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Search found 340 matching products.
69 AD: The Year of Four EmperorsMorgan, Gwyn - Product Image

69 AD: The Year of Four Emperors

Morgan, Gwyn

 Price: $20.00

About Ricco

Wilson, Eleanore Hubbard, Illust. by: Eleanore Hubbard Wilson

 Price: $9.00

Adventures Of Roberto Rossellini, The : His Life And Films

Gallagher, Tag

 Price: $13.00

All the Frescoes of the Sistine Chapel

Heusinger, Lutz & Febrizio Manonelti

 Price: $15.00

Alla ricerca degli itinerari perduti / In Search of Lost Itineraries

Brilli, Attilio

 Price: $38.00

Anatomy of a Restoration - The Brancacci Chapel

Shulman, Ken

 Price: $6.00

Ancient Moments of Ravenna, The

Bovini, Giuseppe

 Price: $18.00
Andrea PalladioPuppi, Lionello - Product Image

Andrea Palladio

Puppi, Lionello

 Price: $75.00

Anelli etnici: Africa, Asia, America (Italian Edition)

Cutsem, Anne van

 Price: $88.00

Antique Chinese Portraits


 Price: $192.00

Antologia Carducciana: Poesie e Prose

Mazzoni, Guido and Giuseppe Picciola

 Price: $16.00

Antonio Barone: American 1889-1971

Elowitch, Annette and Rob, Illust. by: Antonio Barone

 Price: $6.00

Art and Society in Italy 1350-1500

Welch, Evelyn

 Price: $15.00

Art in Renaissance Italy (2nd Edition)

Paoletti, John T.

 Price: $38.00

Art of Florence, The

Andres, Glenn, John Hunisak and John Turner

 Price: $128.00

Art Text-Books: Classic and Italian Painting

Poynter, Edward J., Percy R. Head

 Price: $18.00

Arts of Tuscany, The : From the Etruscans to Ferragamo

Belozerskaya, Marina

 Price: $25.00

Assisi of Saint Francis and Other Essays of Italy

Wickham, Joseph S

 Price: $28.00

Augustus Saint-Gaudens(1848-1907) Sculptore Americano dell'Eta D'Oro

Mina, Gianna A.

 Price: $23.00

Autobiography of a Generation - Italy, 1968

Passerini, Luisa

 Price: $15.00

Battle of Cassino, The

Majdalany, Fred

 Price: $15.00

Beatrice Cenci - 2 Volumes

Ricci, Corrado

 Price: $44.00
Bella Tuscany: The Sweet Life in ItalyMayes, Frances - Product Image

Bella Tuscany: The Sweet Life in Italy

Mayes, Frances

 Price: $10.00

Bernardo Strozzi - Paintings and Drawings

Milkovich, Michael

 Price: $18.00

Beyond the Godfather - Italian American Writers on the real Italian American Experience

Ciongoli (Editors), A. Kenneth/Jay Parini

 Price: $8.00

Book in Italy - During the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries Shown in Facsimile Reproductions of the Most Famous Printed Volumes

Orcutt, William Dana/Guido Biagi

 Price: $188.00



 Price: $35.00
Bridge of Sighs (SIGNED)Russo, Richard - Product Image

Bridge of Sighs (SIGNED)

Russo, Richard

 Price: $25.00

Business History Review: Autumn 2006

Harvard Business School

 Price: $12.00

Business History Review: Autumn 2006

Harvard Business School

 Price: $12.00

Business History Review: Autumn 2006

Harvard Business School

 Price: $12.00

Cafe Cook Book, The : Italian Recipes from London's River Cafe

Rogers, Ruth

 Price: $19.00


Rubino, Paolo

 Price: $40.00

Campanile of Florence Cathedral - "Giotto's Tower"

Trachtenberg, Marvin

 Price: $44.00

Camposanto Monumentale Di Pisa: Affreschi e Sinopie (ITALIAN TEXT)

Giuseppe, Ramalli

 Price: $63.00
CaravaggioHibbard, Shirley G. - Product Image


Hibbard, Shirley G.

