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Last Happy Occasion, the

Shapiro, Alan

 Price: $19.00

American Film - Magazine of the Film and Television Arts - December 1981

Alpert (Editor), Hollis/ Milos Forman/Carl Reiner/Nicholas Ray

 Price: $12.00

Selected Letters of Raymond Chandler

MacShane, Frank

 Price: $15.00
Negative HistoryHankla, Cathryn - Product Image

Negative History

Hankla, Cathryn

 Price: $13.00

Miniatures from the East

Hajek, Lubor

 Price: $20.00

Trustable & Preshus Friends

Douglass (Ed.), Jane

 Price: $23.00

David Copperfield

Dickens, Charles

 Price: $25.00

Writers in Hollywood

Hamilton, Ian

 Price: $13.00

From Venice to Vienna in the 17th Century

Passamezzo Moderno

 Price: $21.00

Christie's Magazine: November 2000: Claude Monet, les Peupliers


 Price: $12.00

British Writers: Edited Under the Auspices of the British Council (Vol. VI)

Scott-Kilvert(Ed.), Ian

 Price: $40.00
Imagine the Angels of BreadEspada, Martin Robert - Product Image

Imagine the Angels of Bread

Espada, Martin Robert

 Price: $15.00

Society and the Lyric: A Study of the Song Culture of Eighteenth-century Scotland

Crawford, Thomas

 Price: $13.00

Biostatistics in Pharmacology: Section 7 Volume II

Delaunois, A. L. and others

 Price: $40.00

Contemporary Art - November 13, 2001 - Sale 1915


 Price: $12.00

Art of James Christensen, The: A Journey of the Imagination

St. James Renwick, James Christensen

 Price: $31.00
Reading the Future: Irish Writers in Conversation with Mike MurphyAnluain, Cliodhna Ni - Product Image

Reading the Future: Irish Writers in Conversation with Mike Murphy

Anluain, Cliodhna Ni

 Price: $13.00

Victorian Watercolours

Newall, Christopher

 Price: $18.00

Print - July/August 1989 - Print's Regional Design Annual 1989


 Price: $25.00
How They Achieved: Stories of Personal Achievement and Business SuccessWatson, Lucinda - Product Image

How They Achieved: Stories of Personal Achievement and Business Success

Watson, Lucinda

 Price: $10.00

Maurice Prendergast: Art of Impulse and Color

University of Maryland Art Gallery

 Price: $25.00

Le Cantate Per Sopran

Vivaldi / Bertini

 Price: $13.00

Peary - The Man Who Refused to Fail

Green, Fitzhugh

 Price: $30.00

Barbara Schwartz

Schwartz, Barbara

 Price: $13.00
Lincoln President-Elect: Abraham Lincoln and the Great Secession Winter 1860-1861Holzer, Harold - Product Image

Lincoln President-Elect: Abraham Lincoln and the Great Secession Winter 1860-1861

Holzer, Harold

 Price: $19.00
Thomas Eakins and the Swimming PictureBolger, Doreen (Editor) - Product Image

Thomas Eakins and the Swimming Picture

Bolger, Doreen (Editor)

 Price: $50.00

Metallic Contaminants and Human Health

Lee, Douglas H. K. (Ed), Douglas

 Price: $12.00

Don't Tread On Me: The Selected Letters of S.J. Perelman

Crowther (Editor), Prudence

 Price: $13.00
Fuel: PoemsNye, Naomi Shihab - Product Image

Fuel: Poems

Nye, Naomi Shihab

 Price: $13.00

Raemaekers' Cartoons

Raemaekers, Louis

 Price: $70.00

Print - July/August 1998


 Price: $23.00

Love Songs of the 80's


 Price: $23.00

Polished Stones

Chaikin, Rosalind Bryon

 Price: $50.00


R. Schumann

 Price: $14.00

Clear Pictures

Price, Reynolds

 Price: $18.00

Sketches From a Life

Kennan, George F.

