2002: Volume V
Morris, S. Brent (Editor)
Splendor Solis A. D. 1582 - Alchemical Treatises of Solomon Trismosin Adept and Teacher of Paracelsus
Trismosin, Solomon/J. K. (Explanatory Notes)
Stories of the Months and Days, The
Couzens, Reginald C.
Valley of the Craftsman: A Pictorial History: Scottish Rite Freemasonry in America's Southern Jurisdiction 1801-2001 SIGNED BY EDITOR
Fox, William L. (Editor)