 Price: $25.00

Cartier Design Viewed

Sottsass, Ettore

 Price: $35.00

Cathedral Cities of Italy

Collins, W.W., Illust. by: W.W. Collins

 Price: $30.00

Child-Hunters, The

Friend of Italy

 Price: $50.00

Churches of Rome, The

Beny, Roloff and Peter Gunn

 Price: $56.00

Churches of Rome, The

Beny, Roloff and Peter Gunn

 Price: $30.00

Cinema of Economic Miracles: Visuality and Modernization in the Italian Art Film

Restivo, Angelo

 Price: $15.00
City of Florence, The : Historical Vistas and Personal SightingsLewis, R. W. B. - Product Image

City of Florence, The : Historical Vistas and Personal Sightings

Lewis, R. W. B.

 Price: $13.00
City of Florence, The : Historical Vistas and Personal SightingsLewis, R. W. B. - Product Image

City of Florence, The : Historical Vistas and Personal Sightings

Lewis, R. W. B.

 Price: $15.00

City of Florence, The: Historical Vistas & Personal Sightings

Lewis, R.W.B.

 Price: $19.00

City of Florence: Historical Vistas and Personal Sightings

Lewis, R. W. B.

 Price: $10.00
Codex Hammer of Leonardo da Vinci, The: The Waters, The Earth, The UniverseRoberts, Jane - Product Image

Codex Hammer of Leonardo da Vinci, The: The Waters, The Earth, The Universe

Roberts, Jane

 Price: $31.00

Coesistenza e rivoluzione - Documenti della disputa cino-sovietica

Calzini, Paolo & Enrica Collotti Pischel

 Price: $15.00

COMING OF ROME 55 B. C. to 449 A. D., THE: Third Book in the Britain Before the Conquest Series.

Wacher, John

 Price: $11.00

Compasso d'oro - Italian Design

Italian Association for Industrial Design (ADI)

 Price: $13.00

Constantine the Great - The Man and His Times

Grant, Michael

 Price: $19.00

Costumes: French Female 1037-1870

Hageney, Wolfgang

 Price: $45.00
Country Houses of TuscanyStoeltie, Barbara & Rene - Product Image

Country Houses of Tuscany

Stoeltie, Barbara & Rene

 Price: $20.00

Daily Life in Eighteenth Century Italy

Vaussard, Maurice

 Price: $15.00

Daily Life in Eighteenth Century Italy

Vaussard, Maurice

 Price: $20.00

Dark Heart of Italy, The: An Incisive Portrait of Europe's Most Beautiful, Most Disconcerting Country

Jones, Tobias

 Price: $13.00
Dark Water: Flood and Redemption in the City of MasterpiecesClark, Robert - Product Image

Dark Water: Flood and Redemption in the City of Masterpieces

Clark, Robert

 Price: $15.00

Days of the Blackbird

dePaola, Tomie

 Price: $18.00
Dialogue on the Great World Systems in the Salusbury TranslationGalilei, Galileo  - Product Image

Dialogue on the Great World Systems in the Salusbury Translation

Galilei, Galileo

 Price: $38.00

Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century American Artists in Italy, 1760-1914, The

Soria , Regina

 Price: $300.00

Dictionary of Venetian Painters : Volume 1, 14th - 15th Centuries

Zampetti, Pietro

 Price: $50.00

Dictionary of Venetian Painters : Volume 3, 17th Century

Zampetti, Pietro

 Price: $38.00

Dictionary of Venetian Painters, A: Volume 5. 19th & 20th Centuries

Zampetti, Pietro

 Price: $31.00

Divine Aretino, The

Cleugh, James

 Price: $19.00

Doctored Evidence

Leon, Donna

 Price: $32.00

Dolce Italia - The Beautiful Life of Italy in the Fifties and Sixties

di Bard, Federico Garolla

 Price: $26.00
Dolce Vita ConfidentialLevy, Shawn - Product Image

Dolce Vita Confidential

Levy, Shawn

 Price: $31.00

Drawings by Botticelli

Bertini, Aldo

 Price: $15.00

Drawings From New York Collections II: the 17th Century in Italy

Stampfle, Felice & Jacob Bean

 Price: $35.00

Drawings of Joseph Stella from the Collection of Rabin & Krueger

Rabin & Krueger Gallery

 Price: $19.00

Duce!/ A Biography of Benito Mussolini

Collier, Richard

 Price: $10.00
Duse, a biographyWeaver, William - Product Image

Duse, a biography

Weaver, William

 Price: $15.00

Early Italian Painting: 1250-1500

Godfrey, F. M.