 Price: $8.00
First World War, TheKeegan, John - Product Image

First World War, The

Keegan, John

 Price: $23.00

Russian Revolt its Causes, Condition, and Prospects, The

Noble, Edmund

 Price: $25.00

Swann Auction Catalog - 19th & 20th Century Prints & Drawings - March 10, 2005 - Catalog#2036

Swann Galleries

 Price: $10.00
Frederick Remington: 173 Drawings and IllustrationsPitz, Henry - Product Image

Frederick Remington: 173 Drawings and Illustrations

Pitz, Henry

 Price: $12.00

Designing With Nature: The Ecological Basis for Architectural Design

Yeang, Ken

 Price: $23.00
Riding to GreylockSandy, Stephen - Product Image

Riding to Greylock

Sandy, Stephen

 Price: $13.00

Grateful Nation Remembers, A / A Memoir of the 75th Anniversary of the Ending of WWI


 Price: $15.00

World of a Market, The

Tobey, Mark

 Price: $38.00


Sarde, Michele

 Price: $12.00

Hardy - A Biography

Seymour-Smith, Martin

 Price: $38.00

Pre-Columbian Art from The Ernest Erickson Collection at the American Museum of Natural History - June 15-August 15, 1988

Couch, N. C. Christopher

 Price: $13.00

Art, Crafts, and Architecture in Early Illinois

Madden, Betty I.

 Price: $16.00

My search for B. Traven

Raskin, Jonah

 Price: $8.00
Scots, The: a photohistoryMacKinnon, Murray - Product Image

Scots, The: a photohistory

MacKinnon, Murray

 Price: $25.00

Growing into Love

Kennedy, X. J.

 Price: $19.00
Society, Ethics, and TechnologyWinston, Morton - Product Image

Society, Ethics, and Technology

Winston, Morton

 Price: $20.00

French Masterpieces of the 19th Century from the Henry P. McIlhenny Collection

Allentown Art Museum

 Price: $12.00

Charles W. Morgan, The - The Last Wooden Whaleship

Stackpole, Edouard A.

 Price: $25.00


Armantrout, Rae

 Price: $38.00

First Time Around, The: Some Irreverent Recollections

Wechsberg, Joseph

 Price: $12.00

American Choice: The Muriel Kallis

Lieberman, William S.

 Price: $12.00

Spirit of the Place, The: Masterworks from the Carmen Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection

Llorens, Thomas

 Price: $19.00

Frederick Carl Frieseke: The Evolution of an American Impressionist

Frieseke, Frederick Carl and David Sellin Mecklenburg

 Price: $32.00

Art in America: June 1965

Lipman (Ed.), Jean (Arnold Newman, Stuart Davis )

 Price: $15.00

Top RandB Singles 1942-1999

Whitburn, Joel

 Price: $80.00

Energy Transfer in Radiation Processes

Phillips, Glyn O.

 Price: $18.00
I Speak of the City: Mexico City at the Turn of the Twentieth CenturyTenorio-Trillo, Mauricio - Product Image

I Speak of the City: Mexico City at the Turn of the Twentieth Century

Tenorio-Trillo, Mauricio

 Price: $38.00

Governor of Desire, The : Poems

Morgan, Elizabeth Seydel

 Price: $19.00
Northwest Coast Indian Art: An Analysis of FormHolm, Bill - Product Image

Northwest Coast Indian Art: An Analysis of Form

Holm, Bill

 Price: $18.00

L'Art Negre

Schmalenbach, Werner

 Price: $100.00

Dying, We Live: The Personal Chronicle of a Young Freedom Fighter in Warsaw, 1939-1945

Kulski, Julian Eugene

 Price: $15.00
Swan Electric: PoemsBernard, April - Product Image

Swan Electric: Poems

Bernard, April

 Price: $11.00

Forever Flowers

Metzler, Rejean

 Price: $38.00

Worlds of Robert E. Sherwood - Mirror to His Times, The - 1896-1939

Brown, John Mason

 Price: $20.00

No More Septembers

Glennon, Maurade

 Price: $12.00

Contemporary Art - May 16, 2013 - Sale 2315

Swann Auction Galleries

 Price: $19.00


Williamson, George C.

 Price: $11.00

Love-Hate Relations: English and American Sensibilities

Spender, Stephen

 Price: $31.00

Illustrated Catalogue Of English And Continental Porcelain Of The 18th Century


 Price: $19.00
Diary of Beatrice Webb 1892-1905: All the Good Things of LifeWebb, Beatrice - Product Image

