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Early Ukiyo-e Master: Okumura Masanobu

Vergez, Robert

 Price: $31.00

Christo and Jeanne-Claude: An Authorized Biography

Chernow, Burt, Wolfgang Volz (Epilogue

 Price: $15.00


Wolfson, Richard and Jay M. Pasachoff

 Price: $30.00

Decorative Art in Wisconsin

Foote, Anne/Elaine Smedal

 Price: $25.00
Acoustic Mirror: The Female Voice in Psychoanalysis and CinemaSilverman, Kaja - Product Image

Acoustic Mirror: The Female Voice in Psychoanalysis and Cinema

Silverman, Kaja

 Price: $12.00

Journals of Susanna Moodie, The

Atwood, Margaret

 Price: $25.00
House of Blue Light, The: PoemsKirby, David - Product Image

House of Blue Light, The: Poems

Kirby, David

 Price: $10.00

World of Animation, The

daSilva, Raul

 Price: $35.00

Eero Saarinen

Temko, Allan

 Price: $18.00

World's Great Adventure, The: With the Story of Polar Exploration for One Thousand Years

Miller, Francis Trevelyan

 Price: $16.00

Codeine Diary - A Memoir

Andrews, Tom

 Price: $6.00

Arts of Tuscany, The : From the Etruscans to Ferragamo

Belozerskaya, Marina

 Price: $25.00
ORIG VINTAGE COLOR LITHO PRINT/ THE U.S. BATTLESHIP INDIANA AT TARGET PRACTICEZogbaum (Illust.), Rufus F., Illust. by: Rufus F.  Zogbaum - Product Image


Zogbaum (Illust.), Rufus F., Illust. by: Rufus F. Zogbaum

 Price: $19.00

Therapeutic Monitoring of Antiepileptic Drugs: Clinical Pharmacokinetic Aspects of Carbamazepine and Sodium Valproate and their Interaction with other Antiepileptic Drugs

Johannessen, Svein I.

 Price: $12.00

Sacco and Vanzetti

Avrich, Paul

 Price: $12.00

Flower and Fruit Prints of the 18th and Early 19th Centuries - Their History, Makers and Uses, with a Catalogue Raisonne of the Works in which they are Found

Dunthorne, Gordon

 Price: $125.00

30 Years of American Printmaking, including the 20th National Print Exhibition

Baro, Gene

 Price: $18.00
George W. Norris: The Persistence of a Progressive 19131933Lowitt, Richard - Product Image

George W. Norris: The Persistence of a Progressive 19131933

Lowitt, Richard

 Price: $23.00
SINKING CREEK: POEMSEngels, John - Product Image


Engels, John

 Price: $9.00

Robert Henri Painter

Henri, Robert

 Price: $45.00

Andrew Wyeth


 Price: $15.00

Pelican History of Art, The: The Art and Architecture of India: Buddhist, Hindu, Jain.

Rowland, Benjamin

 Price: $20.00

Two Lives: A Poem

Leonard, William Ellery

 Price: $28.00

Edvard Munch - Arbeiterbilder 1910-1930

Schneede, Uwe M./Kunstverein in Hamburg

 Price: $19.00
ORIG B&W SPORTING PRINT/ "THE TOURISTS"Frost (Illust.), A.B., Illust. by: A.B.  Frost - Product Image


Frost (Illust.), A.B., Illust. by: A.B. Frost

 Price: $25.00

Art of Glen Loates, The

Duval, Paul

 Price: $50.00

Asian Ceramics and Works of Art, 20 and 21 May 2003, Sale Number 2584

Christie's Amsterdam

 Price: $20.00

New Yorker Album of Art and Artists, The

New Yorker Staff

 Price: $31.00
Empire or independence, 1760-1776: A British-American dialogue on the coming of the American RevolutionChristie, Ian R. - Product Image

Empire or independence, 1760-1776: A British-American dialogue on the coming of the American Revolution

Christie, Ian R.