 Price: $8.00

Early Italian Paintings in the Yale University Art Gallery

Seymour, jr, Charles

 Price: $22.00

Early Italian Piano Music -A collection of Pieces Written for the Harpsichord and Clavichord

Esposito (Ed.), M.

 Price: $40.00

Eating Planet: Food and Sustainability: Building Our Future

Center for Food & Nutrition, Barilla

 Price: $31.00
Echoes of Old Florence: Her Palaces and those who have lived in themLeader, Scott - Product Image

Echoes of Old Florence: Her Palaces and those who have lived in them

Leader, Scott

 Price: $188.00

England and Italy a Century Ago: A New Turn in Economic Relations

Cugis, Carlo de

 Price: $40.00

Essential Mediterranean, The How regional cooks transform key ingredients into the world's favorite cuisines.

Jenkins, Nancy Harmon

 Price: $11.00


 Price: $38.00

EXCELLENT CADAVERS: The Mafia and the Death of the First Italian Republic

Stille, Alexander

 Price: $10.00

Extracts from St. Augustine for Each Month of the Year

Cleveland (Translator), Rose Elizabeth

 Price: $30.00

Famous Americans in Florence

Dentler, Clara Louise

 Price: $19.00

Festival del Film Fantastico - 5-15 Luglio 1969 - Prima Rassegna Internazionale del Cinema Fantastico per L'assegnazione con Referendum del Pubblico dei Premi "Globo D'oro" & "Globo D'argento" - Comune Di Milano - Estate D'arte 1969

 Price: $38.00

Fifty Years of Italian Cinema

Palmieri, E. Ferdinando and others

 Price: $41.00

Filippo Lippi (The Library of Great Masters)

Fossi, Gloria

 Price: $15.00
Fire in the City: Savonarola and the Struggle for the Soul of Renaissance FlorenceMartines, Lauro - Product Image

Fire in the City: Savonarola and the Struggle for the Soul of Renaissance Florence

Martines, Lauro

 Price: $20.00

Fireside Travels

Lowell, James Russell

 Price: $25.00

Five Centuries of Music in Venice

Landon, H. C. Robbins/John Julius Norwich

 Price: $15.00

Florence and Tuscany

Whelpton, Eric

 Price: $12.00


Gazzini (intro), Giovanni

 Price: $18.00

Food of Italy, The

Root, Waverley/Samuel Chamberlain & Warren Chappell

 Price: $23.00

Fotografie - May 19, 2003


 Price: $15.00

Francesco Vanni: Art in Late Renaissance Siena

Marciari, John J.

 Price: $50.00

From Studio to Studiolo: Florentine Draftsmanship under the First Medici Grand Dukes

Feinberg, Larry J.

 Price: $25.00
From the Margin: Writings in Italian AmericanaGiordano, Paolo A. - Product Image

From the Margin: Writings in Italian Americana

Giordano, Paolo A.

 Price: $38.00

Futurist Performance

Kirby, Michael

 Price: $19.00

Gardens and Ghettos - The Art of Jewish Life in Italy

Mann (Editor)3545, Vivian B.