Diary of Beatrice Webb 1892-1905: All the Good Things of Life

Webb, Beatrice

 Price: $15.00

Life and Times of Niccolo Machiavelli, The

Villari, Professor Pasquale

 Price: $20.00

I See By My Get-Up

Querry, Ron

 Price: $15.00

History of the Life of Albrecht D

 Price: $15.00

Measure of Islands, The

Halperin, Mark

 Price: $15.00

East of Bridgewater and Other Poems

Batchelder, Ann

 Price: $18.00

Letters to Molly - John Millington Synge to Marie O'Neill

Saddlemyer (Ed.), Ann

 Price: $26.00

You Are Not Stendhal - New and Selected Poems

Hughes, Daniel

 Price: $12.00

Old Master Through Modern Prints - October 26, 2011 - Sale 2258

Swann Auction Galleries

 Price: $25.00

Love Alone - Eighteen Elegies for Rog

Monette, Paul

 Price: $25.00

American Paintings, Drawings and Sculpture: Auction March 13, 1996 - Sale 8362


 Price: $5.00
America's Dreyfus: The Case Nixon RiggedBrady, Joan - Product Image

America's Dreyfus: The Case Nixon Rigged

Brady, Joan

 Price: $19.00

Neighbor, The

Collier, Michael

 Price: $15.00

Fine Arts of Soviet Kazakhstan


 Price: $30.00

Art in South Carolina 1670-1970

Bilodeau, Francis W.

 Price: $25.00

Rumrunners & Revenues: Prohibition in Vermont, The Stories of Fourteen Vermonters who Participated in the Great Experiment with Photographs and Memorabilia From the Period

Wheeler, Scott

 Price: $13.00
Geography of the Near Past: PoemsYoung, Al - Product Image

Geography of the Near Past: Poems

Young, Al

 Price: $10.00

Henry James: A Life in Letters

Horne (Ed.), Philip

 Price: $13.00

White House, The: An Historic Guide


 Price: $12.00

La jeune Parque: Manuscrit autographe, texte de l'edition de 1942, etats successifs et brouillons inedits du poeme

Valery, Paul

 Price: $30.00

Holland House Diaries, 1831-40 (Study in Social History)

Fox, Henry Richard Vassall

 Price: $13.00

Sir Henry Vane - His Life and Times (1613-1662)

Adamson, O.H and H.F Folland

 Price: $18.00

Deutsche und Pollen: Ein Jahrtausend gemeinsamer Geschichte

Schickel, Alfred

 Price: $12.00

Stranger's Mirror, A: New and Selected Poems, 1994-2014

Hacker, Marilyn

 Price: $19.00

Art of Music: American Paintings & Musical Instruments, 1770-1910, The


 Price: $25.00

Swann Auction Catalog - The Schneiderman Collection of Modern American and European Prints - November 3, 2006 - Catalog #1839

Swann Galleries

 Price: $10.00

Entropy Tango, The

Moorcock, Micael

 Price: $25.00

V-1 V-2: Hitler's Vengeance on London

Joghnson, David

 Price: $15.00
Adult Bookstore: PoemsShapiro, Karl - Product Image

Adult Bookstore: Poems

Shapiro, Karl

 Price: $19.00

Stephen Crane: Letters

Stallman, R. W. & Gilkes, Lillian (ed)

 Price: $32.00
Beaconsfield and District in Old PhotographsSociety, Beaconsfield and District Local History - Product Image

Beaconsfield and District in Old Photographs

Society, Beaconsfield and District Local History

 Price: $15.00

Arnold's Poetic Landscapes

Roper, Alan

 Price: $15.00

War To Be Won, A : Fighting the Second World War

Murray, Williamson

 Price: $23.00

Up From the Sod - The Life Story of a Kansas Prairie County

Jones, Horace

 Price: $21.00

Iilya Bolotoswky

Messer, Thomas M., Adelyn D. Breeskin

 Price: $25.00
dozens, The: a history of rap's mamaWald, Elijah - Product Image

dozens, The: a history of rap's mama

Wald, Elijah

 Price: $15.00

James Brooks: Paintings and Works on Paper, 1946-1982

Holverson (directed by), John

 Price: $44.00

Amazing Adventure: A Thrilling Naval Biography

Chatterton, E. Keble

 Price: $12.00

Piero Della Francesca

Calvesi, Maurizio

 Price: $80.00
Stalin: And the Shaping of the Soviet UnionJonge, Alex De - Product Image

Stalin: And the Shaping of the Soviet Union

Jonge, Alex De

 Price: $19.00

Next Hunger, The : Poems

Green, Kimberly Cloutier

 Price: $10.00

Journal of Rochfort Maguire, The - 1852-1854 - 2 volumes

Bockstoce, John

 Price: $50.00

Noel Coward Diaries, The

Payn, Graham and Sheridan Morley

 Price: $18.00

Pictures & Drawings of the Late John Singer Sargent, R.A.