 Price: $15.00
Black Riviera, TheJarman, Mark - Product Image

Black Riviera, The

Jarman, Mark

 Price: $6.00

Scott Burton Chairs

The Contemporary Arts Center

 Price: $90.00
The Paris Years of Thomas JeffersonAdams, William Howard - Product Image

The Paris Years of Thomas Jefferson

Adams, William Howard

 Price: $25.00

Kate Douglas Wiggin - As Her Sister Knew Her

Smith, Nora Archibald

 Price: $35.00

Baroque, The - Principles, Styles, Modes, Themes

Bazin, Germain

 Price: $25.00

Religious Art in France - XIII Century - A Study in Mediaeval Iconography and its Sources of Inspiration

Male, Emile/Dora Nussey

 Price: $63.00
Joshua L. Chamberlain: A Life in LettersDesjardin (Editor), Thomas - Product Image

Joshua L. Chamberlain: A Life in Letters

Desjardin (Editor), Thomas

 Price: $19.00

Alexander Hamilton - Portrait in Paradox

Miller, John C.

 Price: $25.00

Tragedies of Life/George Sampson Brite/Case 999-A Christimas Story

Scott, Anne

 Price: $12.00

Arthur B. Davies, 1862-1928: A Centennial Exhibition


 Price: $13.00

Alternatives for Ground Water Cleanup

Committee on Ground Water Cleanup Altern,

 Price: $38.00
Vladimir Nabokov: selected letters, 1940-1977Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovich - Product Image

Vladimir Nabokov: selected letters, 1940-1977

Nabokov, Vladimir Vladimirovich

 Price: $25.00


Wood, Clement

 Price: $32.00

Aluminum and Health

Gitelman, H. J.

 Price: $40.00

Masterpeices of the J. Paul Getty Museum Drawings

Greenberg, Mark and others

 Price: $20.00

Bernard Shaw: The Lure of Fantasy 1918-1950 Volume III

Holroyd, Michael

 Price: $25.00

History of the Town of Essex

Bent, Frank R.

 Price: $38.00
Killing Time: Waiting Hierarchies in the Twentieth-Century German NovelWilliam, Jennifer Marston - Product Image

Killing Time: Waiting Hierarchies in the Twentieth-Century German Novel

William, Jennifer Marston

 Price: $55.00

Information Theory

Goldman, Stanford

 Price: $15.00

Pierre Deux's Paris Country: A Style and Source Book of the Ile-De-France

Dannenberg, Linda and Pierre Levec and Pierre Moulin

 Price: $40.00
Folk Embroidery of the USSRKlimova, Nina T - Product Image

Folk Embroidery of the USSR

Klimova, Nina T

 Price: $40.00

Atlantis Rising : The True Story of a Submerged Land-Yesterday and Today

Sullivan, Robert

 Price: $13.00

Hugh Lynn Cayce: about my father's business

Smith, A. Robert

 Price: $15.00

Turn of the Century Glass: The Murray Collection of Glass

Zimmerman, Philip D.

 Price: $15.00

Miss Mary Cassatt - Impressionist From Pennsylvania

Sweet, Frederick A.

 Price: $15.00

Jack Mims: Petty Disasters and Petit Grotesqueries - July 19-August 17, 1980, Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, Texas

Cathcart/Director, Linda L./Dave Hickey

 Price: $50.00

Selected Masterpieces of New York State Painting

Anderson, Marna Brill

 Price: $8.00

Tennessee Williams' Letters to Donald Windham: 1940-1965

Windham (Editor), Donald

 Price: $24.00

Royal City of Susa, The - Ancient Near-Eastern Treasures in the Louvre

Harper (Ed.), Prudence

 Price: $40.00

Picture Window

Hollander, John

 Price: $15.00
Drawing Acquisitions, 1978-1981Art, Whitney Museum of American - Product Image

Drawing Acquisitions, 1978-1981

Art, Whitney Museum of American

 Price: $12.00

We Were New England - Yankee Life by Those Who Lived It

Mussey, Barrows

 Price: $25.00

Blood Brook: a naturalist's home ground

Levin, Ted

 Price: $10.00

American Paintings & Watercolors: Philadelphia Collection X

Schwartz, Robert D.

 Price: $13.00

Immunology Immunopathology and Immunity

Sell, Stewart

 Price: $20.00

Value of Life, The : Biological Diversity And Human Society

Kellert, Stephen R.