 Price: $31.00
Gardens of NaplesMacDougall, Elizabeth Blair/Nicolas Sapieha - Product Image

Gardens of Naples

MacDougall, Elizabeth Blair/Nicolas Sapieha

 Price: $23.00



 Price: $25.00

Garibaldi - The Revolutionary and his Men

Viotti, Andrea

 Price: $25.00

Gauguin / Van Gogh: L'avventura del colore nuovo

Goldin, Marco

 Price: $38.00

Genius of Venice 1500-1600

Martineau, Jean & Charles Hope

 Price: $25.00

Giorgio Armani - Spring/Summer 2004 - Issue 1 of 2

Armani, Giorgio

 Price: $25.00

Giorgio Armani - Spring/Summer 2004 - Issue 2 of 2

Armani, Giorgio

 Price: $25.00

Giotto La Cappella Degli Scrovegni

Carra, Carlo

 Price: $10.00
Giotto: The Scrovegni Chapel, PaduaCole, Bruce - Product Image

Giotto: The Scrovegni Chapel, Padua

Cole, Bruce

 Price: $25.00

Gold and Silver Treasures of Ancient Italy

Carducci, Carlo

 Price: $25.00

Golden Age of the Renaissance, The: Italy 1460-1500

Chastel, Andre

 Price: $38.00

Golden Century of Italian Opera from Rossini to Puccini, The

Weaver, William

 Price: $25.00

Goldsmith of Florence, The

Gibson, Katharine

 Price: $19.00
Gomorrah: A Personal Journey into the Violent International Empire of Naples' Organized Crime SystemSaviano, Roberto - Product Image

Gomorrah: A Personal Journey into the Violent International Empire of Naples' Organized Crime System

Saviano, Roberto

 Price: $19.00

Guercino A Piacena: Gli Affreschi Nella Cupola Dealla Cattedrale

Bagni, Prisco

 Price: $15.00

Halliwell's Flimgoer's Companion 12th Edition

Halliwell, Leslie and John Walker (editor)

 Price: $8.00

Handy Dictionary of the English and Italian Languages

Wessely, J. E.

 Price: $12.00

Harlequin and the Green Dress

Fischetto, Laura, Illust. by: Letizia Galli

 Price: $12.00

Hill Towns of Italy, The

Field, Carol

 Price: $43.00
Hills Of Tuscany: A MemoirMate, Ferenc - Product Image

Hills Of Tuscany: A Memoir

Mate, Ferenc

 Price: $11.00

History of the Sciences in Greco-Roman Antiquity

Reymond, Arnold

 Price: $23.00
Hobbes and Republican LibertySkinner, Quentin - Product Image

Hobbes and Republican Liberty

Skinner, Quentin

 Price: $23.00
How to Do It: Guides to Good Living for Renaissance ItaliansBell, Rudolph M. - Product Image

How to Do It: Guides to Good Living for Renaissance Italians

Bell, Rudolph M.

 Price: $15.00

I'm a Born Liar: A Fellini Lexicon

Pettigrew, Damian

 Price: $25.00

Il Canzoniere (Opere Minori di Dante Alighieri) Vol. 2

Dante Alighieri

 Price: $19.00

Il Logos del corpo vivente


 Price: $21.00

il Paesaggio Toscano: L'Opera Dell'uomo e la Nascita di un Mito (Italian Text)

Conenna, Lucia Bonelli, Attitio Brilli, Giuseppe Cantelli

 Price: $75.00

Il Petit Tour . Itinerari minori del viaggio in Italia

Brilli, Attilio

 Price: $50.00

Il Romanico: Atti del Seminario di studi diretto da Piero Sanpaolesi


 Price: $25.00

Il Romanzo di Scampolo

Niccodemi, Dario

 Price: $10.00

Incisioni del Pitteri

Mauroner, Fabio

 Price: $20.00

Indagine Su Un Antico Delitto: La Sindone Di Torino (ITALIAN TEXT)

Siliato, Maria Grazia

 Price: $19.00

Individual and State in Ancient Chine: Essays on Four Chinese Philosophers.

Rubin, Vitaly A.

 Price: $10.00

Introduction to Etruscan Art, An

Riis, P.J.

 Price: $12.00

Italian Campaign, The

Strawson, John

 Price: $8.00

Italian Country

Sabino, Catherine

 Price: $20.00

Italian Days

Harrison, Barbara Grizzuti

 Price: $13.00

Italian Drawings in the Albertina

Koschatzky, Walter, Konrad Oberhuber, Eckhart Knab (Ed.)