Olana Gallery

 Price: $30.00

Deep-Sky Companions: The Caldwell Objects

O'Meara, Stephen James

 Price: $88.00

Cowboy Artists of America 1982

Phoenix Art Museum

 Price: $22.00

Water and Population Dynamics: Case Studies and Policy Implications

de Sherbinin, Alex/Victoria Dompka

 Price: $20.00
Thousand Bells at Noon, A: A Roman Reveals the Secrets and Pleasures of His Native CityRomagnoli, G. Franco - Product Image

Thousand Bells at Noon, A: A Roman Reveals the Secrets and Pleasures of His Native City

Romagnoli, G. Franco

 Price: $10.00

Allice and Look Who Else Through the Looking Glass

Bernice Steinbaum Gallery

 Price: $19.00

Life and Destiny of Isak Dinesen, The

Lasson, Frans and Clara Svendsen

 Price: $31.00

He's a Rebel: The Truth about Phil Spector - Rock and Roll's Legendary Madman

Ribowsky, Mark

 Price: $13.00

Steuben: Collections 1992


 Price: $12.00

Modern Architecture Since 1900

Curtis, William J. R.

 Price: $23.00

Continuous Life, The

Strand, Mark

 Price: $13.00


Noyes, Alfred

 Price: $11.00

Norman Mailer - The Man and His Work

Lucid ( Ed.), David F.

 Price: $8.00

American Miniatures


 Price: $10.00

C. F. Martin and His Guitars, 1796-1873 (H. Eugene and Lillian Youngs Lehman Series)

Gura, Philip F.

 Price: $38.00

Lion in the Lobby - Clarence Mitchell, Jr's. Struggle for the Passage of Civil Rights Laws

Watson, Denton L.

 Price: $20.00

Manuel Emanuel: Sculpture

Emanuel, Martin

 Price: $13.00

Travels in North American in the Years 1780, 1781 and 1782, Volume 2

Marquis de Chastellux

 Price: $15.00

American Film Now: The People, The Power, The Money, The Movies

Monaco, James

 Price: $19.00

Sunday Skaters

Salter, Mary Jo

 Price: $20.00

Private Views: 19th and 20th Century European and American Masters

Moeller, Achim

 Price: $18.00
Columbia Granger's Dictionary of Poetry Quotations, The Hazen, Edith (Editor) - Product Image

Columbia Granger's Dictionary of Poetry Quotations, The

Hazen, Edith (Editor)

 Price: $60.00

18th Century Italian Drawings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Bean, Jacob/William Griswold

 Price: $25.00

Anonymous Fox

Chase, Naomi Feigelson

 Price: $13.00

Kursk: The Vital 24 Hours

Fowler, Will

 Price: $13.00

Mussolini - A Study in Power

Kirkpatrick, Ivone

 Price: $18.00

Thalassocracies, The

Miller, Molly

 Price: $10.00

Pauline: Favorite Sister of Napoleon

Carlton, W. N. C.

 Price: $19.00

Eighty: An American Souvenir

Sloane, Eric

 Price: $50.00

Design and Print Your Own Posters

Biegeleisen, J. I.

 Price: $8.00

Absolut Statehood: 51 Painters visions of their home states

O'Brien, Glenn

 Price: $25.00
Twachtman in Gloucester: His Last Years, 1900-1902Hale, John Douglass - Product Image

Twachtman in Gloucester: His Last Years, 1900-1902

Hale, John Douglass

 Price: $15.00

Deadline Poet - My Life as a Doggerelist

Trillin, Calvin

 Price: $15.00

Tres Riches Heures of Jean, Duke of Berry, The


 Price: $60.00

Charles Garabedian

Garabedian, Charles

 Price: $19.00

Theodore Rex

Morris, Edmund

 Price: $19.00

Shadow People

Watt, Molly Lynn

 Price: $10.00
Max Beckmann - Product Image

Max Beckmann

 Price: $90.00

Bird Skin Coat

Sorby, Angela

 Price: $16.00

David Claypool Johnston: American Graphic Humorist, 1798-1865

Johnson, Malcolm

 Price: $12.00

Artwork of the Soviet Union


 Price: $23.00

Abandoned New England: Landscape in the Works of Homer, Frost, Hopper, Wyeth, and Bishop

Paton, Priscilla

 Price: $15.00

Age of the Revolution and Early Republic in Fine and Decorative Arts 1750-1824

Kennedy Galleries, Inc.