 Price: $10.00

Selections from Cultural Writings

Gramsci, Antonio (Editor)

 Price: $25.00

Jose Clemente Orozco in the United States 1927 - 1934

Ades, Dawn and others

 Price: $41.00

Still Life -Still Life Painting in the Early Modern Period

Schneider, Norbert

 Price: $19.00


Potter, E.B.

 Price: $20.00

Tennessee Williams: An Intimate Biography

Williams, Dakin

 Price: $12.00

Frozen Music: A History of Portland Architecture

Bosker, Gideon and Lena Lencek

 Price: $25.00

David Armstrong - Paintings - April 21-May 23, 1982 - Sordoni Art Gallery - Wilkes College

Sterling, W. H./Cara Berryman/David Armstrong

 Price: $13.00


Sacks, Oliver

 Price: $11.00

Lardner on Baseball

Lardner, Ring, Jeff Silverman (Editor)

 Price: $19.00

Grass Songs

Turner, Ann, Illust. by: Barry Moser

 Price: $15.00

Michelangelo: A Life in Six Masterpieces

Unger, Miles J.

 Price: $25.00

Matisse In Morocco


 Price: $35.00

Rise Up!, Solitude: Prints 1985-86

Dine, Jim

 Price: $15.00

A Map of Misreading

Bloom, Harold

 Price: $32.00
Thomas March Clark: Fifth Bishop of Rhode IslandSturtevant, Mary Clark - Product Image

Thomas March Clark: Fifth Bishop of Rhode Island

Sturtevant, Mary Clark

 Price: $38.00

The Great Boston Collectors: Paintings from the Museum of Fine Arts

Troyen, Carol and Pamela S. Tabbaa

 Price: $10.00

Indecent Pleasures: The Life and Colorful Times of William Targ

Targ, William

 Price: $12.00

Prehistoric Greece

Stubbings, Frank H.

 Price: $15.00

Images of an Era: the American Poster 1945-75

National Collection of Fine Arts

 Price: $63.00
Traveling Across North America, 1812-1813: Watercolors by the Russian diplomat Pavel SvininSvinin, Pavel - Product Image

Traveling Across North America, 1812-1813: Watercolors by the Russian diplomat Pavel Svinin

Svinin, Pavel

 Price: $19.00

Designing a Home with Wood

Adams, Heather E.

 Price: $23.00

Ornamental Ironwork

Janes, Kirtland & Co.

 Price: $20.00

Night Parade, The

Hirsch, Edward

 Price: $38.00

Old School Tie, The: The Phenomenon of the English Public School

Gathorne-Hardy, Jonathan

 Price: $19.00

American Art Review: July-October 1974

Gerald Murphy, Arthur C. Goodwin, George Tooker, Arthur F. Tait

 Price: $15.00

Walt Kuhn: An Imaginary History of the West

Amon Carter Museum of Western Art/Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center

 Price: $11.00

Virginia Woolf

King, James

 Price: $23.00

Russian Novel, The

Reeve, F.D.

 Price: $18.00

Dowries from Kutch: A Women's Folk Art Tradition in India

Elson, Vickie C.

 Price: $50.00

James McNeill Whistler: A Biographical Outline Illustrated from the Collections of the Freer Gallery of Art

Stubbs, Burns A.

 Price: $12.00

Theodore Winthrop

Eliot, Jr., Ellsworth

 Price: $56.00
Reclaiming the Commons: Community Farms and Forests in a New England TownDonahue, Brian - Product Image

Reclaiming the Commons: Community Farms and Forests in a New England Town

Donahue, Brian

 Price: $13.00

The Grace of Grass and Water: Writing in Honor of Paul Gruchow

Pipher, Mary

 Price: $12.00

Report of the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War - Part One


 Price: $33.00

Charm, The: Early and Collected Poems

Creeley, Robert

 Price: $25.00

Drawings and Digressions

Rivers, Larry & Carol Brightman,

 Price: $45.00

Etching and Other Intaglio Techniques

Banister, Manly

 Price: $18.00

Le Corbusier, The Noble Savage - Toward an Archeology of Modernism

Vogt, Adolf Max

 Price: $25.00

A Place in the Country

Cunningham, Laura Shaine

 Price: $10.00

Forty Masterworks of American Art

Feld, Stuart P.