 Price: $30.00

Italian Film Posters [ILLUSTRATED]

Kehr, Dave

 Price: $30.00

Italian Gardens

Platt, Charles A.

 Price: $19.00

Italian Maiolica

Rackham, Bernard

 Price: $80.00
Italian Neighbors or, a Lapsed Anglo-Saxon in Verona Parks, Tim - Product Image

Italian Neighbors or, a Lapsed Anglo-Saxon in Verona

Parks, Tim

 Price: $15.00
Italian Neighbors or, a Lapsed Anglo-Saxon in Verona Parks, Tim - Product Image

Italian Neighbors or, a Lapsed Anglo-Saxon in Verona

Parks, Tim

 Price: $19.00

Italian Painters of the Renaissance, The

Berenson, Bernard

 Price: $44.00

Italian Painting: The Creators of the Renaissance

Venturi, Lionelli and Rosabianca Skira-Venturi

 Price: $40.00

Italian Presence in American Art: 1760 - 1860, The

Jaffe (Ed.), Irma B.

 Price: $60.00

Italian Romance Writers

Kennard, Joseph Spencer

 Price: $50.00

Italian Story, The - From the Etruscans to Modern Times

Trease, Geoffrey

 Price: $19.00

Italian Ways: On and Off the Rails from Milan to Palermo

Parks, Tim

 Price: $15.00

Italy - A Modern History

Smith, Denis Mack

 Price: $19.00

Italy Eternal Land

Albrecht, Kurt

 Price: $20.00

Italy From Napoleon to Mussolini

Albrecht-Carrie, Rene

 Price: $25.00

Italy in North Africa - An Account of the Tripoli Enterprise

McClure, W. K.

 Price: $100.00

Italy In the Last Fifteen Hundred Years: A Concise History (SIGNED)

Schumann, Reinhold

 Price: $23.00

Italy, A Poem

Rogers, Samuel

 Price: $125.00
John M. Johansen: A Life in the Continuum of Modern ArchitectureJohansen, John M. - Product Image

John M. Johansen: A Life in the Continuum of Modern Architecture

Johansen, John M.

 Price: $44.00

L'avventura (Volume 12, Rutgers Films in Print)

Antonioni, Michelangelo (Director), Guido Fink (Editor), Seymour Chatman, (Editor)

 Price: $25.00

L'Orlando Furioso, Con Note e Discorso Proemiale

Ariosto, Lodovico

 Price: $38.00
L'Uomo Della LegioneBattaglia, Dino - Product Image

L'Uomo Della Legione

Battaglia, Dino

 Price: $25.00

La Corte di Lodovico il Moro: Gli Artisti Lombardi

Valeri, Francesco Malaguzzi

 Price: $150.00

La Ghigliottina Del Terrore (ITALIAN TEXT)

Rousseau-Lagarde, Val

 Price: $38.00

La Mia Cucina Toscana: A Tuscan Cooks in America

Luongo, Pino

 Price: $20.00

La Pittura Veneziana: Alla mostra del Settecento

Fiocco, Giuseppe

 Price: $8.00

La Prospettiva di Federico Commando (Domus Perspectivae) (Italian Text)

Sinisgalli, Rocco

 Price: $23.00

Le Cita - Milano


 Price: $15.00

Leggendo e Ripassando

Speroni, Charles and Carlo L. Golino

 Price: $29.00

Leonardo Da Vinci: Engineer and Architect

Theberge, Pierre

 Price: $63.00
Leonardo's Nephew: Essays on Art and ArtistsFenton, James - Product Image

Leonardo's Nephew: Essays on Art and Artists

Fenton, James

 Price: $19.00
Leonardo: The Artist and the ManBramly, Serge - Product Image

Leonardo: The Artist and the Man

Bramly, Serge

 Price: $13.00

Lettera Ai Romani

San Paolo

 Price: $50.00

Letters from Italy

Everett Fisher, Leonard, Illust. by: Leonard Everett Fisher

 Price: $8.00
Lidia Cooks From the Heart of Italy: A Feast of 175 Regional RecipesBastianich, Lidia Matticchio - Product Image