 Price: $10.00
old woman's reflections, AnSayers, Peig - Product Image

old woman's reflections, An

Sayers, Peig

 Price: $10.00

Francis Colburn: This I Remember

Heffernan, Ildiko

 Price: $25.00

Print Vol II, No. 1


 Price: $12.00
Poems of John Keats, TheKeats, John - Product Image

Poems of John Keats, The

Keats, John

 Price: $80.00

You Got Nothing Coming: Notes from a Prison Fish

Lerner, Jimmy A.

 Price: $12.00

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio - His Life, His Legend, His Works

Hinks, Roger

 Price: $19.00

Afternoon of Pocket Billiards: Poems

Taylor, Henry

 Price: $13.00

Marble House in Second street, The: Biography f a Town House and Its Occupants, 1825-2000: A Historic Structure Report

John G. Waite Associates

 Price: $23.00

Art on the Edge and Over: Searching for Art's Meaning in Contemporary Society, 1970s-1990s

Weintraub, Linda

 Price: $12.00

Theatrical World of Osaka Prints, The

Keyes, Roger S. and Keiko Mizushima

 Price: $50.00

Anniversary Exercises at Congregational Church, Norwich VT Friday, March 5, 1886


 Price: $38.00

Building of Manhattan, The

Mackay, Donald A

 Price: $35.00


Schjeldahl, Peter

 Price: $15.00
Boris GodounovPushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich, Illust. by: Boris Zvorykin - Product Image

Boris Godounov

Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich, Illust. by: Boris Zvorykin

 Price: $23.00

Thomas Cole, 1801-1848: One Hundred Years Later


 Price: $13.00

Indian Art of the United States

Douglas, Frederic H. and Rene D'Harnoncourt

 Price: $40.00

Rigoberta Menchu and the Story of All Poor Guatemalans

Stoll, David

 Price: $100.00

Collected Papers: Vol. III: Case Histories

Freud, Sigmund

 Price: $20.00

Mosque, The

Frishman, Martin, Hasan-Uddin Khan

 Price: $25.00

Our Ground Time Here Will Be Brief

Kumin, Maxine

 Price: $25.00

Illingworth On Target

Hill, Draper

 Price: $10.00

From Studio to Studiolo: Florentine Draftsmanship under the First Medici Grand Dukes

Feinberg, Larry J.

 Price: $25.00

Portrait Miniatures

Williamson, Dr. George C.

 Price: $40.00

History of Vermont; with Descriptions, Physical and Topographical, The

Beckley, Rev. Hosea

 Price: $50.00

Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

Malone, Dumas (Foreword), Robert Llewellyn (Photography), Charles Granquist (Commentary)

 Price: $15.00

Visionary Science

Nuovo, Victor

 Price: $35.00
middle-Earth album, A: paintingsWyatt, Joan, Illust. by: Joan Wyatt - Product Image

middle-Earth album, A: paintings

Wyatt, Joan, Illust. by: Joan Wyatt

 Price: $38.00

Art of JAMA: One Hundred Covers and Essays from the Journal of the American Medical Association

Southgate, M. Therese (Editor)

 Price: $38.00

1920 Diary

Babel, Isaac

 Price: $18.00

40 Erotic Aquarelles

Fendi, Peter

 Price: $19.00

Miner's Pond

Michaels, Anne

 Price: $51.00

Poet and His Self, The

Bates, Arlo

 Price: $50.00

Poems of Rowan Williams, The

Williams, Rowan

 Price: $10.00

Art of Etching, The

Lumsden, E.S.

 Price: $26.00

Bridge of Childhood, A - Truman Capote's Southern Years

Moates, Marianne

 Price: $25.00

Art of Charles Prendergast, The

Wattenmaker, Richard J.

 Price: $18.00
Handbook of Greek Art: A Survey of the Visual Arts of Ancient GreeceRichter, Gisela - Product Image

Handbook of Greek Art: A Survey of the Visual Arts of Ancient Greece

Richter, Gisela

 Price: $13.00

Memory, Masculinity and National Identity in British Visual Culture, 19141930: A Study of Unconquerable Manhood

Koureas, Gabriel

 Price: $63.00

Glass by Galle

Duncan, Alastair, Georges deBartha

 Price: $115.00