 Price: $8.00

Terry and the Pirates

Caniff, Milton

 Price: $9.00

Continual Lessons - The Journals of Glenway Wescott 1937-1955

Phelps, Robert/Jerry Rosco

 Price: $18.00

Autobiography of an Old Man in Prose and Poetry

Gilman, Jim

 Price: $15.00
Better Than Gold: An Immigrant Family's First Years in BrooklynSilver, Fannie - Product Image

Better Than Gold: An Immigrant Family's First Years in Brooklyn

Silver, Fannie

 Price: $13.00

Bird Catcher, The

Ponsot, Marie

 Price: $25.00

W. H. Hudson - A Portrait

Roberts, Morley

 Price: $20.00
Imperial Citizens: Koreans and Race from Seoul to LAKim, Nadia Y. - Product Image

Imperial Citizens: Koreans and Race from Seoul to LA

Kim, Nadia Y.

 Price: $15.00

Mademoiselle Libertine: A Portrait of Ninon de Lanclos

Cohen, Edgar H.

 Price: $18.00

American Farmhouse, The

Kauffman, Henry J.

 Price: $30.00

New Orpheus - Essays on Kurt Weill, A

Kowalke, Kim H.

 Price: $13.00

Baudelaire in Chains: A Portrait of the Artist as a Drug Addict

Hilton, Frank

 Price: $19.00

American Paintings, $2000 and under: Philadelphia Collection XXIII

Frank S. Schwartz & Son Philadelphia

 Price: $13.00

Miss Mary Cassatt - Impressionist from Pennsylvania

Sweet, Frederick A.

 Price: $20.00

Important Chinese Classical Paintings: Property of the Ping Y. Tai Foundation - 2 December, 2008 - Sale 2632

Christie's Hong Kong

 Price: $40.00

English Blake

Blackstone, Bernard

 Price: $19.00
Gaia: The Practical Science of Planetary MedicineLovelock, James - Product Image

Gaia: The Practical Science of Planetary Medicine

Lovelock, James

 Price: $23.00


morgan, Ted

 Price: $12.00

Dead Heat - The Race Against the Greenhouse Effect

Oppenheimer, Michael and Robert H. Boyle

 Price: $15.00

Van Gogh - A Documentary Biography

Hammacher, A. M./Renilde Hammacher

 Price: $25.00

Chieko's Sky

Takamura, Kotaro

 Price: $44.00

Artful Players - Artistic Life in Early San Francisco

Hjalmarson, Birgitta

 Price: $31.00

Dolce Vita Confidential - Fellini, Loren, Pucci, Paparazzi, and the Swinging High Life of 1950's Rome

Levy, Shawn

 Price: $15.00

Nickel in the Human Environment

Sunderman, F. William

 Price: $40.00

Left Handed

Galassi, Jonathan

 Price: $15.00

Essential Gesture, The

Gordimer, Nadine

 Price: $18.00

Sydney Laurence, Painter of the North

Woodward, Kesler E.

 Price: $150.00

Robert Frost - A Biography

Meyers, Jeffrey

 Price: $25.00

You Can't Fight Tanks With Bayonets: Psychological Warfare Against the Japanese Army in the Southwest Pacific

Gilmore, Allison B.

 Price: $13.00
Fifth Miracle, The: The Search for the Origin and Meaning of LifeDavies, Paul - Product Image

Fifth Miracle, The: The Search for the Origin and Meaning of Life

Davies, Paul

 Price: $11.00

Burgoyne of Saratoga: A biography

Howson, Gerald

 Price: $10.00

Colors In Carnival Glass

Hand, Sherman

 Price: $12.00

Europas Volkskunst und die Europaisch Beeinfluste Volkskunst Amerikas

Hanson, Hans Jurgen

 Price: $28.00

New and Selected Poems 1965-2006

Shapiro, David

 Price: $16.00

Life of the Sufi Poet of Love, The

Gooch, Brad

 Price: $15.00


Beck, Marcel, Peter Felder, Emil Maurer, Dietrich W. H. Schwarz

 Price: $30.00
Rage for Glory, A: The Life of Commodore Stephen Decatur, USNDe Kay, James Tertius - Product Image

Rage for Glory, A: The Life of Commodore Stephen Decatur, USN

De Kay, James Tertius

 Price: $20.00

Chicago Days/Hoboken Nights

Pinkwater, Daniel

 Price: $13.00

Flaubert - A Biography

Lottman Herbert

 Price: $20.00

American Architecture of the 1980s

Canty, Donald

 Price: $40.00

Footprints of the Pioneers in the Ohio Valley - A Centennial Sketch

Venable, W. H.