Lidia Cooks From the Heart of Italy: A Feast of 175 Regional Recipes

Bastianich, Lidia Matticchio

 Price: $25.00

Life of Cesare Borgia, The

Sabatini, Rafael

 Price: $10.00

Life of Cesare Borgia, The

Sebatini, Rafael

 Price: $8.00

Life of Georgio Vasari, The: A Study of the Later Renaissance in Italy

Carden, Robert W.

 Price: $75.00

Lirica Italiana Antica

Levi, Evgenia

 Price: $19.00

Lirica Italiana Nel Cinqvecento e Nel Seicento

Levi, Evgenia

 Price: $19.00

Little Cities of Italy

Maurel, Andre

 Price: $18.00

Lombard Communes, The: A History of the Republics of North Italy

Butler, W. F.

 Price: $34.00

Lorenza's Pasta: 200 Recipes for Family and Friends

De'Medici, Lorenza, Illust. by: Gus Filgate

 Price: $10.00



 Price: $31.00

Lost Cities of the Mayas, The: The Life, Art and Discoveries of Frederick Catherwood

Bourbon, Fabio

 Price: $88.00
Love and Death in Renaissance ItalyCohen, Thomas V. - Product Image

Love and Death in Renaissance Italy

Cohen, Thomas V.

 Price: $19.00

Lure of Italy, The: American Artists and The Italian Experience, 1760 - 1914

Stebbins, Theodore E. Et al.

 Price: $51.00

Makers of Florence, The - Dante, Giotto, Savonarola and Their City

Oliphant, Mrs.

 Price: $18.00

Makers of Venice, The - Doges, Conquerors, Painters & Men of Letters

Oliphant, Mrs.

 Price: $15.00

Makers of Venice, The - Doges, Conquerors, Painters and Men of Letters

Oliphant Mrs.

 Price: $18.00

Man of the Renaissance, The Four Lawgivers: Savonarola, Machiavelli, Castiglione, Aretino

Roeder, Ralph

 Price: $15.00
Marc Scialom. Impasse du cinema: Esilio, memoria, utopia / Exil, memoire, utopie (Italian Edition)Tarquini, Silvia - Product Image

Marc Scialom. Impasse du cinema: Esilio, memoria, utopia / Exil, memoire, utopie (Italian Edition)

Tarquini, Silvia

 Price: $25.00



 Price: $20.00

Masque of Capri, The

Cerio, Edwin

 Price: $18.00
Massarani: Disegni e GouachesPatani, Osvaldo - Product Image

Massarani: Disegni e Gouaches

Patani, Osvaldo

 Price: $55.00

Mauro in America: An Italian Artist Visits the New World

Cazort, Ms. Mimi

 Price: $25.00

Mechanism, Experiment, Disease: Marcello Malpighi and Seventeenth-Century Anatomy

Meli, Domenico Bertoloni

 Price: $48.00

Medici, The

Schevill, Ferdinand

 Price: $12.00

Mediterranean Grains and Green: A Book of Savory Sun-Drenched Recipes

Wolfert, Paula

 Price: $19.00
MezzogiornoChevallier, Elisabeth, Illust. by: Raymond Chevallier (photos) - Product Image


Chevallier, Elisabeth, Illust. by: Raymond Chevallier (photos)

 Price: $15.00


Chevallier, Elisabeth

 Price: $25.00

Michelangelo Draftsman

Hirst , Michael

 Price: $25.00

Michelangelo's Mountain: The Quest For Perfection in the Marble Quarries of Carrara

Scigliano, Eric

 Price: $11.00

Military Life in Italy

De Amicis, Edmondo, Illust. by: Edmondo De Amicis

 Price: $30.00

Millet: Sessanta capolavori dal Museum of Fine Arts di Boston


 Price: $32.00