 Price: $30.00

Status System and Social Organization of Satsuma = A Translation of the Shumon Tefuda Aratame Jomoku (Satsuma historical documents series)

Hawaii, University Press of

 Price: $38.00
In Search of Deep Time: Beyond the Fossil Record to a New History of LifeGee, Henry - Product Image

In Search of Deep Time: Beyond the Fossil Record to a New History of Life

Gee, Henry

 Price: $19.00

American Art Since 1945

Ashton, Dore

 Price: $13.00

Culture of Complaint - The Fraying of America

Hughes, Robert

 Price: $8.00

Crossroads of Continents: Cultures of Siberia and Alaska

Fitzhugh, William W.

 Price: $23.00
Mouths of Grazing Things (Brittingham Prize in Poetry)Boyden, Jennifer - Product Image

Mouths of Grazing Things (Brittingham Prize in Poetry)

Boyden, Jennifer

 Price: $10.00

Memolrs of a Breton Peasant

Deguignet, Jean-Marie

 Price: $13.00

Ernst Lubitsch's American Comedy

Paul, William

 Price: $15.00

Best of Helen Creighton, The

Bauchman (Ed.), Rosemary

 Price: $12.00

New Lives in the Valley: Slate Quarries and Quarry Villages in North Wales, New York, and Vermont, 1850-1920 (SIGNED)

Roberts, Gwilyn R.

 Price: $44.00

Contemporary Art: Acquisitions 1959-1961

Albright-Knox Art Gallery

 Price: $12.00

David Wilkie - Illustrated Biographies of the Great Artists

Mollett, John W.

 Price: $20.00

American Film - Magazine of the Film and Television Arts - July-August, 1980

Alpert (Editor), Hollis/Paul Mazursky/"The Wooing of Burt Reynolds"/"Battle of the Boston TV Parties"/"News: Television's Bargain Basement"/"The AFI-Aspen

 Price: $12.00

William Wordsworth and the Age of English Romanticism

Wordsworth, Jonathan, Michael Jaye and Robert Woof

 Price: $15.00
Life: A Natural History of the First Four Billion Years of Life on EarthFortey, Richard - Product Image

Life: A Natural History of the First Four Billion Years of Life on Earth

Fortey, Richard

 Price: $10.00

Sao Paulo 9

Seitz, William

 Price: $11.00

Culture and Commitment 1929-1945

Susman(Ed.) Warren

 Price: $18.00

Robert Frost: A Pictorial Chronicle

Morrison, Kathleen

 Price: $12.00
Rising and falling: PoemsMatthews, William - Product Image

Rising and falling: Poems

Matthews, William

 Price: $25.00

Cities That Built the Bible, The

Cargill, Robert R.

 Price: $15.00

Tricentennial Celebration, A: Norfolk, 1682-1982

No Author

 Price: $12.00

Trial of Radclyffe Hall, The

Souhami, Diana

 Price: $12.00
Latin Translation in the Renaissance: The Theory and Practice of Leonardo Bruni, Giannozzo Manetti, and ErasmusBotley, Paul - Product Image

Latin Translation in the Renaissance: The Theory and Practice of Leonardo Bruni, Giannozzo Manetti, and Erasmus

Botley, Paul

 Price: $50.00

Return of the Condor: The Race to Save Our Largest Bird from Extinction

Moir, John

 Price: $20.00

Invitational Exhibition: Eduardo Batarda, Trine Bumiller, Tom Hatch, Kevin Sloan, Wayne Toepp, Lynn Umlauf, Rebecca Welz

Grace Borgenicht Gallery

 Price: $10.00

Apologia pro Vita Sua: Being a History of His Religious Opinions

Newman, John Henry

 Price: $25.00
Women of the House, The : How a Colonial She-Merchant Built a Mansion, a Fortune, and a DynastyZimmerman, Jean - Product Image

Women of the House, The : How a Colonial She-Merchant Built a Mansion, a Fortune, and a Dynasty

Zimmerman, Jean

 Price: $13.00
Black Diaspora, The: Five Centuries of the Black Experience Outside AfricaSegal, Ronald - Product Image

Black Diaspora, The: Five Centuries of the Black Experience Outside Africa

Segal, Ronald

 Price: $15.00

Descriptive Catalogue of the Etched Work of Francis Seymour Haden, A

Drake, Sir William Richard

 Price: $21.00

Hooded, Hawk, The - Or the Case of Mr. Boswell

Lewis, D.B. Wyndham

 Price: $18.00

Mulberry Tree, The

Bowen, Elizabeth

 Price: $8.00
All the God-Sized Fruit (Hugh Maclennan Poetry Series)Lemay, Shawna - Product Image

All the God-Sized Fruit (Hugh Maclennan Poetry Series)

Lemay, Shawna

 Price: $10.00

Anthony Burns: A History

Stevens, Charles Emery

 Price: $12.00

Physical Conditions of the Elizabethan Public Playhouse, The

Lawrence, William J.

 Price: $15.00

Life Was Meant To Be Lived - A Centenary Portrait of Eleanor Roosevelt

Lash, Joseph P.

 Price: $15.00

Or Go Down in Flame

Raymond, W.

 Price: $15.00

The Art of the Popes

Fagiolo Dell'Arco, Maurizio

 Price: $35.00

Tocka: Schwermut

Janssen, Horst

 Price: $40.00

American Film - Magazine of the Film and Television Arts - December 1990

Schneider, Wolf/Andy Garcia/Bernardo Bertolucci/Liam Neeson/Anne Archer/

 Price: $12.00
Kate RememberedBerg, A. Scott - Product Image

Kate Remembered

Berg, A. Scott

 Price: $10.00
Test Ride on the Sunnyland Bus: A Daughter's Civil Rights JourneySpagna, Ana Maria - Product Image

Test Ride on the Sunnyland Bus: A Daughter's Civil Rights Journey

Spagna, Ana Maria

 Price: $10.00

Letters of George Gordon, 6th Lord Byron, The

Howarth, R. G. (Ed.)

 Price: $12.00

Exhibition of Prints, Recent Portfolios, and Suites From The Academy Press

Dobkin, John H.

 Price: $8.00

Silent Films, 1877-1996: A Critical Guide to 646 Movies

Klepper, Robert K.

 Price: $50.00
In a Sheep's Eye, Darling: PoemsHasse, Margaret - Product Image

In a Sheep's Eye, Darling: Poems

Hasse, Margaret

 Price: $10.00

Biological Aspects of Metals and Metal-Related Diseases

Sarkar, Bibudhandra (Ed.)

 Price: $60.00

Can You Hear, Bird - Poems

Ashbery, John

 Price: $18.00

Kaethe Kollwitz

Zigrosser, Carl

 Price: $20.00

Celebrating Vermont: Myths and Realities

Graff (Ed.), Nancy Price

 Price: $31.00

American Prints - April 3 - May 31, 1984

Sheehan, Susan

 Price: $8.00

Swann Galleries Auction Catalog: Old Master through Modern Prints - Sale 2160 - October 31, 2008


 Price: $15.00

American Landscape, The/1972

Boston University School of Fine & Applied Arts Gallery

 Price: $19.00
Poems for the Millennium, The University of California Book of Romantic & Postromantic PoetryRothenberg, Jerome (ed.) - Product Image

Poems for the Millennium, The University of California Book of Romantic & Postromantic Poetry

Rothenberg, Jerome (ed.)

 Price: $125.00
Introduction to Functional Histology Telford, Ira R., Illust. by: Charles F. Bridgman - Product Image

Introduction to Functional Histology

Telford, Ira R., Illust. by: Charles F. Bridgman

 Price: $13.00

Tara Donovan

Donovan, Tara

 Price: $50.00